package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.math.BigDecimal; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; import java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException; import java.text.Format; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.lang3.CharEncoding; import org.apache.commons.lang3.CharUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAdaptorOperation; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAttribute; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseOperation; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOFetchSpecification; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSortOrdering; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXMessageEncoding; import er.extensions.eof.ERXConstant; import er.extensions.formatters.ERXSimpleHTMLFormatter; /** * Collection of {@link java.lang.String String} utilities. Contains * the base localization support. */ public class ERXStringUtilities { /** Holds the default display language, which is English */ private static final String DEFAULT_TARGET_DISPLAY_LANGUAGE = "English"; /** Holds the chars for hex encoding */ public static final char[] HEX_CHARS = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; /** Holds the distance key */ private static final String _DISTANCE = "distance"; /** Holds the ascending <code>EOSortOrdering</code>s */ public static final NSArray SORT_ASCENDING = new NSArray(new Object [] { new EOSortOrdering(_DISTANCE, EOSortOrdering.CompareAscending) }); /** Holds the ascending <code>EOSortOrdering</code>s */ public static final NSArray SORT_DESCENDING = new NSArray(new Object [] { new EOSortOrdering(_DISTANCE, EOSortOrdering.CompareDescending) }); /** Holds characters that have special meaning for regex */ public static final String SpecialRegexCharacters = ".*[]{}()?\\+%$!^"; /** * Holds the array of default display languages. Holds * a single entry for English. */ private static NSArray _defaultTargetDisplayLanguages = new NSArray(DEFAULT_TARGET_DISPLAY_LANGUAGE); /** holds the base adjustment for fuzzy matching */ // FIXME: Not thread safe // MOVEME: Needs to go with the fuzzy matching stuff protected static double adjustement = 0.5; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ERXStringUtilities.class); /** * Sets the base adjustment used for fuzzy matching * @param newAdjustement factor to be used. */ // FIXME: Not thread safe. // MOVEME: fuzzy matching stuff public static void setAdjustement(double newAdjustement) { adjustement = newAdjustement; } /** * Fuzzy matching is useful for catching user entered typos. For example * if a user is searching for a company named 'Aple' within your application * they aren't going to find it. Thus the idea of fuzzy matching, meaning you * can define a threshold of 'how close can they be' type of thing. * * @param name to be matched against * @param entityName name of the entity to perform the match against. * @param propertyKey to be matched against * @param synonymsKey allows objects to have additional values to be matched * against in addition to just the value of the propertyKey * @param ec context to fetch data in * @param cleaner object used to clean a string, for example the cleaner might * strip out the words 'The' and 'Inc.' * @param sortOrderings can be either <code>SORT_ASCENDING</code> or <code>SORT_DESCENDING</code> * to tell how the results should be sorted. * @return an array of objects that match in a fuzzy manner the name passed in. */ // FIXME: Should move all of fuzzy matching stuff in ERXFuzzyMatchCleaner and then add a static inner inerface // IMPROVEME: too many parameters. public static NSArray fuzzyMatch(String name, String entityName, String propertyKey, String synonymsKey, EOEditingContext ec, ERXFuzzyMatchCleaner cleaner, NSArray sortOrderings ){ String eoKey = "eo"; NSMutableArray<NSMutableDictionary<String, Object>> results = new NSMutableArray<NSMutableDictionary<String, Object>>(); EOFetchSpecification fs = new EOFetchSpecification( entityName, null, null ); fs.setFetchesRawRows( true ); NSArray<String> pks = EOUtilities.entityNamed( ec, entityName ).primaryKeyAttributeNames(); NSMutableArray<String> keyPaths = new NSMutableArray<>(pks); keyPaths.addObject( propertyKey ); if( synonymsKey != null ) keyPaths.addObject( synonymsKey ); //we use only the strictly necessary keys. fs.setRawRowKeyPaths( keyPaths ); NSArray<NSDictionary<String, Object>> rawRows = ec.objectsWithFetchSpecification( fs ); if(name == null) name = ""; name = name.toUpperCase(); String cleanedName = cleaner.cleanStringForFuzzyMatching(name); for(Enumeration e = rawRows.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ){ NSMutableDictionary<String, Object> dico = ((NSDictionary)e.nextElement()).mutableClone(); Object value = dico.valueForKey(propertyKey); boolean trySynonyms = true; //First try to match with the name of the eo if( value!=null && value instanceof String){ String comparedString = ((String)value).toUpperCase(); String cleanedComparedString = cleaner.cleanStringForFuzzyMatching(comparedString); if( (StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(name, comparedString) <= Math.min((double)name.length(), (double)comparedString.length())*adjustement ) || (StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(cleanedName, cleanedComparedString) <= Math.min((double)cleanedName.length(), (double)cleanedComparedString.length())*adjustement)){ dico.setObjectForKey( Double.valueOf(StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(name, comparedString)), _DISTANCE ); NSDictionary<String, Object> pkValues = new NSDictionary<>(dico.objectsForKeys(pks, NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue ), pks); dico.setObjectForKey( EOUtilities.faultWithPrimaryKey( ec, entityName, pkValues ), eoKey ); results.addObject( dico ); trySynonyms = false; } } //Then try to match using the synonyms vector if(trySynonyms && synonymsKey != null){ Object synonymsString = dico.valueForKey(synonymsKey); if(synonymsString != null && synonymsString instanceof String){ Object plist = NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListFromString((String)synonymsString); Vector v = (Vector)plist; for(int i = 0; i< v.size(); i++){ String comparedString = ((String)v.elementAt(i)).toUpperCase(); if((StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(name, comparedString) <= Math.min((double)name.length(), (double)comparedString.length())*adjustement) || (StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(cleanedName, comparedString) <= Math.min((double)cleanedName.length(), (double)comparedString.length())*adjustement)){ dico.setObjectForKey( Double.valueOf(StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(name, comparedString)), _DISTANCE ); NSDictionary<String, Object> pkValues = new NSDictionary<>(dico.objectsForKeys(pks, NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue ), pks); dico.setObjectForKey( EOUtilities.faultWithPrimaryKey( ec, entityName, pkValues ), eoKey ); results.addObject( dico ); break; } } } } } if( sortOrderings != null ) { results = (NSMutableArray<NSMutableDictionary<String, Object>>) EOSortOrdering.sortedArrayUsingKeyOrderArray(results, sortOrderings); } return (NSArray) results.valueForKey( eoKey ); } /** * Gets a localized string for a given key in the application's * Localizable strings file for the default language (English). * @param key to be lookup in the strings file * @return string value of the looked up key */ // CHECKME: Should this be using the framework search order? public static String localizedStringForKey(String key) { return localizedStringForKey(key, null, null); } /** * Gets a localized string for a given key in a given framework's * Localizable strings file for the default language (English). * @param key to be lookup in the strings file * @param framework name, specify app or null to perform the * lookup in the application's resources. * @return string value of the looked up key */ public static String localizedStringForKey(String key, String framework) { return localizedStringForKey(key, framework, null); } /** * Gets a localized string for a given key in a given framework's * Localizable strings file using the array of languages as the * search order for the key. * @param key to be lookup in the strings file * @param framework name, specify app or null to perform the * lookup in the application's resources. * @param languages array to search for the key in * @return string value of the looked up key */ public static String localizedStringForKey(String key, String framework, NSArray languages) { languages = languages != null && languages.count() > 0 ? languages : _defaultTargetDisplayLanguages; String result = WOApplication.application().resourceManager().stringForKey( key, "Localizable", key, framework, languages); return result; } /** * Uses the method <code>localizedStringForKey</code> to retreive * a template that is then parsed using the passed in object to * produce a resulting string. The template parser used is * {@link ERXSimpleTemplateParser}. * @param o object used to resolve keys in the localized template * @param key to be lookup in the strings file * @param framework name, specify app or null to perform the * lookup in the application's resources. * @param languages array to search for the key in * @return localized template parsed and resolved with the given * object. */ public static String localizedTemplateStringWithObjectForKey(Object o, String key, String framework, NSArray languages) { String template = localizedStringForKey(key, framework, languages); return ERXSimpleTemplateParser.sharedInstance().parseTemplateWithObject(template, null, o); } /** * Reads the contents of a file given by a path * into a string. * @param file path to the file in the file system * * @return the contents of the file in a string */ public static String stringWithContentsOfFile(File file) { try { if(file != null) return ERXFileUtilities.stringFromFile(file); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Could not read string from file {}", file, e); } return null; } /** * Reads the contents of a file given by a path * into a string. * @param path to the file in the file system * @return the contents of the file in a string */ public static String stringWithContentsOfFile(String path) { if(path != null) return ERXStringUtilities.stringWithContentsOfFile(new File(path)); return null; } /** * Calculates an Integer for a given string. The * only advantage that this method has is to not * throw a number format exception if the string * is not correctly formatted. This method makes * use of the ERXConstant.integerForString caching * logic. * @param s string to caclulate an Integer from * @return parsed Integer from the string or null * if the string is not correctly formed. * @see er.extensions.eof.ERXConstant#integerForString(String) */ public static Integer integerWithString(String s) { try { return ERXConstant.integerForInt(Integer.parseInt(s)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore } return null; } /** * Tests if a given string object can be parsed into * an integer. * @param s string to be parsed * @return <code>true</code> if the string is not <code>null</code> * and can be parsed to an int */ public static boolean stringIsParseableInteger(String s) { try { Integer.parseInt(s); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return false; } } /** * Wrapper for {@link Integer#valueOf(String)} that catches * the NumberFormatException. * * @param s string to convert to an Integer * @return Integer or <code>null</code> if the string could * not be parsed */ public static Integer safeInteger(String s) { try { return Integer.valueOf(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore } return null; } /** * Wrapper for {@link Long#valueOf(String)} that catches * the NumberFormatException. * * @param s string to convert to a Long * @return Long or <code>null</code> if the string could * not be parsed */ public static Long safeLong(String s) { try { return Long.valueOf(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore } return null; } /** * Retrieves a given string for a given name, extension * and bundle. * @param name of the resource * @param extension of the resource, example: txt or rtf * @param bundle to look for the resource in * @return string of the given file specified in the bundle */ public static String stringFromResource(String name, String extension, NSBundle bundle) { String path = null; if(bundle == null) { bundle = NSBundle.mainBundle(); } path = bundle.resourcePathForLocalizedResourceNamed(name + (extension == null || extension.length() == 0 ? "" : "." + extension), null); if(path != null) { try (InputStream stream = bundle.inputStreamForResourcePath(path)) { byte bytes[] = ERXFileUtilities.bytesFromInputStream(stream); return new String(bytes); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("IOException when stringFromResource({}.{} in bundle {}", name, extension,; } } return null; } public static final String firstPropertyKeyInKeyPath(String keyPath) { String part = null; if (keyPath != null) { int index = keyPath.indexOf(NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.KeyPathSeparator); if (index != -1) part = keyPath.substring(0, index); else part = keyPath; } return part; } public static final String lastPropertyKeyInKeyPath(String keyPath) { String part = null; if (keyPath != null) { int index = keyPath.lastIndexOf(NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.KeyPathSeparator); if (index != -1) part = keyPath.substring(index + 1); else part = keyPath; } return part; } public static final String keyPathWithoutLastProperty(String keyPath) { String part = null; if(keyPath != null) { int index = keyPath.lastIndexOf(NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.KeyPathSeparator); if (index != -1) part = keyPath.substring(0, index); } return part; } public static final String keyPathWithoutFirstProperty(String keyPath) { String part = null; if(keyPath != null) { int index = keyPath.indexOf(NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.KeyPathSeparator); if (index != -1) part = keyPath.substring(index + 1); } return part; } /** * Calculates a default display name for a given * key path. For instance for the key path: * "" the display name would be "Bar". * @param key to calculate the display name * @return display name for the given key */ public static String displayNameForKey(String key) { StringBuilder finalString = null; if (!stringIsNullOrEmpty(key) && !key.trim().equals("")) { finalString = new StringBuilder(); String lastHop=key.indexOf(".") == -1 ? key : key.endsWith(".") ? "" : key.substring(key.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); StringBuilder tempString = new StringBuilder(); char[] originalArray = lastHop.toCharArray(); originalArray[0] = Character.toUpperCase(originalArray[0]); Character tempChar = null; Character nextChar = null; for(int i=0;i<(originalArray.length-1);i++){ tempChar = Character.valueOf(originalArray[i]); nextChar = Character.valueOf(originalArray[i+1]); if(Character.isUpperCase(originalArray[i]) && Character.isLowerCase(originalArray[i+1])) { finalString.append(tempString.toString()); if (i>0) finalString.append(' '); tempString = new StringBuilder(); } tempString.append(tempChar.toString()); } finalString.append(tempString.toString()); finalString.append(nextChar); } return finalString == null ? "" : finalString.toString(); } /** * Locate the the first numeric character in the given string. * * @param str string to scan * @return position in string or -1 if no numeric found */ public static int indexOfNumericInString(String str) { return indexOfNumericInString(str, 0); } /** * Locate the the first numeric character * after <code>fromIndex</code> in the given string. * * @param str string to scan * @param fromIndex index position from where to start * @return position in string or -1 if no numeric found */ public static int indexOfNumericInString(String str, int fromIndex) { if (str == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("String cannot be null."); int pos = -1; for (int i = fromIndex; i < str.length(); i++) { char c = str.charAt(i); if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { pos = i; break; } } return pos; } /** * Utility method to append a character to a * StringBuffer if the last character is not * a certain character. Useful for determining * if you need to add an '&' to the end of a * form value string. * @param separator character to potentially * add to the StringBuffer. * @param not character to test if the given * StringBuffer ends in it. * @param sb StringBuffer to test and potentially * append to. */ public static void appendSeparatorIfLastNot(char separator, char not, StringBuffer sb) { if (sb.length() > 0 && sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) != not) sb.append(separator); } /** * Utility method to append a character to a * StringBuilder if the last character is not * a certain character. Useful for determining * if you need to add an '&' to the end of a * form value string. * @param separator character to potentially * add to the StringBuilder. * @param not character to test if the given * StringBuilder ends in it. * @param sb StringBuilder to test and potentially * append to. */ public static void appendSeparatorIfLastNot(char separator, char not, StringBuilder sb) { if (sb.length() > 0 && sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) != not) sb.append(separator); } /** * Removes the spaces in a given string. * * @param aString string to remove spaces from * @return string without spaces */ public static String removeSpaces(String aString) { NSArray<String> parts = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(aString, " "); return parts.componentsJoinedByString(""); } /** This method runs about 20 times faster than * java.lang.String.toLowerCase (and doesn't waste any storage * when the result is equal to the input). Warning: Don't use * this method when your default locale is Turkey. * java.lang.String.toLowerCase is slow because (a) it uses a * StringBuffer (which has synchronized methods), (b) it * initializes the StringBuffer to the default size, and (c) it * gets the default locale every time to test for name equal to * "tr". * @see <a href="">tolower</a> * @author Peter Norvig **/ public static String toLowerCase(String str) { if (str == null) return null; int len = str.length(); int different = -1; // See if there is a char that is different in lowercase for(int i = len-1; i >= 0; i--) { char ch = str.charAt(i); if (Character.toLowerCase(ch) != ch) { different = i; break; } } // If the string has no different char, then return the string as is, // otherwise create a lowercase version in a char array. if (different == -1) { return str; } char[] chars = new char[len]; str.getChars(0, len, chars, 0); // (Note we start at different, not at len.) for(int j = different; j >= 0; j--) { chars[j] = Character.toLowerCase(chars[j]); } return new String(chars); } /** * String multiplication. * @param n the number of times to concatenate a given string * @param s string to be multiplied * @return multiplied string */ public static String stringWithNtimesString(int n, String s) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n * (s != null ? s.length() : "null".length())); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) sb.append(s); return sb.toString(); } /** * Counts the number of occurrences of a particular * <code>char</code> in a given string. * @param c char to count in string * @param s string to look for specified char in. * @return number of occurrences of a char in the string */ public static int numberOfOccurrencesOfCharInString(char c, String s) { int result=0; if (s!=null) { for (int i=0; i<s.length();) if (s.charAt(i++)==c) result++; } return result; } /** * Simple test if the string is either null or * equal to "". * @param s string to test * @return result of the above test */ public static boolean stringIsNullOrEmpty(String s) { return ((s == null) || (s.length() == 0)); } /** * Simple utility method that will return null * if the string passed in is equal to "" * otherwise it will return the passed in * string. * @param s string to test * @return null if the string is "" else the string. */ public static String nullForEmptyString(String s) { return s==null ? null : (s.length()==0 ? null : s); } /** * Simple utility method that will return the * string "" if the string passed in is null * otherwise it will return the passed in * string. * @param s string to test * @return the empty string if the string is null, else the string */ public static String emptyStringForNull(String s) { return s==null ? "" : s; } public static String escapeNonXMLChars(String str) { if (str == null) return null; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(str.length()); for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { char c = str.charAt(i); switch(c) { case '<': result.append("<"); break; case '>': result.append(">"); break; case '&': result.append("&"); break; case '"': result.append("""); break; default: result.append(c); } } return result.toString(); } /** * XML entities to unescape. */ public static final NSDictionary<String, String> XML_UNESCAPES; /** * ISO entities to unescape. */ public static final NSDictionary<String, String> ISO_UNESCAPES; /** * Symbol entities to unescape. */ public static final NSDictionary<String, String> SYMBOL_UNESCAPES; /** * Safe HTML entities to unescape (SYMBOL+ISO). This still prevents injection attacks. */ public static final NSDictionary<String, String> HTML_SAFE_UNESCAPES; /** * HTML entities to unescape (XML+SYMBOL+ISO). */ public static final NSDictionary<String, String> HTML_UNESCAPES; static { // NOTE AK I used: // // // as apache commons lang didn't really work for me?!? Object[] xml = new Object[] { '<', "lt", '>', "gt", '&', "amp", '\"', "quot" }; NSMutableDictionary<String, String> dict = new NSMutableDictionary<>(); for (int i = 0; i < xml.length; i+=2) { Character charValue = ((Character) xml[i]); String key = (String) xml[i+1]; dict.setObjectForKey(charValue+"", key); dict.setObjectForKey(charValue+"", "#"+charValue); } XML_UNESCAPES = dict.immutableClone(); Object[] iso = { 160, "nbsp", 161, "iexcl", 162, "cent", 163, "pound", 164, "curren", 165, "yen", 166, "brvbar", 167, "sect", 168, "uml", 169, "copy", 170, "ordf", 171, "laquo", 172, "not", 173, "shy", 174, "reg", 175, "macr", 176, "deg", 177, "plusmn", 178, "sup2", 179, "sup3", 180, "acute", 181, "micro", 182, "para", 183, "middot", 184, "cedil", 185, "sup1", 186, "ordm", 187, "raquo", 188, "frac14", 189, "frac12", 190, "frac34", 191, "iquest", 215, "times", 247, "divide", 192, "Agrave", 193, "Aacute", 194, "Acirc", 195, "Atilde", 196, "Auml", 197, "Aring", 198, "AElig", 199, "Ccedil", 200, "Egrave", 201, "Eacute", 202, "Ecirc", 203, "Euml", 204, "Igrave", 205, "Iacute", 206, "Icirc", 207, "Iuml", 208, "ETH", 209, "Ntilde", 210, "Ograve", 211, "Oacute", 212, "Ocirc", 213, "Otilde", 214, "Ouml", 216, "Oslash", 217, "Ugrave", 218, "Uacute", 219, "Ucirc", 220, "Uuml", 221, "Yacute", 222, "THORN", 223, "szlig", 224, "agrave", 225, "aacute", 226, "acirc", 227, "atilde", 228, "auml", 229, "aring", 230, "aelig", 231, "ccedil", 232, "egrave", 233, "eacute", 234, "ecirc", 235, "euml", 236, "igrave", 237, "iacute", 238, "icirc", 239, "iuml", 240, "eth", 241, "ntilde", 242, "ograve", 243, "oacute", 244, "ocirc", 245, "otilde", 246, "ouml", 248, "oslash", 249, "ugrave", 250, "uacute", 251, "ucirc", 252, "uuml", 253, "yacute", 254, "thorn", 255, "yuml" }; dict = new NSMutableDictionary<>(); for (int i = 0; i < iso.length; i+=2) { Integer charValue = ((Integer) iso[i]); String key = (String) iso[i+1]; dict.setObjectForKey(Character.toChars(charValue)[0]+"", key); dict.setObjectForKey(Character.toChars(charValue)[0]+"", "#"+charValue); } ISO_UNESCAPES = dict.immutableClone(); Object[] symbols = new Object[] { 8704, "forall", 8706, "part", 8707, "exists", 8709, "empty", 8711, "nabla", 8712, "isin", 8713, "notin", 8715, "ni", 8719, "prod", 8721, "sum", 8722, "minus", 8727, "lowast", 8730, "radic", 8733, "prop", 8734, "infin", 8736, "ang", 8743, "and", 8744, "or", 8745, "cap", 8746, "cup", 8747, "int", 8756, "there4", 8764, "sim", 8773, "cong", 8776, "asymp", 8800, "ne", 8801, "equiv", 8804, "le", 8805, "ge", 8834, "sub", 8835, "sup", 8836, "nsub", 8838, "sube", 8839, "supe", 8853, "oplus", 8855, "otimes", 8869, "perp", 8901, "sdot", 913, "Alpha", 914, "Beta", 915, "Gamma", 916, "Delta", 917, "Epsilon", 918, "Zeta", 919, "Eta", 920, "Theta", 921, "Iota", 922, "Kappa", 923, "Lambda", 924, "Mu", 925, "Nu", 926, "Xi", 927, "Omicron", 928, "Pi", 929, "Rho", 931, "Sigma", 932, "Tau", 933, "Upsilon", 934, "Phi", 935, "Chi", 936, "Psi", 937, "Omega", 945, "alpha", 946, "beta", 947, "gamma", 948, "delta", 949, "epsilon", 950, "zeta", 951, "eta", 952, "theta", 953, "iota", 954, "kappa", 955, "lambda", 956, "mu", 957, "nu", 958, "xi", 959, "omicron", 960, "pi", 961, "rho", 962, "sigmaf", 963, "sigma", 964, "tau", 965, "upsilon", 966, "phi", 967, "chi", 968, "psi", 969, "omega", 977, "thetasym", 978, "upsih", 982, "piv", 338, "OElig", 339, "oelig", 352, "Scaron", 353, "scaron", 376, "Yuml", 402, "fnof", 710, "circ", 732, "tilde", 8194, "ensp", 8195, "emsp", 8201, "thinsp", 8204, "zwnj", 8205, "zwj", 8206, "lrm", 8207, "rlm", 8211, "ndash", 8212, "mdash", 8216, "lsquo", 8217, "rsquo", 8218, "sbquo", 8220, "ldquo", 8221, "rdquo", 8222, "bdquo", 8224, "dagger", 8225, "Dagger", 8226, "bull", 8230, "hellip", 8240, "permil", 8242, "prime", 8243, "Prime", 8249, "lsaquo", 8250, "rsaquo", 8254, "oline", 8364, "euro", 8482, "trade", 8592, "larr", 8593, "uarr", 8594, "rarr", 8595, "darr", 8596, "harr", 8629, "crarr", 8968, "lceil", 8969, "rceil", 8970, "lfloor", 8971, "rfloor", 9674, "loz", 9824, "spades", 9827, "clubs", 9829, "hearts", 9830, "diams" }; dict = new NSMutableDictionary<>(); for (int i = 0; i < symbols.length; i+=2) { Integer charValue = ((Integer) symbols[i]); String key = (String) symbols[i+1]; dict.setObjectForKey(Character.toChars(charValue)[0]+"", key); dict.setObjectForKey(Character.toChars(charValue)[0]+"", "#"+charValue); } SYMBOL_UNESCAPES = dict.immutableClone(); dict = new NSMutableDictionary<>(); dict.addEntriesFromDictionary(ISO_UNESCAPES); dict.addEntriesFromDictionary(SYMBOL_UNESCAPES); HTML_SAFE_UNESCAPES = dict.immutableClone(); dict.addEntriesFromDictionary(XML_UNESCAPES); HTML_UNESCAPES = dict.immutableClone(); } /** * Util to unescape entities. Entities not found in the set will be left intact. * @param string string to unescape * @param map map of entities * @return unescaped string */ public static String unescapeEntities(String string, Map<String, String> map) { if(string != null) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int len = string.length(); for(int start = 0; start < len; start++) { char c1 = string.charAt(start); if(c1 == '&') { StringBuilder entity = new StringBuilder(); for(int end = start+1; end < len; end++) { char c2 = string.charAt(end); if(c2 == ';') { String key = entity.toString(); String replacement = map.get(key); if(replacement == null) { replacement = map.get(key.toUpperCase()); } if(replacement == null) { replacement = "&" + key + ";"; } result.append(replacement); start = end; break; } entity.append(c2); } } else { result.append(c1); } } string = result.toString(); } return string; } /** * Escapes the given PCDATA string as CDATA. * @param pcdata The string to escape * @return the escaped string */ public static String escapePCData(String pcdata) { if(pcdata == null) { return null; } int start = 0; int end = 0; String close = "]]>"; String escape = "]]]]><![CDATA[>"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<![CDATA["); do { end = pcdata.indexOf(close, start); sb.append(pcdata.substring(start, (end==-1?pcdata.length():end))); if(end != -1) { sb.append(escape); } start = end; start += 3; } while (end != -1); sb.append(close); return sb.toString(); } public static String escapeNonBasicLatinChars(char c) { Character.UnicodeBlock block = Character.UnicodeBlock.of(c); if (block != null && Character.UnicodeBlock.BASIC_LATIN.equals(block)) return String.valueOf(c); return toHexString(c); } public static String escapeNonBasicLatinChars(String str) { if (str == null) return null; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(str.length()); for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) result.append(escapeNonBasicLatinChars(str.charAt(i))); return result.toString(); } /** * Escapes the apostrophes in a Javascript string with a backslash. * * @param sourceString the source string to escape * @return the escaped javascript string */ public static String escapeJavascriptApostrophes(String sourceString) { return ERXStringUtilities.escape(new char[] { '\'' }, '\\', sourceString); } /** * Escapes the given characters with the given escape character in _sourceString. This * implementation is specifically designed for large strings. In the event that no characters * are escaped, the original string will be returned with no new object creation. A null * _sourceString will return null. * * Example: sourceString = Mike's, escape chars = ', escape with = \, returns Mike\'s * * @param _escapeChars the list of characters to escape * @param _escapeWith the escape character to use * @param _sourceString the string to escape the characters in. * @return the escaped string */ public static String escape(char[] _escapeChars, char _escapeWith, String _sourceString) { String targetString; if (_sourceString == null) { targetString = null; } else { StringBuilder targetBuffer = null; int lastMatch = 0; int length = _sourceString.length(); for (int sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < length; sourceIndex++) { char ch = _sourceString.charAt(sourceIndex); boolean escape = false; for (int escapeNum = 0; !escape && escapeNum < _escapeChars.length; escapeNum++) { if (ch == _escapeChars[escapeNum]) { escape = true; } } if (escape) { if (targetBuffer == null) { targetBuffer = new StringBuilder(length + 100); } if (sourceIndex - lastMatch > 0) { targetBuffer.append(_sourceString.substring(lastMatch, sourceIndex)); } targetBuffer.append(_escapeWith); lastMatch = sourceIndex; } } if (targetBuffer == null) { targetString = _sourceString; } else { targetBuffer.append(_sourceString.substring(lastMatch, length)); targetString = targetBuffer.toString(); } } return targetString; } public static String toHexString(char c) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("\u005C\u005Cu9999".length()); String u = Long.toHexString(c).toUpperCase(); switch (u.length()) { case 1: result.append("\u005C\u005Cu000"); break; case 2: result.append("\u005C\u005Cu00"); break; case 3: result.append("\u005C\u005Cu0"); break; default: result.append("\u005C\u005Cu"); break; } result.append(u); return result.toString(); } public static String toHexString(String str) { if (str == null) return null; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("\u005C\u005Cu9999".length() * str.length()); for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) result.append(toHexString(str.charAt(i))); return result.toString(); } /** * Converts a byte array to hex string. * @param block byte array * @return hex string */ public static String byteArrayToHexString(byte[] block) { int len = block.length; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(2 * len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int high = ((block[i] & 0xf0) >> 4); int low = (block[i] & 0x0f); buf.append(HEX_CHARS[high]); buf.append(HEX_CHARS[low]); } return buf.toString(); } /** * Converts a even-length, hex-encoded String to a byte array. * * @param hexString hex string to convert * @return byte array of given hex string */ public static byte[] hexStringToByteArray(String hexString) { int length = hexString.length(); if(length % 2 == 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("String must have even length: " + length); } byte array[] = new byte[length/2]; for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { char c1 = hexString.charAt(i*2); char c2 = hexString.charAt(i*2+1); byte b = 0; if(c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '9') b += (c1 - 48) * 16; else if(c1 >= 'a' && c1 <= 'f') b += ((c1 - 97) + 10) * 16; else if(c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'F') b += ((c1 - 65) + 10) * 16; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Character: '" + c1 + "' in " + hexString); if(c2 >= '0' && c2 <= '9') b += c2 - 48; else if(c2 >= 'a' && c2 <= 'f') b += (c2 - 97) + 10; else if(c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'F') b += (c2 - 65) + 10; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Character: '" + c2 + "' in " + hexString); array[i] = b; } return array; } /** * Cleans up the given version string by removing extra * dots(.), for example, 5.1.3 becomes 5.13, so that * the string can be converted to a double or BigDecimal * type easily. * * @param version string * @return cleaned-up string that only contains the * first dot(.) as the floating point indicator. */ public static String removeExtraDotsFromVersionString(String version) { int floatingPointIndex = version.indexOf("."); if (floatingPointIndex >= 0 && floatingPointIndex + 1 < version.length()) { String minorVersion = StringUtils.replace(version.substring(floatingPointIndex + 1), ".", ""); version = version.substring(0, floatingPointIndex + 1) + minorVersion; } return version; } /** * Capitalizes a given string. That is, the first character of the returned * string will be upper case, and other characters will be unchanged. For * example, for the input string "{@code you have a dog}", this method would * return "{@code You have a dog}". * * @param value to be capitalized * @return capitalized string */ public static String capitalize(String value) { String capital = null; if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(value); buffer.setCharAt(0, Character.toUpperCase(value.charAt(0))); capital = buffer.toString(); } return capital != null ? capital : value; } /** * Uncapitalizes a given string. * @param value to be uncapitalized * @return capitalized string */ public static String uncapitalize(String value) { String capital = null; if (value != null) { int length = value.length(); if (length > 0) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(value); for (int i = 0; i < length; i ++) { char ch = value.charAt(i); if (i == 0 || i == length - 1 || (i < length - 1 && Character.isUpperCase(value.charAt(i + 1)))) { buffer.setCharAt(i, Character.toLowerCase(ch)); } else { break; } } capital = buffer.toString(); } } return capital != null ? capital : value; } /** * Capitalizes all the strings in a given string. That is, the first * character of each (whitespace-delimited) word in the input string will be * upper case, and other characters will be unchanged. Additionally, each * region of contiguous whitespace in the original string is converted to a * single space in the result. For example, for the input string * "{@code you have a dog}" (with two spaces between each word), this * method would return "{@code You Have A Dog}". * * @param value to be capitalized * @return capitalized string */ public static String capitalizeAllWords(String value) { String capitalize = null; if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(value); tokenizer.hasMoreElements();) { String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (!first) { buffer.append(' '); } else { first = false; } buffer.append(capitalize(token)); } capitalize = buffer.toString(); } return capitalize != null ? capitalize : value; } /** * Converts this_is_a_test to ThisIsATest * @param underscoreString the string_with_underscores * @param capitalize if true, the first letter is capitalized * @return the StringWithoutUnderscores */ public static String underscoreToCamelCase(String underscoreString, boolean capitalize) { StringBuilder camelCase = new StringBuilder(); String[] underscoreStrings = underscoreString.split("_"); for (int i = 0; i < underscoreStrings.length; i ++) { String word; if (i > 0 || capitalize) { word = ERXStringUtilities.capitalize(underscoreStrings[i]); } else { word = underscoreStrings[i]; } camelCase.append(word); } return camelCase.toString(); } /** * Converts a string in camel case to an underscore representation. * * @param camelString string to convert * @param lowercase if all uppercase characters should be converted to lowercase * @return the string_with_underscores */ public static String camelCaseToUnderscore(String camelString, boolean lowercase) { StringBuilder underscore = new StringBuilder(); boolean lastCharacterWasWordBreak = false; boolean lastCharacterWasCapital = false; int length = camelString.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i ++) { char ch = camelString.charAt(i); if (Character.isUpperCase(ch)) { boolean isLastCharacter = (i == length - 1); boolean nextCharacterIsCapital = (!isLastCharacter && Character.isUpperCase(camelString.charAt(i + 1))); if (i > 0 && ((!lastCharacterWasWordBreak && !lastCharacterWasCapital) || (!nextCharacterIsCapital && !isLastCharacter))) { underscore.append('_'); lastCharacterWasWordBreak = true; } else { lastCharacterWasWordBreak = false; } lastCharacterWasCapital = true; } else if (ch == '_') { lastCharacterWasWordBreak = true; lastCharacterWasCapital = false; } else { lastCharacterWasWordBreak = false; lastCharacterWasCapital = false; } if (lowercase) { underscore.append(Character.toLowerCase(ch)); } else { underscore.append(ch); } } return underscore.toString(); } public static boolean stringEqualsString(String s1, String s2) { if (s1 == s2) return true; if (s1 != null && s2 != null && s1.equals(s2)) return true; if (s1 == null && s2 == null) return true; return false; } /** * Tests if the string starts with the specified prefix ignoring case. This method is * optimized so that it only converts the relevant substring of stringToSearch to lowercase * before comparing it to the lowercase version of prefix. * @param stringToSearch string to check * @param prefix prefix to look for * @return true if stringToSearch case-insensitively starts with prefix */ public static boolean caseInsensitiveStartsWith(String stringToSearch, String prefix) { return caseInsensitiveStartsWith(stringToSearch, prefix, 0); } /** * Tests if the string starts with the specified prefix starting at the specified index ignoring case. * This method is optimized so that it only converts the relevant substring of stringToSearch to lowercase * before comparing it to the lowercase version of prefix. * @param stringToSearch string to check * @param prefix prefix to look for * @param toffset starting offset to perform the search * @return true if stringToSearch case-insensitively starts with prefix starting at toffset */ public static boolean caseInsensitiveStartsWith(String stringToSearch, String prefix, int toffset) { boolean result = false; final int stringToSearchLength = stringToSearch.length(); final int prefixLength = prefix.length(); if ( (toffset + prefixLength) <= stringToSearchLength ) { final String slice = stringToSearch.substring(toffset, toffset+prefixLength); result = toLowerCase(slice).equals(toLowerCase(prefix)); } return result; } /** * This method takes a string and returns a string which is the first string such that the * result byte length in the specified encoding does not exceed the byte limit. This tends * to be an issue with UTF-8 and Japanese characters because they're double- or triple-byte * in UTF-8 and you need to be careful not to split in the middle of a multi-byte sequence. * * <p> * * This method is optimized for the UTF-8 case. If <code>encoding</code> is either "UTF-8" or "UTF8", * the optimized case will kick in. * * @param inputString string to truncate * @param byteLength maximum byte length * @param encoding encoding to use * @return string truncated appropriately. */ public static String stringByTruncatingStringToByteLengthInEncoding(final String inputString, final int byteLength, final String encoding) { String result = null; log.debug("stringByTruncatingStringToByteLengthInEncoding: encoding='{}', byteLength={}, inputString='{}'", encoding, byteLength, inputString); if ( inputString != null ) { final byte[] bytes = toBytes(inputString, encoding); if ( bytes != null ) { if ( bytes.length > byteLength ) { // we gotta do some work if ( "UTF-8".equals(encoding) || "UTF8".equals(encoding) ) { // if the encoding is UTF-8, we can be smarter about this than in the general case. // UTF-8 defines three types of bytes: those that begin in 0, those that begin in 11 and // those that begin in 10. 0 means ASCII, 11 means the beginning of a multi-byte sequence, // 10 means in the middle or end of a multi-byte sequence. // // so, we hit the byte at index byteLength which is one past our target byte length. while // that byte begins with 10, we walk backwards until the next byte doesn't begin with 10. at that // point, we're at the end of a character. if ( byteLength >= 1 ) { int index = byteLength - 1; while ( index >= 0 && ((bytes[index+1] & 0xC0) == 0x80) ) index--; if ( index > 0 ) { try { result = new String(bytes, 0, index+1, encoding); } catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e ) { throw new RuntimeException("Got " + e.getClass() + " exception. byteLength=" + byteLength + ", encoding='" + encoding + "', inputString='"+ inputString + "'.", e); } } } result = result != null ? result : ""; } else { final Charset charset = Charset.forName(encoding); final CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder(); final ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); int currentLength = byteLength; CharBuffer charBuffer = null; do { byteBuffer.position(0); byteBuffer.limit(currentLength); try { charBuffer = decoder.reset().decode(byteBuffer); } catch ( MalformedInputException e ) { // this exception we expect to get if when we slice the byte buffer to // the intended byte length, we end up mid-way through a byte sequence. currentLength--; } catch (CharacterCodingException e ) { // we're not expecting to get this exception. the javadoc doesn't say // under what circumstances it happens and it would be surprising it this happened // and the conversion to byte array worked earlier. log.error("Got {} exception. byteLength={}, encoding='{}', inputString='{}'.", e.getClass(), byteLength, encoding, inputString, e); break; } } while ( charBuffer == null && currentLength > 0 ); result = charBuffer != null ? charBuffer.toString() : ""; } } else { result = inputString; } } } log.debug("stringByTruncatingStringToByteLengthInEncoding: result='{}'", result); return result; } /** checks if the String contains a character that has a special meaning * in regex. This could used to ensure that username and passwords have no * such characters. * * @param s the string to check * @return <code>true</code> if s contains one or multiple characters that have special * meanings in regex. */ public static boolean stringContainsSpecialRegexCharacters(String s) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (SpecialRegexCharacters.indexOf(s.charAt(i)) > -1) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns a string from the contents of the given URL. * * @param url the URL to read from * @return the string that was read * @throws IOException if the connection fails */ public static String stringFromURL(URL url) throws IOException { try (InputStream is = url.openStream()) { return ERXStringUtilities.stringFromInputStream(is); } } /** * Returns a string from the contents of the given URL. * * @param url the URL to read from * @param encoding the string encoding to read with * * @return the string that was read * @throws IOException if the connection fails */ public static String stringFromURL(URL url, String encoding) throws IOException { try (InputStream is = url.openStream()) { return ERXStringUtilities.stringFromInputStream(is, encoding); } } /** * Returns a string from the input stream using the default * encoding. * @param in stream to read * @return string representation of the stream. * @throws IOException if things go wrong */ public static String stringFromInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException { return new String(ERXFileUtilities.bytesFromInputStream(in)); } /** * Returns a string from the input stream using the default * encoding. * @param in stream to read * @param encoding to be used, null will use the default * @return string representation of the stream. * @throws IOException if things go wrong */ public static String stringFromInputStream(InputStream in, String encoding) throws IOException { return new String(ERXFileUtilities.bytesFromInputStream(in), encoding); } /** * Returns a String by invoking toString() on each object from the array. After each toString() call * the separator is appended to the buffer. * * @param array an object array from which to get a nice String representation * @param separator a separator which is displayed between the objects toString() value * * @return a string representation from the array */ public static String toString(Object[] array, String separator) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { Object o = array[i]; buf.append(o.toString()); buf.append(separator); } return buf.toString(); } /** * Creates a readable debug string for some data types (dicts, arrays, adaptorOperations, databaseOperations). * * @param object the object to dump * @return string representation of the given object */ public static String dumpObject(Object object) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(4000); dumpObject(sb, object, 0); return sb.toString(); } /** * Checks if any of the characters specified in characters is contained in the string * specified by source. * * @param source the String which might contain characters * @param characters the characters to check * @return true if any character from characters is in source, false otherwise */ public static boolean containsAnyCharacter(String source, String characters) { for (int i = source.length(); i-- > 0;) { char c = source.charAt(i); if (characters.indexOf(c) > -1) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Removes any character which is not in characters from the source string. * * @param source the string which will be modified * @param characters the characters that are allowed to be in source * @return a new string only with characters from the characters argument */ public static String removeExceptCharacters(String source, String characters) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int l = source.length(); for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { char c = source.charAt(i); if (characters.indexOf(c) > -1) { buf.append(c); } } return buf.toString(); } /** * Removes any character which is in characters from the source string. * * @param source the string which will be modified * @param characters the characters that are not allowed to be in source * @return a new string without any characters from the characters argument */ public static String removeCharacters(String source, String characters) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int l = source.length(); for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { char c = source.charAt(i); if (characters.indexOf(c) == -1) { buf.append(c); } } return buf.toString(); } /** * Matches strings like Quicksilver (NullPointerException is matched by "NPE"). The rule * is basically just that all the letters of the search string must appear in the original * string in the same order as the search string, but they are not required to be contiguous * or case-matched. * * @param _str the string to search in * @param _searchString the search string to look for * @return whether or not _str contains _searchString */ public static boolean quicksilverContains(String _str, String _searchString) { boolean equals; if (_str == null) {// || _searchString == null || _searchString.length() == 0) { equals = false; } else { equals = true; if (_searchString != null && _searchString.length() > 0) { int searchStringLength = _searchString.length(); int strLength = _str.length(); int strPos = 0; for (int searchStringPos = 0; equals && searchStringPos < searchStringLength; searchStringPos++) { char searchStringCh = Character.toLowerCase(_searchString.charAt(searchStringPos)); boolean searchStringChFound = false; for (; !searchStringChFound && strPos < strLength; strPos++) { char strCh = _str.charAt(strPos); searchStringChFound = (Character.toLowerCase(strCh) == searchStringCh); } if (!searchStringChFound) { equals = false; } } } } return equals; } /** * Generate an MD5 hash from a String. * * @param str the string to hash * @param encoding MD5 operates on byte arrays, so we need to know the encoding to getBytes as * @return the MD5 sum of the bytes */ public static byte[] md5(String str, String encoding) { byte[] bytes; if (str == null) { bytes = new byte[0]; } else { try { if(encoding == null) { encoding = CharEncoding.UTF_8; } bytes = ERXFileUtilities.md5(new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes(encoding))); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e); } } return bytes; } /** * Generate an MD5 hash as hex from a String. * * @param str the string to hash * @param encoding MD5 operates on byte arrays, so we need to know the encoding to getBytes as * @return the MD5 sum of the bytes in a hex string */ public static String md5Hex(String str, String encoding) { String hexStr; if (str == null) { hexStr = null; } else { hexStr = ERXStringUtilities.byteArrayToHexString(ERXStringUtilities.md5(str, encoding)); } return hexStr; } /** * Returns a string case-matched against the original string. For instance, if originalString * is "Mike" and newString is "john", this returns "John". If originalString is "HTTP" and * newString is "something", this returns "SOMETHING". * * @param originalString the original string to analyze the case of * @param newString the new string * @return the case-matched variant of newString */ public static String matchCase(String originalString, String newString) { String matchedCase = newString; if (matchedCase != null) { int length = originalString.length(); if (length > 0) { boolean uppercase = true; boolean lowercase = true; boolean capitalize = true; for (int i = 0; i < length; i ++) { char ch = originalString.charAt(i); if (Character.isUpperCase(ch)) { lowercase = false; if (i > 0) { capitalize = false; } } else { uppercase = false; if (i == 0) { capitalize = false; } } } if (capitalize) { matchedCase = ERXStringUtilities.capitalize(newString); } else if (uppercase) { matchedCase = newString.toUpperCase(); } else if (lowercase) { matchedCase = newString.toLowerCase(); } } } return matchedCase; } // ########################################################################################## // private methods // ########################################################################################## public static void indent(PrintWriter writer, int level) { for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { writer.append(" "); } } public static void indent(StringBuffer sb, int level) { for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { sb.append(" "); } } private static void dumpArray(StringBuffer sb, NSArray array, int level) { sb.append("(\n"); for(Enumeration e = array.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Object value = e.nextElement(); dumpObject(sb, value, level+1); sb.append(",\n"); } indent(sb, level); sb.append(')'); } private static void dumpDictionary(StringBuffer sb, NSDictionary dict, int level) { sb.append("{\n"); for(Enumeration e = dict.keyEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Object key = e.nextElement(); Object value = dict.objectForKey(key); indent(sb, level+1); sb.append(key).append(" = "); dumpObject(sb, value, level+1); sb.append(";\n"); } indent(sb, level); sb.append('}'); } private static NSDictionary<String, Object> databaseOperationAsDictionary(EODatabaseOperation op) { NSMutableDictionary<String, Object> dict = new NSMutableDictionary<>(8); int operator = op.databaseOperator(); if(operator == 0) { dict.setObjectForKey("EODatabaseNothingOperator", "_databaseOperator"); } else if(operator == 1) { dict.setObjectForKey("EODatabaseInsertOperator", "_databaseOperator"); } else if(operator == 3) { dict.setObjectForKey("EODatabaseDeleteOperator", "_databaseOperator"); } else if(operator == 2) { dict.setObjectForKey("EODatabaseUpdateOperator", "_databaseOperator"); } else { dict.setObjectForKey("<unrecognized value>", "_databaseOperator"); } if(op.newRow() != null) dict.setObjectForKey(op.newRow(), "_newRow"); if(op.dbSnapshot() != null) dict.setObjectForKey(op.dbSnapshot(), "_dbSnapshot"); if(op.globalID() != null) dict.setObjectForKey(op.globalID(), "_globalID"); if(op.entity() != null) dict.setObjectForKey(op.entity().name(), "_entity"); if(op.adaptorOperations() != null) dict.setObjectForKey(op.adaptorOperations(), "_adaptorOps"); if(op.object() != null) dict.setObjectForKey(op.object().toString(), "_object"); return dict; } /** * Debug method to get the EOAdaptorOperation as a dictionary that can be pretty-printed later. * The output from a EOGeneralAdaptorException.userInfo.toString is pretty much unreadable. * @param op */ private static NSDictionary<String, Object> adaptorOperationAsDictionary(EOAdaptorOperation op) { NSMutableDictionary<String, Object> dict = new NSMutableDictionary<>(); int operator = op.adaptorOperator(); if(operator == 0) { dict.setObjectForKey("EOAdaptorLockOperator", "_adaptorOperator"); } else if (operator == 1) { dict.setObjectForKey("EOAdaptorInsertOperator", "_adaptorOperator"); } else if (operator == 3) { dict.setObjectForKey("EOAdaptorDeleteOperator", "_adaptorOperator"); } else if (operator == 2) { dict.setObjectForKey("EOAdaptorUpdateOperator", "_adaptorOperator"); } else { dict.setObjectForKey("<unrecognized value>", "_adaptorOperator"); } if(op.entity() != null) dict.setObjectForKey(op.entity(), "_entity"); if(op.qualifier() != null) dict.setObjectForKey(op.qualifier().toString(), "_qualifier"); if(op.changedValues() != null) dict.setObjectForKey(op.changedValues(), "_changedValues"); if(op.exception() != null) dict.setObjectForKey(op.exception(), "_exception"); return dict; } private static void dumpObject(StringBuffer sb, Object value, int level) { if(value instanceof NSDictionary) { dumpDictionary(sb, (NSDictionary)value, level); } else if (value instanceof NSArray) { dumpArray(sb, (NSArray)value, level); } else if (value instanceof NSData) { NSData data = (NSData)value; sb.append(byteArrayToHexString(data.bytes())); } else if (value instanceof EODatabaseOperation) { dumpDictionary(sb, databaseOperationAsDictionary((EODatabaseOperation)value), level); } else if (value instanceof EOAdaptorOperation) { dumpDictionary(sb, adaptorOperationAsDictionary((EOAdaptorOperation)value), level); } else { indent(sb, level); sb.append(value); } } /** * "Borrowed" from 1.5's Class.getSimpleBinaryName */ private static String getSimpleBinaryName(Class clazz) { Class declaringClass = clazz.getDeclaringClass(); if (declaringClass == null) { return null; } try { return clazz.getName().substring(declaringClass.getName().length()); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new InternalError("Malformed class name"); } } /** * "Borrowed" from 1.5's Class.getSimpleClassName */ public static String getSimpleClassName(Class clazz) { if (clazz.isArray()) { return ERXStringUtilities.getSimpleClassName(clazz.getComponentType()) + "[]"; } String declaringClassName = ERXStringUtilities.getSimpleBinaryName(clazz); if (declaringClassName == null) { declaringClassName = clazz.getName(); return declaringClassName.substring(declaringClassName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); } int i = declaringClassName.length(); if (i < 1 || declaringClassName.charAt(0) != '$') { throw new InternalError("Malformed class name"); } int j; for (j = 1; j < i && CharUtils.isAsciiNumeric(declaringClassName.charAt(j)); j++) { } return declaringClassName.substring(j); } /** * Same as NSPropertySerialization except it sorts on keys first. * @param dict */ public static String stringFromDictionary(NSDictionary dict) { NSArray orderedKeys = dict.allKeys(); orderedKeys = ERXArrayUtilities.sortedArraySortedWithKey(orderedKeys, "toString.toLowerCase"); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (Enumeration keys = orderedKeys.objectEnumerator(); keys.hasMoreElements();) { Object key = keys.nextElement(); Object value = dict.objectForKey(key); String stringValue = NSPropertyListSerialization.stringFromPropertyList(value); String stringKey = NSPropertyListSerialization.stringFromPropertyList(key); if(!(value instanceof String)) { stringValue = stringValue.replaceAll("\n", "\n\t"); } result.append('\t'); result.append(stringKey); result.append(" = "); result.append(stringValue); result.append(";\n"); } return "{\n" + result + "}\n"; } /** * It's ridiculous that StringBuffer doesn't have a .regionMatches like String. This is * stolen from String and re-implemented on top of StringBuffer. It's slightly slower than * String's because we have to call charAt instead of just accessing the underlying array, * but so be it. * * @param str the StringBuffer to compare a region of * @param toffset the starting offset of the sub-region in this string. * @param other the string argument. * @param ooffset the starting offset of the sub-region in the string argument. * @param len the number of characters to compare. * @return <code>true</code> if the specified sub-region of this string * exactly matches the specified sub-region of the string argument; * <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public static boolean regionMatches(StringBuffer str, int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len) { int to = toffset; int po = ooffset; // Note: toffset, ooffset, or len might be near -1>>>1. int count = str.length(); int otherCount = other.length(); if ((ooffset < 0) || (toffset < 0) || (toffset > (long)count - len) || (ooffset > (long)otherCount - len)) { return false; } while (len-- > 0) { if (str.charAt(to++) != other.charAt(po++)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Converts source to be suitable for use as an identifier in JavaScript. prefix is prefixed to source * if the first character of source is not suitable to start an identifier (e.g. a number). Any characters * in source that are not allowed in an identifier are replaced with replacement. * * @see Character#isJavaIdentifierStart(char) * @see Character#isJavaIdentifierPart(char) * * @param source String to make into a identifier name * @param prefix String to prefix source with to make it a valid identifier name * @param replacement character to use to replace characters in source that are no allowed in an identifier name * @return source converted to a name suitable for use as an identifier in JavaScript */ public static String safeIdentifierName(String source, String prefix, char replacement) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); // Add prefix if source does not start with valid character if (source == null || source.length() == 0 || !Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(source.charAt(0))) { b.append(prefix); } b.append(source); for (int i = 0; i < b.length(); i++) { char c = b.charAt(i); if ( ! Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) { b.setCharAt(i, replacement); } } return b.toString(); } /** * Convenience method to call safeIdentifierName(source, prefix, '_') * * @see #safeIdentifierName(String, String, char) * * @param source String to make into a identifier name * @param prefix String to prefix source with to make it a valid identifier name * @return source converted to a name suitable for use as an identifier in JavaScript */ public static String safeIdentifierName(String source, String prefix) { return safeIdentifierName(source, prefix, '_'); } /** * Convenience method to call safeIdentifierName(source, "_", '_') * * @see #safeIdentifierName(String, String, char) * * @param source String to make into a identifier name * @return source converted to a name suitable for use as an identifier in JavaScript */ public static String safeIdentifierName(String source) { return safeIdentifierName(source, "_", '_'); } /** * Utility to encode an URL without the try/catch. Throws an NSForwardException in the unlikely case that ERXMessageEncoding.defaultEncoding() can't be found. * @param string */ public static String urlEncode(String string) { try { return URLEncoder.encode(string, ERXMessageEncoding.defaultEncoding()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e); } } /** * Utility to decode an URL without the try/catch. Throws an NSForwardException in the unlikely case that ERXMessageEncoding.defaultEncoding() can't be found. * @param string */ public static String urlDecode(String string) { try { return URLDecoder.decode(string, ERXMessageEncoding.defaultEncoding()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e); } } /** * Utility to convert to UTF-8 bytes without the try/catch. Throws an NSForwardException in the unlikely case that your encoding can't be found. * @param string string to convert */ public static byte[] toUTF8Bytes(String string) { return toBytes(string, CharEncoding.UTF_8); } /** * Utility to convert to bytes without the try/catch. Throws an NSForwardException in the unlikely case that your encoding can't be found. * @param string string to convert * @param encoding */ public static byte[] toBytes(String string, String encoding) { if(string == null) { return null; } try { return string.getBytes(encoding); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e); } } /** * Utility to convert from UTF-8 bytes without the try/catch. Throws an NSForwardException in the unlikely case that your encoding can't be found. * @param bytes string to convert */ public static String fromUTF8Bytes(byte bytes[]) { return fromBytes(bytes, CharEncoding.UTF_8); } /** * Utility to convert from bytes without the try/catch. Throws an NSForwardException in the unlikely case that your encoding can't be found. * @param bytes string to convert * @param encoding */ public static String fromBytes(byte bytes[], String encoding) { if(bytes == null) { return null; } try { return new String(bytes, encoding); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e); } } /** * Pads a string to the specified number of chars by adding the the given pad char on the right side. If the * string is longer than paddedLength, it is returned unchanged. * * @param string the string to pad * @param padChar the character to pad with * @param paddedLength the length to pad to * @return the padded string */ public static String rightPad(String string, char padChar, int paddedLength) { if (string.length() >= paddedLength) { return string; } StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(string); for (int i = string.length(); i < paddedLength; i++) { buffer.append(padChar); } return buffer.toString(); } /** * Pads a string to the specified number of chars by adding the the given pad char on the left side. If the * string is longer than paddedLength, it is returned unchanged. * * @param string the string to pad * @param padChar the character to pad with * @param paddedLength the length to pad to * @return the padded string */ public static String leftPad(String string, char padChar, int paddedLength) { if (string.length() >= paddedLength) { return string; } StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = string.length(); i < paddedLength; i++) { buffer.append(padChar); } buffer.append(string); return buffer.toString(); } /** * Inserts the a string into another string at a particular offset. * * @param destinationString the string to insert into * @param contentToInsert the string to insert * @param insertOffset the offset in destinationString to insert * @return the resulting string */ public static String insertString(String destinationString, String contentToInsert, int insertOffset) { String result; if (destinationString == null) { if (insertOffset > 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("You attempted to insert '" + contentToInsert + "' into an empty string at the offset " + insertOffset + "."); } result = contentToInsert; } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(destinationString.length() + contentToInsert.length()); sb.append(destinationString.substring(0, insertOffset)); sb.append(contentToInsert); sb.append(destinationString.substring(insertOffset)); result = sb.toString(); } return result; } /** * Null-safe wrapper for java.lang.String.trim * @param s string to trim * @return trimmed string or null if s was null */ public static String trimString(String s) { if (s == null) { return s; } return s.trim(); } /** * Removes line breaks and quotes the string if necessary * * @param s * * @return the string in Excel save CSV format */ public static String excelSafeCsvString(String s) { if (s != null) { boolean mustQuote = false; s = unquote(s, "\""); s = s.replaceAll("\r", ""); s = s.replaceAll("\n", ""); if (s.contains("\"")) { s = s.replaceAll("\"", "\"\""); mustQuote = true; } if (s.contains(",")) mustQuote = true; if (mustQuote) s = quote(s, "\""); } return s; } /** * Remove the quote symbols from the given string * * @param s * @param quoteSymbol * * @return the string unquoted */ public static String unquote(String s, String quoteSymbol) { if (s == null || quoteSymbol == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Neither the string nor the quote symbol are allowed to be null"); if (s.startsWith(quoteSymbol) && s.endsWith(quoteSymbol)) { s = s.substring(1); s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); } return s; } /** * Quote the given string with the provided quote symbols * * @param s the string to quote * @param quoteSymbol - the quote symbol * * @return quoted string */ public static String quote(String s, String quoteSymbol) { if (s == null || quoteSymbol == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Neither the string nor the quote symbol are allowed to be null"); } s = new StringBuilder().append(quoteSymbol).append(s).append(quoteSymbol).toString(); return s; } /** * Appends a CSS class to an existing (possibly null) CSS class string. * * @param originalString the original string * @param cssClass the new CSS class to append * @return the CSS classes appended together (with a space between if originalString is non-empty) */ public static String stringByAppendingCSSClass(String originalString, String cssClass) { String newString; if (cssClass == null || cssClass.length() == 0) { newString = originalString; } else if (originalString == null || originalString.length() == 0) { newString = cssClass; } else { newString = originalString + " " + cssClass; } return newString; } /** * Removes HTML characters from the given string. * * @param str the string to remove HTML from * @param convertChars set to true if you want html special chars to be converted ( ex. © to (C) ), false otherwise * @return the string without HTML characters in it */ public static String stripHtml(String str, boolean convertChars) { String stripped = str; if (stripped != null) { stripped = stripped.replaceAll("<[^>]*>", " "); if(convertChars) { stripped = stripped.replaceAll("\\s+", " "); stripped = stripped.replaceAll("’", "'"); stripped = stripped.replaceAll("©", "(C)"); stripped = stripped.replaceAll("×", " x "); stripped = stripped.replaceAll("…", "..."); stripped = stripped.replaceAll("—", " -- "); stripped = stripped.replaceAll("–", " - "); stripped = stripped.replaceAll("“", "\""); stripped = stripped.replaceAll("”", "\""); stripped = stripped.replaceAll("®", "(C)"); stripped = stripped.replaceAll("®", "(R)"); stripped = stripped.replaceAll("™", "(TM)"); stripped = stripped.trim(); } } return stripped; } /** * Removes all of the HTML tags from a given string. * Note: this is a very simplistic implementation * and will most likely not work with complex HTML. * Note: for actual conversion of HTML tags into regular * strings have a look at {@link ERXSimpleHTMLFormatter} * @param s html string * @return string with all of its html tags removed */ // FIXME: this is so simplistic it will break if you sneeze public static String removeHTMLTagsFromString(String s) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (s != null && s.length()>0) { int position=0; while (position<s.length()) { int indexOfOpeningTag=s.indexOf("<",position); if (indexOfOpeningTag!=-1) { if (indexOfOpeningTag!=position) result.append(s.substring(position, indexOfOpeningTag)); position=indexOfOpeningTag+1; } else { result.append(s.substring(position, s.length())); position=s.length(); } int indexOfClosingTag=s.indexOf(">",position); if (indexOfClosingTag!=-1) { position= indexOfClosingTag +1; } else { result.append(s.substring(position, s.length())); position=s.length(); } } } return StringUtils.replace(result.toString(), " "," "); } /** * Returns the value stripped from HTML tags if <b>escapeHTML</b> is false. * This makes sense because it is not terribly useful to have half-finished tags in your code. * Note that the "length" of the resulting string is not very exact. * FIXME: we could remove extra whitespace and character entities here * @return value stripped from tags. */ public static String strippedValue(String value, int length) { if(value == null || value.length() < 1) return null; StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(value, "<", false); int token = value.charAt(0) == '<' ? 0 : 1; String nextPart = null; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int currentLength = result.length(); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() && currentLength < length && currentLength < value.length()) { if(token == 0) nextPart = tokenizer.nextToken(">"); else { nextPart = tokenizer.nextToken("<"); if(nextPart.length() > 0 && nextPart.charAt(0) == '>') nextPart = nextPart.substring(1); } if (nextPart != null && token != 0) { result.append(nextPart); currentLength += nextPart.length(); } token = 1 - token; } return result.toString(); } /** * Attempts to convert string values for attributes into the appropriate * value class for the attribute. If the method is unable to convert the * value, it returns null. * * @param attr The attribute for the value in question. * @param strVal The string value to be coerced. * @param encoding The encoding used if the attribute value class is custom * and the factory method does not accept a string. * @param formatter The formatter used if the value class is NSTimestamp. * @return The coerced object value or null. */ public static Object attributeValueFromString(EOAttribute attr, String strVal, String encoding, Format formatter) { Object val = null; Class attrValueClass = null; try { attrValueClass = Class.forName(attr.className()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { //An attribute has a className that is not in the classpath throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(cnfe); } // If value is a date, parse using the formatter. if(NSTimestamp.class.equals(attrValueClass)) { Date parseResult = null; try { parseResult = (Date)formatter.parseObject(strVal); val = new NSTimestamp(parseResult); } catch(ParseException pe) { // If the user mangles the date format in the URL, we probably // want to feed them an error page rather than handle it here. throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(pe); } // If number, convert string to number type with reflection. } else if(Number.class.isAssignableFrom(attrValueClass)) { val = attributeNumberValueFromString(attr, strVal); // If string, it's a direct assignment } else if (String.class.equals(attrValueClass)) { val = strVal; // If none of the above, check for a custom factory method. } else if(attr.valueFactoryMethod()!=null) { val = attributeCustomValueFromString(attr, strVal, encoding); } return val; } /** * Attempts to convert string values for attributes into the appropriate * value class for the attribute. If the method is unable to convert the * value, it returns null. * * @param attr The attribute for the value in question. * @param strVal The string value to be coerced. * @return The coerced object value or null. */ public static Number attributeNumberValueFromString(EOAttribute attr, String strVal) { Number val = null; // Determine the date class required String typeString = attr.valueType(); if (typeString != null) { char key = typeString.charAt(0); String numberType = null; switch (key) { case EOAttribute._VTByte: numberType = Byte.class.getName(); break; case EOAttribute._VTShort: numberType = Short.class.getName(); break; case EOAttribute._VTInteger: numberType = Integer.class.getName(); break; case EOAttribute._VTLong: numberType = Long.class.getName(); break; case EOAttribute._VTFloat: numberType = Float.class.getName(); break; case EOAttribute._VTDouble: numberType = Double.class.getName(); break; case EOAttribute._VTBigDecimal: numberType = BigDecimal.class.getName(); break; case EOAttribute._VTBoolean: numberType = Boolean.class.getName(); break; default: break; } // Generate value through reflection if(numberType!=null) { try { Class numberClass = Class.forName(numberType); Constructor numberConstructor = numberClass.getConstructor(new Class[] {String.class}); val = (Number)numberConstructor.newInstance(strVal); } catch(Exception e) { throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e); } } } return val; } /** * Attempts to convert string values for attributes into the appropriate * value class for the attribute. If the method is unable to convert the * value, it returns null. * * @param attr The attribute for the value in question. * @param strVal The string value to be coerced. * @param encoding The encoding used if the attribute value class is custom * and the factory method does not accept a string. * @return The coerced object value or null. */ public static Object attributeCustomValueFromString(EOAttribute attr, String strVal, String encoding) { Object val = null; Class attrValueClass = null; try { attrValueClass = Class.forName(attr.className()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { //An attribute has a className that is not in the classpath NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(cnfe); } NSSelector sel = attr.valueFactoryMethod(); try { Method m = sel.methodOnClass(attrValueClass); switch (attr.factoryMethodArgumentType()) { case EOAttribute.FactoryMethodArgumentIsBytes: if(encoding==null){throw new NullPointerException();} byte[] b = strVal.getBytes(encoding); val = m.invoke(null, new Object[] {b}); break; case EOAttribute.FactoryMethodArgumentIsData: if(encoding==null){throw new NullPointerException();} NSData d = new NSData(strVal, encoding); val = m.invoke(null, new Object[] {d}); break; case EOAttribute.FactoryMethodArgumentIsString: val = m.invoke(null, new Object[] {strVal}); break; default: break; } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { throw npe; } catch (Exception e) { throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e); } return val; } /** * Returns whether the given value falls in a range defined by the given string, which is * in the format "1-5,100,500,800-1000". * * @param value the value to check for * @param rangeString the range string to parse * @return whether or not the value falls within the given ranges */ public static boolean isValueInRange(int value, String rangeString) { boolean rangeMatches = false; if (rangeString != null && rangeString.length() > 0) { String[] ranges = rangeString.split(","); for (String range : ranges) { range = range.trim(); int dashIndex = range.indexOf('-'); if (dashIndex == -1) { int singleValue = Integer.parseInt(range); if (value == singleValue) { rangeMatches = true; break; } } else { int lowValue = Integer.parseInt(range.substring(0, dashIndex).trim()); int highValue = Integer.parseInt(range.substring(dashIndex + 1).trim()); if (value >= lowValue && value <= highValue) { rangeMatches = true; break; } } } } return rangeMatches; } /** * Masks a given string with a single character in the substring specified by the * begin and end indexes. Negative indexes count from the end of the string * beginning with -1. For example, * <code>maskStringWithCharacter("Visa 4111111111111111", '*', 5, -4);</code> will * result in a string value of "Visa ************1111" * * @param arg The string value to mask * @param mask The character mask * @param beginIndex The string index where masking begins. * Negative numbers count down from the end of the string. * @param endIndex The index where masking ends. * Negative numbers count down from the end of the string * @return The masked string result */ public static String maskStringWithCharacter(String arg, char mask, int beginIndex, int endIndex) { int length = arg.length(); //Get the actual begin and end index. int begin = (beginIndex < 0)?length + beginIndex:beginIndex; int end = (endIndex < 0)?length + endIndex:endIndex; int sub = end - begin; if(sub < 0) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(sub); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(arg.substring(0, begin)); for(int i = 0; i < sub; i++) { sb.append(mask); } sb.append(arg.substring(end, length)); return sb.toString(); } /** * A fast Luhn algorithm check. This method only verifies that the string * argument validates with the Luhn algorithm. It does not attempt to verify * if the number conforms to ISO/IEC 7812 specifications. * * @param value * A string value consisting of numeric digits between 0-9. If * the number contains hyphens, spaces, or anything other than a * string of digits between 0-9 the method returns false. * * @return true if the value passes a luhn check, false otherwise. */ public static boolean luhnCheck(String value) { final int length = value.length(), parity = length % 2; final char zero = '0'; int sum = 0; for (int i = 0, tmp = 0; i < length; i++) { tmp = value.charAt(i) - zero; if (tmp < 0 || tmp > 9) { return false; } sum += (i % 2 == parity) ? ((2 * tmp) / 10) + ((2 * tmp) % 10) : tmp; } return sum % 10 == 0; } /** * Returns a string trimmed about at the max length you define without truncating the last word and adding "..." (if necessary) * * @param trimmingString the string you would like to trim * @param maxLenght the max length you need * @return the string trimmed */ public static String wordSafeTrimmedString(String trimmingString, int maxLenght) { String cuttedString = trimmingString; if ( ( trimmingString != null ) && ( trimmingString.length() > maxLenght ) ) { trimmingString = stripHtml(trimmingString,false); if( trimmingString.length() > maxLenght) { int space = trimmingString.indexOf(" ",(maxLenght - 20)); try { cuttedString = trimmingString.substring(0, space)+" ..."; } catch ( Exception e ) { //GIVE UP } } } return cuttedString; } /** * <span class="en"> * trim leading 0 from a (Number) String * * @param str - the String * * @return Result String * </span> * * <span class="ja"> * 半角数字の前の0を取る処理。 * * @param str - 処理対象の文字列 * * @return 処理済みの文字列 * </span> */ @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") public static String trimZeroInFrontOfNumbers(String str){ // 文字有無確認 if(stringIsNullOrEmpty(str)) return str; // 不必要番号削除処理 int loopIdxMax = str.length() -1; StringBuilder retStr = new StringBuilder(loopIdxMax +1); char targetChar; boolean alladdFlg = false; for(int loopIdx = 0; loopIdx < loopIdxMax; loopIdx++){ targetChar = str.charAt(loopIdx); if(alladdFlg || ((targetChar >= '1') && (targetChar <= '9')) ){ retStr.append ( targetChar ); // 文字コードが0以外なら残りを全て保存 alladdFlg = true; } } retStr.append (str.charAt(loopIdxMax)); // 最後のコードを追加 return retStr.toString(); } /** * Given an initial string and an array of substrings, * Removes any occurrences of any of the substrings * from the initial string. Used in conjunction with * fuzzy matching. * @param newString initial string from which to remove other strings * @param toBeCleaneds array of substrings to be removed from the initial string. * @return cleaned string. */ // FIXME: Should use a StringBuffer instead of creating strings all over the place. public static String cleanString(String newString, NSArray<String> toBeCleaneds) { String result=newString; if (newString!=null) { for(Enumeration e = toBeCleaneds.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();){ String toBeCleaned = (String)e.nextElement(); if(newString.toUpperCase().indexOf(toBeCleaned)>-1){ result=newString.substring(0, newString.toUpperCase().indexOf(toBeCleaned)); } } } return result; } public static boolean isBlank(String value) { boolean isBlank = false; if (value == null || value.trim().length() == 0) { isBlank = true; } return isBlank; } public static boolean isNotBlank(String value) { return ! isBlank(value); } }