package com.brashmonkey.spriter; import com.brashmonkey.spriter.Entity.ObjectInfo; /** * Represents a time line in a Spriter SCML file. * A time line holds an {@link #id}, a {@link #name} and at least one {@link Key}. * @author Trixt0r * */ public class Timeline { public final Key[] keys; private int keyPointer = 0; public final int id; public final String name; public final ObjectInfo objectInfo; Timeline(int id, String name, ObjectInfo objectInfo, int keys){ = id; = name; this.objectInfo = objectInfo; this.keys = new Key[keys]; } void addKey(Key key){ this.keys[keyPointer++] = key; } /** * Returns a {@link Key} at the given index * @param index the index of the key. * @return the key with the given index. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range */ public Key getKey(int index){ return this.keys[index]; } public String toString(){ String toReturn = getClass().getSimpleName()+"|[id:"+id+", name: "+name+", object_info: "+objectInfo; for(Key key: keys) toReturn += "\n"+key; toReturn+="]"; return toReturn; } /** * Represents a time line key in a Spriter SCML file. * A key holds an {@link #id}, a {@link #time}, a {@link #spin}, an {@link #object()} and a {@link #curve}. * @author Trixt0r * */ public static class Key{ public final int id, spin; public int time; public final Curve curve; public boolean active; private Object object; public Key(int id, int time, int spin, Curve curve){ = id; this.time = time; this.spin = spin; this.curve = curve; } public Key(int id,int time, int spin){ this(id, time, 1, new Curve()); } public Key(int id, int time){ this(id, time, 1); } public Key(int id){ this(id, 0); } public void setObject(Object object){ if(object == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("object can not be null!"); this.object = object; } public Object object(){ return this.object; } public String toString(){ return getClass().getSimpleName()+"|[id: "+id+", time: "+time+", spin: "+spin+"\ncurve: "+curve+"\nobject:"+object+"]"; } /** * Represents a bone in a Spriter SCML file. * A bone holds a {@link #position}, {@link #scale}, an {@link #angle} and a {@link #pivot}. * Bones are the only objects which can be used as a parent for other tweenable objects. * @author Trixt0r * */ public static class Bone{ public final Point position, scale, pivot; public float angle; public Bone(Point position, Point scale, Point pivot, float angle){ this.position = new Point(position); this.scale = new Point(scale); this.angle = angle; this.pivot = new Point(pivot); } public Bone(Bone bone){ this(bone.position, bone.scale, bone.pivot, bone.angle); } public Bone(Point position){ this(position, new Point(1f,1f), new Point(0f, 1f), 0f); } public Bone(){ this(new Point()); } /** * Returns whether this instance is a Spriter object or a bone. * @return true if this instance is a Spriter bone */ public boolean isBone(){ return !(this instanceof Object); } /** * Sets the values of this bone to the values of the given bone * @param bone the bone */ public void set(Bone bone){ this.set(bone.position, bone.angle, bone.scale, bone.pivot); } /** * Sets the given values for this bone. * @param x the new position in x direction * @param y the new position in y direction * @param angle the new angle * @param scaleX the new scale in x direction * @param scaleY the new scale in y direction * @param pivotX the new pivot in x direction * @param pivotY the new pivot in y direction */ public void set(float x, float y, float angle, float scaleX, float scaleY, float pivotX, float pivotY){ this.angle = angle; this.position.set(x, y); this.scale.set(scaleX, scaleY); this.pivot.set(pivotX, pivotY); } /** * Sets the given values for this bone. * @param position the new position * @param angle the new angle * @param scale the new scale * @param pivot the new pivot */ public void set(Point position, float angle, Point scale, Point pivot){ this.set(position.x, position.y, angle, scale.x, scale.y, pivot.x, pivot.y); } /** * Maps this bone from it's parent's coordinate system to a global one. * @param parent the parent bone of this bone */ public void unmap(Bone parent){ this.angle *= Math.signum(parent.scale.x)*Math.signum(parent.scale.y); this.angle += parent.angle; this.scale.scale(parent.scale); this.position.scale(parent.scale); this.position.rotate(parent.angle); this.position.translate(parent.position); } /** * Maps this from it's global coordinate system to the parent's one. * @param parent the parent bone of this bone */ public void map(Bone parent){ this.position.translate(-parent.position.x, -parent.position.y); this.position.rotate(-parent.angle); this.position.scale(1f/parent.scale.x, 1f/parent.scale.y); this.scale.scale(1f/parent.scale.x, 1f/parent.scale.y); this.angle -=parent.angle; this.angle *= Math.signum(parent.scale.x)*Math.signum(parent.scale.y); } public String toString(){ return getClass().getSimpleName()+"|position: "+position+", scale: "+scale+", angle: "+angle; } } /** * Represents an object in a Spriter SCML file. * A file has the same properties as a bone with an alpha and file extension. * @author Trixt0r * */ public static class Object extends Bone{ public float alpha; public final FileReference ref; public Object(Point position, Point scale, Point pivot, float angle, float alpha, FileReference ref) { super(position, scale, pivot, angle); this.alpha = alpha; this.ref = ref; } public Object(Point position) { this(position, new Point(1f,1f), new Point(0f,1f), 0f, 1f, new FileReference(-1,-1)); } public Object(Object object){ this(object.position.copy(), object.scale.copy(),object.pivot.copy(),object.angle,object.alpha,object.ref); } public Object(){ this(new Point()); } /** * Sets the values of this object to the values of the given object. * @param object the object */ public void set(Object object){ this.set(object.position, object.angle, object.scale, object.pivot, object.alpha, object.ref); } /** * Sets the given values for this object. * @param x the new position in x direction * @param y the new position in y direction * @param angle the new angle * @param scaleX the new scale in x direction * @param scaleY the new scale in y direction * @param pivotX the new pivot in x direction * @param pivotY the new pivot in y direction * @param alpha the new alpha value * @param folder the new folder index * @param file the new file index */ public void set(float x, float y, float angle, float scaleX, float scaleY, float pivotX, float pivotY, float alpha, int folder, int file){ super.set(x, y, angle, scaleX, scaleY, pivotX, pivotY); this.alpha = alpha; this.ref.folder = folder; this.ref.file = file; } /** * Sets the given values for this object. * @param position the new position * @param angle the new angle * @param scale the new scale * @param pivot the new pivot * @param alpha the new alpha value * @param fileRef the new file reference */ public void set(Point position, float angle, Point scale, Point pivot, float alpha, FileReference fileRef){ this.set(position.x, position.y, angle, scale.x, scale.y, pivot.x, pivot.y, alpha , fileRef.folder, fileRef.file); } public String toString(){ return super.toString()+", pivot: "+pivot+", alpha: "+alpha+", reference: "+ref; } } } }