package er.jqm.components.core; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOComponentDefinition; import; import; import er.jqm.components.ERQMComponentBase; /** * Input type="<strong>text</strong> | password | number | email | url | tel | time | date | month | week | datetime | datetime-local | color" * * <pre> * id * class * value * * data-corners <strong>true</strong> | false * data-clear-btn true | <strong>false</strong> - Adds a clear button * data-clear-btn-text string - Text for the close button. Default: "<strong>clear text</strong>" * data-mini true | <strong>false</strong> - Compact sized version * data-role none - Prevents auto-enhancement to use native control * data-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Added to the form element * data-wrapper-class * * data-disabled true | <strong>false</strong> * label * placeholder * inset true | <strong>false</strong> - surround all with div class = "ui-field-contain" * hideLabel true | <strong>false</strong> * * otherTagString tag string added to input field attribute list * otherTagStringLabel tag string added to label attribute list * * </pre> */ public class ERQMTextField extends ERQMComponentBase { public ERQMTextField(WOContext context) { super(context); } private transient WOComponentDefinition _overridenComponentDefinition; public String wodName() { return ERQMTextField.class.getName(); } @Override public WOComponentDefinition _componentDefinition() { WOComponentDefinition aComponentDefinition = null; if (_overridenComponentDefinition != null) { aComponentDefinition = _overridenComponentDefinition; } else { NSArray<String> languages = null; if (context() != null) { languages = context()._languages(); } aComponentDefinition = WOApplication.application()._componentDefinition(wodName(), languages); if (isCachingEnabled()) { _overridenComponentDefinition = aComponentDefinition; } } return aComponentDefinition; } public String typeName() { return "text"; } public String type() { return _stringValueForBinding("type", typeName(), null); } public String label() { return _stringValueForBinding("label", "string", null); } @Override public boolean inset() { return _booleanValueForBinding("inset", false, null); } public boolean hideLabel() { return _booleanValueForBinding("hideLabel", false, null); } public String otherTagStringLabel() { String tmp = _stringValueForBinding("otherTagStringLabel", "", null); if (hideLabel()) { tmp += " class=\"ui-hidden-accessible\""; } return (tmp.length() > 0) ? tmp : null; } @Override public void appendCustomTags(StringBuilder sb, NSMutableArray<String> classes, NSMutableArray<String> styles) { appendStringTag(sb, "data-theme", null, "theme"); appendStringTag(sb, "data-role", null, null); appendBooleanTag(sb, "data-mini", false, "mini"); appendStringTag(sb, "placeholder", null, null); if (appendBooleanTag(sb, "data-clear-btn", false, null)) { appendStringTag(sb, "data-clear-btn-text", null, null); } appendStringTag(sb, "data-wrapper-class", null, null); } }