package er.extensions.appserver; import; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import org.apache.commons.lang3.CharEncoding; import com.webobjects.appserver.xml.WOXMLCoder; import com.webobjects.appserver.xml.WOXMLDecoder; import com.webobjects.appserver.xml.WOXMLException; import com.webobjects.appserver.xml._private._MappingModel; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * WOXMLMappingCoder which adds sorting to attributes. * * * @author ak */ public class ERXWOXMLCoder extends WOXMLCoder { private _MappingModel _mappingModel; /** * Quick and dirty class to en- and decode the generic xml data to full-fledged objects that * can be bound in the edit interface. * * * @author ak */ public static class XMLData extends NSMutableDictionary { /** * Do I need to update serialVersionUID? * See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the * <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a> */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public XMLData() { } public void completeDecoding() { } public void prepareForCoding() { } protected void takeValueForKeyPathIfNotPresent(Object object, String key) { if(valueForKeyPath(key) == null) { takeValueForKeyPath(object, key); } } protected void clearEmptyValueForKeyPath(String key) { if(valueForKeyPath(key) != null && ((String)valueForKeyPath(key)).length() == 0) { takeValueForKeyPath(null, key); } } protected void clearParentOnEmptyValueForKeyPath(String key) { if(valueForKeyPath(key) != null && ((String)valueForKeyPath(key)).length() == 0) { takeValueForKeyPath(null, ERXStringUtilities.keyPathWithoutLastProperty(key)); } } /** * This works around a bug when the decoder reaches an empty tag an tries to create a dictionary from it. * @param aValue value * @param aKey key */ @Override public void takeValueForKey(Object aValue, String aKey) { if(aValue instanceof NSDictionary && ((NSDictionary)aValue).count() == 0) { if(aValue.getClass() == NSMutableDictionary.class) { aValue = null; } } super.takeValueForKey(aValue, aKey); } /** * Serializes to an XML string for the given data object conforming to the supplied model. * @param data * @param rootTag * @param mappingUrl * @return string representation */ public static String stringForData(XMLData data, String rootTag, String mappingUrl) { data.prepareForCoding(); WOXMLCoder coder = new ERXWOXMLCoder(mappingUrl); String result = coder.encodeRootObjectForKey(data, rootTag); data.completeDecoding(); return result; } /** * Deserializes the given string to an instance of XMLData. * @param string * @param mappingUrl * @return xml data object */ public static XMLData dataForString(String string, String mappingUrl) { WOXMLDecoder decoder = WOXMLDecoder.decoderWithMapping(mappingUrl); XMLData data; try { data = (XMLData) decoder.decodeRootObject(new NSData(string.getBytes(CharEncoding.UTF_8))); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e); } data.completeDecoding(); return data; } } public ERXWOXMLCoder(String s) { _mappingModel = _MappingModel.mappingModelWithXMLFile(s); } @Override public String xmlTagForClassNamed(String className) { return _mappingModel.xmlTagForClassNamed(className); } @Override public String xmlTagForPropertyKey(String key, String className) { return _mappingModel.xmlTagForPropertyKey(key, className); } protected void _encodeEO(EOEnterpriseObject eoenterpriseobject) { NSArray arr = sortedArray(eoenterpriseobject.attributeKeys()); for (Enumeration e = arr.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String s = (String) e.nextElement(); encodeObjectForKey(eoenterpriseobject.valueForKey(s), s); if (e.hasMoreElements()) cr(); } } protected Enumeration sortedEnumeration(Enumeration e) { if(e != null) { NSMutableArray arr = new NSMutableArray(); for (; e.hasMoreElements();) { String element = (String) e.nextElement(); arr.addObject(element); } e = sortedArray(arr).objectEnumerator(); } return e; } protected NSArray sortedArray(NSArray arr) { if(arr != null) { arr = ERXArrayUtilities.sortedArraySortedWithKey(arr, "toString"); } return arr; } protected void encodeDictionaryWithXMLTag(NSDictionary dict, String tag) { NSArray nsarray = sortedArray(dict.allKeys()); for (Enumeration e = nsarray.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String key = (String) e.nextElement(); String tagForKey = _mappingModel.xmlTagForPropertyKeyInXMLTag(key, tag); encodeObjectWithXMLTag(dict.objectForKey(key), tagForKey, false, _MappingModel.OUTPUT_PROPERTY_TAG); if (e.hasMoreElements()) cr(); } } protected void encodeArrayWithXMLTag(NSArray arr, String tag, boolean codeBasedOnClass, int outputTags) { for(Enumeration e = arr.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { encodeObjectWithXMLTag(e.nextElement(), tag, codeBasedOnClass, outputTags); if (e.hasMoreElements()) cr(); } } @Override public void encodeObjectForKey(Object obj, String key) { String tag = _mappingModel.xmlTagForPropertyKey(key, encodedClassName()); encodeObjectWithXMLTag(obj, tag, false, _MappingModel.OUTPUT_PROPERTY_TAG); } public void encodeObjectWithXMLTag(Object obj, String baseTag, boolean codeBasedOnClass, int outputTags) { if (obj instanceof NSArray) { encodeArrayWithXMLTag((NSArray) obj, baseTag, codeBasedOnClass, outputTags); } else { boolean isBaseType = (obj instanceof String) || (obj instanceof Boolean) || (obj instanceof Date) || (obj instanceof Number); String className = obj == null ? null : obj.getClass().getName(); String tagForClassName = className == null ? "" : xmlTagForClassNamed(className); String tag = null; if (outputTags != _MappingModel.OUTPUT_NEITHER_TAG && (!isBaseType || outputTags != _MappingModel.OUTPUT_CLASS_TAG)) { tag = (outputTags & _MappingModel.OUTPUT_CLASS_TAG) == 0 || isBaseType ? baseTag : tagForClassName; if (outputTags == _MappingModel.OUTPUT_BOTH_TAGS) { _buffer.append('<'); _buffer.append(baseTag); _buffer.append('>'); } _buffer.append('<'); _buffer.append(tag); if (obj != null) { Enumeration attributes = codeBasedOnClass ? _mappingModel.attributeKeysForClassNamed(className) : _mappingModel.attributeKeysForXMLTag(baseTag); attributes = sortedEnumeration(attributes); if (attributes != null) for (; attributes.hasMoreElements();) { String key = (String) attributes.nextElement(); _buffer.append(' '); _buffer.append(codeBasedOnClass ? xmlTagForPropertyKey(key, className) : _mappingModel.xmlTagForPropertyKeyInXMLTag(key, baseTag)); _buffer.append('='); _buffer.append('"'); Object value = NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.valueForKeyPath(obj, key); _buffer.append(value == null ? "" : escapeString(value.toString())); _buffer.append('"'); } } _buffer.append('>'); } if (obj != null) { if (obj instanceof String) { _buffer.append(escapeString((String) obj)); } else if (obj instanceof NSTimestamp) { _buffer.append(obj); } else if (obj instanceof Boolean) { _buffer.append(obj); } else if (obj instanceof Number) { // FIXME AK: this will break when using BigDecimals and JDK 1.5 _buffer.append(obj); } else if (codeBasedOnClass || _mappingModel.hasMappingForXMLTag(baseTag)) { Enumeration contentKeys = codeBasedOnClass ? _mappingModel.contentsKeysForClassNamed(className) : _mappingModel.contentsKeysForXMLTag(baseTag); contentKeys = sortedEnumeration(contentKeys); if (contentKeys != null) { _encodedClasses.push(className); boolean hadContent = false; for (; contentKeys.hasMoreElements(); ) { cr(); hadContent = true; String key = (String) contentKeys.nextElement(); Object value = NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.valueForKeyPath(obj, key); String propertyTag = codeBasedOnClass ? xmlTagForPropertyKey(key, className) : _mappingModel.xmlTagForPropertyKeyInXMLTag(key, baseTag); boolean codeBasedOnClassForPropertyKey = _mappingModel.codeBasedOnClassForPropertyKey(key, className); int outputTagsForPropertyKey = _mappingModel.outputTagsForPropertyKey(key, className); encodeObjectWithXMLTag(value, propertyTag, codeBasedOnClassForPropertyKey, outputTagsForPropertyKey); } _encodedClasses.pop(); if (hadContent) cr(); } } else if (obj instanceof NSDictionary) { encodeDictionaryWithXMLTag((NSDictionary) obj, baseTag); } else if (obj instanceof EOEnterpriseObject) { _encodeEO((EOEnterpriseObject) obj); } else { throw new WOXMLException("Unable to encode in XML objects of class " + className); } } if (outputTags != _MappingModel.OUTPUT_NEITHER_TAG && (!isBaseType || outputTags != _MappingModel.OUTPUT_CLASS_TAG)) { _buffer.append('<'); _buffer.append('/'); _buffer.append(tag); _buffer.append('>'); if (outputTags == _MappingModel.OUTPUT_BOTH_TAGS && !isBaseType) { _buffer.append('<'); _buffer.append('/'); _buffer.append(baseTag); _buffer.append('>'); } } } } @Override public void encodeBooleanForKey(boolean flag, String s) { encodeStringInTag(flag ? "True" : "False", xmlTagForPropertyKey(s, encodedClassName()), "boolean"); } @Override public void encodeIntForKey(int i, String s) { encodeStringInTag(Integer.toString(i), xmlTagForPropertyKey(s, encodedClassName()), "int"); } @Override public void encodeFloatForKey(float f, String s) { encodeStringInTag(Float.toString(f), xmlTagForPropertyKey(s, encodedClassName()), "float"); } @Override public void encodeDoubleForKey(double d, String s) { encodeStringInTag(Double.toString(d), xmlTagForPropertyKey(s, encodedClassName()), "double"); } @Override protected void _encodeNullForKey(String s) { encodeStringInTag("null", s, "?"); } @Override public synchronized String encodeRootObjectForKey(Object obj, String s) { if (obj != null) { _buffer = new StringBuffer(1024); _buffer.append(xmlDeclaration); encodeObjectWithXMLTag(obj, "ignored", true, _MappingModel.OUTPUT_CLASS_TAG); return _buffer.toString(); } return null; } }