package er.jqm.components.extended; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import er.jqm.components.core.ERQMTextField; /** * Input type="search" * * <pre> * data-clear-btn true | <strong>false</strong> - Adds a clear button * data-clear-btn-text string - Text for the close button. Default: "<strong>clear text</strong>" * data-mini true | <strong>false</strong> - Compact sized version * data-role none - Prevents auto-enhancement to use native control * data-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Added to the form element * * data-disabled true | <strong>false</strong> * label * placeholder * inset true | <strong>false</strong> * hideLabel true | <strong>false</strong> * * otherTagStringField tag string added to input field attribute list * otherTagStringLabel tag string added to label attribute list * * </pre> */ public class ERQMInputSearch extends ERQMTextField { public ERQMInputSearch(WOContext context) { super(context); } @Override public String typeName() { return "search"; } }