package er.extensions.components._private; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOAssociation; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOElement; import com.webobjects.appserver.WORequest; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WODynamicElementCreationException; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOInput; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOShared; import; import; import; /** * Crappy reimplementation of WOBrowser which would not be needed of if it could * handle java collections. * * @author ak, with help from a friend named jad * * @binding class class of the browser * @binding displayString the string to display for an item * @binding escapeHTML if the displayString should be escaped, defaults to <code>true</code> * @binding id id of the browser * @binding item the current item in the iteration * @binding list the array or list of items to iterate over * @binding multiple if multiple elements are selectable, defaults to <code>false</code> * @binding name the name of the browser * @binding selectedValues array of selected objects used for direct action * @binding selections array of selected objects * @binding size how many items to display at one time, defaults to 5 * @binding style style of the browser * @binding title title of the browser * @binding value the value to use for an item */ public class ERXWOBrowser extends WOInput { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ERXWOBrowser.class); WOAssociation _list; WOAssociation _item; WOAssociation _displayString; WOAssociation _selections; WOAssociation _selectedValues; WOAssociation _size; WOAssociation _multiple; private boolean _loggedSlow; public ERXWOBrowser(String s, NSDictionary nsdictionary, WOElement woelement) { super("select", nsdictionary, null); _loggedSlow = false; _list = _associations.removeObjectForKey("list"); _item = _associations.removeObjectForKey("item"); _displayString = _associations.removeObjectForKey("displayString"); _multiple = _associations.removeObjectForKey("multiple"); _size = _associations.removeObjectForKey("size"); String suffix = (isBrowser() ? "s" : ""); _selections = _associations.removeObjectForKey("selection" + suffix); _selectedValues = _associations.removeObjectForKey("selectedValue" + suffix); if (_list == null || (_value != null || _displayString != null) && (_item == null || !_item.isValueSettable()) || _selections != null && !_selections.isValueSettable()) { throw new WODynamicElementCreationException("<" + getClass().getName() + "> : Invalid attributes: 'list' must be present. 'item' must not be a constant if 'value' is present. Cannot have 'displayString' or 'value' without 'item'. 'selection' must not be a constant if present. 'value' is not allowed anymore."); } if (_selections != null && _selectedValues != null) { throw new WODynamicElementCreationException("<" + getClass().getName() + "> : Cannot have both selections and selectedValues."); } } // Tells WOHTMLDynamicElement ancestor that there are "option" tags to render @Override protected boolean hasContent() { return true; } protected boolean isBrowser() { return true; } @Override public String toString() { return new StringBuilder().append('<').append(getClass().getSimpleName()).append(" list: ").append(_list) .append(" item: ").append(_item).append(" string: ").append(_displayString) .append(" selections: ").append(_selections).append(" selectedValues: ") .append(_selectedValues).append(" multiple: ").append(_multiple) .append(" size: ").append(_size).append(" escapeHTML: ").append(_escapeHTML).append('>').toString(); } private void _slowTakeValuesFromRequest(WORequest worequest, WOContext wocontext) { WOComponent wocomponent = wocontext.component(); if (_selections != null && !isDisabledInContext(wocontext) && wocontext.wasFormSubmitted()) { String s = nameInContext(wocontext, wocomponent); NSArray nsarray = worequest.formValuesForKey(s); int i = nsarray != null ? nsarray.count() : 0; int size = 0; NSMutableArray nsmutablearray = new NSMutableArray(i); List vector = null; if (i != 0) { NSArray nsarray1 = null; List vector1 = null; Object list = _list.valueInComponent(wocomponent); if (list != null) { if (list instanceof NSArray) { nsarray1 = (NSArray) list; size = nsarray1.count(); } else if (list instanceof List) { vector1 = (List) list; nsmutablearray = null; vector = new ArrayList(); size = vector1.size(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("<" + getClass().getName() + "> Evaluating 'list' binding returned a " + list.getClass().getName() + " when it should return either a, or a java.lang.Vector ."); } } boolean flag = _multiple != null ? _multiple.booleanValueInComponent(wocomponent) : false; for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) { Object obj1 = nsarray1 == null ? vector1.get(k) : nsarray1.objectAtIndex(k); _item.setValue(obj1, wocomponent); Object obj2 = _value.valueInComponent(wocomponent); if (obj2 != null) { if (!nsarray.containsObject(obj2.toString())) { continue; } if (nsarray1 != null) { nsmutablearray.addObject(obj1); } else { vector.add(obj1); } if (!flag) { break; } } else { log.debug("{} 'value' evaluated to null in component {}.\nUnable to select item {}", this, wocomponent, obj1); } } } Object newValue = (nsmutablearray != null ? nsmutablearray: vector); setSelectedValue(newValue, wocomponent); } } protected void setSelectedValue(Object value, WOComponent component) { _selections.setValue(value, component); } protected Object selectedValue(WOComponent wocomponent) { Object obj = null; if (_selections != null) { obj = _selections.valueInComponent(wocomponent); } else if (_selectedValues != null) { obj = _selectedValues.valueInComponent(wocomponent); } return obj; } private void _fastTakeValuesFromRequest(WORequest worequest, WOContext wocontext) { WOComponent wocomponent = wocontext.component(); if (_selections != null && !isDisabledInContext(wocontext) && wocontext.wasFormSubmitted()) { String s = nameInContext(wocontext, wocomponent); NSArray nsarray = worequest.formValuesForKey(s); int i = nsarray != null ? nsarray.count() : 0; NSMutableArray nsmutablearray = new NSMutableArray(i); List vector = null; if (i != 0) { NSArray nsarray1 = null; List vector1 = null; if (_list != null) { Object obj = _list.valueInComponent(wocomponent); if (obj != null) { if (obj instanceof NSArray) { nsarray1 = (NSArray) obj; } else if (obj instanceof List) { vector1 = (List) obj; nsmutablearray = null; vector = new ArrayList(i); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("<" + getClass().getName() + "> Evaluating 'list' binding returned a " + obj.getClass().getName() + " when it should return either a, or a java.lang.Vector ."); } } } for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { String s1 = (String) nsarray.objectAtIndex(j); int k = Integer.parseInt(s1); if (nsarray1 != null) { Object obj2 = nsarray1.objectAtIndex(k); nsmutablearray.addObject(obj2); } else { Object obj3 = vector1.get(k); vector.add(obj3); } } } Object newValue = (nsmutablearray != null ? nsmutablearray: vector); setSelectedValue(newValue, wocomponent); } } @Override public void takeValuesFromRequest(WORequest worequest, WOContext wocontext) { if (_value != null) { if (!_loggedSlow) { log.debug("<{}> Warning: Avoid using the 'value' binding as it is much slower than omitting it, and it is just cosmetic.", getClass().getName()); _loggedSlow = true; } _slowTakeValuesFromRequest(worequest, wocontext); } else { _fastTakeValuesFromRequest(worequest, wocontext); } } @Override public void appendChildrenToResponse(WOResponse woresponse, WOContext wocontext) { NSArray nsarray = null; List vector = null; int j = 0; Object obj = null; NSMutableArray nsmutablearray = null; List vector1 = null; WOComponent wocomponent = wocontext.component(); boolean flag1 = true; if (_escapeHTML != null) { flag1 = _escapeHTML.booleanValueInComponent(wocomponent); } Object obj1 = _list.valueInComponent(wocomponent); if (obj1 != null) { if (obj1 instanceof NSArray) { nsarray = (NSArray) obj1; j = nsarray.count(); } else if (obj1 instanceof List) { vector = (List) obj1; j = vector.size(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("<" + getClass().getName() + "> Evaluating 'list' binding returned a " + obj1.getClass().getName() + " when it should return either a, or a java.lang.Vector ."); } } obj = selectedValue(wocomponent); if (nsarray != null) { if (obj != null) { if (!(obj instanceof NSArray)) { nsmutablearray = new NSMutableArray(obj); } else if (!(obj instanceof NSMutableArray)) { nsmutablearray = new NSMutableArray((NSArray) obj); } else { nsmutablearray = (NSMutableArray) obj; } } } else if (obj instanceof List) { vector1 = (List) obj; } for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { String s = null; String s1 = null; Object obj2 = null; if (nsarray != null) { obj2 = nsarray.objectAtIndex(i); } else { obj2 = vector.get(i); } if (_displayString != null || _value != null) { _item.setValue(obj2, wocomponent); if (_displayString != null) { Object obj3 = _displayString.valueInComponent(wocomponent); if (obj3 != null) { s1 = obj3.toString(); if (_value != null) { Object obj5 = _value.valueInComponent(wocomponent); if (obj5 != null) { s = obj5.toString(); } } else { s = s1; } } } else { Object obj4 = _value.valueInComponent(wocomponent); if (obj4 != null) { s = obj4.toString(); s1 = s; } } } else { s1 = obj2.toString(); s = s1; } woresponse._appendContentAsciiString("\n<option"); if (nsmutablearray != null || vector1 != null) { boolean flag2 = false; if (_selections != null) { flag2 = nsarray == null ? vector1.contains(obj2) : nsmutablearray.containsObject(obj2); } else { String s3 = null; if (_value != null) { s3 = s; } else { s3 = WOShared.unsignedIntString(i); } flag2 = nsarray == null ? vector1.contains(s3) : nsmutablearray.containsObject(s3); } if (flag2) { woresponse.appendContentCharacter(' '); woresponse._appendContentAsciiString("selected=\"selected\""); } } if (_value != null) { woresponse._appendTagAttributeAndValue("value", s, true); } else { String s2 = WOShared.unsignedIntString(i); woresponse._appendTagAttributeAndValue("value", s2, false); } woresponse.appendContentCharacter('>'); if (flag1) { woresponse.appendContentHTMLString(s1); } else { woresponse.appendContentString(s1); } woresponse._appendContentAsciiString("</option>"); } } @Override protected void _appendValueAttributeToResponse(WOResponse woresponse, WOContext wocontext) { } @Override public void appendAttributesToResponse(WOResponse woresponse, WOContext wocontext) { super.appendAttributesToResponse(woresponse, wocontext); Object obj = null; WOComponent wocomponent = wocontext.component(); if (_size != null) { obj = _size.valueInComponent(wocomponent); } if (_size == null || obj == null || Integer.parseInt(obj.toString()) == 1) { obj = WOShared.unsignedIntString(5); } woresponse._appendTagAttributeAndValue("size", obj.toString(), false); if (_multiple != null && _multiple.booleanValueInComponent(wocomponent)) { woresponse.appendContentCharacter(' '); woresponse._appendContentAsciiString("multiple=\"multiple\""); } } }