package er.extensions.components.javascript; import java.util.Enumeration; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject; import; import; import; import; import er.extensions.components.ERXNonSynchronizingComponent; import; import; import; /** * A fancy to-many relationship editor component. * @author Travis Cripps * * @binding displayString for the items in the menu, this should be a keyPath that will be resolved from each item to * produce the display string for the item. * @binding item to use as an iteration variable * @binding list of items to display; equivalent to the possible values from which a user might choose * @binding selections items from the list that are selected. The resulting selections will be pushed back into the * parent component's variable that is bound to the <code>selections</code> binding. * @binding sortKey (optional) to use in order to produce a sorted menu */ public class ERXJSToManyRelationshipEditor extends ERXNonSynchronizingComponent { /** * Do I need to update serialVersionUID? * See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the * <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a> */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static interface Keys { public static final String DisplayString = "displayString"; public static final String Item = "item"; public static final String List = "list"; public static final String Selections = "selections"; public static final String SortKey = "sortKey"; } protected NSArray _list; protected NSArray _selections; protected Object currentItem; private String _selectionsString; private NSDictionary _cachedPossibleValuesDict; private String _editorContextID; public ERXJSToManyRelationshipEditor(WOContext context) { super(context); } @Override public boolean isStateless() { return true; } @Override public void reset() { invalidateCaches(); } /** * Gets the item currently being displayed. * @return the item */ public Object currentItem() { setValueForBinding(currentItem, Keys.Item); return currentItem; } /** * Sets the item being displayed. * @param anItem to display */ public void setCurrentItem(Object anItem) { currentItem = anItem; setValueForBinding(currentItem, Keys.Item); } /** * Gets the list of items to display. * @return the list of items */ public NSArray list() { if (null == _list) { _list = listFromBindings(); } return _list; } /** * Gets the selections. * @return the selections */ public NSArray selections() { if (null == _selections) { NSMutableArray selections = new NSMutableArray(); // Prune out any items that are not in the base list. for (Enumeration selectionsEnum = selectionsFromBindings().objectEnumerator(); selectionsEnum.hasMoreElements();) { Object aSelection = selectionsEnum.nextElement(); if (maybeSortedList().containsObject(aSelection)) { selections.addObject(aSelection); } } _selections = selections.immutableClone(); } return _selections; } /** * Gets the display string for the current item. * @return the display string */ public String displayString() { return stringValueForBinding(Keys.DisplayString); } /** * Resets the state variables. */ public void invalidateCaches() { _list = null; _selections = null; currentItem = null; _selectionsString = null; _cachedPossibleValuesDict = null; _editorContextID = null; } @Override public void sleep() { invalidateCaches(); } @Override public void appendToResponse(WOResponse aResponse, WOContext aContext) { invalidateCaches(); super.appendToResponse(aResponse, aContext); } /** * Gets the list of items and sorts it by the sort key if a sort key is available. * @return the maybe sorted list */ public NSArray maybeSortedList() { if (hasBinding(Keys.SortKey)) { String sortKey = (String)valueForBinding(Keys.SortKey); if (sortKey != null && sortKey.length() > 0) { NSMutableArray sortedList = new NSMutableArray(listFromBindings()); ERXArrayUtilities.sortArrayWithKey(sortedList, sortKey); return sortedList; } } return listFromBindings(); } /** * Determines if the list is empty * @return true if the list is empty */ public boolean isListEmpty() { NSArray anItemList = listFromBindings(); return (anItemList == null || anItemList.count() == 0); } /** * Gets the index of the current item in the overall list. * @return the index of the current item */ public int itemIndex() { Object item = objectValueForBinding(Keys.Item); if (null == item) { return -1; } return indexOfObjectInArrayUsingERXEOControlUtilitiesEOEquals(item, listFromBindings()); } private int indexOfObjectInArrayUsingERXEOControlUtilitiesEOEquals(Object anObject, NSArray anArray) { if (anObject instanceof EOEnterpriseObject) { return ERXArrayUtilities.indexOfObjectUsingEqualator(anArray, anObject, ERXEqualator.EOEqualsEqualator); } return anArray.indexOfObject(anObject); } /** * Formats the selection string for the hidden field from the indexes of the items in the selection subset of the list. * @return the selection string */ public String selectionsString() { if (null == _selectionsString) { NSArray list = listFromBindings(); NSArray selections = selectionsFromBindings(); NSMutableArray indexes = new NSMutableArray(); for (Enumeration selectionsEnum = selections.objectEnumerator(); selectionsEnum.hasMoreElements();) { Object aSelection = selectionsEnum.nextElement(); int index = list.indexOfObject(aSelection); if (index >= 0) { indexes.addObject(index); } } _selectionsString = indexes.componentsJoinedByString(", "); } return _selectionsString; } /** * Sets the selection string from the input. Parses the input string to isolate the indexes of the selected items * and looks them up in the array. Then pushes the selections up to the parent binding. * @param value of the selections string */ public void setSelectionsString(String value) { _selectionsString = value; if (_selectionsString != null && _selectionsString.trim().length() > 0) { NSArray list = list(); NSMutableArray selections = new NSMutableArray(); NSArray itemOffsets = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(_selectionsString, ", "); for (Enumeration offsetsEnum = itemOffsets.objectEnumerator(); offsetsEnum.hasMoreElements();) { String offsetString = (String)offsetsEnum.nextElement(); int offset = ERXStringUtilities.integerWithString(offsetString); if (offset >= 0 && offset < list.count()) { selections.addObject(list.objectAtIndex(offset)); } } _selections = selections; pushSelectionsBinding(selections); } else { pushSelectionsBinding(NSArray.EmptyArray); } } /** * Pushes the selections up to the parent component. * @param selections array */ private void pushSelectionsBinding(NSArray selections) { if (canSetValueForBinding(Keys.Selections)) { setValueForBinding(selections, Keys.Selections); } } /** * Pulls the selections from the <code>selections</code> binding. * @return the selections, or an empty array if null */ private NSArray selectionsFromBindings() { if (canGetValueForBinding(Keys.Selections)) { NSArray result = (NSArray)valueForBinding(Keys.Selections); if(result != null) { if (hasBinding(Keys.SortKey)) { String sortKey = stringValueForBinding(Keys.SortKey); result = ERXArrayUtilities.sortedArraySortedWithKey(result, sortKey); } return result; } } return NSArray.EmptyArray; } /** * Pulls the list from the <code>list</code> binding. * @return the list, or an empty array if null */ private NSArray listFromBindings() { if (canGetValueForBinding(Keys.List)) { NSArray result = (NSArray)valueForBinding(Keys.List); if(result != null) { return result; } } return NSArray.EmptyArray; } /** * Gets the context ID of the editor (this component), escaped for use in JavaScript. * @return the context ID */ public String editorContextID() { if (null == _editorContextID) { _editorContextID = ERXStringUtilities.safeIdentifierName(context().elementID()); } return _editorContextID; } /** * Formats the name of this editor instance. * @return the editor name */ public String editorName() { return "ERXJSToManyRelationshipEditor_" + editorContextID(); } /** * Formats the name of the hidden field for this editor instance. * @return the hidden field's name */ public String hiddenFieldName() { return "ERXJSToManyRelationshipEditor_SelectedValues_" + editorContextID(); } /** * Formats the name of the selected values table for this editor instance. * @return the table's name */ public String selectedValuesTableName() { return "ERXJSToManyRelationshipEditor_SelectedValuesTable_" + editorContextID(); } /** * Formats the JavaScript used to initialize this instance of the editor. * @return the script for this editor */ public String javascriptForThisEditorInstance() { String safeElementID = ERXStringUtilities.safeIdentifierName(context().elementID()); String editorName = editorName(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("var ").append(editorName()).append(" = new ERXJSToManyRelationshipEditor();\n"); sb.append(editorName).append(".elementID = '").append(safeElementID).append("';\n"); sb.append(editorName).append(".possibleValues = ").append(possibleValuesHashForScript()).append(";\n"); sb.append(editorName).append(".selectedValues = ").append(selectedValuesArrayForScript()).append(';'); return sb.toString(); } /** * Creates a JSON/JavaScript-formatted hash of the list item offsets and their display strings. * @return the hash representation */ private String possibleValuesHashForScript() { NSDictionary valuesDict = cachedPossibleValues(); NSMutableArray jsHashValues = new NSMutableArray(); for (int i = 0; i < valuesDict.count(); i++) { String displayString = (String)valuesDict.objectForKey(i); if (displayString != null) { displayString = displayString.replaceAll("'", "\\\\'"); } jsHashValues.addObject(i + " : '" + displayString + "'"); } return "{ " + jsHashValues.componentsJoinedByString(", ") + " }"; } /** * Creates a JSON/JavaScript-formatted array of the selected list items' offsets. * @return the array representation */ private String selectedValuesArrayForScript() { NSMutableArray offsets = new NSMutableArray(); NSArray sortedList = maybeSortedList(); for (Enumeration selectionsEnum = selections().objectEnumerator(); selectionsEnum.hasMoreElements();) { Object obj = selectionsEnum.nextElement(); int offset = indexOfObjectInArrayUsingERXEOControlUtilitiesEOEquals(obj, sortedList); if (offset >= 0) { offsets.addObject(offset); } } return "[" + offsets.componentsJoinedByString(", ") + "]"; } /** * Builds a cached dictionary of the list item offsets and their display strings. * @return the dictionary */ private NSDictionary cachedPossibleValues() { if (null == _cachedPossibleValuesDict) { NSMutableDictionary result = new NSMutableDictionary(); NSArray allValues = maybeSortedList(); for (int i = 0; i < allValues.count(); i++) { Object item = allValues.objectAtIndex(i); setCurrentItem(item); // Force the item to push up to the parent component, so we can ask it for the displayString. String displayString = stringValueForBinding(Keys.DisplayString); String value = displayString != null ? displayString : item.toString(); result.setObjectForKey(value, i); } _cachedPossibleValuesDict = result; } return _cachedPossibleValuesDict; } /** * Builds the JavaScript used to remove the item from the selections. * @return the script */ public String removeItemScript() { return editorName() + ".removeFromSelectedValues(this, " + indexOfObjectInArrayUsingERXEOControlUtilitiesEOEquals(currentItem, maybeSortedList()) + "); return false;"; } /** * Builds the JavaScript used to add the selected item from the selections popup to the selected items. * @return the script */ public String addItemScript() { return editorName() + ".addToSelectedValues(); return false;"; } /** * Builds the select menu for adding available items to the selected items. * @return the string for the select menu */ public String availableValuesPopupMenu() { String selectTagName = "ERXJSToManyRelationshipEditor_SelectedValuesPopup_" + editorContextID(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<select id=\"").append(selectTagName).append("\" name=\"").append(selectTagName).append("\">\n"); NSDictionary allValuesDict = cachedPossibleValues(); NSArray sortedValues = maybeSortedList(); NSArray selections = selections(); for (Enumeration keysEnum = allValuesDict.allKeys().objectEnumerator(); keysEnum.hasMoreElements();) { Integer key = (Integer)keysEnum.nextElement(); String displayName = (String)allValuesDict.objectForKey(key); Object currentObject = sortedValues.objectAtIndex(key); if (!selections.containsObject(currentObject)) { sb.append("\t<option value=\"").append(key).append("\">").append(displayName).append("</option>\n"); } } sb.append("</select>"); return sb.toString(); } }