package er.extensions.migration; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAdaptorChannel; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntity; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOGeneralAdaptorException; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOModel; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOModelGroup; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EORelationship; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import; import; import com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCAdaptor; import er.extensions.eof.ERXEC; import er.extensions.eof.ERXEOAccessUtilities.ChannelAction; import; import er.extensions.jdbc.ERXJDBCConnectionAnalyzer; import er.extensions.jdbc.ERXJDBCUtilities; import er.extensions.jdbc.ERXSQLHelper; /** * ERXMigrator provides a simple mechanism for performing database migrations * (both upgrading and downgrading). * <p> * To have ERXMigrator run at the start of your application, set * er.migration.migrateAtStartup = true. This will perform a migration of your * EOModels using a series of provided migration classes. By default, models are * migrated in the order they appear in the EOModelGroup (that is, effectively * random). If you want more control over the order at startup, you can set the * er.migration.modelNames property to a comma-separate list of model names. The * migrator will migrate them in this order. * <p> * For each EOModel, the migrator will lookup [modelName].MigrationClassPrefix * and then append version numbers to that name. For instance, if your model * named "AuthModel" is being migrated, and you set * AuthModel.MigrationClassPrefix=com.mdimension.migration.AuthModel, it will * then look for classes named like com.mdimension.migration.AuthModel0, * com.mdimension.migration.AuthModel1, etc where the number corresponds to a * zero-offset migration version. If MigrationClassPrefix is not set, the * migrator will assume the prefix is simply the name of the model. Migration * classes are resolved like WOComponents (i.e. packageless by name). * <p> * The com.mdimension.migration.AuthModelX classes should implement the * IERXMigration interface, and should at least provide an implementation of the * upgrade method. If you do not provide a downgrade method, you should throw * ERXMigrationFailedException when that method is called to notify the system * that the requested migration cannot be performed. As an example, * AuthModel1.upgrade(..) will be called to move from version 1 to version 2, * and AuthModel1.downgrade(..) will be called to move from version 2 back to * version 1. Your lowest version number migration should throw an * ERXMigrationFailedException when its downgrade method is called. * <p> * Because of complications with database locking, the system will not * autocreate tables and per-model rows for you, so if you are using JDBC * migration, you should create a table named _DBUpdater with the following * (approximately) create statement: * * <pre> * create table _dbupdater ( * modelname varchar(100) not null, * version integer not null, * updatelock integer not null, * lockowner varchar(100) * ) * </pre> * * and for each model you want to be able to migrate, you should: * * <pre> * insert into _dbupdater(modelname, version, updatelock, lockowner) values ('YourModelName', -1, 0, NULL) * </pre> * * Be aware that not all databases are able to perform DDL operations in a * transaction. The result of this is that if a DDL operation fails, your * database may be left in an unknown state because the subsequent rollback will * fail. Version numbers only increase when each migration completes * sucessfully, so in this case, your migration version would be left at the * previous version number. * <p> * Startup migration runs in response to the * ApplicationWillFinishLaunchingNotification, so you should not access your EO's * until after that notification is complete. ApplicationWillFinishLaunchingNotification * is used instead of ApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification so that the * application will not start accepting requests before migration is complete. * <p> * If you are not extending ERXApplication, you can add Migrations into your own * application by adding this to your Application constructor: * <pre> * NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(this, * new NSSelector("willFinishLaunching", ERXConstant.NotificationClassArray), * WOApplication.ApplicationWillFinishLaunchingNotification, null); * </pre> * * And implementing the willFinishLaunching method like this: * <pre> * public void willFinishLaunching(NSNotification n) { * if (ERXMigrator.shouldMigrateAtStartup()) { * new ERXMigrator(name() + "-" + number()).migrateToLatest(); * } * } * </pre> * * @property er.migration.migrateAtStartup if true, migrateToLatest is * automatically called at startup * @property er.migration.[adaptorName].lockClassName the name of the * IERXMigrationLock class to use (defaults to * er.extensions.migration.ERX[adaptorName]MigrationLock) * @property er.migration.modelNames a comma-separated list of model names to be * migrated in a particular order. If missing, it will default to * modelgroup.models() order. * @property er.migration.skipModelNames a comma-separated list of model names * to NOT be migrated. * @property [modelName].MigrationClassPrefix the prefix of the class name to * use to upgrade the model named [modelName]. Defaults to * [modelName]. * * @author mschrag */ public class ERXMigrator { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ERXMigrator.class); /** * Symbolic version number for migrating to "the latest" version. */ public static final int LATEST_VERSION = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private String _lockOwnerName; /** * Constructs an ERXMigrator with the given lock owner. For an application, * the lock owner name defaults to appname-instancenumber. * * @param lockOwnerName * the name of the lock owner */ public ERXMigrator(String lockOwnerName) { _lockOwnerName = lockOwnerName; } /** * Returns whether or not migration should run at startup. Defaults to * false. * * @return return true if migrations should run at startup */ public static boolean shouldMigrateAtStartup() { return ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("er.migration.migrateAtStartup", false); } /** * Migrates all models specified in the default model group to the latest * versions. * * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void migrateToLatest() { EOModelGroup modelGroup = EOModelGroup.defaultGroup(); NSArray<String> modelNames = NSArray.EmptyArray; String modelNamesStr = ERXProperties.stringForKey("er.migration.modelNames"); if (modelNamesStr == null) { log.warn("er.migration.modelNames is not set, defaulting to modelGroup.models() order instead."); modelNames = modelGroup.modelNames(); } else { modelNames = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(modelNamesStr, ","); } String skipModelNamesStr = ERXProperties.stringForKey("er.migration.skipModelNames"); NSArray<String> skipModelNames = NSArray.EmptyArray; if (skipModelNamesStr != null) { skipModelNames = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(skipModelNamesStr, ","); } Map<IERXMigration, ERXModelVersion> migrations = _buildDependenciesForModelsNamed(modelNames, skipModelNames); Map<IERXPostMigration, ERXModelVersion> postMigrations = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Iterator<IERXMigration> migrationsIter = migrations.keySet().iterator(); while (migrationsIter.hasNext()) { IERXMigration migration =; ERXModelVersion modelVersion = migrations.get(migration); EOModel model = modelVersion.model(); IERXMigrationLock migrationLock = databaseLockForModel(model); EOEditingContext editingContext = newEditingContext(); editingContext.lock(); try { ERXMigrationAction migrationAction = new ERXMigrationAction(editingContext, migration, modelVersion, migrationLock, _lockOwnerName, postMigrations); try { ERXSQLHelper helper = ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(model); try { helper.prepareConnectionForSchemaChange(editingContext, model); migrationAction.perform(editingContext,; } finally { helper.restoreConnectionSettingsAfterSchemaChange(editingContext, model); } } catch (ERXMigrationFailedException e) { throw e; } catch (EOGeneralAdaptorException t) { new ERXJDBCConnectionAnalyzer(model.connectionDictionary()); throw new ERXMigrationFailedException("Failed to migrate model '" + + "'.", t); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new ERXMigrationFailedException("Failed to migrate model '" + + "'.", t); } } finally { editingContext.unlock(); } } Iterator<IERXPostMigration> postMigrationsIter = postMigrations.keySet().iterator(); while (postMigrationsIter.hasNext()) { IERXPostMigration postMigration =; ERXModelVersion modelVersion = postMigrations.get(postMigration); EOEditingContext editingContext = newEditingContext(); editingContext.lock(); try { try { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Running post migration for {} version {} ...", modelVersion.model().name(), modelVersion.version()); } postMigration.postUpgrade(editingContext, modelVersion.model()); editingContext.saveChanges(); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new ERXMigrationFailedException("Failed on post migrations for model '" + modelVersion.model().name() + "'.", t); } } finally { editingContext.unlock(); } } } protected IERXMigrationLock databaseLockForModel(EOModel model) { String adaptorName = model.adaptorName(); String migrationLockClassName = ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault("er.migration." + adaptorName + ".lockClassName", "er.extensions.migration.ERX" + adaptorName + "MigrationLock"); IERXMigrationLock databaseLock; try { Class migrationLockClass = Class.forName(migrationLockClassName); databaseLock = (IERXMigrationLock) migrationLockClass.newInstance(); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new ERXMigrationFailedException("Failed to create migration lock class '" + migrationLockClassName + "'.", t); } return databaseLock; } protected Map<IERXMigration, ERXModelVersion> _buildDependenciesForModelsNamed(NSArray<String> modelNames, NSArray<String> skipModelNames) { Map<IERXMigration, ERXModelVersion> migrations = new LinkedHashMap<>(); try { Map<String, Integer> versions = new HashMap<>(); EOModelGroup modelGroup = EOModelGroup.defaultGroup(); Enumeration modelNamesEnum = modelNames.objectEnumerator(); while (modelNamesEnum.hasMoreElements()) { String modelName = (String) modelNamesEnum.nextElement(); if (!skipModelNames.containsObject(modelName)) { EOModel model = modelGroup.modelNamed(modelName); if (model == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no model named '" + modelName + "' in this model group."); } _buildDependenciesForModel(model, ERXMigrator.LATEST_VERSION, versions, migrations, skipModelNames); } } Set<String> processedModelNames = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> pendingModelNames = new HashSet<>(versions.keySet()); while (!pendingModelNames.isEmpty()) { Iterator<String> modelNamesIter = pendingModelNames.iterator(); while (modelNamesIter.hasNext()) { String modelName =; EOModel model = modelGroup.modelNamed(modelName); Enumeration entitiesEnum = model.entities().objectEnumerator(); while (entitiesEnum.hasMoreElements()) { EOEntity entity = (EOEntity) entitiesEnum.nextElement(); EOEntity parentEntity = entity.parentEntity(); if (parentEntity != null && !parentEntity.model().equals(model)) { EOModel parentModel = parentEntity.model(); _buildDependenciesForModel(parentModel, LATEST_VERSION, versions, migrations, skipModelNames); } Enumeration relationshipsEnum = entity.relationships().objectEnumerator(); while (relationshipsEnum.hasMoreElements()) { EORelationship relationship = (EORelationship) relationshipsEnum.nextElement(); EOEntity destinationEntity = relationship.destinationEntity(); if (destinationEntity != null && !destinationEntity.model().equals(model)) { EOModel destinationModel = destinationEntity.model(); _buildDependenciesForModel(destinationModel, LATEST_VERSION, versions, migrations, skipModelNames); } } } _buildDependenciesForModel(model, LATEST_VERSION, versions, migrations, skipModelNames); processedModelNames.add(modelName); } pendingModelNames.addAll(versions.keySet()); pendingModelNames.removeAll(processedModelNames); } } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Migration failed.", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Migration failed.", e); } return migrations; } protected boolean canMigrateModel(EOModel model) { String adaptorName = model.adaptorName(); if ("Memory".equals(adaptorName)) { return true; } if ("JDBC".equals(adaptorName)) { String url = (String)model.connectionDictionary().objectForKey(JDBCAdaptor.URLKey); if ((url != null && url.toLowerCase().startsWith("jdbc:"))) { return true; } String dataSourceJndiName = (String) model.connectionDictionary().objectForKey(JDBCAdaptor.DataSourceJndiNameKey); if(dataSourceJndiName != null) { return true; } } return false; } protected void _buildDependenciesForModel(EOModel model, int migrateToVersion, Map<String, Integer> versions, Map<IERXMigration, ERXModelVersion> migrations, NSArray<String> skipModelNames) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (!canMigrateModel(model)) { return; } String modelName =; if (skipModelNames.containsObject(modelName)) { log.error("'{}' was in skipModelNames, but got passed to the _buildDependenciesForModel anyway...", modelName); return; } Integer migratorVersion = versions.get(modelName); if (migratorVersion == null) { migratorVersion = Integer.valueOf(ERXProperties.intForKeyWithDefault(modelName + ".InitialMigrationVersion", -1)); } if (migratorVersion.intValue() != ERXMigrator.LATEST_VERSION) { boolean done = false; for (int versionNum = migratorVersion.intValue() + 1; !done && versionNum <= migrateToVersion; versionNum++) { String migrationClassPrefix = ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault(modelName + ".MigrationClassPrefix", modelName).trim(); String erMigrationClassName = migrationClassPrefix + versionNum; String vendorMigrationClassName = migrationClassPrefix + ERXJDBCUtilities.databaseProductName(model) + versionNum; Class erMigrationClass; log.debug("Looking for migration '{}' ...", erMigrationClassName); erMigrationClass = _NSUtilities.classWithName(erMigrationClassName); if (erMigrationClass == null) { log.debug("Looking for vendor-specific migration '{}' ...", vendorMigrationClassName); erMigrationClass = _NSUtilities.classWithName(vendorMigrationClassName); } if (erMigrationClass != null) { IERXMigration migration = (IERXMigration) erMigrationClass.newInstance(); versions.put(modelName, Integer.valueOf(versionNum)); NSArray<ERXModelVersion> migrationDependencies = migration.modelDependencies(); if (migrationDependencies != null) { Enumeration<ERXModelVersion> migrationDependenciesEnum = migrationDependencies.objectEnumerator(); while (migrationDependenciesEnum.hasMoreElements()) { ERXModelVersion modelVersion = migrationDependenciesEnum.nextElement(); EOModel dependsOnModel = modelVersion.model(); int dependsOnVersion = modelVersion.version(); _buildDependenciesForModel(dependsOnModel, dependsOnVersion, versions, migrations, skipModelNames); } } migrations.put(migration, new ERXModelVersion(model, versionNum)); } else { done = true; log.debug(" Migration {} and/or {} do not exist.", erMigrationClassName, vendorMigrationClassName); versions.put(modelName, Integer.valueOf(ERXMigrator.LATEST_VERSION)); } } } } /** * Subclasses can override this to return a different editing context. * * @return EOEditingContext to be used for migration */ protected EOEditingContext newEditingContext() { return ERXEC.newEditingContext(); } protected static class ERXMigrationAction extends ChannelAction { private EOEditingContext _editingContext; private IERXMigrationLock _migrationLock; private IERXMigration _migration; private ERXModelVersion _modelVersion; private String _lockOwnerName; private Map<IERXPostMigration, ERXModelVersion> _postMigrations; public ERXMigrationAction(EOEditingContext editingContext, IERXMigration migration, ERXModelVersion modelVersion, IERXMigrationLock migrationLock, String lockOwnerName, Map<IERXPostMigration, ERXModelVersion> postMigrations) { _editingContext = editingContext; _modelVersion = modelVersion; _migration = migration; _migrationLock = migrationLock; _lockOwnerName = lockOwnerName; _postMigrations = postMigrations; } @Override protected int doPerform(EOAdaptorChannel channel) { EOModel model = _modelVersion.model(); boolean locked; do { locked = _migrationLock.tryLock(channel, model, _lockOwnerName); if (!locked) { try { Thread.sleep(5 * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // do nothing } } // MS: Do we put a timeout here? It could take a very long time // ... } while (!locked); if (locked) { try { int currentVersion = _migrationLock.versionNumber(channel, model); int nextVersion = _modelVersion.version(); if (currentVersion < nextVersion) {"Upgrading {} to version {} with migration '{}'.",, nextVersion, _migration); _migration.upgrade(_editingContext, channel, model); _migrationLock.setVersionNumber(channel, model, nextVersion); _editingContext.saveChanges(); channel.adaptorContext().commitTransaction(); channel.adaptorContext().beginTransaction();"{} is now version {}",, nextVersion); if (_migration instanceof IERXPostMigration) { _postMigrations.put((IERXPostMigration) _migration, _modelVersion); } } else { log.debug("Already upgraded {} to {}, skipping",, nextVersion); } } catch (Throwable t) { throw new ERXMigrationFailedException("Migration failed.", t); } finally { _migrationLock.unlock(channel, model); } } return 0; } } }