package er.extensions.statistics; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.MathContext; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * <p> * ERXStats provides a simple interface for logging statistics information like * WOEvent, but also tracked on a per-thread basis (so you can dump stats just * for a particular thread). YOU PROBABLY DO NOT WANT TO TURN THIS ON IN * PRODUCTION. * </p> * * <p> * As an example, you may want to track stats on keypaths in your components. In your * base components, you could add: * </p> * <pre><code> * public Object valueForKeyPath(String keyPath) { * Object value; * if (_shouldTrackStats) { * String logName = ERXStringUtilities.getSimpleClassName(getClass()) + ": " + keyPath; * ERXStats.markStart(logName); * value = super.valueForKeyPath(keyPath); * ERXStats.markEnd(logName); * } * else { * value = super.valueForKeyPath(keyPath); * } * return value; * } * </code></pre> * * @author anjo * @author mschrag * * @property er.extensions.erxStats.enabled if true, stats will be initialized on each for each request * @property er.extensions.erxStats.traceCollectingEnabled defaults to false * @property er.extensions.erxStats.max the maximum historical stats to collect (defaults to 1000) */ public class ERXStats { private static final String STATS_INITIALIZED_KEY = "er.extensions.erxStats.initialized"; private static final String STATS_START_TIME_KEY = "er.extensions.erxStats.startTime"; private static final String STATS_LAST_TIME_KEY = "er.extensions.erxStats.lastTime"; private static final String STATS_MAX_KEY = "er.extensions.erxStats.max"; private static final String STATS_KEY = "er.extensions.erxStats.statistics"; public static final String STATS_ENABLED_KEY = "er.extensions.erxStats.enabled"; public static final String STATS_TRACE_COLLECTING_ENABLED_KEY = "er.extensions.erxStats.traceCollectingEnabled"; public static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ERXStats.class); public interface Group { public String Default = " "; public String SQL = "SQL"; public String Component = "Component"; public String ComponentTakeValuesFromRequest = "Component (takeValuesFromRequest)"; public String ComponentInvokeAction = "Component (invokeAction)"; public String Batching = "Batching"; } private static NSMutableArray<NSMutableDictionary<String, LogEntry>> _allStatistics = new NSMutableArray<NSMutableDictionary<String, LogEntry>>(); /** * Initializes the logging system if the property * er.extensions.erxStats.enabled is true. ERXApplication.dispatchRequest * will automatically call this. */ public static void initStatisticsIfNecessary() { if (areStatisticsEnabled()) { ERXStats.initStatistics(); } } /** * */ private static boolean areStatisticsEnabled() { return ERXProperties.booleanForKey(ERXStats.STATS_ENABLED_KEY); } /** * */ public static boolean traceCollectingEnabled() { return ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault(ERXStats.STATS_TRACE_COLLECTING_ENABLED_KEY, false); } /** * Initializes the logging stats manually. You can call this if you want to * turn on thread logging just for a particular area of your application. */ public static void initStatistics() { ERXThreadStorage.takeValueForKey(Boolean.TRUE, ERXStats.STATS_INITIALIZED_KEY); ERXThreadStorage.takeValueForKey(Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), ERXStats.STATS_START_TIME_KEY); ERXThreadStorage.removeValueForKey(ERXStats.STATS_LAST_TIME_KEY); ERXThreadStorage.removeValueForKey(ERXStats.STATS_KEY); } /** * Returns true if the current thread is tracking statistics. * * @return true if the current thread is tracking statistics */ public static boolean isTrackingStatistics() { Boolean statsInitialized = (Boolean) ERXThreadStorage.valueForKey(ERXStats.STATS_INITIALIZED_KEY); return statsInitialized != null && statsInitialized.booleanValue(); } /** * Returns the statistics for the current thread. * * @return the statistics for the current thread */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static NSMutableDictionary<String, LogEntry> statistics() { NSMutableDictionary<String, LogEntry> statistics = (NSMutableDictionary<String, LogEntry>) ERXThreadStorage.valueForKey(ERXStats.STATS_KEY); if (statistics == null) { statistics = new NSMutableDictionary<>(); ERXThreadStorage.takeValueForKey(statistics, ERXStats.STATS_KEY); synchronized (_allStatistics) { ERXStats._allStatistics.addObject(statistics); int maxStatistics = ERXProperties.intForKeyWithDefault(ERXStats.STATS_MAX_KEY, 1000); if (ERXStats._allStatistics.count() > maxStatistics) { ERXStats._allStatistics.removeObjectAtIndex(0); } } } return statistics; } /** * Returns the log entry for the given key. * * @param key * the key to lookup * @return the log entry for the given key */ public static LogEntry logEntryForKey(String key) { LogEntry entry = null; NSMutableDictionary<String, LogEntry> statistics = ERXStats.statistics(); if (statistics != null) { synchronized (statistics) { entry = statistics.objectForKey(key); if (entry == null) { entry = new LogEntry(key); statistics.setObjectForKey(entry, key); } } } return entry; } /** * Returns the log entry for the given key within the specified logging group. * * @param group * the logging group to search for the key * @param key * the key to lookup * @return the log entry for the given key */ public static LogEntry logEntryForKey(String group, String key) { return logEntryForKey(makeKey(group, key)); } /** * Returns the aggregate key names for all of the threads that have been * recorded. * * @return the aggregate key names for all of the threads that have been * recorded */ public static NSSet<String> aggregateKeys() { NSMutableSet<String> keys = new NSMutableSet<>(); for (NSMutableDictionary<String, LogEntry> statistics : ERXStats._allStatistics) { keys.addObjectsFromArray(statistics.allKeys()); } return keys; } /** * Returns a LogEntry that represents the aggregate data collected for the * given key in all of the recorded threads. * * @param key * the key to lookup aggregate stats for * @return the aggregate log entry for the given key */ private static LogEntry aggregateLogEntryForKey(String key) { LogEntry aggregateLogEntry = new LogEntry(key); if (key != null) { synchronized (ERXStats._allStatistics) { for (NSMutableDictionary<String, LogEntry> statistics : ERXStats._allStatistics) { LogEntry logEntry = statistics.objectForKey(key); if (logEntry != null) { aggregateLogEntry._add(logEntry); } } } } return aggregateLogEntry; } /** * Returns an array of LogEntries that represents the aggregate time for * all of the tracked stats in the queue, uniqued on key. * * @return an aggregate set of log entries */ public static NSArray<LogEntry> aggregateLogEntries() { NSMutableArray<LogEntry> aggregateLogEntries = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (String key : aggregateKeys()) { LogEntry logEntry = ERXStats.aggregateLogEntryForKey(key); if (logEntry != null) { aggregateLogEntries.addObject(logEntry); } } return aggregateLogEntries; } /** * Mark the start of a process, call markEnd when it is over to log the * duration. * * @param key the key log to start logging */ public static void markStart(String group, String key) { LogEntry entry = ERXStats.logEntryForKey(makeKey(group, key)); if (entry != null) { entry.start(); } } /** * Mark the start of a process, call markEnd when it is over to log the * duration. * * @param key the key log to start logging */ public static void markStart(String key) { markStart(Group.Default, key); } /** * Marks the end of a process, and calls addDuration(..) with the * time since markStart. * * @param key the key to log under */ public static void markEnd(String group, String key) { LogEntry entry = ERXStats.logEntryForKey(makeKey(group, key)); if (entry != null) { entry.end(); } } /** * Marks the end of a process, and calls addDuration(..) with the * time since markStart. * * @param key the key to log under */ public static void markEnd(String key) { markEnd(Group.Default, key); } /** * Adds the specified duration in milliseconds for the given key. * * @param duration the duration in milliseconds of the operation * @param key the name to log the time under */ public static void addDurationForKey(long duration, String key) { addDurationForKey(duration, Group.Default, key); } /** * Adds the specified duration in milliseconds for the given key. * * @param duration the duration in milliseconds of the operation * @param key the name to log the time under */ public static void addDurationForKey(long duration, String group, String key) { LogEntry entry = ERXStats.logEntryForKey(makeKey(group, key)); if (entry != null) { entry.add(duration); } } private static String makeKey(String group, String key) { return group != null ? group + "." + key : key; } /** * Resets statistics for this thread AND the global queue. */ public static synchronized void reset() { _allStatistics.removeAllObjects(); ERXThreadStorage.removeValueForKey(ERXStats.STATS_KEY); } /** * Logs the messages since the last call to initStatistics() ordered by some * key. * * @param operation * operation to sort on ("sum", "count", "min", "max", "avg") */ public static void logStatisticsForOperation(String operation) { logStatisticsForOperation(log, operation); } /** * Logs the messages since the last call to initStatistics() ordered by some * key. Note that no log message is output if there aren't any values * * @param operation * operation to sort on ("sum", "count", "min", "max", "avg", "key") */ public static void logStatisticsForOperation(Logger statsLog, String operation) { if(statsLog.isDebugEnabled()) { NSMutableDictionary statistics = ERXStats.statistics(); if (statistics != null) { synchronized (statistics) { NSArray values = ERXArrayUtilities.sortedArraySortedWithKey(statistics.allValues(), operation); if (values.count() > 0) { Long startTime = (Long) ERXThreadStorage.valueForKey(ERXStats.STATS_START_TIME_KEY); Long lastTime = (Long) ERXThreadStorage.valueForKey(ERXStats.STATS_LAST_TIME_KEY); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String result = NSPropertyListSerialization.stringFromPropertyList(values); // result = result.replaceAll("\\n\\t", "\n\t\t"); // result = result.replaceAll("\\n", "\n\t\t"); statsLog.debug( (startTime != null ? "Time since init " + (currentTime - startTime.longValue()) + " ms": "" ) + (lastTime != null ? ", last log " + (currentTime - lastTime.longValue()) + " ms": "" ) + ", total cnt/sum: " + statistics.allValues().valueForKeyPath("@sum.count") + "/" + statistics.allValues().valueForKeyPath("@sum.sum") + " (cnt/sum : min/max/avg|trace cnt -> key) = " + result); ERXThreadStorage.takeValueForKey(Long.valueOf(currentTime), ERXStats.STATS_LAST_TIME_KEY); } } } } } /** * A statistics logging entry. */ public static class LogEntry { private float _avg; private long _count; private long _min; private long _max; private long _sum; private long _latestDuration; private String _key; private Set<String> _traces = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<String>()); private NSArray<String> _traceArray = null; private long _lastMark; public LogEntry(String key) { _key = key; _avg = -1.0f; _min = Long.MAX_VALUE; _latestDuration = -1; } public synchronized void _add(LogEntry logEntry) { long originalCount = _count; if (logEntry._min < _min) { _min = logEntry._min; } if (logEntry._max > _max) { _max = logEntry._max; } _sum += logEntry._sum; _count += logEntry._count; _avg = -1.0f; _traces.addAll(logEntry._traces); _traceArray = null; } public synchronized long count() { return _count; } public synchronized long min() { return _min; } public synchronized long max() { return _max; } public synchronized long sum() { return _sum; } public synchronized long latestDuration() { return _latestDuration; } public synchronized void start() { _lastMark = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public synchronized void end() { if (_lastMark > 0) { add(System.currentTimeMillis() - _lastMark); _lastMark = 0; } else {"You called ERXStats.end before calling ERXStats.start."); } } public synchronized void add(long time) { _latestDuration = time; if (time < _min) { _min = time; } if (time > _max) { _max = time; } _count++; _sum += time; _avg = -1.0f; if (traceCollectingEnabled()) { // Throwable t = new RuntimeException(); // t.fillInStackTrace(); String trace = ERXUtilities.stackTrace(); _traces.add(trace); _traceArray = null; } } public synchronized float avg() { if (_avg < 0.0f) { _avg = (_count == 0 ? 0.0f : (_sum / ((float) _count))); } return _avg; } public String key() { return _key; } public NSArray traces() { if(_traceArray == null) { NSMutableSet<String> traces = new NSMutableSet<>(); for (String trace : _traces) { trace = trace.replaceAll("at\\s+(com.webobjects|java|er|sun)\\..*?\\n", "...\n"); trace = trace.replaceAll("(\\.\\.\\.\\s+)+", "...\n\t"); traces.addObject(trace); } _traceArray = traces.allObjects(); } return _traceArray; } @Override public String toString() { return count() + "/" + sum() + " : " + min() + "/" + max() + "/" + new BigDecimal(avg(), MathContext.DECIMAL32).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN) + "|" + _traces.size() + "->" + _key; // + "\n" + traces.iterator().next(); } } }