package com.brashmonkey.spriter; import java.util.HashMap; import com.brashmonkey.spriter.Mainline.Key; import com.brashmonkey.spriter.Mainline.Key.BoneRef; import com.brashmonkey.spriter.Mainline.Key.ObjectRef; import com.brashmonkey.spriter.Timeline.Key.Bone; import com.brashmonkey.spriter.Timeline.Key.Object; /** * Represents an animation of a Spriter SCML file. * An animation holds {@link Timeline}s and a {@link Mainline} to animate objects. * Furthermore it holds an {@link #id}, a {@link #length}, a {@link #name} and whether it is {@link #looping} or not. * @author Trixt0r * */ public class Animation { public final Mainline mainline; private final Timeline[] timelines; private int timelinePointer = 0; private final HashMap<String, Timeline> nameToTimeline; public final int id, length; public final String name; public final boolean looping; Key currentKey; Timeline.Key[] tweenedKeys, unmappedTweenedKeys; private boolean prepared; public Animation(Mainline mainline, int id, String name, int length, boolean looping, int timelines){ this.mainline = mainline; = id; = name; this.length = length; this.looping = looping; this.timelines = new Timeline[timelines]; this.prepared = false; this.nameToTimeline = new HashMap<String, Timeline>(); //this.currentKey = mainline.getKey(0); } /** * Returns a {@link Timeline} with the given index. * @param index the index of the timeline * @return the timeline with the given index * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range */ public Timeline getTimeline(int index){ return this.timelines[index]; } /** * Returns a {@link Timeline} with the given name. * @param name the name of the time line * @return the time line with the given name or null if no time line exists with the given name. */ public Timeline getTimeline(String name){ return this.nameToTimeline.get(name); } void addTimeline(Timeline timeline){ this.timelines[timelinePointer++] = timeline; this.nameToTimeline.put(, timeline); } /** * Returns the number of time lines this animation holds. * @return the number of time lines */ public int timelines(){ return timelines.length; } public String toString(){ String toReturn = getClass().getSimpleName()+"|[id: "+id+", "+name+", duration: "+length+", is looping: "+looping; toReturn +="Mainline:\n"; toReturn += mainline; toReturn += "Timelines\n"; for(Timeline timeline: this.timelines) toReturn += timeline; toReturn+="]"; return toReturn; } /** * Updates the bone and object structure with the given time to the given root bone. * @param time The time which has to be between 0 and {@link #length} to work properly. * @param root The root bone which is not allowed to be null. The whole animation runs relative to the root bone. */ public void update(int time, Bone root){ if(!this.prepared) throw new SpriterException("This animation is not ready yet to animate itself. Please call prepare()!"); if(root == null) throw new SpriterException("The root can not be null! Set a root bone to apply this animation relative to the root bone."); this.currentKey = mainline.getKeyBeforeTime(time); for(Timeline.Key timelineKey: this.unmappedTweenedKeys) = false; for(BoneRef ref: currentKey.boneRefs) this.update(ref, root, time); for(ObjectRef ref: currentKey.objectRefs) this.update(ref, root, time); } protected void update(BoneRef ref, Bone root, int time){ boolean isObject = ref instanceof ObjectRef; //Get the timelines, the refs pointing to Timeline timeline = getTimeline(ref.timeline); Timeline.Key key = timeline.getKey(ref.key); Timeline.Key nextKey = timeline.getKey((ref.key+1)%timeline.keys.length); int currentTime = key.time; int nextTime = nextKey.time; if(nextTime < currentTime){ if(!looping) nextKey = key; else nextTime = length; } //Normalize the time float t = (float)(time - currentTime)/(float)(nextTime - currentTime); if(Float.isNaN(t) || Float.isInfinite(t)) t = 1f; if(currentKey.time > currentTime){ float tMid = (float)(currentKey.time - currentTime)/(float)(nextTime - currentTime); if(Float.isNaN(tMid) || Float.isInfinite(tMid)) tMid = 0f; t = (float)(time - currentKey.time)/(float)(nextTime - currentKey.time); if(Float.isNaN(t) || Float.isInfinite(t)) t = 1f; t = currentKey.curve.tween(tMid, 1f, t); } else t = currentKey.curve.tween(0f, 1f, t); //Tween bone/object Bone bone1 = key.object(); Bone bone2 = nextKey.object(); Bone tweenTarget = this.tweenedKeys[ref.timeline].object(); if(isObject) this.tweenObject((Object)bone1, (Object)bone2, (Object)tweenTarget, t, key.curve, key.spin); else this.tweenBone(bone1, bone2, tweenTarget, t, key.curve, key.spin); this.unmappedTweenedKeys[ref.timeline].active = true; this.unmapTimelineObject(ref.timeline, isObject,(ref.parent != null) ? this.unmappedTweenedKeys[ref.parent.timeline].object(): root); } void unmapTimelineObject(int timeline, boolean isObject, Bone root){ Bone tweenTarget = this.tweenedKeys[timeline].object(); Bone mapTarget = this.unmappedTweenedKeys[timeline].object(); if(isObject) ((Object)mapTarget).set((Object)tweenTarget); else mapTarget.set(tweenTarget); mapTarget.unmap(root); } protected void tweenBone(Bone bone1, Bone bone2, Bone target, float t, Curve curve, int spin){ target.angle = curve.tweenAngle(bone1.angle, bone2.angle, t, spin); curve.tweenPoint(bone1.position, bone2.position, t, target.position); curve.tweenPoint(bone1.scale, bone2.scale, t, target.scale); curve.tweenPoint(bone1.pivot, bone2.pivot, t, target.pivot); } protected void tweenObject(Object object1, Object object2, Object target, float t, Curve curve, int spin){ this.tweenBone(object1, object2, target, t, curve, spin); target.alpha = curve.tweenAngle(object1.alpha, object2.alpha, t); target.ref.set(object1.ref); } Timeline getSimilarTimeline(Timeline t){ Timeline found = getTimeline(; if(found == null && < this.timelines()) found = this.getTimeline(; return found; } /*Timeline getSimilarTimeline(BoneRef ref, Collection<Timeline> coveredTimelines){ if(ref.parent == null) return null; for(BoneRef boneRef: this.currentKey.objectRefs){ Timeline t = this.getTimeline(boneRef.timeline); if(boneRef.parent != null && == && !coveredTimelines.contains(t)) return t; } return null; } Timeline getSimilarTimeline(ObjectRef ref, Collection<Timeline> coveredTimelines){ if(ref.parent == null) return null; for(ObjectRef objRef: this.currentKey.objectRefs){ Timeline t = this.getTimeline(objRef.timeline); if(objRef.parent != null && == && !coveredTimelines.contains(t)) return t; } return null; }*/ /** * Prepares this animation to set this animation in any time state. * This method has to be called before {@link #update(int, Bone)}. */ public void prepare(){ if(this.prepared) return; this.tweenedKeys = new Timeline.Key[timelines.length]; this.unmappedTweenedKeys = new Timeline.Key[timelines.length]; for(int i = 0; i < this.tweenedKeys.length; i++){ this.tweenedKeys[i] = new Timeline.Key(i); this.unmappedTweenedKeys[i] = new Timeline.Key(i); this.tweenedKeys[i].setObject(new Timeline.Key.Object(new Point(0,0))); this.unmappedTweenedKeys[i].setObject(new Timeline.Key.Object(new Point(0,0))); } if(mainline.keys.length > 0) currentKey = mainline.getKey(0); this.prepared = true; } }