package er.jqm.components; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import; import; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXWOContext; import er.extensions.components.ERXNonSynchronizingComponent; import; import; /** * Base for all JQueryMobile Components. * <p> * The following bindings are not present for all UI elements. See JQueryMobile documentation for a specific widget. * * <pre> * data-corners <strong>true</strong> | false * data-disabled true | <strong>false</strong> * data-enhanced true | <strong>false</strong> * </pre> */ abstract public class ERQMComponentBase extends ERXNonSynchronizingComponent { private String _elementID = null; private static Boolean _useShortNamesInLog = Boolean.FALSE; public ERQMComponentBase(WOContext context) { super(context); } public static Boolean getUseShortNamesInLog() { return _useShortNamesInLog; } public static void setUseShortNamesInLog(Boolean useShortNamesInLog) { ERQMComponentBase._useShortNamesInLog = useShortNamesInLog; } public void logDeprecated(String message) { NSMutableArray<String> componentStack = new NSMutableArray<>(); componentStack.add(componentName()); WOComponent next = parent(); while (next != null) { if (_useShortNamesInLog) { componentStack.add("(" + next.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".java:0)"); } else { componentStack.add("(" + next.getClass().getName() + ".java:0)"); } next = next.parent(); } System.err.println(componentStack.componentsJoinedByString(" -> ") + " : " + message); } public String javaScriptElementID() { if (ERXStringUtilities.stringIsNullOrEmpty(_elementID)) { _elementID = (String) valueForBinding("id"); if (_elementID == null) { _elementID = ERXWOContext.safeIdentifierName(context(), false); } } return _elementID; } /** * @return the elementID for jquery usage with leading # */ public String jqJavaScriptElementID() { return "#" + javaScriptElementID(); } public boolean hasNonNullBinding(String key) { if (hasBinding(key)) { Object v = valueForBinding(key); if (v != null) { if (v instanceof String) { return (((String) v).length() > 0); } return true; } } return false; } public Object _objectValueForBinding(String key, Object defaultValue, String deprecatedKey) { Object tmp = valueForBinding(key); if (tmp == null && deprecatedKey != null) { tmp = valueForBinding(deprecatedKey); if (tmp != null) { logDeprecated(" '" + deprecatedKey + "' binding is deprecated. Use '" + key + "' instead."); } } return (tmp != null) ? tmp : defaultValue; } public String _stringValueForBinding(String key, String defaultValue, String deprecatedkey) { Object tmp = _objectValueForBinding(key, defaultValue, deprecatedkey); return (tmp != null) ? tmp.toString() : defaultValue; } public boolean _booleanValueForBinding(String key, boolean defaultValue, String deprecatedkey) { Object value = _objectValueForBinding(key, (defaultValue) ? "true" : "false", deprecatedkey); return ERXValueUtilities.booleanValueWithDefault(value, false); } public boolean appendStringTag(StringBuilder b, String key, String defaultValue, String deprecatedkey) { return appendStringTag(b, key, defaultValue, deprecatedkey, true); } public boolean appendStringTag(StringBuilder b, String key, String defaultValue, String deprecatedkey, boolean omitDefault) { String value = _stringValueForBinding(key, defaultValue, deprecatedkey); if (value != null && (!value.equals(defaultValue) || !omitDefault)) { b.append(" "); b.append(key); b.append("=\""); b.append(value); b.append("\""); return true; } return false; } public boolean appendBooleanTag(StringBuilder b, String key, boolean defaultValue, String deprecatedkey) { return appendBooleanTag(b, key, defaultValue, deprecatedkey, true); } public boolean appendBooleanTag(StringBuilder b, String key, boolean defaultValue, String deprecatedkey, boolean omitDefault) { boolean value = _booleanValueForBinding(key, defaultValue, deprecatedkey); if (value != defaultValue || !omitDefault) { b.append(" "); b.append(key); b.append("=\""); b.append(value); b.append("\""); return true; } return false; } private boolean _appendClasses(StringBuilder b, NSArray<String> classes) { StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(); if (hasBinding("class")) { tmp.append(_stringValueForBinding("class", null, null)); } if (classes != null && classes.count() > 0) { if (tmp.length() > 0) { tmp.append(' '); } tmp.append(classes.componentsJoinedByString(" ")); } if (tmp.length() > 0) { b.append(" class=\""); b.append(tmp.toString()); b.append("\""); return true; } return false; } private boolean _appendStyles(StringBuilder b, NSArray<String> styles) { StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(); if (hasBinding("style")) { tmp.append(_stringValueForBinding("style", null, null)); } if (styles != null && styles.count() > 0) { if (tmp.length() > 0) { tmp.append(';'); } tmp.append(styles.componentsJoinedByString(";")); } if (tmp.length() > 0) { b.append(" style=\""); b.append(tmp.toString().replaceAll(";;", ";")); b.append("\""); return true; } return false; } public String otherTagString() { NSMutableArray<String> additionalClasses = new NSMutableArray<>(); NSMutableArray<String> additionalStyles = new NSMutableArray<>(); StringBuilder tags = new StringBuilder(); if (hasBinding("otherTagString")) { tags.append(_stringValueForBinding("otherTagString", null, null)); } if (needJavascriptId()) { tags.append(" id=\""); tags.append(javaScriptElementID()); tags.append("\""); } appendCustomTags(tags, additionalClasses, additionalStyles); appendBooleanTag(tags, "data-corners", true, null); appendBooleanTag(tags, "data-disabled", false, null); _appendClasses(tags, additionalClasses); _appendStyles(tags, additionalStyles); return (tags.length() > 0) ? tags.toString() : null; } public boolean needJavascriptId() { return true; } public boolean inset() { return booleanValueForBinding("inset", false); } public abstract void appendCustomTags(StringBuilder sb, NSMutableArray<String> classes, NSMutableArray<String> styles); }