package er.ajax; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOAssociation; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOElement; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse; import; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXWOContext; import er.extensions.components._private.ERXWOTextField; /** * Focus text field is a convenience version of ERXWOTextField that provides * support for grabbing default focus via javascript. * * @author mschrag * * @binding id the id the textfield * @binding selectAll if true, the text will default to be selected * @binding focus if false, focus will not be grabbed * @binding onEnter javascript to execute when the enter key is pressed */ public class FocusTextField extends ERXWOTextField { protected WOAssociation _selectAll; protected WOAssociation _focus; protected WOAssociation _onEnter; protected WOAssociation _onKeyPress; public FocusTextField(String tagname, NSDictionary nsdictionary, WOElement woelement) { super(tagname, nsdictionary, woelement); _selectAll = _associations.removeObjectForKey("selectAll"); _focus = _associations.removeObjectForKey("focus"); _onEnter = _associations.removeObjectForKey("onEnter"); _onKeyPress = _associations.removeObjectForKey("onkeypress"); } public String id(WOComponent component, WOContext context) { String id = null; if (_id != null) { id = (String) _id.valueInComponent(component); } if (id == null) { id = ERXWOContext.safeIdentifierName(context, false); } return id; } @Override public void appendToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext context) { AjaxUtils.addScriptResourceInHead(context, response, "prototype.js"); super.appendToResponse(response, context); WOComponent component = context.component(); boolean focus = (_focus == null || _focus.booleanValueInComponent(component)); boolean selectAll = (_selectAll != null && _selectAll.booleanValueInComponent(component)); String id = id(component, context); String onEnterScript = (_onEnter != null) ? (String)_onEnter.valueInComponent(component) : null; FocusTextField.appendJavascriptToResponse(response, context, id, focus, selectAll, onEnterScript); } @Override protected void _appendAttributesFromAssociationsToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext wocontext, NSDictionary nsdictionary) { super._appendAttributesFromAssociationsToResponse(response, wocontext, nsdictionary); WOComponent component = wocontext.component(); String onKeyPress = (_onKeyPress != null) ? (String) _onKeyPress.valueInComponent(component) : null; String onEnterScript = (_onEnter != null) ? (String) _onEnter.valueInComponent(component) : null; String id = id(component, wocontext); if (_id == null) { response.appendContentString(" id = \"" + id + "\""); } FocusTextField._appendAttributesFromAssociationsToResponse(response, wocontext, id, onKeyPress, onEnterScript); } public static void _appendAttributesFromAssociationsToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext wocontext, String id, String onKeyPress, String onEnterScript) { if (onKeyPress != null || onEnterScript != null) { response.appendContentString(" onkeypress = \""); if (onKeyPress != null) { response.appendContentString(onKeyPress); } if (onEnterScript != null) { if (onKeyPress != null) { response.appendContentString("; "); } response.appendContentString(id + "SubmitOnEnter(event);"); } response.appendContentCharacter('"'); } } public static void appendJavascriptToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext context, String id, boolean focus, boolean selectAll, String onEnterScript) { AjaxUtils.appendScriptHeader(response); if (focus || selectAll) { response.appendContentString("setTimeout(function() { "); } if (selectAll) { response.appendContentString("'" + id + "');"); } if (focus) { response.appendContentString("Field.focus('" + id + "');"); } if (focus || selectAll) { response.appendContentString(" }, 10);"); } if (onEnterScript != null) { // PROTOTYPE FUNCTIONS response.appendContentString(id + "SubmitOnEnter = function(e) { var keynum = Event.keyValue(e); if (keynum == 13 || keynum == 3) { "); response.appendContentString(onEnterScript); response.appendContentString("; Event.stop(e); } }"); } AjaxUtils.appendScriptFooter(response); } }