package er.ajax; // import; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOActionResults; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOAssociation; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOElement; import com.webobjects.appserver.WORequest; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse; import; import; import; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXRequest; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXWOContext; import; import; /** * Shows a link and wraps an area that is later presented as a modal window. Alternately, when you bind <b>action</b> then the content is used as the link. * * @binding label label for the link * @binding class class for the link * @binding style style for the link * @binding value value for the link (??) * @binding id id for the link * @binding containerID container ID for non-Ajax WOComponentContent * @binding closeLabel string for the close link * @binding title title string for the link label and the window * @binding href when it is bound, the content of the url will be fetched into an iframe. * @binding directActionName the direct action to fetch * @binding action when it is bound, the content of the url will be fetched into a div * @binding ajax (optional) when true, the contents are only rendered during the Ajax request, using ajax=true is the preferred way to use this * @binding open if true, the container is rendered already opened (currently only workings, i think, with ajax=true) * @binding locked if true, the container will be "locked" and will not close unless you explicitly close it * @binding secure (only applicable for directAtionName) if true, the generated url will be https * @binding skin the name of the skin to use (lightbox or darkbox right now) * * If your content changes height and you want to autosize your iBox, you can add <script>iBox.contentChanged()</script> into your * AjaxUpdateContainer to trigger an iBox resize. * * @author timo * @author ak */ public class AjaxModalContainer extends AjaxDynamicElement { public AjaxModalContainer(String name, NSDictionary associations, WOElement children) { super(name, associations, children); } public boolean shouldHandle(WOContext context) { return context.elementID().equals(context.senderID()); } @Override public WOActionResults invokeAction(WORequest worequest, WOContext wocontext) { WOComponent component = wocontext.component(); if (!booleanValueForBinding("ajax", false, component)) { WOAssociation action = associations().objectForKey("action"); if(action != null && wocontext.elementID().equals(wocontext.senderID())) { return (WOActionResults) action.valueInComponent(component); } } return super.invokeAction(worequest, wocontext); } @Override public void appendToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext context) { WOComponent component = context.component(); String linkID = (String)valueForBinding("id", component); if (linkID == null) { linkID=ERXWOContext.safeIdentifierName(context, false); } String containerID = (String)valueForBinding("containerID", linkID + "Container", component); response.appendContentString("<a"); String href = (String) valueForBinding("href", component); if (href == null) { String directActionName = stringValueForBinding("directActionName", component); if (directActionName != null) { NSDictionary queryDictionary = (NSDictionary)valueForBinding("queryDictionary", component); boolean secure = booleanValueForBinding("secure", ERXRequest.isRequestSecure(context.request()), component); if (secure) { boolean generatingCompleteURLs = context.doesGenerateCompleteURLs(); if (!generatingCompleteURLs) { context.generateCompleteURLs(); } try { href = context._directActionURL(directActionName, queryDictionary, secure, 0, false); ERXMutableURL u = new ERXMutableURL(href); u.addQueryParameter(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), null); href = u.toExternalForm(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new NSForwardException(e); } finally { if (!generatingCompleteURLs) { context.generateRelativeURLs(); } } } else { href = context.directActionURLForActionNamed(directActionName, queryDictionary); } } } boolean isAjax = booleanValueForBinding("ajax", false, component); if(href == null) { if (isAjax) { if (valueForBinding("id", component) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("If ajax = 'true', you must also bind 'id'."); } href = AjaxUtils.ajaxComponentActionUrl(context); } else if(associations().objectForKey("action") != null) { // don't use ajax request handler here href = context.componentActionURL(); } if(href == null) { href = "#" + containerID; } } appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "href", href); String relAttributeValue = "ibox"; Object height = valueForBinding("height", component); Object width = valueForBinding("width", component); Object closeLabel = valueForBinding("closeLabel", component); if (height != null) { relAttributeValue += "&height=" + ERXStringUtilities.urlEncode(height.toString()); } if (width != null) { relAttributeValue += "&width=" + ERXStringUtilities.urlEncode(width.toString()); } if (closeLabel != null) { relAttributeValue += "&closeLabel=" + ERXStringUtilities.urlEncode(closeLabel.toString()); } if (booleanValueForBinding("locked", false, component)) { relAttributeValue += "&locked=true"; } response._appendTagAttributeAndValue("rel", relAttributeValue, false); // don't escape the ampersands appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "title", valueForBinding("title", component)); appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "value", valueForBinding("value", component)); appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "class", valueForBinding("class", component)); appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "style", valueForBinding("style", component)); appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "id", linkID); response.appendContentString(">"); if(!href.startsWith("#") && !isAjax && childrenElements() != null && childrenElements().count() > 0) { appendChildrenToResponse(response, context); } else { Object label = valueForBinding("label", "", component); response.appendContentString(label.toString()); } response.appendContentString("</a>"); if (AjaxUtils.isAjaxRequest(context.request())) { NSMutableDictionary userInfo = ERXWOContext.contextDictionary(); if (!userInfo.containsKey("er.ajax.AjaxModalContainer.init")) { AjaxUtils.appendScriptHeader(response); response.appendContentString("iBox.init()"); AjaxUtils.appendScriptFooter(response); userInfo.setObjectForKey(Boolean.TRUE, "er.ajax.AjaxModalContainer.init"); } } if (booleanValueForBinding("open", false, component)) { if (AjaxUtils.isAjaxRequest(context.request())) { // PROTOTYPE FUNCTIONS response.appendContentString("<script>iBox.handleTag.bind($wi('" + linkID + "'))()</script>"); } else { // PROTOTYPE FUNCTIONS response.appendContentString("<script>Event.observe(window, 'load', iBox.handleTag.bind($wi('" + linkID + "')))</script>"); } } if(href.startsWith("#")) { response.appendContentString("<div"); appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "id", containerID); appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "style", "display:none;"); response.appendContentString(">"); appendChildrenToResponse(response, context); response.appendContentString("</div>"); } super.appendToResponse(response, context); } @Override protected void addRequiredWebResources(WOResponse response, WOContext context) { addScriptResourceInHead(context, response, "prototype.js"); addScriptResourceInHead(context, response, "ibox/ibox.js"); String skinName = stringValueForBinding("skin", context.component()); String skinCSS; if (skinName == null) { skinCSS = "ibox/ibox.css"; } else { skinCSS = "ibox/skins/" + skinName + "/" + skinName + ".css"; } addStylesheetResourceInHead(context, response, skinCSS); } @Override protected String _containerID(WOContext context) { String id = (String) valueForBinding("id", context.component()); return id; } @Override public WOActionResults handleRequest(WORequest request, WOContext context) { WOComponent component = context.component(); WOResponse response = null; WOAssociation action = associations().objectForKey("action"); if(action != null) { action.valueInComponent(component); } if (booleanValueForBinding("ajax", false, component) && hasChildrenElements()) { response = AjaxUtils.createResponse(request, context); AjaxUtils.setPageReplacementCacheKey(context, _containerID(context)); appendChildrenToResponse(response, context); } return response; } }