package com.webobjects.eocontrol; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Enumeration; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public abstract class EOCustomObject implements EOEnterpriseObject, EODeferredFaulting, EOKeyValueCoding._KeyBindingCreation, NSKeyValueCoding._ReflectionKeyBindingCreation.Callback, EOKeyValueCoding._BestBindingCreation._ForwardingBindingCheck, _EOPrivateMemento { public static final Class<?> _CLASS = _NSUtilities._classWithFullySpecifiedName("com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOCustomObject"); static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private transient EOFaultHandler __faultHandler; private transient Object __unarchivedResultingEnterpriseObject; private transient int __hashCodeCache; transient EOClassDescription __classDescription; transient EOEditingContext __editingContext; transient EOGlobalID __gid; transient NSDictionary __originalSnapshot; transient NSDictionary __lastSnapshot; transient int __retainCount; protected transient Boolean __readOnly; transient int __flags; //Never used? private static final int kInitializedFlag = 0; private static final int kSharedFlag = 1; private static final int kAuxObserverFlag = 2; private static final int kPendingUpdatesFlag = 3; private static final int kPendingInsertionFlag = 4; private static final int kPendingDeletionFlag = 5; private static final int kInitializedMask = 1; private static final int kSharedMask = 2; private static final int kAuxObserverMask = 4; private static final int kPendingUpdatesMask = 8; private static final int kPendingInsertionMask = 16; private static final int kPendingDeletionMask = 32; private static final int kPendingChangesMask = 56; /* * Updated serial version */ private static final long SerializationVersion = 5001L; private static final String SerializationVersionFieldKey = "version"; private static final String SerializationEditingContextFieldKey = "editingContext"; private static final String SerializationGlobalIDFieldKey = "globalID"; private static final String SerializationPropertiesFieldKey = "properties"; /* * Added classDescription just after version */ private static final String SerializationClassDescriptionFieldKey = "classDescription"; private static final ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields = { new ObjectStreamField(SerializationVersionFieldKey, Long.TYPE), new ObjectStreamField(SerializationClassDescriptionFieldKey, EOClassDescription._CLASS), new ObjectStreamField(SerializationEditingContextFieldKey, EOEditingContext._CLASS), new ObjectStreamField(SerializationGlobalIDFieldKey, EOGlobalID._CLASS), new ObjectStreamField(SerializationPropertiesFieldKey, _NSUtilities._ObjectClass), }; public final EOEditingContext __editingContext() { return __editingContext; } public final void __setEditingContext(EOEditingContext ec) { __editingContext = ec; } public final EOClassDescription __classDescription() { if (__classDescription == null) { __classDescription = EOClassDescription.classDescriptionForClass(getClass()); __readOnly = null; } return __classDescription; } /* * Added from EOGenericRecord to support deserialization of classDescription */ private void __setClassDescription() { EOClassDescription cd = EOClassDescription.classDescriptionForClass(getClass()); if (cd == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unabled to find an EOClassDescription for objects of " + getClass()); } __setClassDescription(cd); } public void __setClassDescription(EOClassDescription cd) { __classDescription = cd; __readOnly = null; } public final EOGlobalID __globalID() { return __gid; } public final void __setGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid) { __gid = gid; } public final NSDictionary __originalSnapshot() { return __originalSnapshot; } public final void __setOriginalSnapshot(NSDictionary os) { __originalSnapshot = os; } public final NSDictionary __lastSnapshot() { return __lastSnapshot; } public final void __setLastSnapshot(NSDictionary ls) { __lastSnapshot = ls; } public final int __retainCount() { return __retainCount; } public final void __setRetainCount(int rc) { __retainCount = rc; } public final boolean __isInitialized() { return (__flags & kInitializedMask) != 0; } public final void __setInitialized(boolean inited) { if (inited) __flags |= kInitializedMask; else __flags &= ~kInitializedMask; } public final boolean __isShared() { return (__flags & kSharedMask) != 0; } public final void __setShared(boolean shared) { if (shared) __flags |= kSharedMask; else __flags &= ~kSharedMask; } public final boolean __hasAuxillaryObservers() { return (__flags & kAuxObserverMask) != 0; } public final void __setAuxillaryObservers(boolean hao) { if (hao) __flags |= kAuxObserverMask; else __flags &= ~kAuxObserverMask; } public boolean __hasPendingChanges() { return (__flags & kPendingChangesMask) != 0; } public void __clearPendingChanges() { __flags &= ~kPendingChangesMask; } public boolean __hasPendingUpdate() { return (__flags & kPendingUpdatesMask) != 0; } public void __setPendingUpdate(boolean changed) { if (changed) __flags |= kPendingUpdatesMask; else __flags &= ~kPendingUpdatesMask; } public final boolean __isPendingInsertion() { return (__flags & kPendingInsertionMask) != 0; } public final void __setPendingInsertion(boolean inserted) { if (inserted) __flags |= kPendingInsertionMask; else __flags &= ~kPendingInsertionMask; } public final boolean __isPendingDeletion() { return (__flags & kPendingDeletionMask) != 0; } public final void __setPendingDeletion(boolean deleted) { if (deleted) __flags |= kPendingDeletionMask; else __flags &= ~kPendingDeletionMask; } @Deprecated public EOCustomObject(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOClassDescription classDescription, EOGlobalID gid) { this(); } public EOCustomObject() { __readOnly = null; } public final Object opaqueState() { return this; } @Override public final boolean equals(Object other) { return this == other; } @Override public int hashCode() { if (__hashCodeCache == 0) { __hashCodeCache = super.hashCode(); } return __hashCodeCache; } @Override public String toString() { return eoDescription(); } public EOEditingContext editingContext() { return __editingContext(); } public void willChange() { willRead(); EOObserverCenter.notifyObserversObjectWillChange(this); } public EOClassDescription classDescription() { return __classDescription(); } public String entityName() { EOClassDescription cd = classDescription(); return cd != null ? cd.entityName() : null; } public NSArray<String> attributeKeys() { EOClassDescription cd = classDescription(); if (cd != null) { return cd.attributeKeys(); } return NSArray.emptyArray(); } public NSArray<String> toOneRelationshipKeys() { EOClassDescription cd = classDescription(); if (cd != null) { return cd.toOneRelationshipKeys(); } return NSArray.emptyArray(); } public NSArray<String> toManyRelationshipKeys() { EOClassDescription cd = classDescription(); if (cd != null) { return cd.toManyRelationshipKeys(); } return NSArray.emptyArray(); } public String inverseForRelationshipKey(String relationshipKey) { EOClassDescription cd = classDescription(); return cd != null ? cd.inverseForRelationshipKey(relationshipKey) : null; } public int deleteRuleForRelationshipKey(String relationshipKey) { EOClassDescription cd = classDescription(); return cd != null ? cd.deleteRuleForRelationshipKey(relationshipKey) : 0; } public boolean ownsDestinationObjectsForRelationshipKey(String relationshipKey) { EOClassDescription cd = classDescription(); return cd != null ? cd.ownsDestinationObjectsForRelationshipKey(relationshipKey) : false; } public EOClassDescription classDescriptionForDestinationKey(String detailKey) { EOClassDescription cd = classDescription(); return cd != null ? cd.classDescriptionForDestinationKey(detailKey) : null; } public void awakeFromInsertion(EOEditingContext ec) { EOClassDescription cd = classDescription(); if (cd != null) { cd.awakeObjectFromInsertion(this, ec); } __readOnly = null; } public void awakeFromFetch(EOEditingContext ec) { EOClassDescription cd = classDescription(); if (cd != null) { cd.awakeObjectFromFetch(this, ec); } __readOnly = null; } public NSDictionary<String, Object> snapshot() { NSArray<String> attributeKeys = attributeKeys(); NSArray<String> toOneRelationshipKeys = toOneRelationshipKeys(); NSArray<String> toManyRelationshipKeys = toManyRelationshipKeys(); int akCount = attributeKeys.count(); int tokCount = toOneRelationshipKeys.count(); int tmkCount = toManyRelationshipKeys.count(); NSMutableDictionary<String, Object> snapshot = new NSMutableDictionary<>(akCount + tokCount + tmkCount); while (akCount-- > 0) { String key = attributeKeys.objectAtIndex(akCount); Object value = storedValueForKey(key); if (value != null) { snapshot.setObjectForKey(value, key); continue; } snapshot.setObjectForKey(NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue, key); } while (tokCount-- > 0) { String key = toOneRelationshipKeys.objectAtIndex(tokCount); Object value = storedValueForKey(key); if (value != null) { snapshot.setObjectForKey(value, key); continue; } snapshot.setObjectForKey(NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue, key); } while (tmkCount-- > 0) { String key = toManyRelationshipKeys.objectAtIndex(tmkCount); NSArray toManyValue = (NSArray) storedValueForKey(key); if (toManyValue != null) { NSArray snap = toManyValue.immutableClone(); snapshot.setObjectForKey(snap, key); } else { snapshot.setObjectForKey(NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue, key); } } return snapshot; } public void updateFromSnapshot(NSDictionary<String, Object> snapshot) { Enumeration<String> state = snapshot.keyEnumerator(); while (state.hasMoreElements()) { String key = state.nextElement(); Object value = snapshot.objectForKey(key); if (value == NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue) { value = null; } else if ((value instanceof NSArray)) { NSArray arrayValue = (NSArray) value; if (EOFaultHandler.isFault(arrayValue)) { EOFaultHandler handler = ((EOFaulting) arrayValue).faultHandler(); value = handler._mutableCloneForArray(arrayValue); } else { value = new _EOCheapCopyMutableArray(arrayValue); } if (!EOFaultHandler.isFault(value)) { NSArray storedValue = (NSArray) storedValueForKey(key); if ((storedValue != null) && (EOFaultHandler.isFault(storedValue))) { ((EOFaulting) storedValue).willRead(); } } } takeStoredValueForKey(value, key); } } public NSDictionary changesFromSnapshot(NSDictionary snapshot) { NSArray uncommittedChanges = editingContext()._newUncommittedChangesForObject(this, snapshot); if (uncommittedChanges == null) { return NSDictionary.EmptyDictionary; } int max = uncommittedChanges.count(); NSMutableDictionary result = new NSMutableDictionary(max / 2); for (int i = 0; i < max; i += 2) { result.setObjectForKey(uncommittedChanges.objectAtIndex(i + 1), uncommittedChanges.objectAtIndex(i)); } return result; } public void reapplyChangesFromDictionary(NSDictionary changes) { Enumeration enumerator = changes.keyEnumerator(); while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) enumerator.nextElement(); EOEditingContext._mergeValueForKey(this, changes.objectForKey(key), key); } } public boolean isToManyKey(String key) { return toManyRelationshipKeys().containsObject(key); } public NSArray<String> allPropertyKeys() { NSArray<String> attributeKeys = attributeKeys(); NSArray<String> toOneRelationshipKeys = toOneRelationshipKeys(); NSArray<String> toManyRelationshipKeys = toManyRelationshipKeys(); int attCount = attributeKeys.count(); int toOneCount = toOneRelationshipKeys.count(); int toManyCount = toManyRelationshipKeys.count(); NSMutableArray<String> result = new NSMutableArray<>(attCount + toOneCount + toManyCount); if (attCount > 0) { result.addObjectsFromArray(attributeKeys); } if (toOneCount > 0) { result.addObjectsFromArray(toOneRelationshipKeys); } if (toManyCount > 0) { result.addObjectsFromArray(toManyRelationshipKeys); } return result; } public void clearProperties() { NSArray<String> props = toOneRelationshipKeys(); for (int i = 0, c = props.count(); i < c; i++) { takeStoredValueForKey(null, props.objectAtIndex(i)); } props = toManyRelationshipKeys(); for (int i = 0, c = props.count(); i < c; i++) { takeStoredValueForKey(null, props.objectAtIndex(i)); } __clearPendingChanges(); } public void propagateDeleteWithEditingContext(EOEditingContext ec) { EOClassDescription cd = classDescription(); if (cd != null) cd.propagateDeleteForObject(this, ec); } public String userPresentableDescription() { EOClassDescription cd = classDescription(); if (cd != null) { return cd.userPresentableDescriptionForObject(this); } return null; } public String eoShallowDescription() { String globalIDString = "[Gid Not Found]"; EOEditingContext editingContext = editingContext(); if (editingContext != null) { EOGlobalID gid = editingContext.globalIDForObject(this); if (gid != null) globalIDString = gid.toString(); } String className = getClass().getName(); String identifyString = Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this)); if (isFault()) { String handlerClassName = faultHandler().getClass().getName(); return "<" + className + " " + identifyString + " (" + handlerClassName + " " + globalIDString + ")>"; } return "<" + className + " " + identifyString + " " + globalIDString + ">"; } public String eoDescription() { if (isFault()) { return faultHandler().descriptionForObject(this); } NSMutableDictionary tmpDict = new NSMutableDictionary(); NSMutableDictionary valueDict = new NSMutableDictionary(); tmpDict.setObjectForKey(valueDict, "values"); tmpDict.setObjectForKey(eoShallowDescription(), "this"); NSDictionary values = valuesForKeys(attributeKeys()); if (values.count() != 0) { valueDict.addEntriesFromDictionary(values); } NSArray<String> toOnes = toOneRelationshipKeys(); int c = toOnes.count(); if (c != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { String key = toOnes.objectAtIndex(i); EOEnterpriseObject value = (EOEnterpriseObject) valueForKey(key); if (value == null) valueDict.setObjectForKey("null", key); else { valueDict.setObjectForKey(value.eoShallowDescription(), key); } } } NSArray<String> toMany = toManyRelationshipKeys(); if (toMany.count() != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { String key = toMany.objectAtIndex(i); NSArray array = (NSArray) valueForKey(key); if (array == null) { valueDict.setObjectForKey("null", key); } else if (EOFaultHandler.isFault(array)) { valueDict.setObjectForKey(EOFaultHandler.eoShallowDescription(array), key); } else { int count = array.count(); NSMutableArray descriptions = new NSMutableArray(count); for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { descriptions.addObject(((EOEnterpriseObject) array.objectAtIndex(j)).eoShallowDescription()); } valueDict.setObjectForKey(descriptions, key); } } } String string = tmpDict.toString(); return string; } public Object invokeRemoteMethod(String methodName, Class[] argumentTypes, Object[] arguments) { EOEditingContext context = editingContext(); return context.invokeRemoteMethod(context, context.globalIDForObject(this), methodName, argumentTypes, arguments); } public void prepareValuesForClient() { } public void awakeFromClientUpdate(EOEditingContext ec) { } private Method _valueManipulationMethod(Class cls, String methodName, Object value) { Class[] parameterTypes = { value != null ? value.getClass() : _NSUtilities._ObjectClass }; Method result = null; while ((result == null) && (parameterTypes[0] != null)) { result = _NSReflectionUtilities._methodForClass(cls, methodName, parameterTypes, true); if (result == null) { parameterTypes[0] = parameterTypes[0].getSuperclass(); } } if ((result == null) && ((value == null) || ((value instanceof _EOPrivateMemento)))) { parameterTypes[0] = EOEnterpriseObject._CLASS; result = _NSReflectionUtilities._methodForClass(cls, methodName, parameterTypes, true); } return result; } private Method _valueManipulationMethodWithPrefix(String prefix, String key, Object value) { String methodName = prefix + _NSStringUtilities.capitalizedString(key); Class cls = getClass(); Method result = null; result = _NSReflectionUtilities._methodForClass(cls, methodName, new Class[] { _NSReflectionUtilities._inferredValueClassForKey(cls, key, false) }, true); if (result == null) { result = _valueManipulationMethod(cls, methodName, value); } return result; } protected void includeObjectIntoPropertyWithKey(Object eo, String key) { if (eo != null) { Object value = valueForKey(key); if ((value instanceof NSMutableArray)) { NSMutableArray mutableValue = (NSMutableArray) value; if (!mutableValue.containsObject(eo)) { willChange(); mutableValue.addObject(eo); } } else if ((value instanceof NSArray)) { NSArray immutableValue = (NSArray) value; if (!immutableValue.containsObject(eo)) { NSArray newArray = immutableValue.arrayByAddingObject(eo); takeValueForKey(newArray, key); } } else if (value == null) { NSMutableArray newArray = new NSMutableArray(eo); takeValueForKey(newArray, key); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("addObjectToPropertyWithKey: the key " + key + " is not null, an NSArray or one of its subclasses - unable to add the value."); } } } public void addObjectToPropertyWithKey(Object eo, String key) { if (eo != null) { Method method = _valueManipulationMethodWithPrefix("addTo", key, eo); if (method != null) NSSelector._safeInvokeMethod(method, this, new Object[] { eo }); else includeObjectIntoPropertyWithKey(eo, key); } } protected void excludeObjectFromPropertyWithKey(Object eo, String key) { if (eo != null) { Object value = valueForKey(key); if ((value instanceof NSMutableArray)) { NSMutableArray mutableValue = (NSMutableArray) value; if (mutableValue.containsObject(eo)) { willChange(); mutableValue.removeObject(eo); } } else if ((value instanceof NSArray)) { NSArray immutableValue = (NSArray) value; if (immutableValue.containsObject(eo)) { NSMutableArray newArray = new NSMutableArray(immutableValue); newArray.removeObject(eo); takeValueForKey(newArray, key); } } else if (value != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("removeObjectToPropertyWithKey: the key " + key + " is not a Array or one of its subclasses - unable to remove the value."); } } } public void removeObjectFromPropertyWithKey(Object eo, String key) { if (eo != null) { Method method = _valueManipulationMethodWithPrefix("removeFrom", key, eo); if (method != null) NSSelector._safeInvokeMethod(method, this, new Object[] { eo }); else excludeObjectFromPropertyWithKey(eo, key); } } public void addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(EORelationshipManipulation object, String key) { if (object != null) { String reciprocal = inverseForRelationshipKey(key); EOEnterpriseObject eo = (EOEnterpriseObject) object; if (isToManyKey(key)) { addObjectToPropertyWithKey(eo, key); if (reciprocal != null) if (eo.isToManyKey(reciprocal)) { eo.addObjectToPropertyWithKey(this, reciprocal); } else { EOEnterpriseObject other = (EOEnterpriseObject) eo.valueForKey(reciprocal); if (other != this) { if (other != null) { other.removeObjectFromPropertyWithKey(eo, key); } eo.takeValueForKey(this, reciprocal); } } } else { if (reciprocal != null) { EOEnterpriseObject other = (EOEnterpriseObject) valueForKey(key); if (eo.isToManyKey(reciprocal)) { if (other != null) { other.removeObjectFromPropertyWithKey(this, reciprocal); } eo.addObjectToPropertyWithKey(this, reciprocal); } else { if (other != null) { other.takeValueForKey(null, reciprocal); } eo.takeValueForKey(this, reciprocal); } } takeValueForKey(eo, key); } } } public void removeObjectFromBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(EORelationshipManipulation object, String key) { if (object != null) { String reciprocal = inverseForRelationshipKey(key); EOEnterpriseObject eo = (EOEnterpriseObject) object; if (isToManyKey(key)) { removeObjectFromPropertyWithKey(eo, key); if (reciprocal != null) { if (eo.isToManyKey(reciprocal)) eo.removeObjectFromPropertyWithKey(this, reciprocal); else eo.takeValueForKey(null, reciprocal); } } else { EOEnterpriseObject other = (EOEnterpriseObject) valueForKey(key); if ((other == eo) && (reciprocal != null)) { if (eo.isToManyKey(reciprocal)) other.removeObjectFromPropertyWithKey(this, reciprocal); else { other.takeValueForKey(null, reciprocal); } } takeValueForKey(null, key); } } } public static boolean usesDeferredFaultCreation() { return false; } public void willRead() { if (!__isShared()) { if (__faultHandler == null) return; } else { synchronized (this) { if (__faultHandler == null) { return; } } } EOEditingContext ec = editingContext(); if (ec == null) { if ((__faultHandler instanceof EOEditingContext._EOInvalidFaultHandler)) { __faultHandler.completeInitializationOfObject(this); } throw new IllegalStateException( "Attempt to access an EO that has either not been inserted into any EOEditingContext or its EOEditingContext has already been disposed"); } ec.lockObjectStore(); try { synchronized (this) { if (__faultHandler == null) { ec.unlockObjectStore(); return; } } __faultHandler.completeInitializationOfObject(this); } finally { ec.unlockObjectStore(); } } public boolean isFault() { if (!__isShared()) { return __faultHandler != null; } synchronized (this) { return __faultHandler != null; } } public void clearFault() { if (!__isShared()) __faultHandler = null; else synchronized (this) { __faultHandler = null; } } public void turnIntoFault(EOFaultHandler handler) { if (!__isShared()) __faultHandler = handler; else { synchronized (this) { __faultHandler = handler; } } __readOnly = null; } public EOFaultHandler faultHandler() { if (!__isShared()) { return __faultHandler; } synchronized (this) { return __faultHandler; } } public Object willReadRelationship(Object object) { if (!__isShared()) { if (!EOFaultHandler.isFault(object)) return object; } else { synchronized (this) { if (!EOFaultHandler.isFault(object)) { return object; } } } EOEditingContext ec = editingContext(); ec.lockObjectStore(); Object value; try { EOFaultHandler handler; synchronized (this) { if (!EOFaultHandler.isFault(object)) { Object localObject2 = object; ec.unlockObjectStore(); return localObject2; } handler = ((EOFaulting) object).faultHandler(); } value = handler.createFaultForDeferredFault(object, this); } finally { ec.unlockObjectStore(); } return value; } public Object validateValueForKey(Object value, String key) throws NSValidation.ValidationException { EOClassDescription cd = classDescription(); try { Object validatedValue = cd != null ? cd.validateValueForKey(value, key) : value; return NSValidation.DefaultImplementation._validateValueForKey(this, validatedValue, key, EOEnterpriseObject._CLASS); } catch (NSValidation.ValidationException exception) { throw exception.exceptionWithObjectAndKey(this, key); } } public Object validateTakeValueForKeyPath(Object value, String keyPath) throws NSValidation.ValidationException { return NSValidation.DefaultImplementation.validateTakeValueForKeyPath(this, value, keyPath); } public void validateForSave() throws NSValidation.ValidationException { NSValidation.ValidationException firstException = null; NSMutableArray<ValidationException> additionalExceptions = null; EOClassDescription cd = classDescription(); if (cd != null) { try { cd.validateObjectForSave(this); } catch (NSValidation.ValidationException e) { firstException = e; } } for (int type = 0; type < 3; type++) { NSArray<String> keyEnumerator; switch (type) { case 0: keyEnumerator = attributeKeys(); break; case 1: keyEnumerator = toOneRelationshipKeys(); break; default: keyEnumerator = toManyRelationshipKeys(); } int i = 0; for (int c = keyEnumerator.count(); i < c; i++) { String key = keyEnumerator.objectAtIndex(i); Object currentValue = valueForKey(key); try { Object newValue = validateValueForKey(currentValue, key); if (newValue != currentValue) takeStoredValueForKey(newValue, key); } catch (NSValidation.ValidationException exception) { if (firstException != null) { if (additionalExceptions == null) { additionalExceptions = new NSMutableArray<>(firstException); } additionalExceptions.addObject(exception); } else { firstException = exception; } } } } if (additionalExceptions != null) throw NSValidation.ValidationException.aggregateExceptionWithExceptions(additionalExceptions); if (firstException != null) throw firstException; } public void validateForDelete() throws NSValidation.ValidationException { EOClassDescription cd = classDescription(); if (cd != null) cd.validateObjectForDelete(this); } public void validateForInsert() throws NSValidation.ValidationException { validateForSave(); } public void validateForUpdate() throws NSValidation.ValidationException { validateForSave(); } public void validateClientUpdate() throws NSValidation.ValidationException { } public static boolean canAccessFieldsDirectly() { return true; } public Object valueForKey(String key) { if (key == null) { return null; } NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding binding = _keyGetBindingForKey(key); return binding.valueInObject(this); } public void takeValueForKey(Object value, String key) { if (key == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key cannot be null"); } NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding binding = _keySetBindingForKey(key); binding.setValueInObject(value, this); } public Object handleQueryWithUnboundKey(String key) { return NSKeyValueCoding.DefaultImplementation.handleQueryWithUnboundKey(this, key); } public void handleTakeValueForUnboundKey(Object value, String key) { NSKeyValueCoding.DefaultImplementation.handleTakeValueForUnboundKey(this, value, key); } public void unableToSetNullForKey(String key) { NSKeyValueCoding.DefaultImplementation.unableToSetNullForKey(this, key); } public Object valueForKeyPath(String keyPath) { return NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.DefaultImplementation.valueForKeyPath(this, keyPath); } public void takeValueForKeyPath(Object value, String keyPath) { NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.DefaultImplementation.takeValueForKeyPath(this, value, keyPath); } public static boolean shouldUseStoredAccessors() { return true; } public Object storedValueForKey(String key) { if (key == null) { return null; } NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding binding = _storedKeyGetBindingForKey(key); return binding.valueInObject(this); } public void takeStoredValueForKey(Object value, String key) { if (key == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key cannot be null"); } NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding binding = _storedKeySetBindingForKey(key); binding.setValueInObject(value, this); } public NSDictionary valuesForKeys(NSArray keys) { return EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.DefaultImplementation.valuesForKeys(this, keys); } public NSDictionary valuesForKeysWithMapping(NSDictionary mapping) { return EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.DefaultImplementation.valuesForKeysWithMapping(this, mapping); } public void takeValuesFromDictionary(NSDictionary dictionary) { EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.DefaultImplementation.takeValuesFromDictionary(this, dictionary); } public void takeValuesFromDictionaryWithMapping(NSDictionary dictionary, NSDictionary mapping) { EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.DefaultImplementation.takeValuesFromDictionaryWithMapping(this, dictionary, mapping); } public NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding _createKeyGetBindingForKey(String key) { return NSKeyValueCoding.DefaultImplementation._createKeyGetBindingForKey(this, key); } public NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding _createKeySetBindingForKey(String key) { return NSKeyValueCoding.DefaultImplementation._createKeySetBindingForKey(this, key); } public NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding _keyGetBindingForKey(String key) { return NSKeyValueCoding.DefaultImplementation._keyGetBindingForKey(this, key); } public NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding _keySetBindingForKey(String key) { return NSKeyValueCoding.DefaultImplementation._keySetBindingForKey(this, key); } public NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding _createStoredKeyGetBindingForKey(String key) { return EOKeyValueCoding.DefaultImplementation._createStoredKeyGetBindingForKey(this, key); } public NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding _createStoredKeySetBindingForKey(String key) { return EOKeyValueCoding.DefaultImplementation._createStoredKeySetBindingForKey(this, key); } public NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding _storedKeyGetBindingForKey(String key) { return EOKeyValueCoding.DefaultImplementation._storedKeyGetBindingForKey(this, key); } public NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding _storedKeySetBindingForKey(String key) { return EOKeyValueCoding.DefaultImplementation._storedKeySetBindingForKey(this, key); } boolean _usesDeferredFaultCreationForClass(Class objectClass) { return _NSReflectionUtilities._staticBooleanMethodValue("usesDeferredFaultCreation", null, null, objectClass, EODeferredFaulting._CLASS, false); } public NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding _fieldKeyBinding(String key, String fieldName) { Class<?> objectClass = getClass(); NSKeyValueCoding.ValueAccessor valueAccessor = NSKeyValueCoding.ValueAccessor ._valueAccessorForClass(objectClass); boolean publicFieldOnly = valueAccessor == null; Field field = _NSReflectionUtilities._fieldForClass(objectClass, fieldName, publicFieldOnly); if (field != null) { if ((!field.getType().isPrimitive()) && (_usesDeferredFaultCreationForClass(getClass()))) { EOClassDescription classDescription = classDescription(); if ((classDescription != null) && (!classDescription.attributeKeys().containsObject(key))) { return new _LazyFieldBinding(objectClass, key, field, valueAccessor); } } Class<?> valueClass = _NSUtilities.classObjectForClass(field.getType()); if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) return new _NumberFieldBinding(objectClass, key, field, valueClass, valueAccessor); if (Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) { return new _BooleanFieldBinding(objectClass, key, field, valueAccessor); } return new _FieldBinding(objectClass, key, field, valueAccessor); } return null; } public NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding _methodKeyGetBinding(String key, String methodName) { return NSKeyValueCoding._ReflectionKeyBindingCreation._methodKeyGetBinding(this, key, methodName); } public NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding _methodKeySetBinding(String key, String methodName) { return NSKeyValueCoding._ReflectionKeyBindingCreation._methodKeySetBinding(this, key, methodName); } public NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding _otherStorageBinding(String key) { return null; } public boolean _forwardingBindingNeededForClass(Class objectClass, String methodName, Class[] methodArgumentTypes) { return EOKeyValueCoding._BestBindingCreation._isMethodOverriddenInSubclass(_CLASS, objectClass, methodName, methodArgumentTypes); } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { EOEditingContext editingContext = null; EOGlobalID globalID = null; ObjectOutputStream.PutField fields = out.putFields(); fields.put(SerializationVersionFieldKey, SerializationVersion); fields.put(SerializationClassDescriptionFieldKey, classDescription()); editingContext = EOEditingContext.usesContextRelativeEncoding() ? editingContext() : null; if (editingContext != null) { editingContext.lock(); try { if (editingContext._willObjectBeForgottenNextPRC(this)) editingContext = null; } finally { if (editingContext != null) { editingContext.unlock(); } } } if (editingContext != null) { fields.put(SerializationEditingContextFieldKey, editingContext); globalID = editingContext.globalIDForObject(this); fields.put(SerializationGlobalIDFieldKey, globalID); } else if (isFault()) { globalID = __globalID(); fields.put(SerializationGlobalIDFieldKey, globalID); } else { fields.put(SerializationPropertiesFieldKey, EOEditingContext._valuesForObject(this)); } out.writeFields(); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ObjectInputStream.GetField fields = in.readFields(); EOEditingContext editingContext = null; EOGlobalID gid = null; fields.get(SerializationVersionFieldKey, 0L); EOClassDescription cd = (EOClassDescription) fields.get(SerializationClassDescriptionFieldKey, null); if (cd == null) { __setClassDescription(); } else { __setClassDescription(cd); } editingContext = (EOEditingContext) fields.get(SerializationEditingContextFieldKey, null); __unarchivedResultingEnterpriseObject = this; if (editingContext == null) { NSArray values = (NSArray) fields.get(SerializationPropertiesFieldKey, null); if (values != null) { EOEditingContext._applyValuesToObject(values, this); } else { gid = (EOGlobalID) fields.get(SerializationGlobalIDFieldKey, null); __setGlobalID(gid); turnIntoFault(EOEditingContext._InvalidEOHandler); } } else { gid = (EOGlobalID) fields.get(SerializationGlobalIDFieldKey, null); if (gid == null) { throw new StreamCorruptedException("While unarchiving a \"" + getClass().getName() + "\" a valid EOGlobalID was missing from the stream."); } Object other = editingContext.objectForGlobalID(gid); if (other != null) { __unarchivedResultingEnterpriseObject = other; } else if (gid.isTemporary()) editingContext.recordObject(this, gid); else __unarchivedResultingEnterpriseObject = editingContext.faultForGlobalID(gid, editingContext); } } protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { Object temp = __unarchivedResultingEnterpriseObject; __unarchivedResultingEnterpriseObject = null; return temp; } public boolean isReadOnly() { if (__readOnly == null) { EOClassDescription aDescription = classDescription(); if (aDescription != null) __readOnly = Boolean.valueOf(aDescription.isEntityReadOnly()); else { __readOnly = Boolean.FALSE; } } return __readOnly != null ? __readOnly.booleanValue() : false; } public static class _LazyFieldBinding extends EOCustomObject._FieldBinding { public _LazyFieldBinding(Class targetClass, String key, Field field, NSKeyValueCoding.ValueAccessor valueAccessor) { super(targetClass, key, field, valueAccessor); } @Override public Object valueInObject(Object object) { Object value = super.valueInObject(object); return value != null ? ((EOEnterpriseObject) object).willReadRelationship(value) : null; } } public static class _BooleanFieldBinding extends NSKeyValueCoding._BooleanFieldBinding { public _BooleanFieldBinding(Class targetClass, String key, Field field, NSKeyValueCoding.ValueAccessor valueAccessor) { super(targetClass, key, field, valueAccessor); } @Override public Object valueInObject(Object object) { ((EOEnterpriseObject) object).willRead(); return super.valueInObject(object); } @Override protected void _setValidatedValueInObject(Object value, Object object) throws IllegalAccessException { ((EOEnterpriseObject) object).willChange(); super._setValidatedValueInObject(value, object); } } public static class _NumberFieldBinding extends NSKeyValueCoding._NumberFieldBinding { public _NumberFieldBinding(Class targetClass, String key, Field field, Class valueClass, NSKeyValueCoding.ValueAccessor valueAccessor) { super(targetClass, key, field, valueClass, valueAccessor); } @Override public Object valueInObject(Object object) { ((EOEnterpriseObject) object).willRead(); return super.valueInObject(object); } @Override protected void _setValidatedValueInObject(Object value, Object object) throws IllegalAccessException { ((EOEnterpriseObject) object).willChange(); super._setValidatedValueInObject(value, object); } } public static class _FieldBinding extends NSKeyValueCoding._FieldBinding { public _FieldBinding(Class targetClass, String key, Field field, NSKeyValueCoding.ValueAccessor valueAccessor) { super(targetClass, key, field, valueAccessor); } @Override public Object valueInObject(Object object) { ((EOEnterpriseObject) object).willRead(); return super.valueInObject(object); } @Override protected void _setValidatedValueInObject(Object value, Object object) throws IllegalAccessException { ((EOEnterpriseObject) object).willChange(); super._setValidatedValueInObject(value, object); } } }