package er.directtoweb.components.strings; import java.util.Enumeration; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import; import; import; import; import; import er.extensions.localization.ERXLocalizer; /** * @d2wKey possibleChoices */ public class ERD2WQueryStringWithChoices extends ERD2WQueryStringOperator { /** * Do I need to update serialVersionUID? * See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the * <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a> */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** logging support */ public static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ERDEditStringWithChoices.class); public ERXKeyValuePair currentChoice; public NSArray _choices; public ERD2WQueryStringWithChoices(WOContext context) { super(context); } public NSArray choices(){ if(_choices==null){ Object choices = d2wContext().valueForKey("possibleChoices"); if(choices != null) { NSMutableArray keyChoices = new NSMutableArray(); if(choices instanceof NSArray) { for(Enumeration e = ((NSArray)choices).objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { NSDictionary dict = (NSDictionary)e.nextElement(); String key = (String)dict.allKeys().lastObject(); String value = (String)dict.objectForKey(key); keyChoices.addObject(new ERXKeyValuePair(key, ERXLocalizer.currentLocalizer().localizedStringForKeyWithDefault(value))); } } else if(choices instanceof NSDictionary) { NSArray keys = ((NSDictionary)choices).allKeys(); keys = ERXArrayUtilities.sortedArraySortedWithKey(keys, "toString"); for(Enumeration e = keys.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { String key = (String)e.nextElement(); String value = (String)((NSDictionary)choices).objectForKey(key); keyChoices.addObject(new ERXKeyValuePair(key, ERXLocalizer.currentLocalizer().localizedStringForKeyWithDefault(value))); } } _choices = keyChoices; } if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("availableElements = "+_choices); } return _choices; } @Override public void reset(){ super.reset(); _choices = null; currentChoice = null; } public ERXKeyValuePair selectedChoice() { String value = (String)value(); if(value == null) { return null; } String choice = (String) ERXLocalizer.currentLocalizer().valueForKey(value); if(choice == null) { choice = value; } return new ERXKeyValuePair(value, choice); } public void setSelectedChoice(ERXKeyValuePair value) { setValue( value != null ? value.key() : null ); } }