package net.spy.memcached.protocol.binary; import static net.spy.memcached.protocol.binary.GetOperationImpl.EXTRA_HDR_LEN; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import net.spy.memcached.KeyUtil; import net.spy.memcached.ops.GetOperation; import net.spy.memcached.ops.OperationCallback; import net.spy.memcached.ops.OperationState; class MultiGetOperationImpl extends OperationImpl implements GetOperation { private static final int CMD_GETQ=9; private final Map<Integer, String> keys=new HashMap<Integer, String>(); private final Map<Integer, byte[]> bkeys=new HashMap<Integer, byte[]>(); private final Map<String, Integer> rkeys=new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private final int terminalOpaque=generateOpaque(); public MultiGetOperationImpl(Collection<String> k, OperationCallback cb) { super(-1, -1, cb); for(String s : new HashSet<String>(k)) { addKey(s); } } /** * Add a key (and return its new opaque value). */ protected int addKey(String k) { Integer rv=rkeys.get(k); if(rv == null) { rv=generateOpaque(); keys.put(rv, k); bkeys.put(rv, KeyUtil.getKeyBytes(k)); rkeys.put(k, rv); } return rv; } @Override public void initialize() { int size=(1+keys.size()) * MIN_RECV_PACKET; for(byte[] b : bkeys.values()) { size += b.length; } // set up the initial header stuff ByteBuffer bb=ByteBuffer.allocate(size); for(Map.Entry<Integer, byte[]> me : bkeys.entrySet()) { final byte[] keyBytes=me.getValue(); // Custom header bb.put(REQ_MAGIC); bb.put((byte)CMD_GETQ); bb.putShort((short)keyBytes.length); bb.put((byte)0); // extralen bb.put((byte)0); // data type bb.putShort((short)0); // reserved bb.putInt(keyBytes.length); bb.putInt(me.getKey()); bb.putLong(0); // cas // the actual key bb.put(keyBytes); } // Add the noop bb.put(REQ_MAGIC); bb.put((byte)NoopOperationImpl.CMD); bb.putShort((short)0); bb.put((byte)0); // extralen bb.put((byte)0); // data type bb.putShort((short)0); // reserved bb.putInt(0); bb.putInt(terminalOpaque); bb.putLong(0); // cas bb.flip(); setBuffer(bb); } @Override protected void finishedPayload(byte[] pl) throws IOException { if(responseOpaque == terminalOpaque) { getCallback().receivedStatus(STATUS_OK); transitionState(OperationState.COMPLETE); } else if(errorCode != 0) { getLogger().warn("Error on key %s: %s (%d)", keys.get(responseOpaque), new String(pl), errorCode); } else { final int flags=decodeInt(pl, 0); final byte[] data=new byte[pl.length - EXTRA_HDR_LEN]; System.arraycopy(pl, EXTRA_HDR_LEN, data, 0, pl.length-EXTRA_HDR_LEN); Callback cb=(Callback)getCallback(); cb.gotData(keys.get(responseOpaque), flags, data); } resetInput(); } @Override protected boolean opaqueIsValid() { return responseOpaque == terminalOpaque || keys.containsKey(responseOpaque); } public Collection<String> getKeys() { return keys.values(); } }