package er.extensions.eof; import java.util.Enumeration; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntity; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStoreCoordinator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Listens to EOEditingContextDidSaveChanges notifications to track changes on a * given entity and calls the entitiesChanged method when the entity changes. * * @author mschrag (mostly taken from ERXEnterpriseObjectCache, though) * @param <T> */ public abstract class ERXEnterpriseObjectChangeListener<T extends EOEnterpriseObject> { public static String ClearCacheNotification = "ERXEnterpriseObjectChangeListener.ClearCache"; private String _entityName; private boolean _trackAllChanges; private boolean _deep; /** * Constructs an ERXEnterpriseChangeListener. * * @param c * the class name of the entity to watch for changes * @param trackAllChanges * if true, entitiesChanged will pass the array of all changed * EO's (slightly slower) * @param deep * if true, subentities of the given entity will be considered * relevent to this change listener */ public ERXEnterpriseObjectChangeListener(Class c, boolean trackAllChanges, boolean deep) { this(entityNameForClass(c), trackAllChanges, deep); } /** * Constructs an ERXEnterpriseChangeListener. * * @param entityName * the entity name to watch for changes * @param trackAllChanges * if true, entitiesChanged will pass the array of all changed * EO's (slightly slower) * @param deep * if true, subentities of the given entity will be considered * relevent to this change listener */ public ERXEnterpriseObjectChangeListener(String entityName, boolean trackAllChanges, boolean deep) { _entityName = entityName; _trackAllChanges = trackAllChanges; _deep = deep; registerForNotifications(); } private static String entityNameForClass(Class c) { EOEditingContext ec = ERXEC.newEditingContext(); ec.lock(); try { EOEntity entity = EOUtilities.entityForClass(ec, c); if (entity != null) { return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no entity for the class " + c + "."); } finally { ec.unlock(); } } protected void registerForNotifications() { NSSelector selector = ERXSelectorUtilities.notificationSelector("editingContextDidSaveChanges"); NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(this, selector, EOEditingContext.EditingContextDidSaveChangesNotification, null); selector = ERXSelectorUtilities.notificationSelector("clearCache"); NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(this, selector, ERXEnterpriseObjectChangeListener.ClearCacheNotification, null); } /** * Helper to check if an array of EOs contains the handled entity or its * subclasses (if deep). * * @param editingContext * the editingContext containing the changes * @param dict * the notification's userInfo dictionary * @param key * the inserted/updated/deleted key * @return an array of changed EOs (if not trackAllChanges, this will only * ever return at most one) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected NSArray<T> relevantChanges(EOEditingContext editingContext, NSDictionary dict, String key) { NSArray allObjects = (NSArray) dict.objectForKey(key); NSMutableArray<T> changedObjects = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (Enumeration enumeration = allObjects.objectEnumerator(); enumeration.hasMoreElements();) { EOEnterpriseObject eo = (EOEnterpriseObject) enumeration.nextElement(); String changedEntityName = eo.entityName(); if (isRelevant(editingContext, changedEntityName)) { changedObjects.addObject((T) eo); if (!_trackAllChanges) { break; } } } return changedObjects; } /** * Returns true if the changed entity name matches the watched entity name, * or if this change listener is "deep," if the changed entity name is a * * @param editingContext * the editing context containing the changes * @param changedEntityName * the name of the changed entity * @return true if this change is relevant to this change listener */ @SuppressWarnings( { "unchecked" }) protected boolean isRelevant(EOEditingContext editingContext, String changedEntityName) { boolean relevant = false; if (changedEntityName.equals(_entityName)) { relevant = true; } else if (_deep) { EOEntity changedEntity = ERXEOAccessUtilities.entityNamed(editingContext, changedEntityName); for (EOEntity parent = changedEntity.parentEntity(); !relevant && parent != null; parent = parent.parentEntity()) { relevant = changedEntityName.equals(; } } return relevant; } /** * Handler for the editingContextDidSaveChanges notification. Calls * entitiesChanged if an object of the given entity (or its subentities) * were changed. * * @param n */ public void editingContextDidSaveChanges(NSNotification n) { EOEditingContext ec = (EOEditingContext) n.object(); if (ec.parentObjectStore() instanceof EOObjectStoreCoordinator) { NSArray<T> entitiesInserted = relevantChanges(ec, n.userInfo(), EOEditingContext.InsertedKey); NSArray<T> entitiesUpdated = null; NSArray<T> entitiesDeleted = null; if (entitiesInserted.count() == 0 || _trackAllChanges) { entitiesUpdated = relevantChanges(ec, n.userInfo(), EOEditingContext.UpdatedKey); if (entitiesUpdated.count() == 0 || _trackAllChanges) { entitiesDeleted = relevantChanges(ec, n.userInfo(), EOEditingContext.DeletedKey); if (entitiesDeleted.count() == 0) { return; } } } if (entitiesInserted.count() > 0 || entitiesUpdated.count() > 0 || entitiesDeleted.count() > 0) { if (_trackAllChanges) { entitiesChanged(entitiesInserted, entitiesUpdated, entitiesDeleted); } else { entitiesChanged(null, null, null); } } } } /** * Handler for the clearCaches notification. Calls reset if n.object is the * entity name. * * @param n */ public void clearCache(NSNotification n) { if (n.object() == null || entityName().equals(n.object())) { clearCache(); } } /** * Returns the name of the entity this cache is watching. * * @return the name of the entity this cache is watching */ protected String entityName() { return _entityName; } /** * Called when the entity being listened to changes. If trackAllChanges is * false, all of the arrays will be null. * * @param entitiesInserted * entities of this type were inserted, if null, it was not * checked * @param entitiesUpdated * entities of this type were updated, if null, it was not * checked * @param entitiesDeleted * entities of this type were deleted, if null, it was not * checked */ public abstract void entitiesChanged(NSArray<T> entitiesInserted, NSArray<T> entitiesUpdated, NSArray<T> entitiesDeleted); /** * Called when a clear cache request has been received. */ public abstract void clearCache(); }