/* * See COPYING for license information. */ package com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import org.apache.http.HttpException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class FilesObject { private String container; private String name; private String md5sum = null; private long size = -1; private String mimeType = null; private String lastModified = null; private FilesClient client = null; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FilesObject.class); /** * Constructs a new FilesObject (from the file system) * * @param obj A file representing the object * @param mimeType Its MIME type * @param container The container it lives in * @throws NullPointerException A null parameter was passed in * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException MD5 was not installed on the client. * @throws IOException There was an I/O error talking to the server */ FilesObject (File obj, String mimeType, FilesContainer container) throws NullPointerException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException { if (obj != null) { if (obj.exists()) { if (!obj.isDirectory()) { setName (obj.getName()); setMd5sum(FilesClient.md5Sum(obj)); setSize(obj.length()); setMimeType(mimeType); setClient(container.getClient ()); setContainer(container.getName()); } else { log.error("Can not create Directories as FSObjects create a FilesContainer for this object"); throw new NullPointerException("File Object was a directory !"); } } else { log.error("File object must exist so we can create an MD5SUM for it !"); throw new NullPointerException ("The file object provided does not exist."); } } else { log.error("Not possible to create a FilesObject from a null File."); throw new NullPointerException ("File Object passed was null !"); } } /** * Creates a new FilesObject with data from the server * * @param name The name of the object * @param container The name of it's container * @param client The client it can be accessed through. */ FilesObject(String name, String container, FilesClient client ) { this.name = name; this.container = container; this.client = client; } /** * @return The object's name on the server */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Set's the objects name (up to a maximum of 128 characters) * * @param name The new name */ public void setName(String name) { if (name.length() > FilesConstants.OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH) { log.warn("Object name larger than {} characters truncating from: {}", FilesConstants.OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH, name); this.name = name.substring(0, FilesConstants.OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH); log.warn("Object name truncated to: {}", name); } this.name = name; } /** * @return The MIME type of the object, pulled from the server * @throws HttpException if there was an error communicating with the server * @throws IOException There was an I/O exception communicating with the server or writing the file. * @throws FilesAuthorizationException The Client's Login was invalid * @throws FilesInvalidNameException The container or object name was not valid */ public String getMimeType() throws HttpException, IOException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesInvalidNameException { if (mimeType == null) { getMetaData(); } return mimeType; } /** * @param mimeType The new MIME type for this object */ public void setMimeType(String mimeType) { this.mimeType = mimeType; } /** * Get's the MD5 Checksum for this object * * @return The MD5 checksum, returned as a base 16 encoded string * @throws HttpException if there was an error communicating with the server * @throws IOException There was an I/O exception communicating with the server or writing the file. * @throws FilesAuthorizationException The Client's Login was invalid * @throws FilesInvalidNameException The container or object name was not valid */ public String getMd5sum() throws HttpException, IOException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesInvalidNameException { if (md5sum == null) { getMetaData(); } return md5sum; } /** * * @param md5sum The MD5 sum of the file (as a hex-encoded string) */ public void setMd5sum(String md5sum) { this.md5sum = md5sum; } /** * Returns the size of the object, in bytes * * @return The size of the object in bytes * @throws HttpException if there was an error communicating with the server * @throws IOException There was an I/O exception communicating with the server or writing the file. * @throws FilesAuthorizationException The Client's Login was invalid * @throws FilesInvalidNameException The container or object name was not valid */ public long getSize() throws HttpException, IOException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesInvalidNameException { if (size == -1) { getMetaData(); } return size; } /** * Set the size of the object * * @param size The size, in bytes */ public void setSize(long size) { this.size = size; } /** * Download the object and write it to a local file * * @param localFile The file * @return The number of bytes written * @throws FileNotFoundException Could not find the local file (does the path to it exist?) * @throws HttpException if there was an error communicating with the server * @throws IOException There was an I/O exception communicating with the server or writing the file. * @throws FilesAuthorizationException The Client's Login was invalid * @throws FilesInvalidNameException The container or object name was not valid */ public long writeObjectToFile (File localFile) throws FileNotFoundException, HttpException, IOException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesInvalidNameException { long bytesWritten = 0; FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(localFile); InputStream in = getObjectAsStream(); byte[] data = new byte[1024]; int ret = in.read (data, 0, data.length); if (ret == -1) { out.write(data, 0, data.length); out.flush(); out.close(); in.close (); return data.length; } while (ret != -1) { bytesWritten += ret; out.write(data, 0, ret); ret = in.read (data, 0, data.length); } out.flush(); out.close(); in.close (); return bytesWritten; } /** * Returns an inputStream with the contents of the object * * @return An inputStream that will return the contents of the object * @throws HttpException There was an error communicating with the server * @throws IOException There was an I/O exception communicating with the server or writing the file. * @throws FilesAuthorizationException The Client's Login was invalid * @throws FilesInvalidNameException The container or object name was not valid */ public InputStream getObjectAsStream() throws HttpException, IOException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesInvalidNameException { return client.getObjectAsStream(container, name); } /** * Download the contents of the object * * @return The content of the object * @throws HttpException if there was an error communicating with the server * @throws IOException There was an I/O exception communicating with the server or writing the file. * @throws FilesAuthorizationException The Client's Login was invalid * @throws FilesInvalidNameException The container or object name was not valid * @throws FilesNotFoundException The container does not exist */ public byte[] getObject() throws HttpException, IOException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesInvalidNameException, FilesNotFoundException { return client.getObject(container, name); } /** * Return any metadata associated with this object * * @return The metadata * @throws HttpException if there was an error communicating with the server * @throws IOException There was an I/O exception communicating with the server or writing the file. * @throws FilesAuthorizationException The Client's Login was invalid * @throws FilesInvalidNameException The container or object name was not valid */ public FilesObjectMetaData getMetaData() throws HttpException, IOException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesInvalidNameException { FilesObjectMetaData metaData = client.getObjectMetaData(container, name); if (metaData != null) { setMd5sum(metaData.getETag()); setSize(Long.parseLong (metaData.getContentLength())); setMimeType(metaData.getMimeType()); setLastModified(metaData.getLastModified()); } return metaData; } /** * @param client The new client for this object */ void setClient(FilesClient client) { this.client = client; } /** * @param container The new container */ void setContainer (String container) { this.container = container; } public static FilesObject uploadObject(File obj, String mimeType, FilesContainer container) throws IOException, FilesException { return uploadObject(obj, mimeType, container, null); } public static FilesObject uploadObject(File obj, String mimeType, FilesContainer container, IFilesTransferCallback callback) throws IOException, FilesException { FilesObject result = null; try { result = new FilesObject(obj, mimeType, container); FilesClient client = container.getClient(); client.storeObjectAs(container.getName(), obj, mimeType, obj.getName(), callback); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) { // This should never happen log.error("Install doesn't have MD5, can't upload files", nsae); } catch (HttpException ex) { throw new FilesException("Error in network operation", ex); } return result; } /** * Returns the size as a human readable string, rounding to the nearest KB/MB/GB * * @return The size of the object as a human readable string. * @throws HttpException There was an error communicating with the server * @throws IOException There was an I/O exception communicating with the server or writing the file. * @throws FilesAuthorizationException The Client's Login was invalid * @throws FilesInvalidNameException The container or object name was not valid */ public String getSizeString () throws HttpException, IOException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesInvalidNameException { long kb = 1024; long mb = kb*1024; long gb = mb*1024; //Make sure the size is correct. getMetaData(); //KB if (size > gb) return (size/gb) + " GB"; else if (size > mb) return (size/mb)+" MB"; else if (size > kb) return (size/kb) +" KB"; else return getSize() + " Bytes"; } /** * @return the lastModified * @throws HttpException if there was an error communicating with the server * @throws IOException There was an I/O exception communicating with the server or writing the file. * @throws FilesAuthorizationException The Client's Login was invalid * @throws FilesInvalidNameException The container or object name was not valid */ public String getLastModified() throws HttpException, IOException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesInvalidNameException { if (lastModified == null) { getMetaData(); } return lastModified; } /** * @param lastModified the lastModified to set */ public void setLastModified(String lastModified) { this.lastModified = lastModified; } /** * * @return True if the "object" is really a directory. */ public boolean isDirectory() { return size == 0 && "application/directory".equals(mimeType); } /** * * @return The CDN url for the object (if its container has been CDN enabled), null if * the container hasn't been CDN enabled. * @throws HttpException if there was an error communicating with the server * @throws IOException There was an I/O exception communicating with the server or writing the file. * @throws FilesException There was an error talking to the CloudFiles Server */ public String getCDNURL () throws FilesException, IOException, HttpException { try { FilesCDNContainer c = client.getCDNContainerInfo(container); return c.getCdnURL() + "/" + name; } catch (FilesNotFoundException fnfe) { // Not enabled return null; } } }