package er.googlechart.components; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOAssociation; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOElement; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse; import; import; /** * QR Codes (see * * @binding text the text to encode * @binding outputEncoding the output encoding to use (defaults to UTF-8) * @binding ecLevel the error correction level ("L", "M", "Q", or "H") * @binding margin the margin around the code * @binding size "wxh" format chart size ("300x400") * @binding width the width of the chart * @binding height the height of the chart * @binding custom custom query string parameters to append * @binding id the id of the img tag * @binding class the class of the img tag * @binding alt the alt text of the img tag * * @author mschrag */ public class GCQRCode extends GCAbstractChart { protected WOAssociation _text; protected WOAssociation _outputEncoding; protected WOAssociation _ecLevel; protected WOAssociation _margin; public GCQRCode(String name, NSDictionary associations, WOElement element) { super(name, associations, element); _text = (WOAssociation) associations.objectForKey("text"); _outputEncoding = (WOAssociation) associations.objectForKey("outputEncoding"); } @Override protected void addQueryParameters(ERXMutableURL chartUrl, WOResponse response, WOContext context) { super.addQueryParameters(chartUrl, response, context); WOComponent component = context.component(); chartUrl.setQueryParameter("cht", "qr"); String text = null; if (_text != null) { text = (String) _text.valueInComponent(component); } if (text != null) { chartUrl.setQueryParameter("chl", text); } String outputEncoding = null; if (_outputEncoding != null) { outputEncoding = (String) _outputEncoding.valueInComponent(component); } if (outputEncoding != null) { chartUrl.setQueryParameter("choe", outputEncoding); } if (_ecLevel != null || _margin != null) { StringBuilder chld = new StringBuilder(); if (_ecLevel != null) { String ecLevel = (String) _ecLevel.valueInComponent(component); chld.append(ecLevel); } if (_margin != null) { if (chld.length() > 0) { chld.append('|'); } String margin = (String) _margin.valueInComponent(component); chld.append(margin); } chartUrl.setQueryParameter("chld", chld.toString()); } } }