package er.extensions.eof; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAdaptor; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntity; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOModel; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSQLExpression; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSQLExpressionFactory; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier; import; import; import er.extensions.jdbc.ERXJDBCConnectionBroker; import er.extensions.jdbc.ERXSQLHelper; /** * Simple sequence class. MT safe, but not multi instance safe (this is implemented by subclasses) * @author ak * */ public class ERXSequence { protected Logger log; private final String _name; protected long _lastValue; protected long _maxValue; public ERXSequence(String name) { _name = name; log = Logger.getLogger(name); } public ERXSequence(String name, long initialValue) { this(name); _lastValue = initialValue; } public String name() { return _name; } public long nextValue() { return nextValue(1L); } protected long maxValue() { return _maxValue; } public long nextValue(long increment) { synchronized (this) { long diff = (lastValue() + increment) - maxValue(); if(diff > 0) { long nextIncrement = increment(); _maxValue = increasedMaxValue(diff > nextIncrement ? diff : nextIncrement); } _lastValue += increment; return lastValue(); } } protected long lastValue() { return _lastValue; } protected long increasedMaxValue(long increment) { return maxValue() + increment; } protected long increment() { return ERXProperties.longForKeyWithDefault(name() + ".Increment", ERXProperties.longForKeyWithDefault("er.extensions.ERXSequence.Increment", 10L)); } /** * NativeDatabaseSequence uses ERXSQLHelper.getNextValFromSequenceNamed to * generate a sequence value using your database's native sequence generation scheme. This * will fail if ERXSQLHelper.getNextValFromSequenceNamed is not implemented for your database. * This is also currently limited to only incrementing 1 at a time. * * @author mschrag */ public static class NativeDatabaseSequence extends ERXSequence { private EOEditingContext _editingContext; private String _modelName; public NativeDatabaseSequence(EOEditingContext editingContext, String modelName, String name) { super(name); _editingContext=editingContext; _modelName=modelName; } @Override public long nextValue(long increment) { if (increment != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("NativeDatabaseSequence only supports incrementing 1 at a time."); } return ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(_editingContext, _modelName).getNextValFromSequenceNamed(_editingContext, _modelName, name()).longValue(); } @Override protected long increment() { return 1L; } } /** * Multi-instance-safe subclass of ERXSequence. Creates a table * erx_sequence_table to store the values. * @author ak * */ public static class DatabaseSequence extends ERXSequence { private static final String ERX_SEQUENCE_TABLE = EOSQLExpression.sqlStringForString(ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault("er.extensions.ERXSequence.TableName", "erx_sequence_table")); private static final String VALUE_COLUMN_NAME = EOSQLExpression.sqlStringForString("value_"); private static final String NAME_COLUMN_NAME = EOSQLExpression.sqlStringForString("name_"); private ERXJDBCConnectionBroker _broker; private EOSQLExpressionFactory _factory; public DatabaseSequence(EOEditingContext ec, String modelName, String name, long initialValue) { super(name, initialValue); EOModel model = ERXEOAccessUtilities.modelGroup(ec).modelNamed(modelName); _broker = ERXJDBCConnectionBroker.connectionBrokerForModel(model); _factory = new EOSQLExpressionFactory(EOAdaptor.adaptorWithModel(model)); _lastValue = increasedMaxValue(0); _maxValue = _lastValue; } public DatabaseSequence(EOEditingContext ec, String modelName, String name) { this(ec, modelName, name, ERXProperties.longForKeyWithDefault(name + ".InitalValue", 100000L)); } protected ERXJDBCConnectionBroker broker() { return _broker; } protected long selectAndUpdateValue(Connection con, long increment) throws SQLException { long pk; EOSQLExpression selectExpression = _factory.expressionForEntity(null); String columnList = VALUE_COLUMN_NAME; String tableList = ERX_SEQUENCE_TABLE; String whereSelector = selectExpression.sqlStringForSelector(EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, name()); String whereClause = NAME_COLUMN_NAME + " " + whereSelector + " '" + name() + "'"; String lockClause = selectExpression.lockClause(); String selectStatement = selectExpression.assembleSelectStatementWithAttributes(null, true, null, null, "SELECT ", columnList , tableList, whereClause, null, null, lockClause); ResultSet resultSet = con.createStatement().executeQuery(selectStatement); boolean hasNext =; if (hasNext) { String incrementString = EOSQLExpression.sqlStringForNumber(Long.valueOf(increment)); String updateValueColumn = VALUE_COLUMN_NAME + " = " + VALUE_COLUMN_NAME + " + " + incrementString; String updateList = updateValueColumn; pk = resultSet.getLong(VALUE_COLUMN_NAME); String updateStatement = _factory.expressionForEntity(null).assembleUpdateStatementWithRow(null, null, tableList, updateList, whereClause); con.createStatement().executeUpdate(updateStatement); } else { pk = createRow(con, increment); } return pk; } protected long createRow(Connection con, long increment) throws SQLException { String incrementString = EOSQLExpression.sqlStringForNumber(Long.valueOf(increment)); String tableList = ERX_SEQUENCE_TABLE; String columnList = NAME_COLUMN_NAME + "," + VALUE_COLUMN_NAME; String valueList = "'" + name() + "'," + incrementString; String insertStatement = _factory.expressionForEntity(null).assembleInsertStatementWithRow(null, tableList, columnList, valueList); con.createStatement().executeUpdate(insertStatement); return 0L; } protected void createTable(Connection con) throws SQLException { String nameColumnClause = NAME_COLUMN_NAME + " VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL"; String valueColumnClause = VALUE_COLUMN_NAME + " INT"; String createTableStatement = "CREATE TABLE " + ERX_SEQUENCE_TABLE + " (" + nameColumnClause + ", " + valueColumnClause + ")"; String alterTableStatement = "ALTER TABLE " + ERX_SEQUENCE_TABLE + " ADD PRIMARY KEY (" + NAME_COLUMN_NAME + ")";// NOT // DEFERRABLE // INITIALLY // IMMEDIATE"); con.createStatement().executeUpdate(createTableStatement); con.createStatement().executeUpdate(alterTableStatement); } @Override protected long increasedMaxValue(long increment) { Connection con = broker().getConnection(); try { try { if(con.getTransactionIsolation() != 0) { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setReadOnly(false); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e, e); } for(int tries = 0; tries < 5; tries++) { try { long lastValue = selectAndUpdateValue(con, increment); if(_lastValue == 0L) { _lastValue = lastValue; } lastValue += increment; con.commit(); return lastValue; } catch(SQLException ex) { if (isCreationError(ex)) { try { con.rollback(); createTable(con); } catch (SQLException ee) { throw new NSForwardException(ee, "could not create erx_sequence_table"); } } else { throw new NSForwardException(ex, "Error fetching sequence: " + name()); } } } } finally { broker().freeConnection(con); } throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't get sequence: " + name()); } protected boolean isCreationError(SQLException ex) { String s = ex.getMessage().toLowerCase(); boolean creationError = false; String tableNameLastComponent = DatabaseSequence.ERX_SEQUENCE_TABLE.substring(DatabaseSequence.ERX_SEQUENCE_TABLE.lastIndexOf('.')+1); creationError |= (s.indexOf("error 116") != -1); // frontbase? creationError |= (s.indexOf(tableNameLastComponent) != -1 && s.indexOf("does not exist") != -1); // postgres ? creationError |= s.indexOf("ora-00942") != -1; // oracle creationError |= s.indexOf("doesn't exist") != -1; // mysql creationError |= (s.indexOf(tableNameLastComponent) != -1 && s.indexOf("not found.") != -1); // sybase return creationError; } } public static class PrimaryKeySequence extends DatabaseSequence { private String _entityName; public PrimaryKeySequence(EOEditingContext ec, String modelName, String entityName) { super(ec, modelName, entityName + "_pk_seq"); _entityName = entityName; } @Override protected long createRow(Connection con, long increment) throws SQLException { EOEntity entity = ERXEOAccessUtilities.rootEntityForEntityNamed(_entityName); String tableName = entity.externalName(); String colName = entity.primaryKeyAttributes().lastObject().columnName(); String sql = "select max(" + colName + ") from " + tableName; ResultSet resultSet; resultSet = con.createStatement().executeQuery(sql); con.commit(); boolean hasNext =; long v = 0L; if (hasNext) { v = resultSet.getLong(1); v = fixMaxIdValue(v); /*if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("received max id from table " + tableName + ", setting value in PK_TABLE to " + v); if(encodeEntityInPkValue()) { v = v >> CODE_LENGTH; } if(encodeHostInPkValue()) { v = v >> HOST_CODE_LENGTH; }*/ } super.createRow(con, v+increment); return v; } protected long fixMaxIdValue(long v) { return v; } } private static final Map cache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); public static ERXSequence sequenceWithName(String name) { return (ERXSequence) cache.get(name); } public static ERXSequence createSequenceWithName(String name, long initialValue) { ERXSequence sequence = new ERXSequence(name, initialValue); cache.put(name, sequence); return sequence; } public static ERXSequence createDatabaseSequenceWithName(EOEditingContext ec, String modelName, String name) { ERXSequence sequence = new DatabaseSequence(ec, modelName, name); cache.put(name, sequence); return sequence; } public static void registerSequenceWithName(ERXSequence sequence, String name) { cache.put(name, sequence); } }