package com.uwsoft.editor.renderer.resources; import; import java.util.*; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Json; import*; import com.uwsoft.editor.renderer.utils.MySkin; /** * Default ResourceManager that you can reuse or extend * Generally is good to load all the assets that are exported from editor * using default settings (The paths and file structure should be exact) * If changed by you manually, please override this class methods in order to keep it working. * * The main logic is to prepare list of resources that needs to be load for specified scenes, and then loaded. * * Created by azakhary on 9/9/2014. */ public class ResourceManager implements IResourceLoader, IResourceRetriever { /** * Paths (please change if different) this is the default structure exported from editor */ public String packResolutionName = "orig"; public String scenesPath = "scenes"; public String particleEffectsPath = "particles"; public String spriteAnimationsPath = "sprite_animations"; public String spriterAnimationsPath = "spriter_animations"; public String spineAnimationsPath = "spine_animations"; public String fontsPath = "freetypefonts"; public String shadersPath = "shaders"; protected float resMultiplier; protected ProjectInfoVO projectVO; protected ArrayList<String> preparedSceneNames = new ArrayList<String>(); protected HashMap<String, SceneVO> loadedSceneVOs = new HashMap<String, SceneVO>(); protected HashSet<String> particleEffectNamesToLoad = new HashSet<String>(); protected HashSet<String> spineAnimNamesToLoad = new HashSet<String>(); protected HashSet<String> spriteAnimNamesToLoad = new HashSet<String>(); protected HashSet<String> spriterAnimNamesToLoad = new HashSet<String>(); protected HashSet<FontSizePair> fontsToLoad = new HashSet<FontSizePair>(); protected HashSet<String> shaderNamesToLoad = new HashSet<String>(); protected TextureAtlas mainPack; protected HashMap<String, ParticleEffect> particleEffects = new HashMap<String, ParticleEffect>(); protected HashMap<String, TextureAtlas> skeletonAtlases = new HashMap<String, TextureAtlas>(); protected HashMap<String, FileHandle> skeletonJSON = new HashMap<String, FileHandle>(); protected HashMap<String, TextureAtlas> spriteAnimations = new HashMap<String, TextureAtlas>(); protected HashMap<String, FileHandle> spriterAnimations = new HashMap<String, FileHandle>(); protected HashMap<FontSizePair, BitmapFont> bitmapFonts = new HashMap<FontSizePair, BitmapFont>(); protected HashMap<String, ShaderProgram> shaderPrograms = new HashMap<String, ShaderProgram>(); /** * Constructor does nothing */ public ResourceManager() { } /** * Sets working resolution, please set before doing any loading * @param resolution String resolution name, default is "orig" later use resolution names created in editor */ public void setWorkingResolution(String resolution) { ResolutionEntryVO resolutionObject = getProjectVO().getResolution(resolution); if(resolutionObject != null) { packResolutionName = resolution; } } /** * Easy use loader * Iterates through all scenes and schedules all for loading * Prepares all the assets to be loaded that are used in scheduled scenes * finally loads all the prepared assets */ public void initAllResources() { loadProjectVO(); for (int i = 0; i < projectVO.scenes.size(); i++) { loadSceneVO(projectVO.scenes.get(i).sceneName); scheduleScene(projectVO.scenes.get(i).sceneName); } prepareAssetsToLoad(); loadAssets(); } /** * Initializes scene by loading it's VO data object and loading all the assets needed for this particular scene only * @param sceneName - scene file name without ".dt" extension */ public void initScene(String sceneName) { loadSceneVO(sceneName); scheduleScene(sceneName); prepareAssetsToLoad(); loadAssets(); } /** * Anloads scene from the memory, and clears all the freed assets * * @param sceneName - scene file name without ".dt" extension */ public void unLoadScene(String sceneName) { unScheduleScene(sceneName); loadedSceneVOs.remove(sceneName); loadAssets(); } /** * Schedules scene for later loading * if later prepareAssetsToLoad function will be called it will only prepare assets that are used in scheduled scene * * @param name - scene file name without ".dt" extension */ public void scheduleScene(String name) { if (loadedSceneVOs.containsKey(name)) { preparedSceneNames.add(name); } else { //TODO: Throw exception that scene was not loaded to be prepared for asseting } } /** * Unschedule scene from later loading * * @param name */ public void unScheduleScene(String name) { preparedSceneNames.remove(name); } /** * Creates the list of uniqe assets used in all of the scheduled scenes, * removes all the duplicates, and makes list of assets that are only needed. * */ public void prepareAssetsToLoad() { particleEffectNamesToLoad.clear(); spineAnimNamesToLoad.clear(); spriteAnimNamesToLoad.clear(); spriterAnimNamesToLoad.clear(); fontsToLoad.clear(); shaderPrograms.clear(); for (String preparedSceneName : preparedSceneNames) { CompositeVO composite = loadedSceneVOs.get(preparedSceneName).composite; if (composite == null) { continue; } // String[] particleEffects = composite.getRecursiveParticleEffectsList(); String[] spineAnimations = composite.getRecursiveSpineAnimationList(); String[] spriteAnimations = composite.getRecursiveSpriteAnimationList(); String[] spriterAnimations = composite.getRecursiveSpriterAnimationList(); String[] shaderNames = composite.getRecursiveShaderList(); FontSizePair[] fonts = composite.getRecursiveFontList(); for(CompositeItemVO library : projectVO.libraryItems.values()) { FontSizePair[] libFonts = library.composite.getRecursiveFontList(); Collections.addAll(fontsToLoad, libFonts); // loading particle effects used in library items String[] libEffects = library.composite.getRecursiveParticleEffectsList(); Collections.addAll(particleEffectNamesToLoad, libEffects); } // Collections.addAll(particleEffectNamesToLoad, particleEffects); Collections.addAll(spineAnimNamesToLoad, spineAnimations); Collections.addAll(spriteAnimNamesToLoad, spriteAnimations); Collections.addAll(spriterAnimNamesToLoad, spriterAnimations); Collections.addAll(fontsToLoad, fonts); Collections.addAll(shaderNamesToLoad, shaderNames); } } /** * Loads all the scheduled assets into memory including * main atlas pack, particle effects, sprite animations, spine animations and fonts */ public void loadAssets() { loadAtlasPack(); loadParticleEffects(); loadSpineAnimations(); loadSpriteAnimations(); loadSpriterAnimations(); loadFonts(); loadShaders(); } @Override public void loadAtlasPack() { FileHandle packFile = Gdx.files.internal(packResolutionName + File.separator + "pack.atlas"); if (!packFile.exists()) { return; } mainPack = new TextureAtlas(packFile); } @Override public void loadParticleEffects() { // empty existing ones that are not scheduled to load for (String key : particleEffects.keySet()) { if (!particleEffectNamesToLoad.contains(key)) { particleEffects.remove(key); } } // load scheduled for (String name : particleEffectNamesToLoad) { ParticleEffect effect = new ParticleEffect(); effect.load(Gdx.files.internal(particleEffectsPath + File.separator + name), mainPack, ""); particleEffects.put(name, effect); } } @Override public void loadSpriteAnimations() { // empty existing ones that are not scheduled to load for (String key : spriteAnimations.keySet()) { if (!spriteAnimNamesToLoad.contains(key)) { spriteAnimations.remove(key); } } for (String name : spriteAnimNamesToLoad) { TextureAtlas animAtlas = new TextureAtlas(Gdx.files.internal(packResolutionName + File.separator + spriteAnimationsPath + File.separator + name + File.separator + name + ".atlas")); spriteAnimations.put(name, animAtlas); } } @Override public void loadSpriterAnimations() { // empty existing ones that are not scheduled to load for (String key : spriterAnimations.keySet()) { if (!spriterAnimNamesToLoad.contains(key)) { spriterAnimations.remove(key); } } for (String name : spriterAnimNamesToLoad) { FileHandle animFile = Gdx.files.internal("orig" + File.separator + spriterAnimationsPath + File.separator + name + File.separator + name + ".scml"); spriterAnimations.put(name, animFile); } } public void loadSpineAnimation(String name) { TextureAtlas animAtlas = new TextureAtlas(Gdx.files.internal(packResolutionName + File.separator + spineAnimationsPath + File.separator + name + File.separator + name + ".atlas")); skeletonAtlases.put(name, animAtlas); skeletonJSON.put(name, Gdx.files.internal("orig"+ File.separator + spineAnimationsPath + File.separator + name + File.separator + name + ".json")); } @Override public void loadSpineAnimations() { // empty existing ones that are not scheduled to load Iterator it = skeletonAtlases.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry); if(spineAnimNamesToLoad.contains(pairs.getKey())) { spineAnimNamesToLoad.remove(pairs.getKey()); } else { it.remove(); skeletonJSON.remove(pairs.getKey()); } } for (String name : spineAnimNamesToLoad) { loadSpineAnimation(name); } } @Override public void loadFonts() { //resolution related stuff ResolutionEntryVO curResolution = getProjectVO().getResolution(packResolutionName); resMultiplier = 1; if(!packResolutionName.equals("orig")) { if(curResolution.base == 0) { resMultiplier = (float) curResolution.width / (float) getProjectVO().originalResolution.width; } else{ resMultiplier = (float) curResolution.height / (float) getProjectVO().originalResolution.height; } } // empty existing ones that are not scheduled to load for (FontSizePair pair : bitmapFonts.keySet()) { if (!fontsToLoad.contains(pair)) { bitmapFonts.remove(pair); } } for (FontSizePair pair : fontsToLoad) { loadFont(pair); } } public void loadFont(FontSizePair pair) { FileHandle fontFile; fontFile = Gdx.files.internal(fontsPath + File.separator + pair.fontName + ".ttf"); FreeTypeFontGenerator generator = new FreeTypeFontGenerator(fontFile); FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter parameter = new FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter(); parameter.size = Math.round(pair.fontSize * resMultiplier); BitmapFont font = generator.generateFont(parameter); bitmapFonts.put(pair, font); } @Override public SceneVO loadSceneVO(String sceneName) { FileHandle file = Gdx.files.internal(scenesPath + File.separator + sceneName + ".dt"); Json json = new Json(); SceneVO sceneVO = json.fromJson(SceneVO.class, file.readString()); loadedSceneVOs.put(sceneName, sceneVO); return sceneVO; } public void unLoadSceneVO(String sceneName) { loadedSceneVOs.remove(sceneName); } @Override public ProjectInfoVO loadProjectVO() { FileHandle file = Gdx.files.internal("project.dt"); Json json = new Json(); projectVO = json.fromJson(ProjectInfoVO.class, file.readString()); return projectVO; } @Override public void loadShaders() { // empty existing ones that are not scheduled to load for (String key : shaderPrograms.keySet()) { if (!shaderNamesToLoad.contains(key)) { shaderPrograms.get(key).dispose(); shaderPrograms.remove(key); } } for (String name : shaderNamesToLoad) { ShaderProgram shaderProgram = new ShaderProgram(Gdx.files.internal(shadersPath + File.separator + name + ".vert"), Gdx.files.internal(shadersPath + File.separator + name + ".frag")); shaderPrograms.put(name, shaderProgram); } } /** * Following methods are for retriever interface, which is intended for runtime internal use * to retrieve any already loaded into memory asset for rendering */ @Override public TextureRegion getTextureRegion(String name) { return mainPack.findRegion(name); } @Override public ParticleEffect getParticleEffect(String name) { return new ParticleEffect(particleEffects.get(name)); } @Override public TextureAtlas getSkeletonAtlas(String name) { return skeletonAtlases.get(name); } @Override public FileHandle getSkeletonJSON(String name) { return skeletonJSON.get(name); } @Override public TextureAtlas getSpriteAnimation(String name) { return spriteAnimations.get(name); } @Override public BitmapFont getBitmapFont(String name, int size) { return bitmapFonts.get(new FontSizePair(name, size)); } @Override public MySkin getSkin() { return null; } @Override public SceneVO getSceneVO(String sceneName) { return loadedSceneVOs.get(sceneName); } @Override public ProjectInfoVO getProjectVO() { return projectVO; } @Override public ResolutionEntryVO getLoadedResolution() { if(packResolutionName.equals("orig")) { return getProjectVO().originalResolution; } return getProjectVO().getResolution(packResolutionName); } public void dispose() { mainPack.dispose(); } @Override public FileHandle getSCMLFile(String name) { return spriterAnimations.get(name); } @Override public ShaderProgram getShaderProgram(String shaderName) { return shaderPrograms.get(shaderName); } }