// DO NOT EDIT. Make changes to SPWish.java instead. package com.secretpal.model; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.*; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.*; import com.webobjects.foundation.*; import java.math.*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import er.extensions.eof.*; import er.extensions.foundation.*; @SuppressWarnings("all") public abstract class _SPWish extends ERXGenericRecord { public static final String ENTITY_NAME = "SPWish"; // Attribute Keys public static final ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> COST = new ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal>("cost"); public static final ERXKey<String> DESCRIPTION = new ERXKey<String>("description"); public static final ERXKey<Boolean> PURCHASED = new ERXKey<Boolean>("purchased"); // Relationship Keys public static final ERXKey<com.secretpal.model.SPPerson> SUGGESTED_BY = new ERXKey<com.secretpal.model.SPPerson>("suggestedBy"); public static final ERXKey<com.secretpal.model.SPPerson> SUGGESTED_FOR = new ERXKey<com.secretpal.model.SPPerson>("suggestedFor"); // Attributes public static final String COST_KEY = COST.key(); public static final String DESCRIPTION_KEY = DESCRIPTION.key(); public static final String PURCHASED_KEY = PURCHASED.key(); // Relationships public static final String SUGGESTED_BY_KEY = SUGGESTED_BY.key(); public static final String SUGGESTED_FOR_KEY = SUGGESTED_FOR.key(); private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(_SPWish.class); public SPWish localInstanceIn(EOEditingContext editingContext) { SPWish localInstance = (SPWish)EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(editingContext, this); if (localInstance == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("You attempted to localInstance " + this + ", which has not yet committed."); } return localInstance; } public java.math.BigDecimal cost() { return (java.math.BigDecimal) storedValueForKey(_SPWish.COST_KEY); } public void setCost(java.math.BigDecimal value) { if (_SPWish.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { _SPWish.LOG.debug( "updating cost from " + cost() + " to " + value); } takeStoredValueForKey(value, _SPWish.COST_KEY); } public String description() { return (String) storedValueForKey(_SPWish.DESCRIPTION_KEY); } public void setDescription(String value) { if (_SPWish.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { _SPWish.LOG.debug( "updating description from " + description() + " to " + value); } takeStoredValueForKey(value, _SPWish.DESCRIPTION_KEY); } public Boolean purchased() { return (Boolean) storedValueForKey(_SPWish.PURCHASED_KEY); } public void setPurchased(Boolean value) { if (_SPWish.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { _SPWish.LOG.debug( "updating purchased from " + purchased() + " to " + value); } takeStoredValueForKey(value, _SPWish.PURCHASED_KEY); } public com.secretpal.model.SPPerson suggestedBy() { return (com.secretpal.model.SPPerson)storedValueForKey(_SPWish.SUGGESTED_BY_KEY); } public void setSuggestedBy(com.secretpal.model.SPPerson value) { takeStoredValueForKey(value, _SPWish.SUGGESTED_BY_KEY); } public void setSuggestedByRelationship(com.secretpal.model.SPPerson value) { if (_SPWish.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { _SPWish.LOG.debug("updating suggestedBy from " + suggestedBy() + " to " + value); } if (er.extensions.eof.ERXGenericRecord.InverseRelationshipUpdater.updateInverseRelationships()) { setSuggestedBy(value); } else if (value == null) { com.secretpal.model.SPPerson oldValue = suggestedBy(); if (oldValue != null) { removeObjectFromBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(oldValue, _SPWish.SUGGESTED_BY_KEY); } } else { addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(value, _SPWish.SUGGESTED_BY_KEY); } } public com.secretpal.model.SPPerson suggestedFor() { return (com.secretpal.model.SPPerson)storedValueForKey(_SPWish.SUGGESTED_FOR_KEY); } public void setSuggestedFor(com.secretpal.model.SPPerson value) { takeStoredValueForKey(value, _SPWish.SUGGESTED_FOR_KEY); } public void setSuggestedForRelationship(com.secretpal.model.SPPerson value) { if (_SPWish.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { _SPWish.LOG.debug("updating suggestedFor from " + suggestedFor() + " to " + value); } if (er.extensions.eof.ERXGenericRecord.InverseRelationshipUpdater.updateInverseRelationships()) { setSuggestedFor(value); } else if (value == null) { com.secretpal.model.SPPerson oldValue = suggestedFor(); if (oldValue != null) { removeObjectFromBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(oldValue, _SPWish.SUGGESTED_FOR_KEY); } } else { addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(value, _SPWish.SUGGESTED_FOR_KEY); } } public static SPWish createSPWish(EOEditingContext editingContext, Boolean purchased , com.secretpal.model.SPPerson suggestedBy, com.secretpal.model.SPPerson suggestedFor) { SPWish eo = (SPWish) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(editingContext, _SPWish.ENTITY_NAME); eo.setPurchased(purchased); eo.setSuggestedByRelationship(suggestedBy); eo.setSuggestedForRelationship(suggestedFor); return eo; } public static ERXFetchSpecification<SPWish> fetchSpec() { return new ERXFetchSpecification<SPWish>(_SPWish.ENTITY_NAME, null, null, false, true, null); } public static NSArray<SPWish> fetchAllSPWishs(EOEditingContext editingContext) { return _SPWish.fetchAllSPWishs(editingContext, null); } public static NSArray<SPWish> fetchAllSPWishs(EOEditingContext editingContext, NSArray<EOSortOrdering> sortOrderings) { return _SPWish.fetchSPWishs(editingContext, null, sortOrderings); } public static NSArray<SPWish> fetchSPWishs(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOQualifier qualifier, NSArray<EOSortOrdering> sortOrderings) { ERXFetchSpecification<SPWish> fetchSpec = new ERXFetchSpecification<SPWish>(_SPWish.ENTITY_NAME, qualifier, sortOrderings); fetchSpec.setIsDeep(true); NSArray<SPWish> eoObjects = fetchSpec.fetchObjects(editingContext); return eoObjects; } public static SPWish fetchSPWish(EOEditingContext editingContext, String keyName, Object value) { return _SPWish.fetchSPWish(editingContext, new EOKeyValueQualifier(keyName, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, value)); } public static SPWish fetchSPWish(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOQualifier qualifier) { NSArray<SPWish> eoObjects = _SPWish.fetchSPWishs(editingContext, qualifier, null); SPWish eoObject; int count = eoObjects.count(); if (count == 0) { eoObject = null; } else if (count == 1) { eoObject = eoObjects.objectAtIndex(0); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("There was more than one SPWish that matched the qualifier '" + qualifier + "'."); } return eoObject; } public static SPWish fetchRequiredSPWish(EOEditingContext editingContext, String keyName, Object value) { return _SPWish.fetchRequiredSPWish(editingContext, new EOKeyValueQualifier(keyName, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, value)); } public static SPWish fetchRequiredSPWish(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOQualifier qualifier) { SPWish eoObject = _SPWish.fetchSPWish(editingContext, qualifier); if (eoObject == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("There was no SPWish that matched the qualifier '" + qualifier + "'."); } return eoObject; } public static SPWish localInstanceIn(EOEditingContext editingContext, SPWish eo) { SPWish localInstance = (eo == null) ? null : ERXEOControlUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(editingContext, eo); if (localInstance == null && eo != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("You attempted to localInstance " + eo + ", which has not yet committed."); } return localInstance; } }