package com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAttribute; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntity; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSQLExpression; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSynchronizationFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * WO runtime plugin with support for Postgresql. * * @author ak * @author giorgio_v */ public class PostgresqlPlugIn extends JDBCPlugIn { private static final String QUERY_STRING_USE_BUNDLED_JDBC_INFO = "useBundledJdbcInfo"; static { setPlugInNameForSubprotocol(PostgresqlPlugIn.class.getName(), "postgresql"); } /** * Designated constructor. */ public PostgresqlPlugIn(JDBCAdaptor adaptor) { super(adaptor); } @Override public String defaultDriverName() { return "org.postgresql.Driver"; } @Override public String databaseProductName() { return "Postgresql"; } /** * WebObjects 5.4's version of JDBCAdaptor will use this * in order to assemble the name of the prototype to use when * it loads models. * * @return the name of the plugin */ @Override public String name() { return "Postgresql"; } /** * This method returns <code>true</code> if the connection URL for the * database has a special flag on it which indicates to the * system that the jdbcInfo which has been bundled into the * plugin is acceptable to use in place of actually going to * the database and getting it. * * @return <code>true</code> if bundled jdbcInfo should be used */ protected boolean shouldUseBundledJdbcInfo() { boolean shouldUseBundledJdbcInfo = false; String url = connectionURL(); if (url != null) { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(PostgresqlPlugIn.QUERY_STRING_USE_BUNDLED_JDBC_INFO.toLowerCase() + "=(true|yes)").matcher(url.toLowerCase()); shouldUseBundledJdbcInfo = matcher.find(); } return shouldUseBundledJdbcInfo; } /** * This is usually extracted from the the database using * JDBC, but this is really inconvenient for users who are * trying to generate SQL at some. A specific version of the * data has been written into the property list of the * framework and this can be used as a hard-coded equivalent. * * @return jdbcInfo dictionary */ @Override public NSDictionary<String, Object> jdbcInfo() { // you can swap this code out to write the property list out in order // to get a fresh copy of the JDBCInfo.plist. // try { // String jdbcInfoS = NSPropertyListSerialization.stringFromPropertyList(super.jdbcInfo()); // FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/JDBCInfo.plist"); // fos.write(jdbcInfoS.getBytes()); // fos.close(); // } // catch(Exception e) { // throw new IllegalStateException("problem writing JDBCInfo.plist",e); // } NSDictionary<String, Object> jdbcInfo; // have a look at the JDBC connection URL to see if the flag has been set to // specify that the hard-coded jdbcInfo information should be used. if(shouldUseBundledJdbcInfo()) { if(NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevel(NSLog.DebugLevelDetailed)) { NSLog.debug.appendln("Loading jdbcInfo from JDBCInfo.plist as opposed to using the JDBCPlugIn default implementation."); } InputStream jdbcInfoStream = NSBundle.bundleForClass(getClass()).inputStreamForResourcePath("JDBCInfo.plist"); if (jdbcInfoStream == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find 'JDBCInfo.plist' in this plugin jar."); } try { jdbcInfo = (NSDictionary<String, Object>) NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListFromData(new NSData(jdbcInfoStream, 2048), "US-ASCII"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load 'JDBCInfo.plist' from this plugin jar.", e); } finally { try { jdbcInfoStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } } else { jdbcInfo = super.jdbcInfo(); } return jdbcInfo; } /** * Returns a "pure java" synchronization factory. * Useful for testing purposes. */ @Override public EOSynchronizationFactory createSynchronizationFactory() { try { return new PostgresqlSynchronizationFactory(adaptor()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NSForwardException(e, "Couldn't create synchronization factory"); } } /** * Expression class to create. We have custom code, so we need our own class. */ @Override public Class<? extends JDBCExpression> defaultExpressionClass() { return PostgresqlExpression.class; } /** * Overrides the parent implementation to provide a more efficient mechanism for generating primary keys, * while generating the primary key support on the fly. * * @param count the batch size * @param entity the entity requesting primary keys * @param channel open JDBCChannel * @return NSArray of NSDictionary where each dictionary corresponds to a unique primary key value */ @Override public NSArray<NSDictionary<String, Object>> newPrimaryKeys(int count, EOEntity entity, JDBCChannel channel) { if (isPrimaryKeyGenerationNotSupported(entity)) { return null; } EOAttribute attribute = entity.primaryKeyAttributes().lastObject(); String attrName =; boolean isIntType = "i".equals(attribute.valueType()); NSMutableArray<NSDictionary<String, Object>> results = new NSMutableArray<NSDictionary<String, Object>>(count); String sequenceName = _sequenceNameForEntity(entity); PostgresqlExpression expression = new PostgresqlExpression(entity); // MS: The original implementation of this did something like select setval('seq', nextval('seq') + count) // which apparently is not an atomic operation, which causes terrible problems under load with multiple // instances. The new implementation does batch requests for keys. int keysPerBatch = 20; boolean succeeded = false; for (int tries = 0; !succeeded && tries < 2; tries++) { while (results.count() < count) { try { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("SELECT "); for (int keyBatchNum = Math.min(keysPerBatch, count - results.count()) - 1; keyBatchNum >= 0; keyBatchNum --) { sql.append("NEXTVAL('" + sequenceName + "') AS KEY" + keyBatchNum); if (keyBatchNum > 0) { sql.append(", "); } } expression.setStatement(sql.toString()); channel.evaluateExpression(expression); try { NSDictionary<String, Object> row; while ((row = channel.fetchRow()) != null) { Enumeration pksEnum = row.allValues().objectEnumerator(); while (pksEnum.hasMoreElements()) { Number pkObj = (Number)pksEnum.nextElement(); Number pk; if (isIntType) { pk = Integer.valueOf(pkObj.intValue()); } else { pk = Long.valueOf(pkObj.longValue()); } results.addObject(new NSDictionary<>(pk, attrName)); } } } finally { channel.cancelFetch(); } succeeded = true; } catch (JDBCAdaptorException ex) { //timc 2006-11-06 Check if sequence name contains schema name int dotIndex = sequenceName.indexOf("."); if (dotIndex == -1) { expression.setStatement("select count(*) from pg_class where relname = '" + sequenceName.toLowerCase() + "' and relkind = 'S'"); } else { String schemaName = sequenceName.substring(0, dotIndex); String sequenceNameOnly = sequenceName.toLowerCase().substring(dotIndex + 1); expression.setStatement("select count(c.*) from pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n where c.relnamespace=n.oid AND c.relkind = 'S' AND c.relname='" + sequenceNameOnly + "' AND n.nspname='" + schemaName + "'"); } channel.evaluateExpression(expression); NSDictionary<String, Object> row; try { row = channel.fetchRow(); } finally { channel.cancelFetch(); } // timc 2006-11-06 row.objectForKey("COUNT") returns BigDecimal not Long //if( Long.valueOf( 0 ).equals( row.objectForKey( "COUNT" ) ) ) { Number numCount = (Number) row.objectForKey("COUNT"); if (numCount != null && numCount.longValue() == 0L) { EOSynchronizationFactory f = createSynchronizationFactory(); NSArray<EOSQLExpression> statements = f.primaryKeySupportStatementsForEntityGroup(new NSArray<>(entity)); int stmCount = statements.count(); for (int i = 0; i < stmCount; i++) { channel.evaluateExpression(statements.objectAtIndex(i)); } } else if (numCount == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't call sequence " + sequenceName + " and couldn't get sequence information from pg_class: " + ex); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Caught exception, but sequence did already exist: " + ex); } } } } if (results.count() != count) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to generate primary keys from the sequence for " + entity + "."); } return results; } /** * Utility method that returns the name of the sequence associated * with <code>entity</code> * * @param entity the entity * @return the name of the sequence */ protected static String _sequenceNameForEntity(EOEntity entity) { /* timc 2006-11-06 * This used to say ... + "_SEQ"; * _SEQ would get converted to _seq because postgresql converts all unquoted identifiers to lower case. * In the future we may use enableIdentifierQuoting for sequence names so we need to set the correct case here in the first place */ return entity.primaryKeyRootName() + "_seq"; } /** * Checks whether primary key generation can be supported for <code>entity</code> * * @param entity the entity to be checked * @return yes/no */ private boolean isPrimaryKeyGenerationNotSupported(EOEntity entity) { return entity.primaryKeyAttributes().count() > 1 || entity.primaryKeyAttributes().lastObject().adaptorValueType() != EOAttribute.AdaptorNumberType; } }