package er.wojrebel; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.zeroturnaround.javarebel.webobjects.WebObjectsPlugin; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication; import; import; import; /** * WOJRebelSupport loads the ClassReloadHandler once the app has started * * @author qdolan * */ public class WOJRebelSupport { public static final Observer observer = new Observer(); private static final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(); private static final Class<?>[] NotificationClassArray = new Class[] { NSNotification.class }; private static final long MIN_ELAPSED_TIME = 2000; private static long lastRunTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); public WOJRebelSupport() { //Do nothing } public static void run() { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (currentTime - lastRunTimestamp > MIN_ELAPSED_TIME) { lock.lock(); try { lastRunTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); WOJRebelClassReloadHandler.getInstance().updateLoadedClasses(null); WOJRebelEOModelReloadHandler.getInstance().updateLoadedModels(null); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } } public static class Observer { public void finishedLaunchingApp(NSNotification n) { try { WOJRebelClassReloadHandler.getInstance().initialize(); NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(this, new NSSelector("run", NotificationClassArray), WebObjectsPlugin.JREBEL_EVENT, null); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { /* JRebel isn't in the classpath so we do nothing */ return; } } public static void run(NSNotification notification) {; } } static { try { NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(observer, new NSSelector("finishedLaunchingApp", NotificationClassArray), WOApplication.ApplicationWillFinishLaunchingNotification, null); if (WOJRebelClassReloadHandler.getInstance().isReloadEnabled()) { // We need to initialize this early or we won't see the models load. WOJRebelEOModelReloadHandler.getInstance().initialize(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }