package er.ajax.json.serializer; import org.jabsorb.serializer.AbstractSerializer; import org.jabsorb.serializer.MarshallException; import org.jabsorb.serializer.ObjectMatch; import org.jabsorb.serializer.SerializerState; import org.jabsorb.serializer.UnmarshallException; import org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.BeanSerializer; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import er.ajax.json.client.IJSONEnterpriseObject; /** * JSONEnterpriseObjectSerializer turns EO's from a JSON server into IJSONEnterpriseObject stubs of the EO's (and back * again). * * @author mschrag */ public class JSONEnterpriseObjectSerializer extends AbstractSerializer { /** * Do I need to update serialVersionUID? * See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the * <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a> */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected static NSMutableDictionary publicAttributes = new NSMutableDictionary(); private static Class[] _serializableClasses = new Class[] { IJSONEnterpriseObject.class }; private static Class[] _JSONClasses = new Class[] { JSONObject.class }; public Class[] getSerializableClasses() { return _serializableClasses; } public Class[] getJSONClasses() { return _JSONClasses; } @Override public boolean canSerialize(Class clazz, Class jsonClazz) { return (super.canSerialize(clazz, jsonClazz) || ((jsonClazz == null || jsonClazz == JSONObject.class) && IJSONEnterpriseObject.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz))); } public ObjectMatch tryUnmarshall(SerializerState state, Class clazz, Object jso) { return null; } public Object unmarshall(SerializerState state, Class clazz, Object o) throws UnmarshallException { try { JSONObject jso = (JSONObject) o; String gid = jso.getString("gid"); jso.put("globalID", gid); jso.remove("gid"); String javaClassName = jso.getString("javaClass"); Class javaClass = Class.forName(javaClassName); BeanSerializer beanSerializer = new BeanSerializer(); beanSerializer.setOwner(ser); Object obj = beanSerializer.unmarshall(state, javaClass, jso); state.setSerialized(o, obj); return obj; } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnmarshallException("Failed to unmarshall EO.", e); } } public Object marshall(SerializerState state, Object p, Object o) throws MarshallException { try { IJSONEnterpriseObject eo = (IJSONEnterpriseObject) o; JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("javaClass", o.getClass().getName()); obj.put("gid", eo.globalID()); //JSONObject eoData = new JSONObject(); //obj.put("eo", eoData); return obj; } catch (JSONException e) { throw new MarshallException("Failed to marshall EO.", e); } } }