package er.grouping; import ognl.webobjects.WOOgnl; import; import; import; import; /** * DRAttributes are to display what EOAttributes are to the back-end. * Each DRAttribute can be defined with: * <ul> * <li>'keyPath' (what you want to ask the dictionary or EO)</li> * <li>'label' (what you want to call the attribute for display)</li> * <li>a boolean for 'shouldTotal'</li> * <li>a boolean for 'shouldSort'</li> * <li>'format' for formatting dates</li> * <li> a toggle turning a attribute into a group.</li> * </ul> * * Each group can have 0 or more DRAttributes within it. * @author david neumann */ public class DRAttribute { protected String _keyPath; protected String _format; protected boolean _shouldTotal; protected boolean _shouldSort; protected boolean _shouldRestrictToFirstRow; protected boolean _isGroup; protected String _label; protected NSDictionary _userInfo; protected DRAttributeGroup _attributeGroup; protected boolean _isPlaceHolderTotal; protected boolean _isTotal; protected boolean _isComputed; protected NSArray _emptyArray = NSArray.EmptyArray; private NSMutableArray __attributes = new NSMutableArray(); /** * Creates a new DRAttributes from a DRAttributeGroup. * @param attributeGroup */ public static DRAttribute withAttributeGroup(DRAttributeGroup attributeGroup) { DRAttribute attribute = new DRAttribute(attributeGroup); return attribute; } /** * Creates a new DRAttribute from the supplied parmeters. * @param keyPath * @param format * @param label * @param shouldTotal * @param userInfo */ public static DRAttribute withKeyPathFormatLabelTotalUserInfo(String keyPath, String format, String label, boolean shouldTotal, NSDictionary userInfo) { DRAttribute attribute = new DRAttribute(keyPath, format, label, shouldTotal, userInfo); return attribute; } /** * Constructor with parameters. * @param keyPath * @param format * @param label * @param shouldTotal * @param userInfo */ public DRAttribute(String keyPath, String format, String label, boolean shouldTotal, NSDictionary userInfo) { this(); setKeyPath(keyPath); setFormat(format); setLabel(label); setShouldTotal(shouldTotal); setUserInfo(userInfo); } /** * Constructor with DRAttributeGroup. * @param attributeGroup */ public DRAttribute(DRAttributeGroup attributeGroup) { this(); setAttributeGroup(attributeGroup); setIsPlaceHolderTotal(true); setLabel("Total"); } public DRAttribute() { super(); _userInfo = new NSMutableDictionary(); //_emptyArray = new NSMutableArray(); resetDefaults(); } public void resetDefaults() { _shouldTotal = false; _shouldSort = false; _shouldRestrictToFirstRow = false; _isGroup = false; _isPlaceHolderTotal = false; _isTotal = false; setFormat(""); setKeyPath(null); setLabel(null); setAttributeGroup(null); } public String keyPath() { return _keyPath; } public void setKeyPath(String value) { _keyPath = value; if(value != null) { _isComputed = value.indexOf("~") == 0 || value.indexOf("@") == 0; } } public String format() { return _format; } public void setFormat(String value) { _format = value; } public boolean showTotal() { return false; } public boolean shouldTotal() { return _shouldTotal; } public void setShouldTotal(boolean value) { _shouldTotal = value; } public boolean shouldSort() { return _shouldSort; } public void setShouldSort(boolean value) { _shouldSort = value; } public boolean shouldRestrictToFirstRow() { return _shouldRestrictToFirstRow; } public void setShouldRestrictToFirstRow(boolean value) { _shouldRestrictToFirstRow = value; } public String label() { return _label; } public void setLabel(String value) { _label = value; } public NSDictionary userInfo() { return _userInfo; } public void setUserInfo(NSDictionary value) { if(value == null) { value = new NSMutableDictionary(); } _userInfo = value; } public boolean isGroup() { return _isGroup; } public NSMutableArray attributes() { return __attributes; } public NSArray flatAttributes() { return _emptyArray; } public NSArray flatAttributesTotal() { return _emptyArray; } protected NSArray flatAttributesWithDepthDictionary(int attributeListDepth, NSMutableDictionary flatAttributeDepthDict) { return _emptyArray; } public void setAttributeGroup(DRAttributeGroup attributeGroup) { _attributeGroup = attributeGroup; if(attributeGroup != null) { setKeyPath(attributeGroup.keyPath()); setFormat(attributeGroup.format()); setShouldTotal(attributeGroup.shouldTotal()); setUserInfo(attributeGroup.userInfo()); } } public DRAttributeGroup attributeGroup() { return _attributeGroup; } public boolean isPlaceHolderTotal() { return _isPlaceHolderTotal; } public void setIsPlaceHolderTotal(boolean value) { _isPlaceHolderTotal = value; } public boolean isComputed() { return _isComputed; } @Override public String toString() { return "<DRAttribute label:\"" + label() + "\"; keyPath:\"" + keyPath() + "\"; format:\"" + format() + "\"; >"; } public double computeFromRawRecords(NSArray rawRecords) { String totalKey = keyPath(); double doubleValue = 0.0; if(totalKey.indexOf("~") == 0) { Object result = WOOgnl.factory().getValue(totalKey.substring(1), rawRecords); doubleValue = DRValueConverter.converter().doubleForValue(result); } else if(totalKey.indexOf("@") == 0) { Object result = rawRecords.valueForKeyPath(totalKey); doubleValue = DRValueConverter.converter().doubleForValue(result); if(doubleValue == 0.0 && totalKey.indexOf("@count") == 0) { // FIXME: ak, we should return "-" on not found... probably possible via a formatter return 0.0; } } return doubleValue; } }