package com.brashmonkey.spriter; import com.brashmonkey.spriter.Mainline.Key.BoneRef; import com.brashmonkey.spriter.Mainline.Key.ObjectRef; import com.brashmonkey.spriter.Timeline.Key.Bone; import com.brashmonkey.spriter.Timeline.Key.Object; /** * A tweened animation is responsible for updating itself based on two given animations. * The values of the two given animations will get interpolated and save in this animation. * When tweening two animations, you have to make sure that they have the same structure. * The best result is achieved if bones of two different animations are named in the same way. * There are still issues with sprites, which are hard to resolve since Spriter does not save them in a useful order or naming convention. * @author Trixt0r * */ public class TweenedAnimation extends Animation{ /** * The weight of the interpolation. 0.5f is the default value. * Values closer to 0.0f mean the first animation will have more influence. */ public float weight = .5f; /** * Indicates when a sprite should be switched form the first animation object to the second one. * A value closer to 0.0f means that the sprites of the second animation will be drawn. */ public float spriteThreshold = .5f; /** * The curve which will tween the animations. * The default type of the curve is {@link Curve.Type#Linear}. */ public final Curve curve; /** * The entity the animations have be part of. * Animations of two different entities can not be tweened. */ public final Entity entity; private Animation anim1, anim2; /** * The base animation an object or bone will get if it will not be tweened. */ public Animation baseAnimation; BoneRef base = null; /** * Indicates whether to tween sprites or not. Default value is <code>false</code>. * Tweening sprites should be only enabled if they have exactly the same structure. * If all animations are bone based and sprites only change their references it is not recommended to tween sprites. */ public boolean tweenSprites = false; /** * Creates a tweened animation based on the given entity. * @param entity the entity animations have to be part of */ public TweenedAnimation(Entity entity) { super(new Mainline(0), -1, "__interpolatedAnimation__", 0, true, entity.getAnimationWithMostTimelines().timelines()); this.entity = entity; this.curve = new Curve(); this.setUpTimelines(); } /** * Returns the current mainline key. * @return the mainline key */ public Mainline.Key getCurrentKey(){ return this.currentKey; } @Override public void update(int time, Bone root){ super.currentKey = onFirstMainLine() ? anim1.currentKey: anim2.currentKey; for(Timeline.Key timelineKey: this.unmappedTweenedKeys) = false; if(base != null){//TODO: Sprites not working properly because of different timeline naming Animation currentAnim = onFirstMainLine() ? anim1: anim2; Animation baseAnim = baseAnimation == null ? (onFirstMainLine() ? anim1:anim2) : baseAnimation; for(BoneRef ref: currentKey.boneRefs){ Timeline timeline = baseAnim.getSimilarTimeline(currentAnim.getTimeline(ref.timeline)); if(timeline == null) continue; Timeline.Key key, mappedKey; key = baseAnim.tweenedKeys[]; mappedKey = baseAnim.unmappedTweenedKeys[]; this.tweenedKeys[ref.timeline].active =; this.tweenedKeys[ref.timeline].object().set(key.object()); this.unmappedTweenedKeys[ref.timeline].active =; this.unmapTimelineObject(ref.timeline, false,(ref.parent != null) ? this.unmappedTweenedKeys[ref.parent.timeline].object(): root); } /*for(ObjectRef ref: baseAnim.currentKey.objectRefs){ Timeline timeline = baseAnim.getTimeline(ref.timeline);//getSimilarTimeline(ref, tempTimelines); if(timeline != null){ //tempTimelines.addLast(timeline); Timeline.Key key = baseAnim.tweenedKeys[]; Timeline.Key mappedKey = baseAnim.mappedTweenedKeys[]; Object obj = (Object) key.object(); this.tweenedKeys[ref.timeline].active =; ((Object)this.tweenedKeys[ref.timeline].object()).set(obj); this.mappedTweenedKeys[ref.timeline].active =; this.unmapTimelineObject(ref.timeline, true,(ref.parent != null) ? this.mappedTweenedKeys[ref.parent.timeline].object(): root); } }*/ //tempTimelines.clear(); } this.tweenBoneRefs(base, root); for(ObjectRef ref: super.currentKey.objectRefs){ //if(ref.parent == base) this.update(ref, root, 0); } } private void tweenBoneRefs(BoneRef base, Bone root){ int startIndex = base == null ? -1 :; int length = super.currentKey.boneRefs.length; for(int i = startIndex+1; i < length; i++){ BoneRef ref = currentKey.boneRefs[i]; if(base == ref || ref.parent == base) this.update(ref, root, 0); if(base == ref.parent) this.tweenBoneRefs(ref, root); } } @Override protected void update(BoneRef ref, Bone root, int time){ boolean isObject = ref instanceof ObjectRef; //Tween bone/object Bone bone1 = null, bone2 = null, tweenTarget = null; Timeline t1 = onFirstMainLine() ? anim1.getTimeline(ref.timeline) : anim1.getSimilarTimeline(anim2.getTimeline(ref.timeline)); Timeline t2 = onFirstMainLine() ? anim2.getSimilarTimeline(t1) : anim2.getTimeline(ref.timeline); Timeline targetTimeline = super.getTimeline(onFirstMainLine() ?; if(t1 != null) bone1 = anim1.tweenedKeys[].object(); if(t2 != null) bone2 = anim2.tweenedKeys[].object(); if(targetTimeline != null) tweenTarget = this.tweenedKeys[].object(); if(isObject && (t2 == null || !tweenSprites)){ if(!onFirstMainLine()) bone1 = bone2; else bone2 = bone1; } if(bone2 != null && tweenTarget != null && bone1 != null){ if(isObject) this.tweenObject((Object)bone1, (Object)bone2, (Object)tweenTarget, this.weight, this.curve); else this.tweenBone(bone1, bone2, tweenTarget, this.weight, this.curve); this.unmappedTweenedKeys[].active = true; } //Transform the bone relative to the parent bone or the root if(this.unmappedTweenedKeys[ref.timeline].active){ this.unmapTimelineObject(, isObject,(ref.parent != null) ? this.unmappedTweenedKeys[ref.parent.timeline].object(): root); } } private void tweenBone(Bone bone1, Bone bone2, Bone target, float t, Curve curve){ target.angle = curve.tweenAngle(bone1.angle, bone2.angle, t); curve.tweenPoint(bone1.position, bone2.position, t, target.position); curve.tweenPoint(bone1.scale, bone2.scale, t, target.scale); curve.tweenPoint(bone1.pivot, bone2.pivot, t, target.pivot); } private void tweenObject(Object object1, Object object2, Object target, float t, Curve curve){ this.tweenBone(object1, object2, target, t, curve); target.alpha = curve.tweenAngle(object1.alpha, object2.alpha, t); target.ref.set(object1.ref); } /** * Returns whether the current mainline key is the one from the first animation or from the second one. * @return <code>true</code> if the mainline key is the one from the first animation */ public boolean onFirstMainLine(){ return this.weight < this.spriteThreshold; } private void setUpTimelines(){ Animation maxAnim = this.entity.getAnimationWithMostTimelines(); int max = maxAnim.timelines(); for(int i = 0; i < max; i++){ Timeline t = new Timeline(i, maxAnim.getTimeline(i).name, maxAnim.getTimeline(i).objectInfo, 1); addTimeline(t); } prepare(); } /** * Sets the animations to tween. * @param animation1 the first animation * @param animation2 the second animation * @throws SpriterException if {@link #entity} does not contain one of the given animations. */ public void setAnimations(Animation animation1, Animation animation2){ boolean areInterpolated = animation1 instanceof TweenedAnimation || animation2 instanceof TweenedAnimation; if(animation1 == anim1 && animation2 == anim2) return; if((!this.entity.containsAnimation(animation1) || !this.entity.containsAnimation(animation2)) && !areInterpolated) throw new SpriterException("Both animations have to be part of the same entity!"); this.anim1 = animation1; this.anim2 = animation2; } /** * Returns the first animation. * @return the first animation */ public Animation getFirstAnimation(){ return this.anim1; } /** * Returns the second animation. * @return the second animation */ public Animation getSecondAnimation(){ return this.anim2; } }