package er.reporting; import java.util.Enumeration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver.WORequest; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse; import; import; import; import; import; import; import er.extensions.eof.ERXConstant; import; import; import er.grouping.DRAttribute; import er.grouping.DRCriteria; import er.grouping.DRGroup; import er.grouping.DRMasterCriteria; import er.grouping.DRRecordGroup; import er.grouping.DRReportModel; public class WRReport extends WOComponent { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WRReport.class); protected DRReportModel _model; // iterators... public DRGroup aGrp, hGroup, vGroup, zGroup; public String areportStyle; public int currentIndex, currentIndexV; public int currentLevelV, currentLevel; public int vheadingCount; public int depth; public String dispType; public DRAttribute attrib; protected DRCriteria _topCriteriaV, _topCriteria; protected int _vheadingIndex; protected NSMutableDictionary _indexDict; protected NSMutableDictionary _currentZCriteria; protected NSArray _recordGroupDisplayTypes; protected NSArray _reportStyles; protected String _selectedReportStyle; protected String _selectedRecordGroupDisplayType; protected String _recordGroupTotalToShow; protected String _recordGroupTotalFormat; protected Boolean _showRecordGroupAsTable; protected Boolean _showRecordGroupHeadings; protected Boolean _showPresentationControls; protected Boolean _showEditing; protected String _componentName; protected Boolean _showNavigation; protected NSArray _colorDict; //String _baseColor, _maxColor; //NSMutableDictionary _currCritDictCache; protected Boolean _showCustomReportStyle; protected boolean _initializedDimensionArrayFromBindings; protected Boolean _showTopCriteriaLabel; protected Boolean _shouldTotalCheck; public WRReport(WOContext c) { super(c); _currentZCriteria = new NSMutableDictionary(); _indexDict = new NSMutableDictionary(); //_currCritDictCache = new NSMutableDictionary(); //_baseColor = "d0cfbd"; //_maxColor = "ffec00"; _colorDict = null; _initializedDimensionArrayFromBindings = false; _recordGroupDisplayTypes = new NSArray(new Object[]{"SINGLE_TOTAL" , "TABLE" , "TOTALS"}); _reportStyles = new NSArray(new Object[]{"VERTICAL_ROWS" , "NESTED_CELLS"}); NSSelector rebuildModelSelector = new NSSelector("rebuildModel", ERXConstant.NotificationClassArray); NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(this, rebuildModelSelector, DRReportModel.DRReportModelRebuildNotification, null); } public Object recordGroupTest() { throw new IllegalStateException("There is a component bound to this variable and it doesn't exist. If you need this component to work, please look at what this is supposed to do and submit a patch."); } @Override public void finalize() throws Throwable { NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().removeObserver(this); super.finalize(); } public Boolean booleanValueForBinding(String name) { boolean flag = ERXValueUtilities.booleanValue(valueForBinding(name)); return flag ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } public NSArray recordGroupDisplayTypes() { return _recordGroupDisplayTypes; } public NSArray reportStyles() { return _reportStyles; } @Override public boolean synchronizesVariablesWithBindings() { return false; } public void initializeDimensionArrayFromBindings() { if(!_initializedDimensionArrayFromBindings) { if(model() != null) { _initializedDimensionArrayFromBindings = true; initializeDimensionArrayFromBindings("H"); initializeDimensionArrayFromBindings("V"); initializeDimensionArrayFromBindings("Z"); log.debug("V :{}", model().vList()); log.debug("H :{}", model().hList()); log.debug("Z :{}", model().zList()); } else { log.error("Model is null!"); } } } @Override public void awake() { _model = null; _vheadingIndex = 0; _indexDict.removeAllObjects(); _colorDict = null; _showPresentationControls = null; _showRecordGroupHeadings = null; _showTopCriteriaLabel = null; _shouldTotalCheck = null; _recordGroupTotalToShow = null; _currentZCriteria.removeAllObjects(); //_initializedDimensionArrayFromBindings = false; initializeDimensionArrayFromBindings(); } @Override public void takeValuesFromRequest(WORequest r, WOContext c) { super.takeValuesFromRequest(r, c); } @Override public void appendToResponse(WOResponse r, WOContext c) { initializeDimensionArrayFromBindings(); super.appendToResponse(r, c); } public void rebuildModel(NSNotification notification) { if(_model != null && _model == notification.object()) { log.debug("rebuildModel: {}: {}", notification.object().hashCode(), _model.hashCode()); _currentZCriteria.removeAllObjects(); _initializedDimensionArrayFromBindings = false; _model = null; } } public boolean showPresentationControls() { if (_showPresentationControls == null) { _showPresentationControls = booleanValueForBinding("showPresentationControls"); } return _showPresentationControls.booleanValue(); } public void setShowPresentationControls(boolean v) { _showPresentationControls = v ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } public void setShouldTotalCheck(boolean shouldTotalCheck) { _shouldTotalCheck = Boolean.valueOf(shouldTotalCheck); } public boolean shouldTotalCheck() { if (_shouldTotalCheck == null) { _shouldTotalCheck = booleanValueForBinding("shouldTotalCheck"); } return _shouldTotalCheck.booleanValue(); } public NSDictionary currentZCriteria() { return _currentZCriteria; } public String selectedRecordGroupDisplayType() { if (_selectedRecordGroupDisplayType == null) { _selectedRecordGroupDisplayType = (String)valueForBinding("selectedRecordGroupDisplayType"); if (_selectedRecordGroupDisplayType == null) { _selectedRecordGroupDisplayType = "TOTALS"; } } return _selectedRecordGroupDisplayType; } public void setSelectedRecordGroupDisplayType(String v) { _selectedRecordGroupDisplayType = v; } public String selectedReportStyle() { if (_selectedReportStyle == null) { _selectedReportStyle = (String)valueForBinding("selectedReportStyle"); if (_selectedReportStyle == null) { _selectedReportStyle = "NESTED_CELLS"; } } return _selectedReportStyle; } public void setSelectedReportStyle(String v) { _selectedReportStyle = v; } public boolean showVerticalRows() { if (selectedReportStyle().equals("VERTICAL_ROWS") && !showRecordGroupAsTable() && selectedRecordGroupDisplayType().equals("TABLE")) { return true; } return false; } public String recordGroupTotalToShow() { if (_recordGroupTotalToShow == null) { _recordGroupTotalToShow = (String)valueForBinding("recordGroupTotalToShow"); if (_recordGroupTotalToShow == null) { _recordGroupTotalToShow = "description"; } } return _recordGroupTotalToShow; } public void setRecordGroupTotalToShow(String v) { _recordGroupTotalToShow = v; } public String recordGroupTotalFormat() { if (_recordGroupTotalFormat == null) { _recordGroupTotalFormat = (String)valueForBinding("recordGroupTotalFormat"); if (_recordGroupTotalFormat == null) { _recordGroupTotalFormat = "#,###0.00;;-#,###0.00"; } } return _recordGroupTotalFormat; } public void setRecordGroupTotalFormat(String v) { _recordGroupTotalFormat = v; } public boolean showDefaultReportStyle() { return showCustomReportStyle(); } public boolean showCustomReportStyle() { if (_showCustomReportStyle == null) { _showCustomReportStyle = booleanValueForBinding("showCustomReportStyle"); } return _showCustomReportStyle.booleanValue(); } public void setShowCustomReportStyle(boolean v) { _showCustomReportStyle = v ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } public boolean showRecordGroupHeadings() { if (_showRecordGroupHeadings == null) { if (!hasBinding("showRecordGroupHeadings")) { _showRecordGroupHeadings = Boolean.TRUE; } else { _showRecordGroupHeadings = booleanValueForBinding("showRecordGroupHeadings"); } } return _showRecordGroupHeadings.booleanValue(); } public void setShowRecordGroupHeadings(boolean v) { _showRecordGroupHeadings = v ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } public boolean showRecordGroupAsTable() { if (_showRecordGroupAsTable == null) { if (!hasBinding("showRecordGroupAsTable")) { _showRecordGroupAsTable = Boolean.FALSE; } else { _showRecordGroupAsTable = booleanValueForBinding("showRecordGroupAsTable"); } } return _showRecordGroupAsTable.booleanValue(); } public void setShowRecordGroupAsTable(boolean v) { _showRecordGroupAsTable = v ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } public boolean showTotalsOnlyAsCells() { if (selectedRecordGroupDisplayType().equals("TOTALS") && !showRecordGroupAsTable()) { return true; } return false; } public String componentName() { if(_componentName == null) { _componentName = (String)valueForBinding("recordGroupComponentName"); if(_componentName == null) { _componentName = "WRRecordGroup"; } } return _componentName; } public boolean showAsCells() { if (!showRecordGroupAsTable() && !selectedRecordGroupDisplayType().equals("SINGLE_TOTAL") && !selectedRecordGroupDisplayType().equals("TABLE")) { return true; } return false; } public boolean showEditing() { if(_showEditing == null){ _showEditing = booleanValueForBinding("showEditing"); } return _showEditing.booleanValue(); } public boolean showNavigation() { if (_showNavigation ==null) { _showNavigation = booleanValueForBinding("showNavigation"); } return _showNavigation.booleanValue(); } public void setShowNavigation(boolean v) { _showNavigation = v ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } public DRReportModel model() { if (_model == null) { _model = (DRReportModel)valueForBinding("model"); } return _model; } public boolean showSingleRow() { if (model().vList().count() > 0) { return false; } return true; } public boolean showSingleCol() { if (model().hList().count() > 0) { return false; } return true; } public boolean showNoColNoRow() { if (showSingleRow() && showSingleCol()) { return true; } return false; } public NSArray zDimensions() { return model().zList(); } public NSArray horzDimensions() { return model().hList(); } public NSArray vertDimensions() { return model().vList(); } public NSArray topHorzGroupCriteriaList() { NSArray hList = model().hList(); if (hList.count() > 0) { DRGroup group = (DRGroup)hList.objectAtIndex(0); NSArray sortedCriteriaList = group.sortedCriteriaList(); return sortedCriteriaList; } return NSArray.EmptyArray; } public NSArray topVertGroupCriteriaList() { NSArray arr = model().vList(); if (arr.count() > 0) { DRGroup grp = (DRGroup)arr.objectAtIndex(0); return grp.sortedCriteriaList(); } return NSArray.EmptyArray; } public int colSpanForHorzList() { return model().spanForVListIndexAsCellsShowHeadingShowTotals(false, currentLevel-1, showAsCells(), showRecordGroupHeadings(), selectedRecordGroupDisplayType().equals("TOTALS")); } public int horzColSpan() { return colSpanForHorzList(); } public boolean hasTitle() { return title() != null; } public String title() { return (String)valueForBinding("title"); } public NSArray vertSubList() { DRMasterCriteria masterCritForCrit = topCriteriaV().masterCriteria(); DRGroup drg = (DRGroup)model().vList().lastObject(); if(drg != null){ DRMasterCriteria bottomMasterCrit = drg.masterCriteria(); if (masterCritForCrit.equals(bottomMasterCrit)) { return null; } } DRGroup innerGroup = (DRGroup)model().vList().objectAtIndex(currentLevelV - 1); return innerGroup.sortedCriteriaList(); } public DRCriteria topCriteria() { return _topCriteria; } public void setTopCriteria(DRCriteria c) { //log.debug( "c:"+c); if(c != null){ String ky = c.masterCriteria().label(); //log.debug( "ky:"+ky); if (ky != null) { _currentZCriteria.setObjectForKey(c, ky); } } _topCriteria = c; } public NSArray horzSubList() { // current DRGroup for row is: hGroup // current DRCriteria for nesting is: topCriteria // need list of sub criteria if any give the above DRGroup innerGroup; DRMasterCriteria masterCritForCrit = topCriteria().masterCriteria(); if (masterCritForCrit.equals(hGroup.masterCriteria())) { return null; } innerGroup = (DRGroup)model().hList().objectAtIndex(currentLevel-1); return innerGroup.sortedCriteriaList(); } public NSArray horzSubList2() { DRMasterCriteria masterCritForCrit = topCriteria().masterCriteria(); DRGroup grp = (DRGroup)model().hList().lastObject(); DRMasterCriteria bottomMasterCrit = grp.masterCriteria(); if (masterCritForCrit.equals(bottomMasterCrit)) { return null; } DRGroup innerGroup = (DRGroup)model().hList().objectAtIndex(currentLevel-1); return innerGroup.sortedCriteriaList(); } public void initializeDimensionArrayFromBindings(String dimension) { NSArray keypaths = ERXValueUtilities.arrayValue(valueForBinding("keysIn" + dimension)); if(keypaths != null && keypaths.count() > 0) { for (Enumeration en = keypaths.objectEnumerator(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { String keypath = (String)en.nextElement(); DRMasterCriteria crit = model().masterCriteriaForKeyPath(keypath); if(crit != null) { DRGroup group = model().groupForMasterCriteria(crit); if("Z".equals(dimension)) model().addToZList(group); else if("H".equals(dimension)) model().addToHList(group); else if("V".equals(dimension)) model().addToVList(group); } else { log.warn("Criteria not found: {}", keypath); } } } } public NSDictionary addCoordsFrom(NSMutableDictionary currCritDict) { NSMutableDictionary dict = new NSMutableDictionary(); Enumeration en = model().groups().objectEnumerator(); //log.debug( "currCritDict:"+currCritDict); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { DRGroup grp = (DRGroup)en.nextElement(); DRMasterCriteria dmc = grp.masterCriteria(); DRCriteria crt = (DRCriteria)currCritDict.objectForKey(dmc.label()); if(crt != null) { dict.setObjectForKey(crt, dmc.keyDesc()); if (crt.isTotal()) { NSMutableDictionary d = (NSMutableDictionary)dict.objectForKey("isTotal"); if (d == null) { d = new NSMutableDictionary(); dict.setObjectForKey(d, "isTotal"); } d.setObjectForKey("true", dmc.keyDesc()); } } } return dict; } public NSDictionary currentCoordinates() { NSDictionary dict = addCoordsFrom(_currentZCriteria); return dict; } public DRRecordGroup recordGroup() { NSDictionary crds = currentCoordinates(); DRRecordGroup drg = model().recordGroupForCoordinates(crds); return drg; } public DRCriteria topCriteriaV() { return _topCriteriaV; } public void setTopCriteriaV(DRCriteria c) { if(c != null) { String ky = c.masterCriteria().label(); if (ky != null) { _currentZCriteria.setObjectForKey(c, ky); } } _topCriteriaV = c; } public String topCriteriaVLabel() { return topCriteriaV().label(); } public int vheadingCount() { return model().vList().count()-1; } public int vheadingIndex() { return _vheadingIndex; } public void setVheadingIndex(int indx) { _vheadingIndex = indx; } public int vertRowSpan() { return model().spanForVListIndexAsCellsShowHeadingShowTotals(true, vheadingIndex(), !showRecordGroupAsTable(), showRecordGroupHeadings(), selectedRecordGroupDisplayType().equals("TOTALS")); } public boolean showIndentCell() { int oldCnt; Number oldCount = (Number)_indexDict.objectForKey(Integer.valueOf(vheadingIndex())); if (oldCount == null) { oldCnt = 0; } else { int span = model().spanForVListIndexAsCellsShowHeadingShowTotals(true, vheadingIndex(), !showRecordGroupAsTable(), showRecordGroupHeadings(), selectedRecordGroupDisplayType().equals("TOTALS")); oldCnt = oldCount.intValue(); oldCnt++; if (oldCnt > (span-1)) { oldCnt = 0; } } _indexDict.setObjectForKey(Integer.valueOf(oldCnt), Integer.valueOf(vheadingIndex())); if (oldCnt == 0) { return true; } return false; } public String vIndentCriteriaLabel() { DRGroup grp = (DRGroup)model().vList().objectAtIndex(vheadingIndex()); String ky = grp.masterCriteria().label(); DRCriteria crt = (DRCriteria)_currentZCriteria.objectForKey(ky); return crt.label(); } public WOComponent regenReport() { //_initializedDimensionArrayFromBindings = false; return null; } public int numberOfCrits() { int nm = 1; Enumeration en = model().hList().objectEnumerator(); //log.debug( "this.model().hList():"+this.model().hList()); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { DRGroup grp = (DRGroup)en.nextElement(); nm = nm*grp.sortedCriteriaList().count(); } //log.debug( "nm:"+nm); return nm; } public boolean showHeadersForAsCells() { if (showRecordGroupHeadings() && showTotalsOnlyAsCells()) { return true; } return false; } public NSDictionary attributeListDict() { return model().flatAttributeListTotalDict(); } public int depthCount() { //log.debug( "this.attributeListDict().allKeys().count():"+this.attributeListDict().allKeys().count()); //log.debug( "this.attributeListDict().allKeys().count():"+this.attributeListDict()); return attributeListDict().allKeys().count(); } public int colspanAddition() { int count = model().vList().count(); return count - currentLevelV; } public int depthCountAllAttribs() { return model().flatAttributeList().count()+model().vList().count() - vheadingIndex(); } public int indentCellCount() { return currentLevelV; } public boolean showVHeadings() { if (vheadingIndex() == 0) { return true; } return false; } public NSArray attributeListAtDepth() { Number ky = Integer.valueOf(depth); //log.debug( "ky:"+ky); NSArray a = (NSArray)attributeListDict().objectForKey(ky); //log.debug( "a:"+a); return a; } public int colSpan() { int cls = attrib.flatAttributesTotal().count(); if (attrib.showTotal()) { cls = cls+1; } //log.debug( "cls:"+cls); return cls == 0 ? 1 : cls; } public int rowSpan() { //flatAttributes int rs = 1; if (!attrib.isGroup()) { rs = depthCount()-depth; } //log.debug( "rs:"+rs); return rs; } public String attribLabel() { return attrib.label(); } public String idAttributeTd() { String id = attrib.keyPath(); id = ERXStringUtilities.escapeNonXMLChars(id); return id; } public DRAttribute attrib() { return attrib; } public void setAttrib(DRAttribute at) { attrib = at; } public DRGroup aGrp() { return aGrp; } public void setAGrp(DRGroup gp) { aGrp = gp; } public NSDictionary totalDict() { NSDictionary dict = currentCoordinates(); NSDictionary totalDict = (NSDictionary)dict.objectForKey("isTotal"); return totalDict; } public int totalCount() { NSDictionary totalDict = totalDict(); if (totalDict == null) { return 0; } int totalCount = totalDict.allKeys().count(); return totalCount; } public String colorForCoords() { int totalCount = totalCount(); int maxColorsConfigured = colorDict().count(); if (totalCount == maxColorsConfigured) { return "#eeeeee"; } if (totalCount > maxColorsConfigured) { return "#ffffff"; } return (String)colorDict().objectAtIndex(totalCount); } public String bgcolorRowSpanTd() { return colorForCoords(); } public String bgcolorColSpanTd() { return colorForCoords(); } public String classAttributeTd() { return "WRAttribute" + depth + "Total" + totalCount(); } public String classColSpanTd() { return "WRHTotal" + totalCount(); } public String classRowSpanTd() { return "WRVTotal" + totalCount(); } /* public int hexstringToInt(String str) { String base = "0x"; String hexs = base.concat(str); long n = this.strtoul(hexs.toCharArray(), (char)null, 16); int i = (int)n; return i; } */ public NSArray colorDict() { if (_colorDict == null) { if (hasBinding("colors")) { _colorDict = (NSArray)valueForBinding("colors"); } if (_colorDict == null) { _colorDict = new NSArray(new Object[]{"#c6c3af" , "#b7af4b" , "#d5ba27" , "#ffec00"}); } /* int i; int numOfGroups = [[[self model] groups] count]; int maxColorAsNumber = [self hexstringToInt:_maxColor]; int minColorAsNumber = [self hexstringToInt:_baseColor]; int colorDelta = maxColorAsNumber - minColorAsNumber; double colorInterval = (double)colorDelta/(double)numOfGroups; NSMutableArray *arr = [NSMutableArray array]; for(i=0;i< numOfGroups; i++){ int colorAsDecimal = i* colorInterval + minColorAsNumber; NSString * colorHexString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%x", colorAsDecimal]; [arr addObject:colorHexString]; } //NSLog(@"buildColorDict: %@", arr); colorDict = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:arr] retain]; */ } return _colorDict; } public int vheadingCount2() { return model().vList().count(); } public boolean showTopCriteriaLabel() { if(_showTopCriteriaLabel == null) { if(!hasBinding("showTopCriteriaLabel")) { _showTopCriteriaLabel = Boolean.TRUE; } else { _showTopCriteriaLabel = booleanValueForBinding("showTopCriteriaLabel"); } } return _showTopCriteriaLabel.booleanValue(); } }