package er.diva.pages; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse; import com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2W; import; import er.ajax.AjaxUtils; import er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WListPage; import er.diva.ERDIVPageInterface; import er.extensions.eof.ERXEOControlUtilities; import er.extensions.eof.ERXGenericRecord; import; import; import; /** * An XHTML version of ERD2WListPage. * This component constitutes the only use of a HTML table in the entire Diva Look interface * * Added features is allowing clickable/collapsing details for each row via the embedded ERXD2WInspect * * @property er.prototaculous.useUnobtrusively Support for Unobtrusive Javascript programming. * * @author mendis */ public class ERDIVListPage extends ERD2WListPage implements ERDIVPageInterface { private static boolean useUnobtrusively = ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("er.prototaculous.useUnobtrusively", true); public int index; public ERDIVListPage(WOContext context) { super(context); } // accessors public String stylesheet() { return (String) d2wContext().valueForKey(ERDIVPageInterface.Keys.Stylesheet); } public String rowClass() { return isEvenRow() ? null : "odd"; } private boolean isEvenRow() { return (index % 2 == 0); } public int colspan() { if (isSelecting()) return 1; else { int colspan = 0; if (!isEntityReadOnly() && isEntityEditable()) colspan++; if (isEntityInspectable()) colspan++; if (isDetailPage()) colspan++; return colspan; } } public boolean isEntityDeletable() { return ERXValueUtilities.booleanValueWithDefault(d2wContext().valueForKey("isEntityDeletable"), false); } // FIXME: turn into rule public String rowID() { String primaryKeyString = ERXEOControlUtilities.primaryKeyStringForObject(object()); return ERXStringUtilities.safeIdentifierName(d2wContext().entity().name() + primaryKeyString); } public String style() { return ((ERXGenericRecord) object()).isNewObject() ? "display:none;" : null; } // FIXME: turn into rule public String tableID() { String pageConfiguration = (String) d2wContext().dynamicPage(); return (pageConfiguration != null && pageConfiguration.contains("Embedded")) ? null : "ListTable"; } public boolean isDetailPage() { String subTask = (String) d2wContext().valueForKey("subTask"); return subTask != null && subTask.equals("detail"); } public int detailColspan() { Integer count = (Integer) valueForKeyPath("d2wContext.displayPropertyKeys.count"); if (isEntityDeletable()) count++; return colspan() + count; } public String tbodyID() { return rowID() + "_detail"; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public NSDictionary settings() { String pc = d2wContext().dynamicPage(); if (pc != null) { return new NSDictionary(pc, "parentPageConfiguration"); } else return null; } /* * detail toggle */ public String onClick() { return "Effect.toggle($('" + tbodyID() + "'), 'slide', {duration: 0.8}); return false;"; } // R/R @Override public void appendToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext context) { super.appendToResponse(response, context); if (!useUnobtrusively) { // prototype events AjaxUtils.addScriptResourceInHead(context, response, "prototype.js"); // add page style sheet if (stylesheet() != null) { AjaxUtils.addStylesheetResourceInHead(context, response, "app", stylesheet()); } } } // actions /* * An excel report of the list */ public WOComponent reportListAction() { ERD2WListPage excelListPage = (ERD2WListPage) D2W.factory().pageForConfigurationNamed("ListExcel" + entityName(), session()); excelListPage.setDataSource(dataSource()); return excelListPage; } @Override public WOComponent backAction() { WOComponent result = nextPageFromDelegate(); if (result == null) { result = nextPage(); if (result == null) { result = (WOComponent) D2W.factory().pageForConfigurationNamed("AjaxQuery" + entity().name(), session()); } } return result; } }