package er.indexing; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntity; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOJoin; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EORelationship; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOAndQualifier; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOFetchSpecification; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyGlobalID; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueQualifier; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import er.extensions.concurrency.ERXAsyncQueue; import er.extensions.eof.ERXEC; import er.extensions.eof.ERXEOAccessUtilities; import er.extensions.eof.ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator; import er.extensions.eof.ERXGenericRecord; import; import; /** * * <pre> * File Documents.indexModel is * { * // index class to use, default is er.indexing.ERIndex * index =; * // url for the index files * store = "file://tmp/Document"; * // if the index should be double-buffered (currently unused) * buffered = false|true; * // entities in this index * entities = (Asset, File, Media); * // properties to index, these are key paths off the objects * // and are also used for the names of the index fields. * // these don't need to be attributes or relationships * // but can also be simple methods. In fact, if you have multiple * // entities in your index, you will need to support a common set of * // these properties * properties = { * someAttribute = { * // if the index should be stored * store = "NO|YES|COMPRESS"; * // if the index is tokenized * index = "NO|TOKENIZED|UN_TOKENIZED|NO_NORMS"; * // no idea what this does. consult the lucene docs * termVector = "NO|YES|WITH_POSITIONS|WITH_OFFSETS|WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS"; * // which analyzer class to use. For german stuff, you'll * // use the * analyzer =; * // optional formater for the value * format =; * // optional number format for the value * numberformat = "0"; * // optional date format for the value * dateformat = ""; * }; * = {...}; * = {...}; * }; * } * * </pre> * * @author ak * */ public class ERAutoIndex extends ERIndex { protected class ConfigurationEntry { public boolean active = false; public NSMutableArray<String> keys = new NSMutableArray(); public NSMutableArray<String> notificationKeys = new NSMutableArray(); @Override public String toString() { return "{ active = " + active + "; keys = " + keys + "; notificationKeys = " + notificationKeys + ";}"; } } /** * This class encapsulates the index configuration logic and configures this Index * from the indexModel file associated with this ERIndex instance. * One instance of Configuration is created during the ERAutoIndex constructor. * * The Configuration class contains a private instance of a configuration dictionary * */ protected class Configuration { // Holds the configuration // Each entity has an entry where the key is the entity name and the object is a ConfigurationEntry for that entity private final NSMutableDictionary<String, ConfigurationEntry> configuration = new NSMutableDictionary<>(); protected void initFromDictionary(NSDictionary indexDef) { String store = (String) indexDef.objectForKey("store"); // Set the index storage location setStore(store); // Clear the current configuration configuration.clear(); // Get the list of entities specififed in the indexModel definition NSArray<String> entities = (NSArray) indexDef.objectForKey("entities"); // Creates IndexAttributes, one for each entry in createAttributes(indexDef); for (String entityName : entities) { ConfigurationEntry config = configureEntity(entityName, attributeNames()); = true; }; } /** * Creates the lucene index attributes from the properties dictionary contained * in the indexModel defintion. Each property is a key or keypath. * @param indexDef */ protected void createAttributes(NSDictionary indexDef) { // Get the properties dictionary which is one element of the indexModel dictionary NSDictionary properties = (NSDictionary) indexDef.objectForKey("properties"); // For each property in indexModel, create configuration attributes for (Enumeration names = properties.keyEnumerator(); names.hasMoreElements();) { String propertyName = (String) names.nextElement(); NSDictionary propertyDefinition = (NSDictionary) properties.objectForKey(propertyName); createAttribute(propertyName, propertyDefinition); } } /** * @param entityName entity to be indexed * @param keys attributes (keys or keypaths) to be indexed */ protected ConfigurationEntry configureEntity(String entityName, NSArray keys) { // Get ConfigurationEntry for the entity if it already exists ConfigurationEntry config = configuration.objectForKey(entityName); // If not already existing, create it if (config == null) { config = new ConfigurationEntry(); configuration.setObjectForKey(config, entityName); } EOEntity source = ERXEOAccessUtilities.entityNamed(null, entityName); for (Enumeration e = keys.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String keyPath = (String) e.nextElement(); configureKeyPath(config, keyPath, source); } return config; } private ConfigurationEntry configureKeyPath(ConfigurationEntry config, String keyPath, EOEntity source) { String key = ERXStringUtilities.firstPropertyKeyInKeyPath(keyPath); String rest = ERXStringUtilities.keyPathWithoutFirstProperty(keyPath); EORelationship rel = source._relationshipForPath(key); if (rel != null) { if (rel.isFlattened()) { ConfigurationEntry c = configureKeyPath(config, rel.definition() + (rest != null ? "." + rest : ""), source); return c; } EOEntity destinationEntity = rel.destinationEntity(); ConfigurationEntry destinationConfiguration; if (rest != null) { destinationConfiguration = configureEntity(, new NSArray(rest)); } else { destinationConfiguration = configureEntity(, new NSArray()); } String inverseName = rel.anyInverseRelationship().name(); destinationConfiguration.notificationKeys.addObject(inverseName); } else { config.keys.addObject(key); } return config; } public ConfigurationEntry entryForKey(String key) { return configuration.objectForKey(key); } public void setEntryForKey(ConfigurationEntry entry, String key) { configuration.setObjectForKey(entry, key); } public void clear() { configuration.clear(); } } protected class AutoTransactionHandler extends TransactionHandler { @Override public void submit(Transaction transaction) { if(false) { _queue.enqueue(transaction); } else { index(transaction); } } @Override public void _handleChanges(NSNotification n) { EOEditingContext ec = (EOEditingContext) n.object(); if (ec.parentObjectStore() == ec.rootObjectStore()) { String notificationName =; if (notificationName.equals(ERXEC.EditingContextWillSaveChangesNotification)) { ec.processRecentChanges(); NSArray inserted = ec.insertedObjects(); NSArray updated = ec.updatedObjects(); updated = ERXArrayUtilities.arrayMinusArray(updated, inserted); NSArray deleted = ec.deletedObjects(); Transaction transaction = new Transaction(ec); NSMutableSet<EOEnterpriseObject> deletedHandledObjects = new NSMutableSet<>(); NSMutableSet<EOEnterpriseObject> addedHandledObjects = new NSMutableSet<>(); // first handle active objects NSArray<EOEnterpriseObject> directObjects; directObjects = handledObjects(deleted); deleted = ERXArrayUtilities.arrayMinusArray(deleted, directObjects); deletedHandledObjects.addObjectsFromArray(directObjects); directObjects = handledObjects(updated); updated = ERXArrayUtilities.arrayMinusArray(updated, directObjects); addedHandledObjects.addObjectsFromArray(directObjects); deletedHandledObjects.addObjectsFromArray(directObjects); directObjects = handledObjects(inserted); inserted = ERXArrayUtilities.arrayMinusArray(inserted, directObjects); addedHandledObjects.addObjectsFromArray(directObjects); NSArray<EOEnterpriseObject> indirectObjects; indirectObjects = indexableObjectsForObjects(EOEditingContext.UpdatedKey, updated); deletedHandledObjects.addObjectsFromArray(indirectObjects); addedHandledObjects.addObjectsFromArray(indirectObjects); indirectObjects = indexableObjectsForObjects(EOEditingContext.InsertedKey, inserted); deletedHandledObjects.addObjectsFromArray(indirectObjects); addedHandledObjects.addObjectsFromArray(indirectObjects); indirectObjects = indexableObjectsForObjects(EOEditingContext.DeletedKey, deleted); deletedHandledObjects.addObjectsFromArray(indirectObjects); addedHandledObjects.addObjectsFromArray(indirectObjects); deleteObjectsFromIndex(transaction, deletedHandledObjects.allObjects()); addObjectsToIndex(transaction, addedHandledObjects.allObjects()); activeChanges.put(ec, transaction); } else if (notificationName.equals(ERXEC.EditingContextDidSaveChangesNotification)) { Transaction transaction = activeChanges.get(ec); if (transaction != null) { activeChanges.remove(ec); } submit(transaction); } else if (notificationName.equals(ERXEC.EditingContextDidRevertChanges) || notificationName.equals(ERXEC.EditingContextFailedToSaveChanges)) { activeChanges.remove(ec); } } } private NSArray<EOEnterpriseObject> handledObjects(NSArray<EOEnterpriseObject> objects) { NSMutableArray<EOEnterpriseObject> result = new NSMutableArray<>(objects.count()); for (EOEnterpriseObject eo : objects) { if (handlesEntity(eo.entityName())) { result.addObject(eo); } } return result; } protected NSArray indexableObjectsForObjects(String type, NSArray<EOEnterpriseObject> objects) { NSMutableSet<EOEnterpriseObject> result = new NSMutableSet(); for (EOEnterpriseObject eo : objects) { NSArray targetObjects = indexableObjectsForObject(type, eo); result.addObjectsFromArray(targetObjects); } return result.allObjects(); } private final NSMutableSet<String> _warned = new NSMutableSet(); protected NSArray indexableObjectsForObject(String type, EOEnterpriseObject object) { ERXGenericRecord eo = (ERXGenericRecord) object; EOEditingContext ec = eo.editingContext(); NSMutableSet<EOEnterpriseObject> result = new NSMutableSet(); String entityName = eo.entityName(); ConfigurationEntry config = _configuration.entryForKey(entityName); if (config != null) { if (! { for (Enumeration e1 = config.notificationKeys.objectEnumerator(); e1.hasMoreElements();) { String key = (String) e1.nextElement(); Object value = null; if (type.equals(EOEditingContext.DeletedKey)) { value = ec.committedSnapshotForObject(eo); } EOEntity source = ERXEOAccessUtilities.entityForEo(eo); if (source.classPropertyNames().containsObject(key)) { value = eo.valueForKey(key); } else { if (eo.isNewObject()) { if (!_warned.containsObject(entityName)) { log.error("We currently don't support unsaved related objects for this entity: " + entityName); _warned.addObject(entityName); } } else { EORelationship rel = source.anyRelationshipNamed(key); EOKeyGlobalID sourceGlobalID = (EOKeyGlobalID) ec.globalIDForObject(eo); // AK: I wish I could, but when a relationship // is // not a class prop, there's nothing we can do. // value = // ec.arrayFaultWithSourceGlobalID(sourceGlobalID, //, ec); EOFetchSpecification fs = new EOFetchSpecification(rel.destinationEntity().name(), null, null); NSMutableArray<EOQualifier> qualifiers = new NSMutableArray(rel.joins().count()); NSDictionary pk = source.primaryKeyForGlobalID(sourceGlobalID); for (Iterator iterator = rel.joins().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { EOJoin join = (EOJoin); Object pkValue = pk.objectForKey(join.sourceAttribute().name()); EOKeyValueQualifier qualifier = new EOKeyValueQualifier(join.destinationAttribute().name(), EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, pkValue); qualifiers.addObject(qualifier); } fs.setQualifier(qualifiers.count() == 1 ? qualifiers.lastObject() : new EOAndQualifier(qualifiers)); value = ec.objectsWithFetchSpecification(fs); } } if (value != null) { NSArray<EOEnterpriseObject> eos = (value instanceof EOEnterpriseObject ? new NSArray(value) : (NSArray) value); for (EOEnterpriseObject target : eos) { NSArray targetObjects = indexableObjectsForObject(EOEditingContext.UpdatedKey, target); result.addObjectsFromArray(targetObjects); } } if (!result.isEmpty() && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("re-index: " + eo + "->" + result); } } } else { result.addObject(eo); } } return result.allObjects(); } } private static ERXAsyncQueue<Transaction> _queue; private NSSet<String> _entities = NSSet.EmptySet; private final Configuration _configuration = new Configuration(); public ERAutoIndex(String name, NSDictionary indexDef) { super(name); // Ensures that the first instance of ERAutoIndex creates the singleton thread // for processing the queue of transactions synchronized (ERIndex.class) { if (_queue == null) { _queue = new ERXAsyncQueue<Transaction>() { @Override public void process(Transaction transaction) { transaction.handler().index(transaction); } }; // Set the name of the thread _queue.setName(KEY); // Start the thread _queue.start(); } } _entities = new NSMutableSet(); _configuration.initFromDictionary(indexDef); setTransactionHandler(new AutoTransactionHandler()); } protected NSSet entities() { return _entities; } public void reindexAllObjects() { clear(); for (Enumeration names = entities().objectEnumerator(); names.hasMoreElements();) { String entityName = (String) names.nextElement(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int treshhold = 10; EOEditingContext ec = ERXEC.newEditingContext(); ec.lock(); try { EOFetchSpecification fs = new EOFetchSpecification(entityName, null, null); ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator iterator = new ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator(fs); iterator.setEditingContext(ec); while (iterator.hasNextBatch()) { NSArray objects = iterator.nextBatch(); if (iterator.currentBatchIndex() % treshhold == 0) { ec.unlock(); // ec.dispose(); ec = ERXEC.newEditingContext(); ec.lock(); iterator.setEditingContext(ec); } NSArray<Document> documents = addedDocumentsForObjects(objects); Transaction transaction = new Transaction(ec); handler().addObjectsToIndex(transaction, objects); } } finally { ec.unlock(); }"Indexing " + entityName + " took: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms"); } } protected boolean handlesEntity(String name) { ConfigurationEntry config = _configuration.entryForKey(name); return config != null &&; } @Override protected boolean handlesObject(EOEnterpriseObject eo) { return handlesEntity(eo.entityName()); } }