package er.jquery; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOActionResults; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WODynamicElementCreationException; import; /** * A jQuery .load() as a link * @see jQueryLoad * * @binding queryDictionary The form values used in the directAction that replaced $('container') * * @author mendis * * TODO: Convert to dynamic element (for DA form elements support) */ public class jQueryLoadLink extends jQueryLoad { public jQueryLoadLink(WOContext context) { super(context); } /* * API/Bindings */ public static interface Bindings extends jQueryLoad.Bindings { public static final String queryDictionary = "queryDictionary"; } @Override public boolean isStateless() { return true; } // accessors @Override protected String url() { if (hasBinding(Bindings.action) || hasBinding(Bindings.directActionName)) return "this.href"; else throw new WODynamicElementCreationException("Action or directActionName is a required binding"); } public String href() { if (hasBinding(Bindings.action)) { return context().componentActionURL(application().ajaxRequestHandlerKey()); } else if (hasBinding(Bindings.directActionName)) { NSDictionary queryDictionary = hasBinding(Bindings.queryDictionary) ? queryDictionary() : null; return context().directActionURLForActionNamed(directActionName(), queryDictionary); } else return "#"; } public NSDictionary queryDictionary() { return (NSDictionary) valueForBinding(Bindings.queryDictionary); } // actions public WOActionResults invokeAction() { context().setActionInvoked(true); if (hasBinding(Bindings.action)) { WOActionResults action = action(); if (action instanceof WOComponent) ((WOComponent) action)._setIsPage(true); // cache is pageFrag cache return action; } else return context().page(); } }