package com.brashmonkey.spriter; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import com.brashmonkey.spriter.Entity.*; import com.brashmonkey.spriter.Mainline.Key.*; import com.brashmonkey.spriter.XmlReader.*; /** * This class parses a SCML file and creates a {@link Data} instance. * If you want to keep track of what is going on during the build process of the objects parsed from the SCML file, * you could extend this class and override the load*() methods for pre or post processing. * This could be e.g. useful for a loading screen which responds to the current building or parsing state. * @author Trixt0r */ public class SCMLReader { protected Data data; /** * Creates a new SCML reader and will parse all objects in the given stream. * @param stream the stream */ public SCMLReader(InputStream stream){ = this.load(stream); } /** * Creates a new SCML reader and will parse the given xml string. * @param xml the xml string */ public SCMLReader(String xml){ = this.load(xml); } /** * Parses the SCML object save in the given xml string and returns the build data object. * @param xml the xml string * @return the built data */ protected Data load(String xml){ XmlReader reader = new XmlReader(); Element root = reader.parse(xml); ArrayList<Element> folders = root.getChildrenByName("folder"); ArrayList<Element> entities = root.getChildrenByName("entity"); data = new Data(root.get("scml_version"), root.get("generator"),root.get("generator_version"), folders.size(), entities.size()); loadFolders(folders); loadEntities(entities); return data; } /** * Parses the SCML objects saved in the given stream and returns the built data object. * @param stream the stream from the SCML file * @return the built data */ protected Data load(InputStream stream){ XmlReader reader = new XmlReader(); try { Element root = reader.parse(stream); ArrayList<Element> folders = root.getChildrenByName("folder"); ArrayList<Element> entities = root.getChildrenByName("entity"); data = new Data(root.get("scml_version"), root.get("generator"),root.get("generator_version"), folders.size(), entities.size()); loadFolders(folders); loadEntities(entities); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return data; } /** * Iterates through the given folders and adds them to the current {@link Data} object. * @param folders a list of folders to load */ protected void loadFolders(ArrayList<Element> folders){ for(int i = 0; i < folders.size(); i++){ Element repo = folders.get(i); ArrayList<Element> files = repo.getChildrenByName("file"); Folder folder = new Folder(repo.getInt("id"), repo.get("name", "no_name_"+i), files.size()); loadFiles(files, folder); data.addFolder(folder); } } /** * Iterates through the given files and adds them to the given {@link Folder} object. * @param files a list of files to load * @param folder the folder containing the files */ protected void loadFiles(ArrayList<Element> files, Folder folder){ for(int j = 0; j < files.size(); j++){ Element f = files.get(j); File file = new File(f.getInt("id"), f.get("name"), new Dimension(f.getInt("width", 0), f.getInt("height", 0)), new Point(f.getFloat("pivot_x", 0f), f.getFloat("pivot_y", 1f))); folder.addFile(file); } } /** * Iterates through the given entities and adds them to the current {@link Data} object. * @param entities a list of entities to load */ protected void loadEntities(ArrayList<Element> entities){ for(int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++){ Element e = entities.get(i); ArrayList<Element> infos = e.getChildrenByName("obj_info"); ArrayList<Element> charMaps = e.getChildrenByName("character_map"); ArrayList<Element> animations = e.getChildrenByName("animation"); Entity entity = new Entity(e.getInt("id"), e.get("name"), animations.size(), charMaps.size(), infos.size()); data.addEntity(entity); loadObjectInfos(infos, entity); loadCharacterMaps(charMaps, entity); loadAnimations(animations, entity); } } /** * Iterates through the given object infos and adds them to the given {@link Entity} object. * @param infos a list of infos to load * @param entity the entity containing the infos */ protected void loadObjectInfos(ArrayList<Element> infos, Entity entity){ for(int i = 0; i< infos.size(); i++){ Element info = infos.get(i); Entity.ObjectInfo objInfo = new Entity.ObjectInfo(info.get("name","info"+i), Entity.ObjectType.getObjectInfoFor(info.get("type","")), new Dimension(info.getFloat("w", 0), info.getFloat("h", 0))); entity.addInfo(objInfo); Element frames = info.getChildByName("frames"); if(frames == null) continue; ArrayList<Element> frameIndices = frames.getChildrenByName("i"); for(Element index: frameIndices){ int folder = index.getInt("folder", 0); int file = index.getInt("file", 0); objInfo.frames.add(new FileReference(folder, file)); } } } /** * Iterates through the given character maps and adds them to the given {@link Entity} object. * @param maps a list of character maps to load * @param entity the entity containing the character maps */ protected void loadCharacterMaps(ArrayList<Element> maps, Entity entity){ for(int i = 0; i< maps.size(); i++){ Element map = maps.get(i); Entity.CharacterMap charMap = new Entity.CharacterMap(map.getInt("id"), map.getAttribute("name", "charMap"+i)); entity.addCharacterMap(charMap); ArrayList<Element> mappings = map.getChildrenByName("map"); for(Element mapping: mappings){ int folder = mapping.getInt("folder"); int file = mapping.getInt("file"); charMap.put(new FileReference(folder, file), new FileReference(mapping.getInt("target_folder", folder), mapping.getInt("target_file", file))); } } } /** * Iterates through the given animations and adds them to the given {@link Entity} object. * @param animations a list of animations to load * @param entity the entity containing the animations maps */ protected void loadAnimations(ArrayList<Element> animations, Entity entity){ for(int i = 0; i < animations.size(); i++){ Element a = animations.get(i); ArrayList<Element> timelines = a.getChildrenByName("timeline"); Element mainline = a.getChildByName("mainline"); ArrayList<Element> mainlineKeys = mainline.getChildrenByName("key"); Animation animation = new Animation(new Mainline(mainlineKeys.size()), a.getInt("id"), a.get("name"), a.getInt("length"), a.getBoolean("looping", true),timelines.size()); entity.addAnimation(animation); loadMainlineKeys(mainlineKeys, animation.mainline); loadTimelines(timelines, animation, entity); animation.prepare(); } } /** * Iterates through the given mainline keys and adds them to the given {@link Mainline} object. * @param keys a list of mainline keys * @param main the mainline */ protected void loadMainlineKeys(ArrayList<Element> keys, Mainline main){ for(int i = 0; i < main.keys.length; i++){ Element k = keys.get(i); ArrayList<Element> objectRefs = k.getChildrenByName("object_ref"); ArrayList<Element> boneRefs = k.getChildrenByName("bone_ref"); Curve curve = new Curve(); curve.setType(Curve.getType(k.get("curve_type","linear"))); curve.constraints.set(k.getFloat("c1", 0f),k.getFloat("c2", 0f),k.getFloat("c3", 0f),k.getFloat("c4", 0f)); Mainline.Key key = new Mainline.Key(k.getInt("id"), k.getInt("time", 0), curve, boneRefs.size(), objectRefs.size()); main.addKey(key); loadRefs(objectRefs, boneRefs, key); } } /** * Iterates through the given bone and object references and adds them to the given {@link Mainline.Key} object. * @param objectRefs a list of object references * @param boneRefs a list if bone references * @param key the mainline key */ protected void loadRefs(ArrayList<Element> objectRefs, ArrayList<Element> boneRefs, Mainline.Key key){ for(Element e: boneRefs){ BoneRef boneRef = new BoneRef(e.getInt("id"),e.getInt("timeline"), e.getInt("key"), key.getBoneRef(e.getInt("parent", -1))); key.addBoneRef(boneRef); } for(Element o: objectRefs){ ObjectRef objectRef = new ObjectRef(o.getInt("id"),o.getInt("timeline"), o.getInt("key"), key.getBoneRef(o.getInt("parent", -1)), o.getInt("z_index",0)); key.addObjectRef(objectRef); } Arrays.sort(key.objectRefs); } /** * Iterates through the given timelines and adds them to the given {@link Animation} object. * @param timelines a list of timelines * @param animation the animation containing the timelines * @param entity entity for assigning the timeline an object info */ protected void loadTimelines(ArrayList<Element> timelines, Animation animation, Entity entity){ for(int i = 0; i< timelines.size(); i++){ Element t = timelines.get(i); ArrayList<Element> keys = timelines.get(i).getChildrenByName("key"); String name = t.get("name"); ObjectType type = ObjectType.getObjectInfoFor(t.get("object_type", "sprite")); ObjectInfo info = entity.getInfo(name); if(info == null) info = new ObjectInfo(name, type, new Dimension(0,0)); Timeline timeline = new Timeline(t.getInt("id"), name, info, keys.size()); animation.addTimeline(timeline); loadTimelineKeys(keys, timeline); } } /** * Iterates through the given timeline keys and adds them to the given {@link Timeline} object. * @param keys a list if timeline keys * @param timeline the timeline containing the keys */ protected void loadTimelineKeys(ArrayList<Element> keys, Timeline timeline){ for(int i = 0; i< keys.size(); i++){ Element k = keys.get(i); Curve curve = new Curve(); curve.setType(Curve.getType(k.get("curve_type", "linear"))); curve.constraints.set(k.getFloat("c1", 0f),k.getFloat("c2", 0f),k.getFloat("c3", 0f),k.getFloat("c4", 0f)); Timeline.Key key = new Timeline.Key(k.getInt("id"), k.getInt("time", 0), k.getInt("spin", 1), curve); Element obj = k.getChildByName("bone"); if(obj == null) obj = k.getChildByName("object"); Point position = new Point(obj.getFloat("x", 0f), obj.getFloat("y", 0f)); Point scale = new Point(obj.getFloat("scale_x", 1f), obj.getFloat("scale_y", 1f)); Point pivot = new Point(obj.getFloat("pivot_x", 0f), obj.getFloat("pivot_y", (timeline.objectInfo.type == ObjectType.Bone)? .5f:1f)); float angle = obj.getFloat("angle", 0f), alpha = 1f; int folder = -1, file = -1; if(obj.getName().equals("object")){ if(timeline.objectInfo.type == ObjectType.Sprite){ alpha = obj.getFloat("a", 1f); folder = obj.getInt("folder", -1); file = obj.getInt("file", -1); File f = data.getFolder(folder).getFile(file); pivot = new Point(obj.getFloat("pivot_x", f.pivot.x), obj.getFloat("pivot_y", f.pivot.y)); timeline.objectInfo.size.set(f.size); } } Timeline.Key.Object object; if(obj.getName().equals("bone")) object = new Timeline.Key.Object(position, scale, pivot, angle, alpha, new FileReference(folder, file)); else object = new Timeline.Key.Object(position, scale, pivot, angle, alpha, new FileReference(folder, file)); key.setObject(object); timeline.addKey(key); } } /** * Returns the loaded SCML data. * @return the SCML data. */ public Data getData(){ return data; } }