package com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.Clob; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.FieldPosition; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Properties; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAdaptor; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAdaptorContext; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAttribute; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntity; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOGeneralAdaptorException; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOJoin; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EORelationship; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSQLExpression; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSchemaSynchronization; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSynchronizationFactory; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOAndQualifier; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueQualifier; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifierVariable; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSortOrdering; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * <span class="en"> * This is the wo5 java runtime plugin for FrontBase. * </span> * * <span class="ja"> * FrontBase の WO5 Java ランタイム・プラグイン * </span> * * @author Cail Borrell */ public class _FrontBasePlugIn extends JDBCPlugIn { private static final String QUERY_STRING_USE_BUNDLED_JDBC_INFO = "useBundledJdbcInfo"; static final boolean USE_NAMED_CONSTRAINTS = true; static final String _frontbaseIncludeSynonyms = System.getProperty("jdbcadaptor.frontbase.includeSynonyms", null); static final String _frontbaseWildcardPatternForAttributes = System.getProperty("jdbcadaptor.frontbase.wildcardPatternForAttributes", null); static final String _frontbaseWildcardPatternForTables = System.getProperty("jdbcadaptor.frontbase.wildcardPatternForTables", "%"); static final String _frontbaseWildcardPatternForSchema = System.getProperty("jdbcadaptor.frontbase.wildcardPatternForSchema", null); static final String _frontbaseSqlStatementForGettingProcedureNames = System.getProperty("jdbcadaptor.frontbase.sqlStatementForGettingProcedureNames", null); static final String _frontbaseStoredProcedureCatalogPattern = System.getProperty("jdbcadaptor.frontbase.storedProcedureCatalogPattern", null); static final String _frontbaseStoredProcedureSchemaPattern = System.getProperty("jdbcadaptor.frontbase.storedProcedureSchemaPattern", null); static final String _frontbaseSqlStatementForGettingTableNames = System.getProperty("jdbcadaptor.frontbase.sqlStatementForGettingTableNames", null); static final String _frontbaseContainsOperatorFix = System.getProperty("jdbcadaptor.frontbase.frontbaseContainsOperatorFix", null); /** * Formatter to use when handling date columns. Each thread has its own copy. */ private static final ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> DATE_FORMATTER = new ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat>() { @Override protected SimpleDateFormat initialValue() { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); } }; /** * Formatter to use when handling timestamp columns. Each thread has its own copy. */ private static final ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> TIMESTAMP_FORMATTER = new ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat>() { @Override protected SimpleDateFormat initialValue() { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"); } }; /** * Formatter to use when handling time only columns. Each thread has its own copy. */ private static final ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> TIME_FORMATTER = new ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat>() { @Override protected SimpleDateFormat initialValue() { return new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS"); } }; public _FrontBasePlugIn(JDBCAdaptor jdbcadaptor) { super(jdbcadaptor); } public static String getPlugInVersion() { return "2.6.4"; } @Override public boolean canDescribeStoredProcedure(String s) { return true; } @Override public EOSynchronizationFactory createSynchronizationFactory() { return new _FrontBasePlugIn.FrontbaseSynchronizationFactory(_adaptor); } @Override public String defaultDriverName() { return "com.frontbase.jdbc.FBJDriver"; } @Override public String databaseProductName() { return "FrontBase"; } /** * <P> * WebObjects 5.4's version of JDBCAdaptor will use this in order to assemble the name of the prototype to use when * it loads models. * </P> * * @return the name of the plugin. */ @Override public String name() { return "FrontBase"; } /** * <P> * This method returns true if the connection URL for the database has a special flag on it which indicates to the * system that the jdbcInfo which has been bundled into the plugin is acceptable to use in place of actually going * to the database and getting it. * * @return <code>true</code> jdbcInfo which has been bundled into the plugin is acceptable to use */ protected boolean shouldUseBundledJdbcInfo() { boolean shouldUseBundledJdbcInfo = false; String url = connectionURL(); if (url != null) { shouldUseBundledJdbcInfo = url.toLowerCase().matches(".*/" + _FrontBasePlugIn.QUERY_STRING_USE_BUNDLED_JDBC_INFO.toLowerCase() + "=(true|yes)(\\/|$)"); } return shouldUseBundledJdbcInfo; } @Override public Class<? extends JDBCExpression> defaultExpressionClass() { return FrontbaseExpression.class; } @Override public String wildcardPatternForSchema() { if (_frontbaseWildcardPatternForSchema != null) return _frontbaseWildcardPatternForSchema; else { String schema = (String) adaptor().connectionDictionary().objectForKey("schema"); return (schema != null) ? schema.toUpperCase() : "CURRENT_SCHEMA"; } } @Override public String schemaNameForEntity(EOEntity eoentity) { String s = super.schemaNameForEntity(eoentity); if (s == null) { s = (String) adaptor().connectionDictionary().objectForKey("schema"); return (s != null) ? s.toUpperCase() : "CURRENT_SCHEMA"; } else return s; } @Override public String storedProcedureSchemaPattern() { if (_frontbaseStoredProcedureSchemaPattern != null) return _frontbaseStoredProcedureSchemaPattern; else return "CURRENT_SCHEMA"; } @Override public Properties connectionPropertiesForConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary connectionDictionary) { Properties properties = super.connectionPropertiesForConnectionDictionary(connectionDictionary); // Check for dbPasswd in connection Dictionary Object temp = connectionDictionary.objectForKey("dbpasswd"); if (temp != null) { properties.put("dbpasswd", temp); } // Check for session in connection Dictionary temp = connectionDictionary.objectForKey("session"); if (temp != null) { properties.put("session", temp); } // Check for session in connection Dictionary temp = connectionDictionary.objectForKey("system"); if (temp != null) { properties.put("system", temp); } // Check for session in connection Dictionary temp = connectionDictionary.objectForKey("isolation"); if (temp != null) { properties.put("isolation", temp); } // Check for session in connection Dictionary temp = connectionDictionary.objectForKey("locking"); if (temp != null) { properties.put("locking", temp); } // Check for session in connection Dictionary temp = connectionDictionary.objectForKey("readOnly"); if (temp != null) { properties.put("readOnly", temp); } return properties; } /** * <P> * This is usually extracted from the the database using JDBC, but this is really inconvenient for users who are * trying to generate SQL at some. A specific version of the data has been written into the property list of the * framework and this can be used as a hard-coded equivalent. * </P> */ @Override public NSDictionary<String, Object> jdbcInfo() { // you can swap this code out to write the property list out in order // to get a fresh copy of the // JDBCInfo.plist // try { // String jdbcInfoS = NSPropertyListSerialization.stringFromPropertyList(super.jdbcInfo()); // FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/JDBCInfo.plist"); // fos.write(jdbcInfoS.getBytes()); // fos.close(); // } // catch (Exception e) { // throw new IllegalStateException("problem writing JDBCInfo.plist", e); // } boolean shouldUseBundledJdbcInfo = shouldUseBundledJdbcInfo(); NSDictionary<String, Object> jdbcInfo; // have a look at the JDBC connection URL to see if the flag has been set to // specify that the hard-coded jdbcInfo information should be used. if (shouldUseBundledJdbcInfo) { if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevel(NSLog.DebugLevelDetailed)) { NSLog.debug.appendln("Loading jdbcInfo from JDBCInfo.plist as opposed to using the JDBCPlugIn default implementation."); } // MS: Note that the name is not just /JDBCInfo.plist like it used to be. Because we're loading // resources from the classpath instead of the Resources folder (so that it loads properly in EM), // if you have two plugins loaded, their resource names will overlap. InputStream jdbcInfoStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/FrontBaseJDBCInfo.plist"); if (jdbcInfoStream == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find 'FrontBaseJDBCInfo.plist' in this plugin jar."); } try { jdbcInfo = (NSDictionary<String, Object>) NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListFromData(new NSData(jdbcInfoStream, 2048), "US-ASCII"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load 'FrontBaseJDBCInfo.plist' from this plugin jar.", e); } finally { try { jdbcInfoStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } } else { jdbcInfo = super.jdbcInfo(); } NSMutableDictionary<String, Object> mutableJdbcInfo = new NSMutableDictionary<String, Object>(jdbcInfo); NSMutableDictionary typeInfoDict = new NSMutableDictionary((NSDictionary) mutableJdbcInfo.objectForKey("typeInfo")); NSDictionary typeDict = (NSDictionary) typeInfoDict.objectForKey("CHARACTER"); typeInfoDict.setObjectForKey(typeDict, "CHAR"); typeDict = (NSDictionary) typeInfoDict.objectForKey("CHARACTER VARYING"); typeInfoDict.setObjectForKey(typeDict, "VARCHAR"); typeInfoDict.setObjectForKey(typeDict, "CHAR VARYING"); typeDict = (NSDictionary) typeInfoDict.objectForKey("BIT"); typeInfoDict.setObjectForKey(typeDict, "BYTE"); typeDict = (NSDictionary) typeInfoDict.objectForKey("BIT VARYING"); typeInfoDict.setObjectForKey(typeDict, "BYTE VARYING"); mutableJdbcInfo.setObjectForKey(typeInfoDict, "typeInfo"); if (!shouldUseBundledJdbcInfo) { JDBCContext jdbccontext = adaptor()._cachedAdaptorContext(); try { jdbccontext.connection().commit(); } catch (SQLException sqlexception) { if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(3, 0x000010000L)) NSLog.debug.appendln(sqlexception); } } return mutableJdbcInfo; } EOQualifier primaryKeyQualifier(EOQualifier eoqualifier, EOEntity eoentity) { if (eoqualifier instanceof EOAndQualifier) { NSArray<EOQualifier> qualifiers = ((EOAndQualifier) eoqualifier).qualifiers(); NSArray<String> attributeNames = eoentity.primaryKeyAttributeNames(); NSMutableArray nsmutablearray = new NSMutableArray(); for (int i = 0; i < qualifiers.count(); i++) { EOQualifier eoqualifier1 = qualifiers.objectAtIndex(i); if (eoqualifier1 instanceof EOKeyValueQualifier) { EOKeyValueQualifier eokeyvaluequalifier = (EOKeyValueQualifier) eoqualifier1; if (attributeNames.containsObject(eokeyvaluequalifier.key())) nsmutablearray.addObject(eokeyvaluequalifier); } } if (nsmutablearray.count() == 1) return (EOQualifier) nsmutablearray.objectAtIndex(0); else return new EOAndQualifier(qualifiers); } else { return eoqualifier; } } @Override public void updateLOBs(JDBCChannel channel, JDBCExpression expression, NSDictionary<String, Object> row, EOEntity entity) { FrontbaseExpression frontbaseexpression = (FrontbaseExpression) expression; if (!frontbaseexpression.hasLOBsToUpdate()) return; NSArray array = frontbaseexpression.lobList(); try { Connection con = ((JDBCContext) channel.adaptorContext()).connection(); NSMutableDictionary<String, Object> d = new NSMutableDictionary<String, Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < array.count(); i += 2) { d.setObjectForKey(getLobHandle(con, array.objectAtIndex(i), array.objectAtIndex(i + 1)), ((EOAttribute) array.objectAtIndex(i)).name()); } EOQualifier qualifier = frontbaseexpression.qualifier(); if (qualifier == null) qualifier = entity.qualifierForPrimaryKey(row); else qualifier = primaryKeyQualifier(qualifier, entity); frontbaseexpression.resetlobList(); channel.updateValuesInRowsDescribedByQualifier(d, qualifier, entity); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.print(e.getMessage()); } } // When using BLOB as an external type NSData is expected as the internal type. // When using CLOB as an external type String is expected as the internal type. String getLobHandle(Connection con, Object attribute, Object value) throws SQLException { // MS: This is weird, but to allow for people to build FrontBasePlugIn without actually // having the FrontBase JDBC driver installed, I've switched these two calls to be reflection. try { switch (FrontBaseTypes.internalTypeForExternal(((EOAttribute) attribute).externalType())) { case FrontBaseTypes.FB_BLOB: Method writeBLOBBytes = con.getClass().getMethod("writeBLOB", new Class[] { byte[].class }); return (String) writeBLOBBytes.invoke(con, new Object[] { ((NSData) value).bytes() }); case FrontBaseTypes.FB_CLOB: Method writeCLOBString = con.getClass().getMethod("writeCLOB", new Class[] { String.class }); return (String) writeCLOBString.invoke(con, new Object[] { (String) value }); default: return "NULL"; } } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof SQLException) { throw (SQLException) e; } throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get LOB handle.", e); } } @Override public Object fetchBLOB(ResultSet resultset, int i, EOAttribute attribute, boolean flag) throws SQLException { Blob blob = resultset.getBlob(i); if (blob == null) return null; if (!flag) return blob; else { try { byte[] bytes = blob.getBytes(1, (int) blob.length()); return new NSData(bytes, new NSRange(0, bytes.length), true); } catch (Exception ioexception) { throw new JDBCAdaptorException(ioexception.getMessage(), null); } } } @Override public Object fetchCLOB(ResultSet resultset, int i, EOAttribute attribute, boolean flag) throws SQLException { Clob clob = resultset.getClob(i); if (clob == null) return null; if (!flag) return clob; else return clob.getSubString(1L, (int) clob.length()); } @Override public NSArray<NSDictionary<String, Object>> newPrimaryKeys(int numberOfKeys, EOEntity eoentity, JDBCChannel jdbcchannel) { NSMutableArray<NSDictionary<String, Object>> pkDicts = new NSMutableArray<NSDictionary<String, Object>>(); boolean pksGenerated = true; int numberOfKeysLeft = numberOfKeys; int keyBatchSize = 10; while (pksGenerated && numberOfKeysLeft > 0) { int thisKeyBatchSize = Math.min(keyBatchSize, numberOfKeysLeft); pksGenerated = _newPrimaryKeys(thisKeyBatchSize, eoentity, jdbcchannel, pkDicts); numberOfKeysLeft -= thisKeyBatchSize; } if (!pksGenerated) { pkDicts = null; } return pkDicts; } private boolean _newPrimaryKeys(int keyBatchSize, EOEntity eoentity, JDBCChannel jdbcchannel, NSMutableArray<NSDictionary<String, Object>> pkDicts) { if (keyBatchSize == 0) { return true; } NSArray<EOAttribute> primaryKeyAttributes = eoentity.primaryKeyAttributes(); if (primaryKeyAttributes == null) { return false; } EOAttribute firstPrimaryKeyAttribute = primaryKeyAttributes.lastObject(); boolean isNSData = firstPrimaryKeyAttribute.className().endsWith("NSData"); NSMutableArray<EOAttribute> attributesToFetch = new NSMutableArray<EOAttribute>(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("VALUES ("); for (int keyNum = 0; keyNum < keyBatchSize; keyNum++) { if (isNSData) { if (firstPrimaryKeyAttribute.externalType().startsWith("BIT")) { sql.append("NEW_UID(" + (firstPrimaryKeyAttribute.width() >> 3) + ")"); } else { sql.append("NEW_UID(" + firstPrimaryKeyAttribute.width() + ")"); } } else { sql.append("SELECT UNIQUE FROM " + quoteTableName(eoentity.primaryKeyRootName())); } if (keyNum < keyBatchSize - 1) { sql.append(", "); } EOAttribute generatedPrimaryKeyAttribute = new EOAttribute(); generatedPrimaryKeyAttribute.setName("Unique" + keyNum); generatedPrimaryKeyAttribute.setColumnName(firstPrimaryKeyAttribute.columnName()); generatedPrimaryKeyAttribute.setExternalType(firstPrimaryKeyAttribute.externalType()); generatedPrimaryKeyAttribute.setClassName(firstPrimaryKeyAttribute.className()); generatedPrimaryKeyAttribute.setValueType(firstPrimaryKeyAttribute.valueType()); generatedPrimaryKeyAttribute.setPrecision(firstPrimaryKeyAttribute.precision()); generatedPrimaryKeyAttribute.setScale(firstPrimaryKeyAttribute.scale()); generatedPrimaryKeyAttribute.setWidth(firstPrimaryKeyAttribute.width()); generatedPrimaryKeyAttribute.setAllowsNull(firstPrimaryKeyAttribute.allowsNull()); adaptor().plugIn().assignTypeForAttribute(generatedPrimaryKeyAttribute); attributesToFetch.addObject(generatedPrimaryKeyAttribute); } sql.append(')'); boolean pksGenerated = false; EOSQLExpression eosqlexpression = expressionFactory().expressionForString(sql.toString()); EOAdaptorContext adaptorContext = jdbcchannel.adaptorContext(); adaptorContext.transactionDidBegin(); jdbcchannel.evaluateExpression(eosqlexpression); if (jdbcchannel._errorEvaluateExpression()) { adaptorContext.transactionDidRollback(); jdbcchannel._setErrorEvaluateExpression(false); } else { jdbcchannel.setAttributesToFetch(attributesToFetch); NSMutableDictionary<String, Object> row = jdbcchannel.fetchRow(); jdbcchannel.cancelFetch(); adaptorContext.transactionDidCommit(); if (row != null && row.count() > 0) { NSArray pkValues = row.allValues(); if (pkValues.count() == keyBatchSize) { Enumeration keysEnum = pkValues.objectEnumerator(); while (keysEnum.hasMoreElements()) { Object obj = keysEnum.nextElement(); NSMutableDictionary pkDict = new NSMutableDictionary(); Enumeration pkAttributeEnum = primaryKeyAttributes.objectEnumerator(); while (pkAttributeEnum.hasMoreElements()) { EOAttribute pkAttribute = (EOAttribute) pkAttributeEnum.nextElement(); pkDict.setObjectForKey(obj,; } pkDicts.addObject(pkDict); } pksGenerated = true; } } } return pksGenerated; } protected static String notNullConstraintName(EOAttribute attribute) { return notNullConstraintName(attribute.entity().externalName(), attribute.columnName()); } protected static String notNullConstraintName(String tableName, String columnName) { StringBuilder constraintBuffer = new StringBuilder(); constraintBuffer.append("NOT_NULL_"); constraintBuffer.append(tableName); constraintBuffer.append("__"); constraintBuffer.append(columnName); return constraintBuffer.toString(); } protected static String quoteTableName(String s) { if (s == null) return null; int i = s.lastIndexOf(46); if (i == -1) return "\"" + s + "\""; else return "\"" + s.substring(0, i) + "\".\"" + s.substring(i + 1, s.length()) + "\""; } public static class FrontbaseSynchronizationFactory extends EOSynchronizationFactory { public FrontbaseSynchronizationFactory(EOAdaptor eoadaptor) { super(eoadaptor); } @Override public boolean supportsSchemaSynchronization() { return true; } public static boolean boolValueForKeyDefault(NSDictionary nsdictionary, String s, boolean flag) { String s1 = (String) nsdictionary.objectForKey(s); if (s1 == null) return flag; else return s1.equals("YES"); } @Override public String schemaCreationScriptForEntities(NSArray<EOEntity> allEntities, NSDictionary<String, String> options) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); if (options == null) { options = NSDictionary.emptyDictionary(); } NSArray<EOSQLExpression> statements = schemaCreationStatementsForEntities(allEntities, options); int i = 0; for (int count = statements.count(); i < count; i++) { appendExpressionToScript(statements.objectAtIndex(i), result); } return result.toString(); } /** * <span class="ja"> * Eclipse の EntityModeler でエンティティを作成時に使用されるメソッド。 * SQL 生成をクリックするとここで呼び出される * </span> */ @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> schemaCreationStatementsForEntities(NSArray<EOEntity> entities, NSDictionary<String, String> options) { NSMutableArray<EOSQLExpression> result = new NSMutableArray<EOSQLExpression>(); if (entities == null || entities.count() == 0) return result; // データベース・ストラクチャに変更する時にはこの行を実行しないとエラーになる可能性があります。 result.addObject(_expressionForString("-- SQL creation time : " + new NSTimestamp().toString())); result.addObject(_expressionForString("-- PlugIn version : " + getPlugInVersion())); result.addObject(_expressionForString("-- To change any Structure Information this Command is must have")); result.addObject(_expressionForString("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE, LOCKING PESSIMISTIC")); NSDictionary<String, Object> connectionDict = entities.lastObject().model().connectionDictionary(); if (boolValueForKeyDefault(options, "dropDatabase", false)) { result.addObjectsFromArray(dropDatabaseStatementsForConnectionDictionary(connectionDict, null)); } if (boolValueForKeyDefault(options, "createDatabase", false)) { result.addObjectsFromArray(createDatabaseStatementsForConnectionDictionary(connectionDict, null)); } if (boolValueForKeyDefault(options, "dropPrimaryKeySupport", true)) { NSArray<NSArray<EOEntity>> entityGroups = primaryKeyEntityGroupsForEntities(entities); result.addObjectsFromArray(dropPrimaryKeySupportStatementsForEntityGroups(entityGroups)); } if (boolValueForKeyDefault(options, "dropTables", true)) { NSArray<NSArray<EOEntity>> entityGroups = tableEntityGroupsForEntities(entities); result.addObjectsFromArray(dropTableStatementsForEntityGroups(entityGroups)); } if (boolValueForKeyDefault(options, "createTables", true)) { NSArray<NSArray<EOEntity>> entityGroups = tableEntityGroupsForEntities(entities); result.addObjectsFromArray(createTableStatementsForEntityGroups(entityGroups)); result.addObjectsFromArray(createIndexStatementsForEntityGroups(entityGroups)); } if (boolValueForKeyDefault(options, "createPrimaryKeySupport", true)) { NSArray<NSArray<EOEntity>> entityGroups = primaryKeyEntityGroupsForEntities(entities); result.addObjectsFromArray(primaryKeySupportStatementsForEntityGroups(entityGroups)); } if (boolValueForKeyDefault(options, "primaryKeyConstraints", true)) { NSArray<NSArray<EOEntity>> entityGroups = tableEntityGroupsForEntities(entities); result.addObjectsFromArray(primaryKeyConstraintStatementsForEntityGroups(entityGroups)); } if (boolValueForKeyDefault(options, "foreignKeyConstraints", false)) { NSArray<NSArray<EOEntity>> entityGroups = tableEntityGroupsForEntities(entities); for (NSArray<EOEntity> entityGroup : entityGroups) { result.addObjectsFromArray(_foreignKeyConstraintStatementsForEntityGroup(entityGroup)); } } result.addObject(_expressionForString("COMMIT")); return result; } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> dropPrimaryKeySupportStatementsForEntityGroups(NSArray<NSArray<EOEntity>> entityGroups) { return new NSArray<EOSQLExpression>(_expressionForString("-- The 'Drop Primary Key Support' option is unavailable.")); } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> dropDatabaseStatementsForConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary<String, Object> connectionDictionary, NSDictionary<String, Object> administrativeConnectionDictionary) { return new NSArray<EOSQLExpression>(_expressionForString("-- The 'Drop Database' option is unavailable.")); } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> createDatabaseStatementsForConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary<String, Object> connectionDictionary, NSDictionary<String, Object> administrativeConnectionDictionary) { return new NSArray<EOSQLExpression>(_expressionForString("-- The 'Create Database' option is unavailable.")); } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> dropTableStatementsForEntityGroups(NSArray<NSArray<EOEntity>> entityGroups) { NSLog.debug.appendln("In dropTableStatementsForEntityGroups"); return super.dropTableStatementsForEntityGroups(entityGroups); } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> dropTableStatementsForEntityGroup(NSArray<EOEntity> entityGroup) { NSLog.debug.appendln("In dropTableStatementsForEntityGroup (no s)"); EOEntity entity = entityGroup.objectAtIndex(0); String dropType = " CASCADE"; if (entity.userInfo() != null) { NSDictionary dictionary = entity.userInfo(); if (dictionary.valueForKey("Restrict") != null && ((String) dictionary.valueForKey("Restrict")).equals("true")) dropType = " RESTRICT"; } EOSQLExpression expression = _expressionForString("DROP TABLE " + quoteTableName(entity.externalName()) + dropType); return new NSArray<EOSQLExpression>(expression); } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> primaryKeySupportStatementsForEntityGroup(NSArray<EOEntity> entityGroup) { if (entityGroup == null) return NSArray.emptyArray(); NSMutableArray<EOSQLExpression> result = new NSMutableArray<EOSQLExpression>(); for (int i = entityGroup.count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { EOEntity eoentity = entityGroup.objectAtIndex(i); String externalName = eoentity.externalName(); NSArray<EOAttribute> priKeyAttributes = eoentity.primaryKeyAttributes(); if (priKeyAttributes.count() == 1 && externalName != null && externalName.length() > 0) { EOAttribute priKeyAttribute = priKeyAttributes.objectAtIndex(0); // pk counter not needed for non number primary key if (priKeyAttribute.adaptorValueType() != EOAttribute.AdaptorNumberType) { continue; } String unique = null; if (eoentity.model() != null) { unique = System.getProperty("com.frontbase.unique." + eoentity.model().name() + "." +; if (unique == null) { unique = System.getProperty("com.frontbase.unique." + eoentity.model().name()); } } if (unique == null) { unique = System.getProperty("com.frontbase.unique"); } if (unique == null) { unique = "1000000"; } result.addObject(_expressionForString("SET UNIQUE = " + unique + " FOR " + quoteTableName(externalName))); result.addObject(_expressionForString("ALTER TABLE " + quoteTableName(externalName) + " ALTER " + quoteTableName( + " SET DEFAULT UNIQUE")); } } return result; } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> foreignKeyConstraintStatementsForRelationship(EORelationship relationship) { if (!relationship.isToMany() && isPrimaryKeyAttributes(relationship.destinationEntity(), relationship.destinationAttributes())) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); String tableName = relationship.entity().externalName(); sql.append("ALTER TABLE "); sql.append(quoteTableName(tableName.toUpperCase())); sql.append(" ADD"); StringBuilder constraint = new StringBuilder(" CONSTRAINT \"FOREIGN_KEY_"); constraint.append(tableName); StringBuilder fkSql = new StringBuilder(" FOREIGN KEY ("); NSArray<EOAttribute> attributes = relationship.sourceAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.count(); i++) { constraint.append('_'); if (i != 0) fkSql.append(", "); fkSql.append("\""); String columnName = attributes.objectAtIndex(i).columnName(); fkSql.append(columnName.toUpperCase()); constraint.append(columnName); fkSql.append("\""); } fkSql.append(") REFERENCES "); constraint.append('_'); String referencedExternalName = relationship.destinationEntity().externalName(); fkSql.append(quoteTableName(referencedExternalName.toUpperCase())); constraint.append(referencedExternalName); fkSql.append(" ("); attributes = relationship.destinationAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.count(); i++) { constraint.append('_'); if (i != 0) fkSql.append(", "); fkSql.append("\""); String referencedColumnName = attributes.objectAtIndex(i).columnName(); fkSql.append(referencedColumnName.toUpperCase()); constraint.append(referencedColumnName); fkSql.append("\""); } // MS: did i write this code? sorry about that everything. this is crazy. constraint.append("\""); fkSql.append(") DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED"); if (USE_NAMED_CONSTRAINTS) sql.append(constraint); sql.append(fkSql); return new NSArray<EOSQLExpression>(_expressionForString(sql.toString())); } return NSArray.emptyArray(); } /** * <span class="ja">複数のエンティティ・グループス作成 SQL を生成します。</span> */ @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> createTableStatementsForEntityGroups(NSArray<NSArray<EOEntity>> entityGroups) { NSMutableArray<EOSQLExpression> nsmutablearray = new NSMutableArray<EOSQLExpression>(); for (int i = 0; i < entityGroups.count(); i++) { nsmutablearray.addObjectsFromArray(createTableStatementsForEntityGroup(entityGroups.objectAtIndex(i))); } return nsmutablearray; } /** * <span class="ja">エンティティ・グループの SQL を生成します</span> */ @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> createTableStatementsForEntityGroup(NSArray<EOEntity> entityGroup) { EOSQLExpression eosqlexpression = null; EOEntity eoentity = null; NSMutableArray<String> nsmutablearray = new NSMutableArray<String>(); int j = entityGroup != null ? entityGroup.count() : 0; if (j == 0) return NSArray.emptyArray(); // 出力バッファーを準備 StringBuilder columns = new StringBuilder(); // エンティティの出力開始 eosqlexpression = _expressionForEntity(entityGroup.objectAtIndex(0)); // 各エンティティをループで回す for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { eoentity = entityGroup.objectAtIndex(i); NSArray nsarray1 = eoentity.attributes(); int l = nsarray1 != null ? nsarray1.count() : 0; for (int k = 0; k < l; k++) { EOAttribute eoattribute = (EOAttribute) nsarray1.objectAtIndex(k); String column = eoattribute.columnName(); if (!eoattribute.isDerived() && !eoattribute.isFlattened() && column != null && column.length() > 0 && nsmutablearray.indexOfObject(column) == NSArray.NotFound) { if (columns.length() > 0) { columns.append(','); columns.append('\n'); columns.append('\t'); } columns.append(addCreateClauseForAttribute(eoattribute)); nsmutablearray.addObject(column); } } } StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("CREATE TABLE "); sql.append(quoteTableName(eoentity.externalName())); sql.append(" (\n\t"); sql.append(columns.toString()); sql.append("\n)"); eosqlexpression.setStatement(sql.toString()); return new NSArray<EOSQLExpression>(eosqlexpression); } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> createIndexStatementsForEntityGroups(NSArray<NSArray<EOEntity>> entityGroups) { NSMutableArray<EOSQLExpression> statements = new NSMutableArray<EOSQLExpression>(); for (int i = 0; i < entityGroups.count(); i++) { statements.addObjectsFromArray(createIndexStatementsForEntityGroup(entityGroups.objectAtIndex(i))); } return statements; } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> createIndexStatementsForEntityGroup(NSArray<EOEntity> entityGroup) { NSMutableArray<EOSQLExpression> result = new NSMutableArray<EOSQLExpression>(); EOSQLExpression eosqlexpression = null; EOEntity eoentity = null; int j = entityGroup != null ? entityGroup.count() : 0; if (j == 0) return NSArray.emptyArray(); eosqlexpression = _expressionForEntity(entityGroup.objectAtIndex(0)); for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { eoentity = entityGroup.objectAtIndex(i); NSDictionary dictionary = eoentity.userInfo(); if (dictionary != null && dictionary.valueForKey("Index") != null) { dictionary = (NSDictionary) dictionary.valueForKey("Index"); java.util.Enumeration e = dictionary.keyEnumerator(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { eosqlexpression.setStatement((String) dictionary.objectForKey(e.nextElement())); result.addObject(eosqlexpression); } } } return result; } /** * <span class="ja">1つのアトリビュートの SQL を生成します </span> */ public StringBuilder addCreateClauseForAttribute(EOAttribute eoattribute) { EOSQLExpression expression = _expressionForEntity(eoattribute.entity()); expression.addCreateClauseForAttribute(eoattribute); return new StringBuilder(expression.listString()); } public String columnTypeStringForAttribute(EOAttribute eoattribute) { EOSQLExpression expression = _expressionForEntity(eoattribute.entity()); return expression.columnTypeStringForAttribute(eoattribute); } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> statementsToConvertColumnType(String columnName, String tableName, ColumnTypes oldType, ColumnTypes newType, NSDictionary<String, String> options) { String columnTypeString = statementToCreateDataTypeClause(newType); NSArray<EOSQLExpression> statements = new NSArray<EOSQLExpression>(_expressionForString("alter column " + quoteTableName(tableName) + "." + quoteTableName(columnName) + " to " + columnTypeString)); return statements; } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> statementsToModifyColumnNullRule(String columnName, String tableName, boolean allowsNull, NSDictionary<String, String> options) { NSArray<EOSQLExpression> statements; if (allowsNull) { if (USE_NAMED_CONSTRAINTS) { statements = new NSArray<EOSQLExpression>(_expressionForString("alter table " + quoteTableName(tableName) + " drop constraint " + quoteTableName(_FrontBasePlugIn.notNullConstraintName(tableName, columnName)) + " cascade")); } else { statements = null; } } else { if (USE_NAMED_CONSTRAINTS) { statements = new NSArray<EOSQLExpression>(_expressionForString("alter table " + quoteTableName(tableName) + " add constraint " + quoteTableName(_FrontBasePlugIn.notNullConstraintName(tableName, columnName)) + " check (" + quoteTableName(columnName) + " is not null)")); } else { statements = new NSArray<EOSQLExpression>(_expressionForString("alter table " + quoteTableName(tableName) + " add check (" + quoteTableName(columnName) + " is not null)")); } } return statements; } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> statementsToDeleteColumnNamed(String columnName, String tableName, NSDictionary<String, String> options) { return new NSArray<EOSQLExpression>(_expressionForString("alter table " + quoteTableName(tableName) + " drop column \"" + columnName.toUpperCase() + "\" cascade")); } @Override public String _columnCreationClauseForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute) { return addCreateClauseForAttribute(attribute).toString(); } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> statementsToInsertColumnForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute, NSDictionary<String, String> options) { String clause = _columnCreationClauseForAttribute(attribute); return new NSArray<EOSQLExpression>(_expressionForString("alter table " + quoteTableName(attribute.entity().externalName()) + " add " + clause)); } private String statementToCreateDataTypeClause(EOSchemaSynchronization.ColumnTypes columntypes) { switch (FrontBaseTypes.internalTypeForExternal( { case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Decimal: case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Numeric: int j = columntypes.precision(); if (j == 0) return; int k = columntypes.scale(); if (k == 0) return + "(" + j + ")"; else return + "(" + j + "," + k + ")"; case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Float: case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Bit: case FrontBaseTypes.FB_VBit: case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Character: case FrontBaseTypes.FB_VCharacter: int l = columntypes.width(); if (l == 0) l = columntypes.precision(); if (l == 0) return; else return + "(" + l + ")"; case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Timestamp: int m = columntypes.precision(); if (m == 0) return; else return + "(" + m + ")"; } return; } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> statementsToRenameColumnNamed(String columnName, String tableName, String newName, NSDictionary<String, String> options) { return new NSArray<EOSQLExpression>(_expressionForString("alter column name " + quoteTableName(tableName) + "." + quoteTableName(columnName) + " to " + quoteTableName(newName))); } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> statementsToRenameTableNamed(String tableName, String newName, NSDictionary<String, String> options) { return new NSArray<EOSQLExpression>(_expressionForString("alter table name " + quoteTableName(tableName) + " to " + quoteTableName(newName))); } boolean isPrimaryKeyAttributes(EOEntity entity, NSArray<EOAttribute> attributes) { NSArray<String> keys = entity.primaryKeyAttributeNames(); boolean result = attributes.count() == keys.count(); if (result) { for (int i = 0; i < keys.count(); i++) { if (!(result = keys.indexOfObject(attributes.objectAtIndex(i).name()) != NSArray.NotFound)) break; } } return result; } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> primaryKeyConstraintStatementsForEntityGroups(NSArray<NSArray<EOEntity>> entityGroups) { NSMutableArray<EOSQLExpression> result = new NSMutableArray<EOSQLExpression>(); for (int i = 0; i < entityGroups.count(); i++) { result.addObjectsFromArray(primaryKeyConstraintStatementsForEntityGroup(entityGroups.objectAtIndex(i))); } return result; } @Override public NSArray<EOSQLExpression> primaryKeyConstraintStatementsForEntityGroup(NSArray<EOEntity> entityGroup) { if (entityGroup.count() != 0) { EOEntity entity = entityGroup.objectAtIndex(0); String tableName = entity.externalName(); NSArray<String> keys = entity.primaryKeyAttributeNames(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); if (tableName != null && keys.count() > 0) { sql.append("ALTER TABLE "); sql.append(quoteTableName(tableName.toUpperCase())); sql.append(" ADD"); StringBuilder constraint = new StringBuilder(" CONSTRAINT \"PRIMARY_KEY_"); constraint.append(tableName); StringBuilder pkSql = new StringBuilder(" PRIMARY KEY ("); for (int j = 0; j < keys.count(); j++) { constraint.append('_'); if (j != 0) pkSql.append(','); pkSql.append("\""); String columnName = entity.attributeNamed(keys.objectAtIndex(j)).columnName(); pkSql.append(columnName.toUpperCase()); pkSql.append("\""); constraint.append(columnName); } constraint.append("\""); pkSql.append(") NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE"); if (USE_NAMED_CONSTRAINTS) sql.append(constraint); sql.append(pkSql); return new NSArray<EOSQLExpression>(_expressionForString(sql.toString())); } } return NSArray.emptyArray(); } } public static class FrontbaseExpression extends JDBCExpression { private boolean _useBindVariables; EOQualifier _qualifier; NSMutableArray _lobList; /** * Holds array of join clauses. */ private NSMutableArray<JoinClause> _alreadyJoined = new NSMutableArray<JoinClause>(); public FrontbaseExpression(EOEntity eoentity) { super(eoentity); _useBindVariables = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty("FrontBasePlugIn.useBindVariables")); _rtrimFunctionName = null; _externalQuoteChar = "\""; } @Override public void addCreateClauseForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("\""); sql.append(attribute.columnName()); sql.append("\" "); sql.append(columnTypeStringForAttribute(attribute)); NSDictionary dictionary = attribute.userInfo(); if (dictionary == null) { _appendNotNullConstraintIfNecessary(attribute, sql); } else { // Default values. Object defaultValue = dictionary.valueForKey("Default"); if (defaultValue == null) { defaultValue = dictionary.valueForKey("er.extensions.eoattribute.default"); // deprecated key } if (defaultValue == null) { defaultValue = dictionary.valueForKey("default"); } if (defaultValue != null) { sql.append(" DEFAULT "); sql.append(formatValueForAttribute(defaultValue, attribute)); } // Column constraints. _appendNotNullConstraintIfNecessary(attribute, sql); if (dictionary.valueForKey("Unique") != null && dictionary.valueForKey("Unique").equals("true")) { sql.append(" UNIQUE"); } if (dictionary.valueForKey("Check") != null) { sql.append(" CHECK "); sql.append(dictionary.valueForKey("Check")); } // Column collation. if (dictionary.valueForKey("Collate") != null) { sql.append(" COLLATE "); sql.append(dictionary.valueForKey("Collate")); } } appendItemToListString(sql.toString(), _listString()); } protected boolean shouldAllowNull(EOAttribute attribute) { boolean shouldAllowNull = attribute.allowsNull(); // If you allow nulls, then there's never a problem ... if (!shouldAllowNull) { EOEntity entity = attribute.entity(); EOEntity parentEntity = entity.parentEntity(); String externalName = entity.externalName(); if (externalName != null) { // If you have a parent entity and that parent entity shares your table name, then you're single table inheritance boolean singleTableInheritance = (parentEntity != null && externalName.equals(parentEntity.externalName())); if (singleTableInheritance) { EOAttribute parentAttribute = parentEntity.attributeNamed(; if (parentAttribute == null) { // If this attribute is new in the subclass, you have to allow nulls shouldAllowNull = true; } } } } return shouldAllowNull; } private void _appendNotNullConstraintIfNecessary(EOAttribute attribute, StringBuilder sql) { if (!shouldAllowNull(attribute)) { if (USE_NAMED_CONSTRAINTS) { sql.append(" CONSTRAINT "); sql.append(notNullConstraintName(attribute)); } sql.append(" NOT NULL"); if (isLOBAttribute(attribute)) sql.append(" DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED"); } } @Override public String columnTypeStringForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute) { String externalTypeName = attribute.externalType(); NSDictionary typeInfo = (NSDictionary) jdbcInfo().objectForKey(JDBCAdaptor.TypeInfoKey); if (typeInfo == null) { typeInfo = JDBCAdaptor.typeInfoForModel(((EOEntity) attribute.parent()).model()); } NSDictionary externalTypeInfo = (NSDictionary) typeInfo.objectForKey(externalTypeName); if (externalTypeInfo == null && externalTypeName != null) { externalTypeInfo = (NSDictionary) typeInfo.objectForKey(externalTypeName.toUpperCase()); } if (externalTypeInfo == null) { throw new JDBCAdaptorException("Unable to find type information for external type '" + externalTypeName + "' in attribute '" + + "' of entity '" + ((EOEntity) attribute.parent()).name() + "'. Check spelling and capitalization.", null); } int createParams; try { Object createParamsObj = externalTypeInfo.objectForKey("createParams"); if (createParamsObj instanceof Integer) { createParams = ((Integer) createParamsObj).intValue(); } else { createParams = Integer.parseInt((String) createParamsObj); } } catch (NumberFormatException numberformatexception) { createParams = 0; } switch (createParams) { case 2: int precision = attribute.precision(); if (precision == 0) { return attribute.externalType(); } int scale = attribute.scale(); if (scale == 0) { return attribute.externalType() + "(" + precision + ")"; } else { return attribute.externalType() + "(" + precision + "," + scale + ")"; } case 1: int length = attribute.width(); if (length == 0) { length = attribute.precision(); } if (length == 0) { return attribute.externalType(); } else { return attribute.externalType() + "(" + length + ")"; } } return attribute.externalType(); } public Class _synchronizationFactoryClass() { return FrontbaseSynchronizationFactory.class; } EOQualifier qualifier() { return _qualifier; } @Override public String sqlStringForSelector(NSSelector selector, Object value) { String retStr = null; if (_frontbaseContainsOperatorFix == null) { retStr = sqlStringForSelectorTreatingContainsAsLike(selector, value); } else { retStr = super.sqlStringForSelector(selector, value); } return retStr; } protected String sqlStringForSelectorTreatingContainsAsLike(NSSelector qualifierOperator, Object value) { if (qualifierOperator.equals(EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorContains)) if (value == NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue) return "is"; else return "like"; else return super.sqlStringForSelector(qualifierOperator, value); } @Override public String externalNameQuoteCharacter() { return "\""; } @Override public String sqlStringForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute) { String value = super.sqlStringForAttribute(attribute); if (!useAliases()) value = "\"" + value + "\""; return value; } /** * Overridden to not call the super implementation. * * @param leftName the table name on the left side of the clause * @param rightName the table name on the right side of the clause * @param semantic the join semantic */ @Override public void addJoinClause(String leftName, String rightName, int semantic) { assembleJoinClause(leftName, rightName, semantic); } /** * Overridden to construct a valid SQL92 JOIN clause as opposed to * the Oracle-like SQL the superclass produces. * * @param leftName the table name on the left side of the clause * @param rightName the table name on the right side of the clause * @param semantic the join semantic * @return the join clause */ @Override public String assembleJoinClause(String leftName, String rightName, int semantic) { // Can't handle this if (!useAliases()) { return super.assembleJoinClause(leftName, rightName, semantic); } String leftAlias = leftName.substring(0, leftName.indexOf(".")); String rightAlias = rightName.substring(0, rightName.indexOf(".")); NSArray k; EOEntity rightEntity; EOEntity leftEntity; String relationshipKey = null; EORelationship r; if (leftAlias.equals("t0")) { leftEntity = entity(); } else { k = aliasesByRelationshipPath().allKeysForObject(leftAlias); relationshipKey = k.count() > 0 ? (String) k.lastObject() : ""; leftEntity = entityForKeyPath(relationshipKey); } if (rightAlias.equals("t0")) { rightEntity = entity(); } else { k = aliasesByRelationshipPath().allKeysForObject(rightAlias); relationshipKey = k.count() > 0 ? (String) k.lastObject() : ""; rightEntity = entityForKeyPath(relationshipKey); } int dotIndex = relationshipKey.indexOf("."); relationshipKey = dotIndex == -1 ? relationshipKey : relationshipKey.substring(relationshipKey.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); r = rightEntity.anyRelationshipNamed(relationshipKey); // fix from Michael Müller for the case has a relationship (instead of Bar.foos) if (r == null || r.destinationEntity() != leftEntity) { r = leftEntity.anyRelationshipNamed(relationshipKey); } String rightTable = rightEntity.valueForSQLExpression(this); String leftTable = leftEntity.valueForSQLExpression(this); JoinClause jc = new JoinClause(); jc.setTable1(leftTable, leftAlias); jc.table2 = rightTable + " " + rightAlias; switch (semantic) { case EORelationship.LeftOuterJoin: jc.op = " LEFT OUTER JOIN "; break; case EORelationship.RightOuterJoin: jc.op = " RIGHT OUTER JOIN "; break; case EORelationship.FullOuterJoin: jc.op = " FULL OUTER JOIN "; break; case EORelationship.InnerJoin: jc.op = " INNER JOIN "; break; } NSArray joins = r.joins(); int joinsCount = joins.count(); NSMutableArray joinStrings = new NSMutableArray(joinsCount); for (int i = 0; i < joinsCount; i++) { EOJoin currentJoin = (EOJoin) joins.objectAtIndex(i); String left = leftAlias + "." + sqlStringForSchemaObjectName(currentJoin.sourceAttribute().columnName()); String right = rightAlias + "." + sqlStringForSchemaObjectName(currentJoin.destinationAttribute().columnName()); joinStrings.addObject(left + " = " + right); } jc.joinCondition = " ON " + joinStrings.componentsJoinedByString(" AND "); if (!_alreadyJoined.containsObject(jc)) { _alreadyJoined.insertObjectAtIndex(jc, 0); return jc.toString(); } return null; } /** * Overridden to handle correct placements of join conditions and * to handle DISTINCT fetches with compareCaseInsensitiveA(De)scending sort orders. * * @param attributes the attributes to select * @param lock flag for locking rows in the database * @param qualifier the qualifier to restrict the selection * @param fetchOrder specifies the fetch order * @param columnList the SQL columns to be fetched * @param tableList the the SQL tables to be fetched * @param whereClause the SQL where clause * @param joinClause the SQL join clause * @param orderByClause the SQL sort order clause * @param lockClause the SQL lock clause * @return the select statement */ @Override public String assembleSelectStatementWithAttributes(NSArray attributes, boolean lock, EOQualifier qualifier, NSArray fetchOrder, String selectString, String columnList, String tableList, String whereClause, String joinClause, String orderByClause, String lockClause) { // Adds the labels in an order by clause to the list of columns in the select // clause if not already existing. if (orderByClause != null && orderByClause.length() > 0) { int i = 0; while (i != -1) { if (orderByClause.indexOf(' ', i) == i + 1) i += 2; int j = orderByClause.indexOf(' ', i); int k = orderByClause.indexOf(',', i); if (j > k && k != -1) j = k; else if (j == -1 && k == -1) j = orderByClause.length(); String orderColumn = orderByClause.substring(i, j); if (columnList.indexOf(orderColumn) == -1) columnList = columnList.concat(", " + orderColumn); i = orderByClause.indexOf(',', i); } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(selectString); sb.append(columnList); // AK: using DISTINCT with ORDER BY UPPER(foo) is an error if it is not also present in the columns list... // This implementation sucks, but should be good enough for the normal case if (selectString.indexOf(" DISTINCT") != -1) { String[] columns = orderByClause.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { String column = columns[i].replaceFirst("\\s+(ASC|DESC)\\s*", ""); if (columnList.indexOf(column) == -1) { sb.append(", "); sb.append(column); } } } sb.append(" FROM "); String fieldString; if (_alreadyJoined.count() > 0) { fieldString = joinClauseString(); } else { fieldString = tableList; } sb.append(fieldString); if ((whereClause != null && whereClause.length() > 0) || (joinClause != null && joinClause.length() > 0)) { sb.append(" WHERE "); if (joinClause != null && joinClause.length() > 0) { sb.append(joinClause); if (whereClause != null && whereClause.length() > 0) sb.append(" AND "); } if (whereClause != null && whereClause.length() > 0) { sb.append(whereClause); } } if (orderByClause != null && orderByClause.length() > 0) { sb.append(" ORDER BY "); sb.append(orderByClause); } if (lockClause != null && lockClause.length() > 0) { sb.append(' '); sb.append(lockClause); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Overrides the parent implementation to compose the final string * expression for the join clauses. */ @Override public String joinClauseString() { NSMutableDictionary seenIt = new NSMutableDictionary(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); JoinClause jc; EOSortOrdering.sortArrayUsingKeyOrderArray(_alreadyJoined, new NSArray<EOSortOrdering>(EOSortOrdering.sortOrderingWithKey("sortKey", EOSortOrdering.CompareCaseInsensitiveAscending))); if (_alreadyJoined.count() > 0) { jc = _alreadyJoined.objectAtIndex(0); sb.append(jc); seenIt.setObjectForKey(Boolean.TRUE, jc.table1); seenIt.setObjectForKey(Boolean.TRUE, jc.table2); } for (int i = 1; i < _alreadyJoined.count(); i++) { jc = _alreadyJoined.objectAtIndex(i); sb.append(jc.op); if (seenIt.objectForKey(jc.table1) == null) { sb.append(jc.table1); seenIt.setObjectForKey(Boolean.TRUE, jc.table1); } else if (seenIt.objectForKey(jc.table2) == null) { sb.append(jc.table2); seenIt.setObjectForKey(Boolean.TRUE, jc.table2); } sb.append(jc.joinCondition); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public void addOrderByAttributeOrdering(EOSortOrdering eosortordering) { NSSelector sortOrdering = eosortordering.selector(); String attribute = eosortordering.key(); String column = sqlStringForAttributeNamed(attribute); if (column == null) // Super throws exception. super.addOrderByAttributeOrdering(eosortordering); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(column); if (sortOrdering == EOSortOrdering.CompareCaseInsensitiveAscending) if (entity()._attributeForPath(attribute).adaptorValueType() == 1) sql.append(" COLLATE INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CASE_INSENSITIVE ASC"); else sql.append(" ASC"); else if (sortOrdering == EOSortOrdering.CompareCaseInsensitiveDescending) if (entity()._attributeForPath(attribute).adaptorValueType() == 1) sql.append(" COLLATE INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CASE_INSENSITIVE DESC"); else sql.append(" DESC"); else if (sortOrdering == EOSortOrdering.CompareAscending) sql.append(" ASC"); else if (sortOrdering == EOSortOrdering.CompareDescending) sql.append(" DESC"); appendItemToListString(sql.toString(), _orderByString()); } @Override public String assembleDeleteStatementWithQualifier(EOQualifier eoqualifier, String table, String qualifier) { if (table != null && table.indexOf('"') == -1) return super.assembleDeleteStatementWithQualifier(eoqualifier, quoteTableName(table), qualifier); else return super.assembleDeleteStatementWithQualifier(eoqualifier, table, qualifier); } @Override public String assembleInsertStatementWithRow(NSDictionary row, String table, String columns, String values) { if (table != null && table.indexOf('"') == -1) return super.assembleInsertStatementWithRow(row, quoteTableName(table), columns, values); else return super.assembleInsertStatementWithRow(row, table, columns, values); } @Override public String assembleUpdateStatementWithRow(NSDictionary row, EOQualifier qualifier, String table, String values, String sqlQualifier) { _qualifier = qualifier; if (table != null && table.indexOf('"') == -1) return super.assembleUpdateStatementWithRow(row, qualifier, quoteTableName(table), values, sqlQualifier); else return super.assembleUpdateStatementWithRow(row, qualifier, table, values, sqlQualifier); } @Override public String lockClause() { return ""; } @Override public boolean useBindVariables() { return _useBindVariables; } @Override public boolean shouldUseBindVariableForAttribute(EOAttribute eoattribute) { return useBindVariables() && !isLOBAttribute(eoattribute); } private boolean isLOBAttribute(EOAttribute att) { int internalType = FrontBaseTypes.internalTypeForExternal(att.externalType()); return internalType == FrontBaseTypes.FB_BLOB || internalType == FrontBaseTypes.FB_CLOB; } @Override public boolean mustUseBindVariableForAttribute(EOAttribute eoattribute) { return false; } @Override public String sqlStringForCaseInsensitiveLike(String value, String column) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append(column); sql.append(" LIKE "); sql.append(value); sql.append(" COLLATE INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CASE_INSENSITIVE"); return sql.toString(); } boolean hasLOBsToUpdate() { return _lobList != null && _lobList.count() > 0; } void resetlobList() { _lobList = null; } NSArray lobList() { return _lobList != null ? _lobList : NSArray.EmptyArray; } @Override public String sqlStringForKeyValueQualifier(EOKeyValueQualifier eokeyvaluequalifier) { String attrubute = eokeyvaluequalifier.key(); String column = sqlStringForAttributeNamed(attrubute); if (column == null) throw new IllegalStateException("sqlStringForKeyValueQualifier: attempt to generate SQL for " + eokeyvaluequalifier.getClass().getName() + " " + eokeyvaluequalifier + " failed because attribute identified by key '" + attrubute + "' was not reachable from from entity '" + + "'"); Object qualifier = eokeyvaluequalifier.value(); if (qualifier instanceof EOQualifierVariable) throw new IllegalStateException("sqlStringForKeyValueQualifier: attempt to generate SQL for " + eokeyvaluequalifier.getClass().getName() + " " + eokeyvaluequalifier + " failed because the qualifier variable '$" + ((EOQualifierVariable) qualifier).key() + "' is unbound."); column = formatSQLString(column, _entity._attributeForPath(attrubute).readFormat()); NSSelector nsselector = eokeyvaluequalifier.selector(); boolean flag = false; if (_frontbaseContainsOperatorFix == null) { flag = nsselector.equals(EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLike) || nsselector.equals(EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorCaseInsensitiveLike) || nsselector.equals(EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorContains); } else { flag = nsselector.equals(EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLike) || nsselector.equals(EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorCaseInsensitiveLike); } if (flag) { qualifier = sqlPatternFromShellPattern(qualifier.toString()); } StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); char sqlEscapeChar = sqlEscapeChar(); String value; if (nsselector.equals(EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorCaseInsensitiveLike)) { value = sqlStringForValue(qualifier, attrubute); sql.append(sqlStringForCaseInsensitiveLike(value, column)); } else { value = sqlStringForValue(qualifier, attrubute); sql.append(column); sql.append(' '); sql.append(sqlStringForSelector(nsselector, qualifier)); sql.append(' '); sql.append(value); } if (value.indexOf(sqlEscapeChar) != -1 && flag) { sql.append(" ESCAPE '"); sql.append(sqlEscapeChar); sql.append('\''); } return sql.toString(); } @Override public String formatValueForAttribute(Object obj, EOAttribute eoattribute) { if (obj != null && obj != NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue) { if (eoattribute.valueFactoryMethod() != null && eoattribute.valueFactoryMethod().implementedByObject(obj) && eoattribute.adaptorValueConversionMethod().implementedByObject(obj)) { obj = eoattribute.adaptorValueByConvertingAttributeValue(obj); } if (eoattribute.externalType() == null) { throw new EOGeneralAdaptorException("Attribute " + + " on entity " + eoattribute.entity().name() + " with prototype named " + eoattribute.prototypeName() + " has no external type defined"); } switch (FrontBaseTypes.internalTypeForExternal(eoattribute.externalType())) { case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Character: case FrontBaseTypes.FB_VCharacter: { return escapedString(obj); } case FrontBaseTypes.FB_DayTime: { return escapedString(obj); } case FrontBaseTypes.FB_BLOB: case FrontBaseTypes.FB_CLOB: { if (!(obj instanceof String) && eoattribute.valueFactoryMethod() != null) { Class<?> valueClass = _NSUtilities.classWithName(eoattribute.className()); if (valueClass.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) { obj = eoattribute.adaptorValueByConvertingAttributeValue(obj); } } if (obj instanceof String) if (((String) obj).length() == 27 && ((String) obj).startsWith("@")) return (String) obj; if (_lobList == null) _lobList = new NSMutableArray(); _lobList.addObject(eoattribute); _lobList.addObject(obj); return "NULL"; } case FrontBaseTypes.FB_VBit: case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Bit: { if (obj instanceof NSData) { return formatBit((NSData) obj); } else { return "ERROR: Can not convert value from " + obj + " to Bit or Byte data type"; } } case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Time: { StringBuffer time = new StringBuffer("TIME '"); Date d = (Date)eoattribute.adaptorValueByConvertingAttributeValue(obj); TIME_FORMATTER.get().format(d, time, new FieldPosition(0)); time.append('\''); return time.toString(); } case FrontBaseTypes.FB_TimeTZ: { StringBuffer time = new StringBuffer("TIME '"); Date d = (Date)eoattribute.adaptorValueByConvertingAttributeValue(obj); SimpleDateFormat formatter = TIME_FORMATTER.get(); formatter.format(d, time, new FieldPosition(0)); time.append(getTimeZone(formatter.getTimeZone())); time.append('\''); return time.toString(); } case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Timestamp: { StringBuffer time = new StringBuffer("TIMESTAMP '"); Date d = (Date)eoattribute.adaptorValueByConvertingAttributeValue(obj); TIMESTAMP_FORMATTER.get().format(d, time, new FieldPosition(0)); time.append('\''); return time.toString(); } case FrontBaseTypes.FB_TimestampTZ: { StringBuffer time = new StringBuffer("TIMESTAMP '"); Date d = (Date)eoattribute.adaptorValueByConvertingAttributeValue(obj); SimpleDateFormat formatter = TIMESTAMP_FORMATTER.get(); formatter.format(d, time, new FieldPosition(0)); time.append(getTimeZone(formatter.getTimeZone())); time.append('\''); return time.toString(); } case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Date: { StringBuffer time = new StringBuffer("DATE '"); Date d = (Date)eoattribute.adaptorValueByConvertingAttributeValue(obj); DATE_FORMATTER.get().format(d, time, new FieldPosition(0)); time.append('\''); return time.toString(); } case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Boolean: { if (obj instanceof Boolean) { return obj.toString(); } else if (obj instanceof String) { String str = (String) obj; if ("yes".equalsIgnoreCase(str) || "y".equalsIgnoreCase(str) || "true".equalsIgnoreCase(str) || "1".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) { return "TRUE"; } else if ("no".equalsIgnoreCase(str) || "n".equalsIgnoreCase(str) || "false".equalsIgnoreCase(str) || "0".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) { return "FALSE"; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown boolean value '" + str + "' for the attribute " + eoattribute.entity().name() + "." + + "."); } } else if (obj instanceof NSData) { return (((NSData) obj).bytes()[0] == 0) ? "FALSE" : "TRUE"; } else if (((Number) obj).intValue() == 0) { return "FALSE"; } else { return "TRUE"; } } case FrontBaseTypes.FB_SmallInteger: case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Float: case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Real: case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Double: case FrontBaseTypes.FB_LongInteger: case FrontBaseTypes.FB_TinyInteger: case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Numeric: case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Integer: case FrontBaseTypes.FB_Decimal: { if (obj instanceof BigDecimal) { return ((BigDecimal) obj).setScale(eoattribute.scale(), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString(); } else if (obj instanceof Number) { String valueType = eoattribute.valueType(); if (valueType == null || "i".equals(valueType)) { return String.valueOf(((Number) obj).intValue()); } else if ("l".equals(valueType)) { return String.valueOf(((Number) obj).longValue()); } else if ("f".equals(valueType)) { return String.valueOf(((Number) obj).floatValue()); } else if ("d".equals(valueType)) { return String.valueOf(((Number) obj).doubleValue()); } else if ("s".equals(valueType)) { return String.valueOf(((Number) obj).shortValue()); } else if ("c".equals(valueType)) { return String.valueOf(((Number) obj).intValue()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown number value type '" + valueType + "' for the attribute " + eoattribute.entity().name() + "." + + "."); } } else if (obj instanceof Boolean) { String valueType = eoattribute.valueType(); return String.valueOf(((Boolean) obj).booleanValue() ? 1 : 0); } else if (obj instanceof String) { String str = (String) obj; String valueType = eoattribute.valueType(); if (valueType == null || "i".equals(valueType)) { return String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(str)); } else if ("l".equals(valueType)) { return String.valueOf(Long.parseLong(str)); } else if ("f".equals(valueType)) { return String.valueOf(Float.parseFloat(str)); } else if ("d".equals(valueType)) { return String.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(str)); } else if ("s".equals(valueType)) { return String.valueOf(Short.parseShort(str)); } else if ("c".equals(valueType)) { return String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(str)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown number value type '" + valueType + "' for attribute " + eoattribute.entity().name() + "." + + "."); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown number value '" + obj + "' for attribute " + eoattribute.entity().name() + "." + + "."); } } default: // MS: I think we should probably throw IllegalArgumentException here, but I'm a little concerned about breaking people's apps. return escapedString(obj); } } return super.formatValueForAttribute(obj, eoattribute); } public String escapedString(Object obj) { String escapedStr; String value = obj.toString(); if (value.indexOf("'") == -1) { escapedStr = "'" + value + "'"; } else { escapedStr = "'" + addEscapeChars(value) + "'"; } return escapedStr; } public String addEscapeChars(String value) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(value); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++, index++) { index = value.indexOf("'", index); if (index == -1) break; sb.insert(index + i, "'"); } return sb.toString(); } String formatBit(NSData data) { char[] heximals = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' }; byte[] bytes = data.bytes(); int b; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder((2 * data.length()) + 3); result.append("X'"); for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) { b = bytes[i] & 0xFF; result.append(heximals[b / 16]); result.append(heximals[b % 16]); } result.append('\''); return result.toString(); } private String getTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone tz) { String sign = "+"; int tzOffset = tz.getRawOffset(); if (tz.useDaylightTime() && tz.inDaylightTime(new java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))) { tzOffset += 3600000L; } if (tzOffset < 0) { tzOffset = -tzOffset; sign = "-"; } int hour = tzOffset / 3600000; int minute = (tzOffset % 3600000) / 60000; String hourString = String.valueOf(hour); String minuteString = String.valueOf(minute); if (hourString.length() < 2) hourString = "0" + hourString; if (minuteString.length() < 2) minuteString = "0" + minuteString; return sign + hourString + ":" + minuteString; } /** * Utility that traverses a key path to find the last destination entity * * @param keyPath the key path * @return the entity at the end of the keypath */ private EOEntity entityForKeyPath(String keyPath) { NSArray keys = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(keyPath, "."); EOEntity ent = entity(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.count(); i++) { String k = (String) keys.objectAtIndex(i); EORelationship rel = ent.anyRelationshipNamed(k); if (rel == null) { // it may be an attribute if (ent.anyAttributeNamed(k) != null) { break; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("relationship " + keyPath + " generated null"); } ent = rel.destinationEntity(); } return ent; } /** * Helper class that stores a join definition and * helps <code>FrontbaseExpression</code> to assemble * the correct join clause. */ public static class JoinClause { String table1; String op; String table2; String joinCondition; String sortKey; @Override public String toString() { return table1 + op + table2 + joinCondition; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null || !(obj instanceof JoinClause)) { return false; } return toString().equals(obj.toString()); } public void setTable1(String leftTable, String leftAlias) { table1 = leftTable + " " + leftAlias; sortKey = leftAlias.substring(1); if (sortKey.length() < 2) { // add padding for cases with >9 joins sortKey = " " + sortKey; } } /** * Returns the table alias for the first table (e.g. returns T2 if table 1 is "Students" T2). This makes this class "sortable" * which is needed to correctly assemble a join clause. * * @return the table alias (e.g. returns T2 if table1 is "Students" T2) */ public String sortKey() { return sortKey; } } } }