package er.extensions.components._private; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOActionResults; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOAssociation; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOElement; import com.webobjects.appserver.WORequest; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOConstantValueAssociation; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WODynamicElementCreationException; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOInput; import; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXBrowser; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXBrowserFactory; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXWOContext; import; import; /** * Clone of WOSubmitButton that should emit <code><button></code> tags instead of * <code><input></code> tags. This allows you to use HTML content and superior style * features. * <p> * Unfortunately, IE is totally broken and always submits all buttons on a page, * which makes it unusable for actions. So this component inserts some javascript to fix this. * Of course, this means your button is only usable with scripting turned on in IE. * <p> * You can add this class via ERXPatcher.setClassForName(ERXSubmitButton.class, "WOSubmitButton"); * and see how this works out or use it explicitely. If you just patch it into the system, * the value is used as the content, otherwise you can put any html you like into it. * @author ak * * @property er.extensions.components._private.ERXSubmitButton.useIEFix opt-out */ public class ERXSubmitButton extends WOInput { public static final String STYLE_PREFIX = "ERXSubmitButton-"; private static boolean useIEFix = ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("er.extensions.components._private.ERXSubmitButton.useIEFix", true); protected WOAssociation _action; protected WOAssociation _actionClass; protected WOAssociation _directActionName; protected WOAssociation _shouldSubmitForm; private static String ieFix = "<script>window.btnunload = window.onload;\n" + "window.onload = function() {\n" + " var btns = document.getElementsByTagName('button');\n" + " for(var i=0;i<btns.length;i++) {\n" + " btns[i].btnonclick = btns[i].onclick;\n" + " btns[i].onclick = function() {\n" + " var bs = document.getElementsByTagName('button');\n" + " var disabledbs = new Array();\n" + " for (var i=0;i<bs.length;i++) {\n" + " if (bs[i] != this && ! bs[i].disabled) { \n" + " bs[i].disabled = true;\n" + " disabledbs[disabledbs.length] = bs[i];\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " var savedInnerHTML = this.innerHTML;\n" + " this.innerHTML = this.value;\n" + " if(this.btnonclick) {\n" + " var result = this.btnonclick();\n" + " if ( ! result) {\n" + " this.innerHTML = savedInnerHTML;\n" + " for (var i=0;i<disabledbs.length;i++) {\n" + " disabledbs[i].disabled = false;\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " return result;\n" + " }\n" + " return true;\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " if(window.btnunload) return window.btnunload();\n" + "};</script>"; public static void appendIEButtonFixToResponse(WOContext wocontext, WOResponse woresponse) { if(!ERXWOContext.contextDictionary().containsKey("ERXWOSubmit.ieFixed")) { ERXBrowser browser = ERXBrowserFactory.factory().browserMatchingRequest(wocontext.request()); if (browser.isIE()) { woresponse._appendContentAsciiString(ieFix); } ERXWOContext.contextDictionary().setObjectForKey(Boolean.TRUE, "ERXWOSubmit.ieFixed"); } } public ERXSubmitButton(String arg0, NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> nsdictionary, WOElement arg2) { super("button", nsdictionary, arg2); if(_value == null) _value = new WOConstantValueAssociation("Submit"); _shouldSubmitForm = _associations.removeObjectForKey("shouldSubmitForm"); _action = _associations.removeObjectForKey("action"); _actionClass = _associations.removeObjectForKey("actionClass"); _directActionName = _associations.removeObjectForKey("directActionName"); if(_action != null && _action.isValueConstant()) throw new WODynamicElementCreationException("<" + getClass().getName() + ">'action' is a constant."); if(_action != null && _directActionName != null || _action != null && _actionClass != null) throw new WODynamicElementCreationException("<" + getClass().getName() + "> Either 'action' and 'directActionName' both exist, or 'action' and 'actionClass' both exist "); } @Override protected boolean isDisabledInContext(WOContext context) { WOAssociation disabled = (WOAssociation) ERXKeyValueCodingUtilities.privateValueForKey(this, "_disabled"); return disabled != null && disabled.booleanValueInComponent(context.component()); } @Override protected String type() { return "submit"; } @Override public String toString() { return "<ERXSubmitButton action: " + (_action == null ? "null" : _action.toString()) + " actionClass: " + (_actionClass == null ? "null" : _actionClass.toString()) + ">"; } public void takeValuesFromRequest(WORequest worequest, WOContext wocontext) { // ignore } protected String elementName(WOContext wocontext) { return elementName(); } @Override protected void _appendOpenTagToResponse(WOResponse woresponse, WOContext wocontext) { if (useIEFix) appendIEButtonFixToResponse(wocontext, woresponse); woresponse.appendContentCharacter('<'); woresponse._appendContentAsciiString(elementName(wocontext)); appendAttributesToResponse(woresponse, wocontext); woresponse.appendContentCharacter('>'); } @Override public void appendAttributesToResponse(WOResponse woresponse, WOContext wocontext) { appendConstantAttributesToResponse(woresponse, wocontext); appendNonURLAttributesToResponse(woresponse, wocontext); appendURLAttributesToResponse(woresponse, wocontext); String css = ""; if (_class != null) { css = (String) _class.valueInComponent(wocontext.component()); } if(_action != null) { css += " " + STYLE_PREFIX + _action.keyPath().replaceAll("\\W+", ""); } else if(_directActionName != null) { css += " " + STYLE_PREFIX + _directActionName.valueInComponent(wocontext.component()); } //; if(css.length() > 0) { woresponse._appendTagAttributeAndValue("class", css, false); } if (_id != null) { woresponse._appendTagAttributeAndValue("id", (String) _id.valueInComponent(wocontext.component()), false); } boolean shouldSubmitForm = (_shouldSubmitForm != null ? _shouldSubmitForm.booleanValueInComponent(wocontext.component()) : true); if(isDisabledInContext(wocontext)) { woresponse.appendContentCharacter(' '); woresponse._appendContentAsciiString("disabled=\"disabled\""); } _appendTypeAttributeToResponse(woresponse, wocontext); _appendValueAttributeToResponse(woresponse, wocontext); _appendNameAttributeToResponse(woresponse, wocontext); if(!shouldSubmitForm) { String action = wocontext.componentActionURL(); woresponse._appendTagAttributeAndValue("onclick", "document.location.href='" + action + "'; return false;", false); } } @Override protected void _appendTypeAttributeToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext context) { if(type() != null && type().length() > 0) response._appendTagAttributeAndValue("type", type(), false); } @Override protected void _appendCloseTagToResponse(WOResponse woresponse, WOContext wocontext) { woresponse._appendContentAsciiString("</"); woresponse._appendContentAsciiString(elementName(wocontext)); woresponse.appendContentCharacter('>'); } @Override public WOActionResults invokeAction(WORequest worequest, WOContext wocontext) { Object obj = null; WOComponent wocomponent = wocontext.component(); if(!isDisabledInContext(wocontext) && wocontext.wasFormSubmitted()) { if(wocontext.isMultipleSubmitForm()) { if(worequest.formValueForKey(nameInContext(wocontext, wocomponent)) != null) { wocontext.setActionInvoked(true); if(_action != null) obj = _action.valueInComponent(wocomponent); if(obj == null) obj =; } } else { wocontext.setActionInvoked(true); if(_action != null) obj = _action.valueInComponent(wocomponent); if(obj == null) obj =; } } return ((WOActionResults) (obj)); } private String _actionClassAndName(WOContext wocontext) { String s = computeActionStringInContext(_actionClass, _directActionName, wocontext); return s; } @Override public void appendChildrenToResponse(WOResponse woresponse, WOContext wocontext) { if(hasChildrenElements()) { super.appendChildrenToResponse(woresponse, wocontext); } else { String value = (String) _value.valueInComponent(wocontext.component()); if(value == null) { value = "Submit"; } woresponse._appendContentAsciiString(value); } } @Override protected void _appendNameAttributeToResponse(WOResponse woresponse, WOContext wocontext) { if(_directActionName != null || _actionClass != null) woresponse._appendTagAttributeAndValue("name", _actionClassAndName(wocontext), false); else super._appendNameAttributeToResponse(woresponse, wocontext); } @Override public void appendToResponse(WOResponse woresponse, WOContext wocontext) { if(wocontext == null || woresponse == null) { return; } //System.out.println(useButton + ": " + userAgent); // useButton = !useButton; String s = elementName(); if(s != null) { _appendOpenTagToResponse(woresponse, wocontext); } appendChildrenToResponse(woresponse, wocontext); if(s != null) { _appendCloseTagToResponse(woresponse, wocontext); } if(_directActionName != null || _actionClass != null) { woresponse._appendContentAsciiString("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"WOSubmitAction\""); woresponse._appendTagAttributeAndValue("value", _actionClassAndName(wocontext), false); woresponse.appendContentString(" />"); } } }