package er.modern.look.pages; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOActionResults; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WContext; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntity; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject; import; import; import er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WWizardCreationPage; import er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WWizardCreationPageTemplate; import er.extensions.eof.ERXEOControlUtilities; import er.extensions.eof.ERXGenericRecord; import; /** * A wizard inspect/edit template. Can be used in-line, and supports ajax updates * * @d2wKey cancelButtonLabel * @d2wKey bannerFileName * @d2wKey showBanner * @d2wKey headerComponentName * @d2wKey formEncoding * @d2wKey repetitionComponentName * @d2wKey previousButtonLabel * @d2wKey pageWrapperName * @d2wKey nextButtonLabel * @d2wKey saveButtonLabel * @d2wKey useAjaxControlsWhenEmbedded * * @author davidleber */ public class ERMODWizardCreationPage extends ERD2WWizardCreationPageTemplate { /** * Do I need to update serialVersionUID? * See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the * <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a> */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public interface Keys extends ERD2WWizardCreationPageTemplate.Keys{ public static final String useAjaxControlsWhenEmbedded = "useAjaxControlsWhenEmbedded"; public static final String parentPageConfiguration = "parentPageConfiguration"; public static final String idForParentMainContainer = "idForParentMainContainer"; public static final String idForMainContainer = "idForMainContainer"; } public boolean showCancelDialog; public ERMODWizardCreationPage(WOContext wocontext) { super(wocontext); } @Override public void awake() { super.awake(); clearValidationFailed(); } /** * Change to the previous step. Overridden to set _currentStep here instead of in appendToResponse * so ajax requests work. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public WOComponent previousStep() { // if we had an error message and are going back, we don't want the message // to show up on the previous page; the error message will reappear // when the user gets back to the initial page errorMessages = new NSMutableDictionary(); if (showPrevious() && _currentStep > 1) _currentStep--; setCurrentTab(tabSectionsContents().objectAtIndex(_currentStep-1)); return null; } /** * Change to the next step. Overridden to set _currentStep here instead of in appendToResponse * so ajax requests work */ @Override public WOComponent nextStep() { // FIXME: This is no longer needed. We now have validationKeys that will serve the same purpose. NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotification(ERD2WWizardCreationPage.WILL_GOTO_NEXT_PAGE, null); if (errorMessages.count()==0 && _currentStep < tabSectionsContents().count()) _currentStep++; setCurrentTab(tabSectionsContents().objectAtIndex(_currentStep-1)); return null; } /** * Perform the cancel action. Overridden to handle showing a cancel dialog in-line if * useAjaxControlsWhenEmbedded is true. */ @Override public WOComponent cancelAction() { boolean useAjax = ERXValueUtilities.booleanValue(d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.useAjaxControlsWhenEmbedded)); if (useAjax && showCancel()) { if (_currentStep>1 && ERXEOControlUtilities.isNewObject(object())) { showCancelDialog = true; return null; } else { return super.superCancelAction(); } } else { return super.cancelAction(); } } /** * Action called when the cancel button is clicked. */ public WOComponent doCancelAction() { showCancelDialog = false; return super.superCancelAction(); } /** * Action called when the cancel dialog is dismissed. */ public WOActionResults dismissCancelDialogAction() { showCancelDialog = false; return null; } /** * Show the cancel button. From parent: Should we show the cancel button? It's only visible * when we have a nextPage set up. Overridden to allow us to show the cancel button if the * page is embedded and shouldShowCancelButton is true. */ @Override public boolean showCancel() { return ((_nextPageDelegate != null || _nextPage != null) || d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.parentPageConfiguration) != null) && shouldShowCancelButton(); } /** * Sets the page object. Overridden to reset the current step if the object changes */ @Override public void setObject(EOEnterpriseObject eoenterpriseobject) { // If we are getting a new EO, then reset the current step. if (eoenterpriseobject != null && !eoenterpriseobject.equals(object())) { _currentStep = 1; } super.setObject(eoenterpriseobject); } /** * Return the ajax update container id for the cancel button. */ public String cancelUpdateContainerID() { Object result = null; if (!showCancelDialog) result = d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.idForParentMainContainer); else result = d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.idForMainContainer); return (String)result; } /** * Performs submit action. Overridden to reset the nested validation setting on the * object. */ // FIXME - Is this needed here? davidleber @Override public WOComponent submitAction() throws Throwable { WOComponent result = super.submitAction(); if (object() instanceof ERXGenericRecord) { ((ERXGenericRecord)object()).setValidatedWhenNested(true); } return result; } // What follows is a hack. // I am not proud of it, but there it is. // This is necessary because the wizard component will blow chunks // if you don't clear its tabSectionContents if the d2wContext's entity // changes when embedded, in-line, and updated with ajax requests. // davidleber private EOEntity _cachedEntity; @Override public D2WContext d2wContext() { D2WContext result = super.d2wContext(); if (_cachedEntity == null) { _cachedEntity = result.entity(); } else if (ObjectUtils.notEqual(_cachedEntity, result.entity())) { clearTabSectionsContents(); result.takeValueForKey(null, "tabSectionsContents"); _cachedEntity = result.entity(); } return super.d2wContext(); } }