package er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver.WODisplayGroup; import com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WPage; import com.webobjects.directtoweb.ERD2WUtilities; import com.webobjects.directtoweb.EditPageInterface; import com.webobjects.directtoweb.ListPageInterface; import com.webobjects.directtoweb.QueryPageInterface; import com.webobjects.directtoweb.SelectPageInterface; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EODataSource; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject; import; import er.directtoweb.components.ERDCustomComponent; import er.directtoweb.interfaces.ERDPickPageInterface; import er.extensions.eof.ERXEOControlUtilities; import; /** * Base Class for the ERM action buttons * * @binding object * @binding displayGroup * @binding dataSource * * @d2wKey task * @d2wKey allowInlineEditing * @d2wKey idForMainContainer * @d2wKey useAjaxControls * @d2wKey objectBeingEdited * @d2wKey inlineTask * @d2wKey useNestedEditingContext * @d2wKey isEntityEditable * @d2wKey pageConfiguration * * @author davidleber * */ public abstract class ERMDActionButton extends ERDCustomComponent { public interface Keys extends ERDCustomComponent.Keys { public static final String object = "object"; public static final String displayGroup = "displayGroup"; public static final String dataSource = "dataSource"; public static final String task = "task"; public static final String allowInlineEditing = "allowInlineEditing"; public static final String idForMainContainer = "idForMainContainer"; public static final String useAjax = "useAjaxControls"; public static final String objectBeingEdited = "objectBeingEdited"; public static final String inlineTask = "inlineTask"; public static final String useNestedEditingContext = "useNestedEditingContext"; public static final String isEntityEditable = "isEntityEditable"; public static final String pageConfiguration = "pageConfiguration"; } public static final String BUTTON_PERFORMED_DELETE_ACTION = "ERMDActionButtonPerformedDelete"; public static final String BUTTON_PERFORMED_EDIT_ACTION = "ERMDActionButtonPerformedEdit"; public static final String BUTTON_PERFORMED_SELECT_ACTION = "ERMDActionButtonPerformedSelect"; public static final String BUTTON_PERFORMED_INSPECT_ACTION = "ERMDActionButtonPerformedInspect"; protected String _buttonLabel; protected String _buttonClass; protected String _updateContainer; protected Boolean _useAjax; public ERMDActionButton(WOContext context) { super(context); } /** * ID of the update container for this button's ajax update. * Defaults to the idForMainContainer value */ public String updateContainer() { if (_updateContainer == null) { _updateContainer = stringValueForBinding(Keys.idForMainContainer); } return _updateContainer; } /** * Utility method to help post button action notification * * @param note */ public void postNotification(String note) { NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotification(note, this); } /** Action buttons do not synchronize their variables. */ @Override public final boolean synchronizesVariablesWithBindings() { return false; } /** The current object. */ public EOEnterpriseObject object() { return (EOEnterpriseObject)valueForBinding(Keys.object); } /** The current display group. */ public WODisplayGroup displayGroup() { return (WODisplayGroup)valueForBinding(Keys.displayGroup); } /** The current data source. */ public EODataSource dataSource() { EODataSource ds = (EODataSource)objectValueForBinding(Keys.dataSource, displayGroup() != null ? displayGroup().dataSource() : null); return ds; } /** * Utility method to return the local instance of the object as determined by the * useNestedEditingContext binding */ protected EOEnterpriseObject localInstanceOfObject() { boolean createNestedContext = ERXValueUtilities.booleanValue(d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.useNestedEditingContext)); return ERXEOControlUtilities.editableInstanceOfObject(object(), createNestedContext); } /** * Utility method returns the boolean value for the allowInlineEditing binding. * Used to determine whether inline behaviour is used. */ public boolean shouldAllowInlineEditing() { return ERXValueUtilities.booleanValue(d2wContextValueForBinding((Keys.allowInlineEditing))); } /** * Utility method, returns the boolean value for the useAjax binding */ public boolean shouldUseAjax() { return booleanValueForBinding(Keys.useAjax); } /** * Utility method, returns whether shouldAllowInlineEditing and shouldUseAjax are true */ public Boolean useAjax() { if (_useAjax == null) { _useAjax = Boolean.valueOf(shouldUseAjax() && shouldAllowInlineEditing()); } return _useAjax; } /** Utility to return the next page in the enclosing page. */ public WOComponent nextPageInPage(D2WPage parent) { return ERD2WUtilities.nextPageInPage(parent); } /** Utility to return the enclosing select page, if there is one. */ protected SelectPageInterface parentSelectPage() { return (SelectPageInterface)enclosingPageOfClass(SelectPageInterface.class); } /** Utility to return the first enclosing component that matches the given class, if there is one. */ protected WOComponent enclosingPageOfClass(Class<?> c) { return ERD2WUtilities.enclosingPageOfClass(this, c); } /** Utility to return the enclosing list page, if there is one. */ protected ListPageInterface parentListPage() { return (ListPageInterface)enclosingPageOfClass(ListPageInterface.class); } /** Utility to return the enclosing edit page, if there is one. */ protected EditPageInterface parentEditPage() { return (EditPageInterface)enclosingPageOfClass(EditPageInterface.class); } /** Utility to return the enclosing query page, if there is one. */ protected QueryPageInterface parentQueryPage() { return (QueryPageInterface)enclosingPageOfClass(QueryPageInterface.class); } /** Utility to return the enclosing pick page, if there is one. */ protected ERDPickPageInterface parentPickPage() { return (ERDPickPageInterface)enclosingPageOfClass(ERDPickPageInterface.class); } /** Utility to return the enclosing D2W page, if there is one. */ public D2WPage parentD2WPage() { return (D2WPage)enclosingPageOfClass(D2WPage.class); } }