package er.extensions.jdbc; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAdaptor; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAdaptorChannel; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAdaptorOperation; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAttribute; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabase; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseChannel; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseContext; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntity; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOGeneralAdaptorException; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOModel; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOQualifierSQLGeneration; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EORelationship; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSQLExpression; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSQLExpressionFactory; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSchemaGeneration; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSynchronizationFactory; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOFetchSpecification; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStoreCoordinator; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSortOrdering; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCAdaptor; import com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCAdaptorException; import com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCPlugIn; import er.extensions.eof.ERXConstant; import er.extensions.eof.ERXEC; import er.extensions.eof.ERXEOAccessUtilities; import er.extensions.eof.ERXModelGroup; import er.extensions.eof.qualifiers.ERXFullTextQualifier; import; import; import er.extensions.validation.ERXValidationException; import er.extensions.validation.ERXValidationFactory; /** * ERXSQLHelper provides support for additional database-vender-specific * operations that JDBCPlugIn does not cover. * * By default this will try to load the class * er.extensions.ERXSQLHelper$DatabaseVendorSQLHelper. For instance, * er.extensions.ERXSQLHelper$FrontBaseSQLHelper. If you want to change the * helper that is used for a particular database vendor, then override * FrontBase.SQLHelper, Oracle.SQLHelper, etc. Case is important (because the * vendor name is prepended to the class name), and should match what your * JDBCPlugIn.databaseProductName() returns. * * @property databaseProductName.SQLHelper the class name of the SQLHelper for * the database product name * * @author mschrag */ public class ERXSQLHelper { /** custom JDBC types */ public interface CustomTypes { public static final int INET = 9001; } private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ERXSQLHelper.class); private static Map<String, ERXSQLHelper> _sqlHelperMap = new HashMap<>(); public void prepareConnectionForSchemaChange(EOEditingContext ec, EOModel model) { // do nothing by default } public void restoreConnectionSettingsAfterSchemaChange(EOEditingContext ec, EOModel model) { // do nothing by default } public boolean shouldExecute(String sql) { return true; } /** * creates SQL to create tables for the specified Entities. This can be used * with EOUtilities rawRowsForSQL method to create the tables. * * @param entities * a NSArray containing the entities for which create table * statements should be generated or <code>null</code> if all entities * in the model should be used. * @param modelName * the name of the EOModel * @param optionsCreate * * @return a <code>String</code> containing SQL statements to create * tables */ public String createSchemaSQLForEntitiesInModelWithNameAndOptions(NSArray<EOEntity> entities, String modelName, NSDictionary optionsCreate) { EOModel m = ERXEOAccessUtilities.modelGroup(null).modelNamed(modelName); return createSchemaSQLForEntitiesInModelAndOptions(entities, m, optionsCreate); } /** * Reimplementation that does not try to the shared objects. You should exit * soon after calling this, as it may or may not leave channels open. It is * simply to generate sql. * * @param model * @param coordinator * @return the database context for the given model */ private EODatabaseContext databaseContextForModel(EOModel model, EOObjectStoreCoordinator coordinator) { EODatabaseContext dbc = null; NSArray objectStores = coordinator.cooperatingObjectStores(); int i = 0; for (int c = objectStores.count(); i < c; i++) { Object objectStore = objectStores.objectAtIndex(i); if ((objectStore instanceof EODatabaseContext) && ((EODatabaseContext) objectStore).database().addModelIfCompatible(model)) { dbc = (EODatabaseContext) objectStore; } } if (dbc == null) { dbc = (EODatabaseContext) _NSUtilities.instantiateObject(EODatabaseContext.contextClassToRegister(), new Class[] { com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabase.class }, new Object[] { new EODatabase(model) }, true, false); coordinator.addCooperatingObjectStore(dbc); } return dbc; } /** * creates SQL to create tables for the specified Entities. This can be used * with EOUtilities rawRowsForSQL method to create the tables. * * @param entities * a NSArray containing the entities for which create table * statements should be generated or null if all entities in the * model should be used. * @param model * the EOModel * @param optionsCreate * a NSDictionary containing the different options * * @return a <code>String</code> containing SQL statements to create * tables */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String createSchemaSQLForEntitiesInModelAndOptions(NSArray<EOEntity> entities, EOModel model, NSDictionary optionsCreate) { EOEditingContext ec = ERXEC.newEditingContext(); ec.lock(); try { EODatabaseContext databaseContext = databaseContextForModel(model, (EOObjectStoreCoordinator) ec.rootObjectStore()); // AK the default implementation loads the shared objects, and when // they don't exist, throw an an error // which is not very useful for schema generation // But you would probably want to exit soon after calling this.... // EODatabaseContext databaseContext = // EODatabaseContext.registeredDatabaseContextForModel(model, ec); if (entities == null) { Enumeration<EOEntity> e = model.entities().objectEnumerator(); NSMutableArray<EOEntity> ar = new NSMutableArray<>(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { EOEntity currentEntity = e.nextElement(); if (ERXModelGroup.isPrototypeEntity(currentEntity)) { // we do not want to add EOXXXPrototypes entities continue; } if (!ERXEOAccessUtilities.entityUsesSeparateTable(currentEntity)) { continue; } ar.addObject(currentEntity); } entities = ar; } String result = createSchemaSQLForEntitiesWithOptions(entities, databaseContext, optionsCreate); return result; } finally { ec.unlock(); } } /** * Creates the schema sql for a set of entities. * * @param entities * the entities to create sql for * @param databaseContext * the database context to use * @param optionsCreate * the options (@see * createSchemaSQLForEntitiesInModelWithNameAndOptions) * @return a sql script */ public String createSchemaSQLForEntitiesWithOptions(NSArray<EOEntity> entities, EODatabaseContext databaseContext, NSDictionary<String, String> optionsCreate) { return createSchemaSQLForEntitiesWithOptions(entities, databaseContext.adaptorContext().adaptor(), optionsCreate); } /** * Generates table create statements for a set of entities, then finds all the entities that those entities depend on (in other models) and generates * foreign key statements for those, so you can generate sql for cross-model. * * @param entities the entities to generate for * @param adaptor the adaptor to use * @return the sql script */ public String createDependentSchemaSQLForEntities(NSArray<EOEntity> entities, EOAdaptor adaptor) { NSMutableDictionary<String, String> optionsCreateTables = new NSMutableDictionary<>(); optionsCreateTables.setObjectForKey("NO", EOSchemaGeneration.DropTablesKey); optionsCreateTables.setObjectForKey("NO", EOSchemaGeneration.DropPrimaryKeySupportKey); optionsCreateTables.setObjectForKey("YES", EOSchemaGeneration.CreateTablesKey); optionsCreateTables.setObjectForKey("YES", EOSchemaGeneration.CreatePrimaryKeySupportKey); optionsCreateTables.setObjectForKey("YES", EOSchemaGeneration.PrimaryKeyConstraintsKey); optionsCreateTables.setObjectForKey("NO", EOSchemaGeneration.ForeignKeyConstraintsKey); optionsCreateTables.setObjectForKey("NO", EOSchemaGeneration.CreateDatabaseKey); optionsCreateTables.setObjectForKey("NO", EOSchemaGeneration.DropDatabaseKey); StringBuilder sqlBuffer = new StringBuilder(); EOSynchronizationFactory sf = ((JDBCAdaptor) adaptor).plugIn().synchronizationFactory(); String creationScript = sf.schemaCreationScriptForEntities(entities, optionsCreateTables); sqlBuffer.append(creationScript); NSMutableArray<EOEntity> foreignKeyEntities = entities.mutableClone(); for (EOEntity entity : entities) { for (EORelationship relationship : entity.relationships()) { if (!relationship.isToMany()) { EOEntity destinationEntity = relationship.destinationEntity(); if (destinationEntity.model() != entity.model()) { foreignKeyEntities.addObject(destinationEntity); } } } } NSMutableDictionary<String, String> optionsCreateForeignKeys = new NSMutableDictionary<>(); optionsCreateForeignKeys.setObjectForKey("NO", EOSchemaGeneration.DropTablesKey); optionsCreateForeignKeys.setObjectForKey("NO", EOSchemaGeneration.DropPrimaryKeySupportKey); optionsCreateForeignKeys.setObjectForKey("NO", EOSchemaGeneration.CreateTablesKey); optionsCreateForeignKeys.setObjectForKey("NO", EOSchemaGeneration.CreatePrimaryKeySupportKey); optionsCreateForeignKeys.setObjectForKey("NO", EOSchemaGeneration.PrimaryKeyConstraintsKey); optionsCreateForeignKeys.setObjectForKey("YES", EOSchemaGeneration.ForeignKeyConstraintsKey); optionsCreateForeignKeys.setObjectForKey("NO", EOSchemaGeneration.CreateDatabaseKey); optionsCreateForeignKeys.setObjectForKey("NO", EOSchemaGeneration.DropDatabaseKey); String foreignKeyScript = sf.schemaCreationScriptForEntities(foreignKeyEntities, optionsCreateForeignKeys); sqlBuffer.append(foreignKeyScript); return sqlBuffer.toString(); } /** * Creates the schema sql for a set of entities. * * @param entities * the entities to create sql for * @param adaptor * the adaptor to use * @param optionsDictionary * the options (@see * createSchemaSQLForEntitiesInModelWithNameAndOptions) * @return a sql script */ public String createSchemaSQLForEntitiesWithOptions(NSArray<EOEntity> entities, EOAdaptor adaptor, NSDictionary<String, String> optionsDictionary) { EOSynchronizationFactory sf = ((JDBCAdaptor) adaptor).plugIn().synchronizationFactory(); String creationScript = sf.schemaCreationScriptForEntities(entities, optionsDictionary); return creationScript; } /** * creates SQL to create tables for the specified Entities. This can be used * with EOUtilities rawRowsForSQL method to create the tables. * * @param entities * a NSArray containing the entities for which create table * statements should be generated or null if all entities in the * model should be used. * @param modelName * the name of the EOModel * @return a <code>String</code> containing SQL statements to create * tables */ public String createSchemaSQLForEntitiesInModelWithName(NSArray<EOEntity> entities, String modelName) { EOModel model = ERXEOAccessUtilities.modelGroup(null).modelNamed(modelName); return createSchemaSQLForEntitiesInModel(entities, model); } /** * Creates SQL to create tables for the specified Entities. This can be used * with EOUtilities rawRowsForSQL method to create the tables. * * @param entities * a NSArray containing the entities for which create table * statements should be generated or null if all entities in the * model should be used. * @param model * the EOModel * * @return a <code>String</code> containing SQL statements to create * tables */ public String createSchemaSQLForEntitiesInModel(NSArray<EOEntity> entities, EOModel model) { return createSchemaSQLForEntitiesInModelAndOptions(entities, model, defaultOptionDictionary(true, true)); } /** * Creates an option dictionary to use with the other methods * * @param create * add create statements * @param drop * add drop statements * <p> * This method uses the following * defaults options: * <ul> * <li>EOSchemaGeneration.DropTablesKey=YES if drop</li> * <li>EOSchemaGeneration.DropPrimaryKeySupportKey=YES if drop</li> * <li>EOSchemaGeneration.CreateTablesKey=YES if create</li> * <li>EOSchemaGeneration.CreatePrimaryKeySupportKey=YES if * create</li> * <li>EOSchemaGeneration.PrimaryKeyConstraintsKey=YES if create</li> * <li>EOSchemaGeneration.ForeignKeyConstraintsKey=YES if create</li> * <li>EOSchemaGeneration.CreateDatabaseKey=NO</li> * <li>EOSchemaGeneration.DropDatabaseKey=NO</li> * </ul> * Possible values are <code>YES</code> and <code>NO</code> * * @return a <code>String</code> containing SQL statements to create * tables */ public NSMutableDictionary<String, String> defaultOptionDictionary(boolean create, boolean drop) { NSMutableDictionary<String, String> optionsCreate = new NSMutableDictionary<>(); optionsCreate.setObjectForKey((drop) ? "YES" : "NO", EOSchemaGeneration.DropTablesKey); optionsCreate.setObjectForKey((drop) ? "YES" : "NO", EOSchemaGeneration.DropPrimaryKeySupportKey); optionsCreate.setObjectForKey((create) ? "YES" : "NO", EOSchemaGeneration.CreateTablesKey); optionsCreate.setObjectForKey((create) ? "YES" : "NO", EOSchemaGeneration.CreatePrimaryKeySupportKey); optionsCreate.setObjectForKey((create) ? "YES" : "NO", EOSchemaGeneration.PrimaryKeyConstraintsKey); optionsCreate.setObjectForKey((create) ? "YES" : "NO", EOSchemaGeneration.ForeignKeyConstraintsKey); optionsCreate.setObjectForKey("NO", EOSchemaGeneration.CreateDatabaseKey); optionsCreate.setObjectForKey("NO", EOSchemaGeneration.DropDatabaseKey); return optionsCreate; } /** * creates SQL to create tables for the specified Entities. This can be used * with EOUtilities rawRowsForSQL method to create the tables. * * @param entities * a NSArray containing the entities for which create table * statements should be generated or null if all entities in the * model should be used. * @param databaseContext * the databaseContext * * @param create * if true, tables and keys are created * @param drop * if true, tables and keys are dropped * @return a <code>String</code> containing SQL statements to create * tables */ public String createSchemaSQLForEntitiesInDatabaseContext(NSArray<EOEntity> entities, EODatabaseContext databaseContext, boolean create, boolean drop) { return createSchemaSQLForEntitiesWithOptions(entities, databaseContext, defaultOptionDictionary(create, drop)); } public String createIndexSQLForEntities(NSArray<EOEntity> entities) { return createIndexSQLForEntities(entities, null); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String createIndexSQLForEntities(NSArray<EOEntity> entities, NSArray<String> externalTypesToIgnore) { if (externalTypesToIgnore == null) { externalTypesToIgnore = NSArray.EmptyArray; } if (entities == null || entities.count() == 0) { return ""; } int i = 0; String oldIndexName = null; String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator"); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); String commandSeparator = commandSeparatorString(); for (Enumeration entitiesEnum = entities.objectEnumerator(); entitiesEnum.hasMoreElements();) { EOEntity entity = (EOEntity) entitiesEnum.nextElement(); // only use this entity if it has its own table if (!ERXEOAccessUtilities.entityUsesSeparateTable(entity)) { continue; } NSDictionary<String, Object> d = entity.userInfo(); NSMutableArray<String> usedColumns = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (Enumeration<String> keys = d.keyEnumerator(); keys.hasMoreElements();) { String key = keys.nextElement(); if (key.startsWith("index")) { String numbers = key.substring("index".length()); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(numbers)) { String attributeNames = (String) d.objectForKey(key); if (ERXStringUtilities.stringIsNullOrEmpty(attributeNames)) { continue; } String indexName = "c" + System.currentTimeMillis() + new NSTimestamp().getNanos(); String newIndexName = i == 0 ? indexName : indexName + "_" + i; if (oldIndexName == null) { oldIndexName = indexName; } else if (oldIndexName.equals(newIndexName)) { indexName += "_" + ++i; } else { i = 0; } oldIndexName = indexName; StringBuilder localBuf = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder columnBuf = new StringBuilder(); boolean validIndex = false; localBuf.append("create index " + indexName + " on " + entity.externalName() + "("); for (Enumeration<String> attributes = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(attributeNames, ",").objectEnumerator(); attributes.hasMoreElements();) { String attributeName = attributes.nextElement(); attributeName = attributeName.trim(); EOAttribute attribute = entity.attributeNamed(attributeName); if (attribute == null) { attribute = ERXEOAccessUtilities.attributeWithColumnNameFromEntity(attributeName, entity); } if (attribute != null && externalTypesToIgnore.indexOfObject(attribute.externalType()) != NSArray.NotFound) { continue; } validIndex = true; String columnName = attribute == null ? attributeName : attribute.columnName(); columnBuf.append(columnName); if (attributes.hasMoreElements()) { columnBuf.append(", "); } } if (validIndex) { String l = columnBuf.toString(); if (l.endsWith(", ")) { l = l.substring(0, l.length() - 2); } if (usedColumns.indexOfObject(l) == NSArray.NotFound) { buf.append(localBuf).append(l); usedColumns.addObject(l); buf.append(')').append(commandSeparator).append(lineSeparator); } } } } else if (key.equals("additionalIndexes")) { // this is a space separated list of column or attribute // names String value = (String) d.objectForKey(key); for (Enumeration indexes = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(value, " ").objectEnumerator(); indexes.hasMoreElements();) { String indexValues = (String) indexes.nextElement(); if (ERXStringUtilities.stringIsNullOrEmpty(indexValues)) { continue; } // this might be a comma separate list String indexName = "c" + System.currentTimeMillis() + new NSTimestamp().getNanos(); String newIndexName = i == 0 ? indexName : indexName + "_" + i; if (oldIndexName == null) { oldIndexName = indexName; } else if (oldIndexName.equals(newIndexName)) { indexName += "_" + ++i; } else { i = 0; } oldIndexName = indexName; StringBuffer localBuf = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer columnBuf = new StringBuffer(); boolean validIndex = false; localBuf.append("create index " + indexName + " on " + entity.externalName() + "("); for (Enumeration e = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(indexValues, ",").objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String attributeName = (String) e.nextElement(); attributeName = attributeName.trim(); EOAttribute attribute = entity.attributeNamed(attributeName); if (attribute == null) { attribute = ERXEOAccessUtilities.attributeWithColumnNameFromEntity(attributeName, entity); } if (attribute != null && externalTypesToIgnore.indexOfObject(attribute.externalType()) != NSArray.NotFound) { continue; } validIndex = true; String columnName = attribute == null ? attributeName : attribute.columnName(); columnBuf.append(columnName); if (e.hasMoreElements()) { columnBuf.append(", "); } } if (validIndex) { String l = columnBuf.toString(); if (l.endsWith(", ")) { l = l.substring(0, l.length() - 2); } if (usedColumns.indexOfObject(l) == NSArray.NotFound) { buf.append(localBuf).append(l); usedColumns.addObject(l); buf.append(')').append(commandSeparator).append(lineSeparator); } } } } } } return buf.toString(); } /** * Returns the list of attributes to fetch for a fetch spec. The entity is * passed in here because it has likely already been looked up for the * particular fetch spec. * * @param fetchSpec * the fetch spec * @param entity * the entity (which should match fetchSpec.entityName()) * @return the list of attributes to fetch */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public NSArray<EOAttribute> attributesToFetchForEntity(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec, EOEntity entity) { NSArray<EOAttribute> attributes; if (!fetchSpec.fetchesRawRows()) { attributes = entity.attributesToFetch(); } else { NSMutableArray<EOAttribute> rawRowAttributes = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (String rawRowKeyPath : fetchSpec.rawRowKeyPaths()) { rawRowAttributes.addObject(entity.anyAttributeNamed(rawRowKeyPath)); } attributes = rawRowAttributes.immutableClone(); } return attributes; } /** * Creates the SQL which is used by the provided EOFetchSpecification, * limited by the given range. * * @param ec * the EOEditingContext * @param spec * the EOFetchSpecification in question * @param start * start of rows to fetch * @param end * end of rows to fetch (-1 if not used) * * @return the EOSQLExpression which the EOFetchSpecification would use */ public EOSQLExpression sqlExpressionForFetchSpecification(EOEditingContext ec, EOFetchSpecification spec, long start, long end) { return sqlExpressionForFetchSpecification(ec, spec, start, end, null); } /** * Returns the custom query expression hint as a String. At the moment, if it's an EOSQLExpression, it just returns .statement(). * * @param hint the hint to convert to a String * @return the hint as a String */ public String customQueryExpressionHintAsString(Object hint) { String sql; if (hint instanceof String) { sql = (String) hint; } else if (hint instanceof EOSQLExpression) { sql = ((EOSQLExpression)hint).statement(); if (sql == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("This EOSQLExpression's statement was null (" + hint + ")."); } } else { sql = null; } return sql; } /** * Creates the SQL which is used by the provided EOFetchSpecification, * limited by the given range. * * @param ec * the EOEditingContext * @param spec * the EOFetchSpecification in question * @param start * start of rows to fetch * @param end * end of rows to fetch (-1 if not used) * @param attributes * the attributes to fetch from the given entity * * @return the EOSQLExpression which the EOFetchSpecification would use */ public EOSQLExpression sqlExpressionForFetchSpecification(EOEditingContext ec, EOFetchSpecification spec, long start, long end, NSArray<EOAttribute> attributes) { EOEntity entity = ERXEOAccessUtilities.entityNamed(ec, spec.entityName()); EOModel model = entity.model(); EODatabaseContext dbc = EOUtilities.databaseContextForModelNamed(ec,; EOAdaptor adaptor = dbc.adaptorContext().adaptor(); EOSQLExpressionFactory sqlFactory = adaptor.expressionFactory(); spec = (EOFetchSpecification) spec.clone(); EOQualifier qualifier = spec.qualifier(); if (qualifier != null) { qualifier = EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support._schemaBasedQualifierWithRootEntity(qualifier, entity); } if (qualifier != spec.qualifier()) { spec.setQualifier(qualifier); } if (spec.fetchLimit() > 0) { spec.setFetchLimit(0); spec.setPromptsAfterFetchLimit(false); } spec = ERXEOAccessUtilities.localizeFetchSpecification(ec, spec); if (attributes == null) { attributes = attributesToFetchForEntity(spec, entity); } EOSQLExpression sqlExpr = sqlFactory.selectStatementForAttributes(attributes, false, spec, entity); String sql = sqlExpr.statement(); if (spec.hints() != null && !spec.hints().isEmpty() && spec.hints().valueForKey(EODatabaseContext.CustomQueryExpressionHintKey) != null) { Object hint = spec.hints().valueForKey(EODatabaseContext.CustomQueryExpressionHintKey); sql = customQueryExpressionHintAsString(hint); } if (end >= 0) { sql = limitExpressionForSQL(sqlExpr, spec, sql, start, end); sqlExpr.setStatement(sql); } return sqlExpr; } public String limitExpressionForSQL(EOSQLExpression expression, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, String sql, long start, long end) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("There is no " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " implementation for generating limit expressions."); } /** * Removes an attribute from the select list. * * @param attribute * the attribute to remove from the select list * @param sqlExpression * the expression to remove from */ public void removeSelectFromExpression(EOAttribute attribute, EOSQLExpression sqlExpression) { // MS: This is a bit brute force, but there's not really a nicer way to // do this, unfortunately String sql = sqlExpression.statement(); String attributeSql = sqlExpression.sqlStringForAttribute(attribute); String replaceSql = sql.replaceFirst(", " + attributeSql, ""); if (replaceSql.length() == sql.length()) { replaceSql = sql.replaceFirst(attributeSql + ", ", ""); } sqlExpression.setStatement(replaceSql); } /** * Returns the attribute read format for an aggregate function for a * particular column with a name. * * @param functionName * the aggregate function to generate * @param columnName * the column name to aggregate on * @param aggregateName * the name to assign to the aggregate result * @return the generated read format */ public String readFormatForAggregateFunction(String functionName, String columnName, String aggregateName) { return readFormatForAggregateFunction(functionName, columnName, aggregateName, false); } /** * Returns the attribute read format for an aggregate function for a * particular column with a name. * * @param functionName * the aggregate function to generate * @param columnName * the column name to aggregate on * @param aggregateName * the name to assign to the aggregate result * @param usesDistinct * <code>true</code> if function should be used on distinct values * @return the generated read format */ public String readFormatForAggregateFunction(String functionName, String columnName, String aggregateName, boolean usesDistinct) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(functionName); sb.append('('); if (usesDistinct) { sb.append("distinct "); } sb.append(columnName); sb.append(')'); if (aggregateName != null) { sb.append(" AS "); sb.append(aggregateName); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Adds itemString to a comma-separated list. If listString already has * entries, this method appends a comma followed by itemString. There is no * good way to hook in and use EOSQLExpression's version of this, so we have * our own copy of it. * * @param itemString * the item to append * @param listString * the list buffer */ public void appendItemToListString(String itemString, StringBuffer listString) { if (listString.length() > 0) { listString.append(", "); } listString.append(itemString); } /** * Adds a group-by clause to the given SQL Expression based on the list of * attributes defined in the given fetch spec. * * @param editingContext * the editing context to lookup entities with * @param fetchSpec * the fetch spec to retrieve attributes from * @param expression * the sql expression to add a "group by" clause to */ public void addGroupByClauseToExpression(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec, EOSQLExpression expression) { EOEntity entity = ERXEOAccessUtilities.entityNamed(editingContext, fetchSpec.entityName()); addGroupByClauseToExpression(attributesToFetchForEntity(fetchSpec, entity), expression); } /** * Returns the index in the expression's statement where order by clauses * should be inserted. * * @param expression * the expression to look into * @return the index into statement where the order by should be inserted */ public int _orderByIndex(EOSQLExpression expression) { String sql = expression.statement(); int orderByInsertIndex = sql.lastIndexOf(" LIMIT "); if (orderByInsertIndex == -1) { orderByInsertIndex = sql.length(); } return orderByInsertIndex; } /** * Returns the index in the expression's statement where group by and having * clauses should be inserted. * * @param expression * the expression to look into * @return the index into statement where the group by should be inserted */ public int _groupByOrHavingIndex(EOSQLExpression expression) { String sql = expression.statement(); int groupByInsertIndex = sql.lastIndexOf(" ORDER BY "); if (groupByInsertIndex == -1) { groupByInsertIndex = sql.lastIndexOf(" LIMIT "); if (groupByInsertIndex == -1) { groupByInsertIndex = sql.length(); } } return groupByInsertIndex; } /** * Adds a group-by clause to the given SQL Expression based on the given * list of attributes. * * @param attributes * the list of attributes to group by * @param expression * the sql expression to add a "group by" clause to */ public void addGroupByClauseToExpression(NSArray<EOAttribute> attributes, EOSQLExpression expression) { StringBuffer groupByBuffer = new StringBuffer(); for (EOAttribute attribute : attributes) { String attributeSqlString = expression.sqlStringForAttribute(attribute); attributeSqlString = expression.formatSQLString(attributeSqlString, attribute.readFormat()); appendItemToListString(attributeSqlString, groupByBuffer); } groupByBuffer.insert(0, " GROUP BY "); StringBuilder sqlBuffer = new StringBuilder(expression.statement()); sqlBuffer.insert(_groupByOrHavingIndex(expression), groupByBuffer); expression.setStatement(sqlBuffer.toString()); } /** * Adds a " having count(*) > x" clause to a group by expression. * * @param selector * the comparison selector -- just like EOKeyValueQualifier * @param value * the value to compare against * @param expression * the expression to modify */ public void addHavingCountClauseToExpression(NSSelector selector, int value, EOSQLExpression expression) { Integer integerValue = Integer.valueOf(value); String operatorString = expression.sqlStringForSelector(selector, integerValue); StringBuilder havingBuffer = new StringBuilder(); havingBuffer.append(" HAVING COUNT(*) "); havingBuffer.append(operatorString); havingBuffer.append(' '); havingBuffer.append(integerValue); StringBuilder sqlBuffer = new StringBuilder(expression.statement()); sqlBuffer.insert(_groupByOrHavingIndex(expression), havingBuffer); expression.setStatement(sqlBuffer.toString()); } /** * Returns the SQL expression for a regular expression query. * * @param key * @param value * @return the regex SQL */ public String sqlForRegularExpressionQuery(String key, String value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("There is no " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " implementation for generating regex expressions."); } /** * Returns the SQL expression for a full text search query. * * @param qualifier * the full text qualifier * @param expression * the EOSQLExpression context * @return a SQL expression */ public String sqlForFullTextQuery(ERXFullTextQualifier qualifier, EOSQLExpression expression) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("There is no " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " implementation for generating full text expressions."); } /** * Returns the SQL expression for creating a unique index on the given set * of columns * * @param indexName * the name of the index to create * @param tableName the name of the containing table * @param columnNames * the list of column names to index on * @return a SQL expression */ public String sqlForCreateUniqueIndex(String indexName, String tableName, String... columnNames) { return sqlForCreateUniqueIndex(indexName, tableName, columnIndexesFromColumnNames(columnNames)); } /** * Returns the SQL expression for creating a unique index on the given set * of columns * * @param indexName * the name of the index to create * @param tableName the name of the containing table * @param columnIndexes * the list of columns to index on * @return a SQL expression */ public String sqlForCreateUniqueIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSMutableArray<String> columnNames = columnNamesFromColumnIndexes(columnIndexes); return "ALTER TABLE \"" + tableName + "\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"" + indexName + "\" UNIQUE(\"" + new NSArray<>(columnNames).componentsJoinedByString("\", \"") + "\")"; } /** * Returns the SQL expression for creating an index on the given set * of columns * * @param indexName * the name of the index to create * @param tableName the name of the containing table * @param columnNames * the list of column names to index on * @return a SQL expression */ public String sqlForCreateIndex(String indexName, String tableName, String... columnNames) { return sqlForCreateIndex(indexName, tableName, columnIndexesFromColumnNames(columnNames)); } protected ColumnIndex[] columnIndexesFromColumnNames(String... columnNames) { NSMutableArray<ColumnIndex> columnIndexes = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (String columnName : columnNames) { columnIndexes.addObject(new ColumnIndex(columnName)); } return columnIndexes.toArray(new ColumnIndex[columnIndexes.count()]); } /** * Returns the SQL expression for creating an index on the given set * of columns * * @param indexName * the name of the index to create * @param tableName the name of the containing table * @param columnIndexes * the list of columns to index on * @return a SQL expression */ public String sqlForCreateIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("There is no " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " implementation for generating index expressions."); } /** * IndexLimit represents the reference to a column for use in an index * definition along with an optional limit. * * @author mschrag */ public static class ColumnIndex { private String _columnName; private int _length; public ColumnIndex(String columnName) { this(columnName, 0); } public ColumnIndex(String columnName, int length) { _columnName = columnName; _length = length; } public String columnName() { return _columnName; } public int length() { return _length; } public boolean hasLength() { return _length > 0; } @Override public String toString() { return "[ColumnIndex: columnName = " + _columnName + "; length = " + _length + "]"; } } /** * Returns the JDBCType that should be used for a varcharLarge column in migrations. * * @return the JDBCType that should be used for a varcharLarge column in migrations */ public int varcharLargeJDBCType() { return Types.VARCHAR; } /** * Returns the width that should be used for a varcharLarge column in migrations. * * @return the width that should be used for a varcharLarge column in migrations */ public int varcharLargeColumnWidth() { return 10000000; } /** * Returns the name of the table to use for database migrations. * * @return the name of the table to use for database migrations */ public String migrationTableName() { return "_dbupdater"; } /** * Returns the JDBC type to use for a given ERXSQLHelper custom type * * @param jdbcType * the ERXSQLHelper custom type * @return the JDBC type to use */ public int jdbcTypeForCustomType(int jdbcType) { int result = jdbcType; if (jdbcType == CustomTypes.INET) { result = Types.VARCHAR; } return result; } /** * JDBCAdaptor.externalTypeForJDBCType just returns the first type it finds * instead of trying to find a best match. This can still fail, mind you, * but it should be much better than the EOF default impl. * * @param adaptor * the adaptor to retrieve an external type for * @param jdbcType * the JDBC type number * @return a guess at the external type name to use */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String externalTypeForJDBCType(JDBCAdaptor adaptor, int jdbcType) { String externalType = null; NSArray<String> defaultJDBCTypes = null; jdbcType = jdbcTypeForCustomType(jdbcType); try { // MS: This is super dirty, but we can deadlock if we end up trying // to request jdbc2Info during a migration. We have to be able to // use the adaptor's cached version of this method and so we just // have to go in through the backdoor here ... Method typeInfoMethod = adaptor.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("typeInfo"); boolean oldAccessible = typeInfoMethod.isAccessible(); typeInfoMethod.setAccessible(true); try { NSDictionary typeInfo = (NSDictionary) typeInfoMethod.invoke(adaptor); if (typeInfo != null) { String jdbcStringRep = JDBCAdaptor.stringRepresentationForJDBCType(jdbcType); String typeInfoStringRep = jdbcStringRep; // MS: We need to do a case-insensitive lookup of the type // info string representation, because some databases say // "VARCHAR" and some "varchar". // Awesome. for (String possibleTypeInfoStringRep : (NSArray<String>) typeInfo.allKeys()) { if (typeInfoStringRep.equalsIgnoreCase(possibleTypeInfoStringRep)) { typeInfoStringRep = possibleTypeInfoStringRep; break; } } // We're going to guess that the jdbc string rep is a valid // type in this adaptor. If it is, then we can use that and // it will probably be a better guess than just the first // type we run across. NSDictionary typeDescription = (NSDictionary) typeInfo.objectForKey(typeInfoStringRep); if (typeDescription != null) { defaultJDBCTypes = (NSArray<String>) typeDescription.objectForKey("defaultJDBCType"); if (defaultJDBCTypes != null && defaultJDBCTypes.containsObject(jdbcStringRep)) { externalType = typeInfoStringRep; } } if (externalType == null) { externalType = adaptor.externalTypeForJDBCType(jdbcType); } } } finally { typeInfoMethod.setAccessible(oldAccessible); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to sneakily execute adaptor.typeInfo().", e); } if (externalType == null) { externalType = adaptor.externalTypeForJDBCType(jdbcType); } // OK .. So we didn't find an exact match, and the superclass // basically gave up. So we're going to take what should be a // decent guess. If we found a type info that matched the name, // but we didn't find a JDBC type name that matched, let's just // guess that it's PROBABLY one of the entries from the // JDBC type names list. We're really not any worse off than // the complete failure we were 2 lines ago. if (externalType == null && defaultJDBCTypes != null) { int defaultJDBCTypesCount = defaultJDBCTypes.count(); if (defaultJDBCTypesCount == 1) { externalType = defaultJDBCTypes.objectAtIndex(0); } else if (defaultJDBCTypesCount == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no type that could be found in your database that maps to JDBC Type #" + jdbcType + "."); } else { externalType = defaultJDBCTypes.objectAtIndex(0); log.warn("There was more than one type that in your database that maps to JDBC Type #{}: {}. We guessed '{}'. Cross your fingers.", jdbcType, defaultJDBCTypes, externalType); } } return externalType; } /** * Returns the number of rows the supplied EOFetchSpecification would * return. * * @param ec * the EOEditingContext * @param spec * the EOFetchSpecification in question * @return the number of rows */ public int rowCountForFetchSpecification(EOEditingContext ec, EOFetchSpecification spec) { int rowCount = -1; EOEntity entity = ERXEOAccessUtilities.entityNamed(ec, spec.entityName()); EOModel model = entity.model(); NSArray result = null; String sql; if (spec.hints() == null || spec.hints().isEmpty() || spec.hints().valueForKey(EODatabaseContext.CustomQueryExpressionHintKey) == null) { // no hints if (spec.fetchLimit() > 0 || spec.sortOrderings() != null) { boolean usesDistinct = spec.usesDistinct(); spec = new EOFetchSpecification(spec.entityName(), spec.qualifier(), null); spec.setUsesDistinct(usesDistinct); } EOSQLExpression sqlExpression = sqlExpressionForFetchSpecification(ec, spec, 0, -1); String statement = sqlExpression.statement(); String listString = sqlExpression.listString(); String countExpression; if (spec.usesDistinct()) { countExpression = sqlForCountDistinct(entity); } else { countExpression = "count(*) "; } statement = statement.replace(listString, countExpression); sqlExpression.setStatement(statement); sql = statement; result = ERXEOAccessUtilities.rawRowsForSQLExpression(ec,, sqlExpression); } else { // we have hints Object hint = spec.hints().valueForKey(EODatabaseContext.CustomQueryExpressionHintKey); sql = ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(model).customQueryExpressionHintAsString(hint); // MS: This looks super sketchy ... if (sql.endsWith(";")) { sql = sql.substring(0, sql.length() - 1); } sql = "select count(*) from " + sqlForSubquery(sql, "result_count_temp_table"); result = EOUtilities.rawRowsForSQL(ec,, sql, null); } if (result.count() > 0) { NSDictionary dict = (NSDictionary) result.objectAtIndex(0); NSArray values = dict.allValues(); if (values.count() > 0) { Object value = values.objectAtIndex(0); if (value instanceof Number) { return ((Number) value).intValue(); } try { int c = Integer.parseInt(value.toString()); rowCount = c; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("sql " + sql + " returned a wrong result, could not convert " + value + " into an int!"); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("sql " + sql + " returned no result!"); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("sql " + sql + " returned no result!"); } return rowCount; } /** * Returns the SQL to count the distinct number of rows. The general implementation doesn't * support composite primary keys and chooses only one primary key column when formatting the * SQL expression. * <p> * Concrete classes may override this implementation to add support for composite * primary keys according to their database specific SQL syntax. * * @param entity the base entity used in this query * @return the formatted SQL count using distinct for the given entity */ protected String sqlForCountDistinct(EOEntity entity) { NSArray<String> primaryKeyAttributeNames = entity.primaryKeyAttributeNames(); if (primaryKeyAttributeNames.count() > 1) { log.warn("Composite primary keys are currently unsupported in rowCountForFetchSpecification, when the spec uses distinct"); } String pkAttributeName = primaryKeyAttributeNames.lastObject(); String pkColumnName = entity.attributeNamed(pkAttributeName).columnName(); return "count(distinct " + quoteColumnName("t0." + pkColumnName) + ") "; } /** * Returns the syntax for using the given query as an aliased subquery in a from-clause. * * @param subquery the subquery to wrap * @param alias the alias to use * @return the formatted subquery expression */ protected String sqlForSubquery(String subquery, String alias) { return "(" + subquery + ") as " + alias; } /** * Returns the SQL required to select the next value from the given sequence. This should * return a single row with a single column. * * @param sequenceName the name of the sequence * @return the next sequence value */ protected String sqlForGetNextValFromSequencedNamed(String sequenceName) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("There is no " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " implementation for sequences."); } /** * Convenience method to get the next unique ID from a sequence. * * @param ec * editing context * @param modelName * name of the model which connects to the database that has the * sequence in it * @param sequenceName * name of the sequence * @return next value in the sequence */ // ENHANCEME: Need a non-oracle specific way of doing this. Should poke // around at // the adaptor level and see if we can't find something better. public Number getNextValFromSequenceNamed(EOEditingContext ec, String modelName, String sequenceName) { NSArray array = EOUtilities.rawRowsForSQL(ec, modelName, sqlForGetNextValFromSequencedNamed(sequenceName), null); if (array.count() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to generate value from sequence named: " + sequenceName + " in model: " + modelName); } NSDictionary dictionary = (NSDictionary) array.objectAtIndex(0); NSArray valuesArray = dictionary.allValues(); return (Number) valuesArray.objectAtIndex(0); } /** * Creates a where clause string " someKey IN ( someValue1,...)". Can * migrate keyPaths. * * @param e the SQL expression * @param key the name of the key * @param valueArray an array of values to generate an "in" clause for * @return the where clause for the given key */ public String sqlWhereClauseStringForKey(EOSQLExpression e, String key, NSArray valueArray) { if (valueArray.count() == 0) { return "0=1"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); NSArray attributePath = ERXEOAccessUtilities.attributePathForKeyPath(e.entity(), key); EOAttribute attribute = (EOAttribute) attributePath.lastObject(); String sqlName; if (attributePath.count() > 1) { sqlName = e.sqlStringForAttributePath(attributePath); } else { sqlName = e.sqlStringForAttribute(attribute); } int maxPerQuery = maximumElementPerInClause(e.entity()); // Need to wrap this SQL in parenthesis if there are multiple groups if (valueArray.count() > maxPerQuery) { sb.append(" ( "); } for (int j = 0; j < valueArray.count(); j += maxPerQuery) { int currentSize = (j + (maxPerQuery - 1) < valueArray.count() ? maxPerQuery : ((valueArray.count() % maxPerQuery))); sb.append(sqlName); sb.append(" IN "); sb.append('('); for (int i = j; i < j + currentSize; i++) { if (i > j) { sb.append(", "); } Object value = valueArray.objectAtIndex(i); // AK : crude hack for queries with number constants. // Apparently // EOAttribute.adaptorValueByConvertingAttributeValue() doesn't // actually return a suitable value if (value instanceof ERXConstant.NumberConstant) { value = Long.valueOf(((Number) value).longValue()); } else { value = formatValueForAttribute(e, value, attribute, key); } sb.append(value); } sb.append(')'); if (j < valueArray.count() - maxPerQuery) { sb.append(" OR "); } } if (valueArray.count() > maxPerQuery) { sb.append(" ) "); } return sb.toString(); } /** * The database specific limit, or or most efficient number, of elements in an IN clause in a statement. If there * are more that this number of elements, additional IN clauses will be generated, ORed to the others. * * @param entity EOEntity that can be used to fine-tune the result * @return database specific limit, or or most efficient number, of elements in an IN clause in a statement */ protected int maximumElementPerInClause(EOEntity entity) { return 256; } protected String formatValueForAttribute(EOSQLExpression expression, Object value, EOAttribute attribute, String key) { return expression.sqlStringForValue(value, key); } /** * Splits semicolon-separate sql statements into an array of strings * * @param sql * a multi-line sql statement * @return an array of sql statements */ public NSArray<String> splitSQLStatements(String sql) { NSMutableArray<String> statements = new NSMutableArray<>(); if (sql != null) { char commandSeparatorChar = commandSeparatorChar(); Pattern commentPattern = commentPattern(); StringBuilder statementBuffer = new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(sql)); boolean inQuotes = false; try { String nextLine = reader.readLine(); while (nextLine != null) { if(!inQuotes) { nextLine = nextLine.trim(); // trim only if we not inQuotes } else { statementBuffer.append('\n'); // we are in Quotes but got a new Line } // Skip blank lines and new lines starting with the comment pattern if (nextLine.length() == 0 || (statementBuffer.length() == 0 && commentPattern.matcher(nextLine).find())) { nextLine = reader.readLine(); continue; } // Determine if the line ends inside a single quoted string int length = nextLine.length(); char ch = 0; char prev = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { ch = nextLine.charAt(i); // Determine if we are in a quoted string, but ignore escaped apostrophes, e.g. 'Mike\'s Code' if (inQuotes && ch == '\\') { i++; } else if (ch == '\'') { inQuotes = !inQuotes; } else if (ch == '-' && prev == '-' && !inQuotes) { statementBuffer.deleteCharAt(statementBuffer.length() - 1); break; } if (inQuotes || ch != commandSeparatorChar) { statementBuffer.append(ch); } prev = ch; } // If we are not in a quoted string, either this is the end of the command or we need to // add some whitespace before the continuation of this command if (!inQuotes) { if (ch == commandSeparatorChar) { statements.addObject(statementBuffer.toString().trim()); statementBuffer.setLength(0); } else { statementBuffer.append(' '); } } nextLine = reader.readLine(); } String finalStatement = statementBuffer.toString().trim(); if (finalStatement.length() > 0) { statements.addObject(finalStatement); } } catch (IOException e) { throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e); } } return statements; } /** * Splits the SQL statements from the given input stream * * @param is * the input stream to read from * @return an array of SQL statements * @throws IOException * if there is a problem reading the stream */ public NSArray<String> splitSQLStatementsFromInputStream(InputStream is) throws IOException { String encoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding"); return splitSQLStatements(ERXStringUtilities.stringIsNullOrEmpty(encoding) ? ERXStringUtilities.stringFromInputStream(is) : ERXStringUtilities.stringFromInputStream(is, encoding)); } /** * Splits the SQL statements from the given file. * * @param f * the file to read from * @return an array of SQL statements * @throws IOException * if there is a problem reading the stream */ public NSArray<String> splitSQLStatementsFromFile(File f) throws IOException { try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis)){ return splitSQLStatementsFromInputStream(bis); } } /** * This is totally cheating ... But I just need the separator character for now. We * can rewrite the script parser later. Actually, somewhere on earth there is already * a sql parser or two. Probably worth getting that one. * * @return the separator character used by this database */ protected char commandSeparatorChar() { return ';'; } protected String commandSeparatorString() { String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator"); return ";" + lineSeparator; } /** * Returns a pattern than matches only blank lines. Subclasses should implement this to return a pattern * matching the vendor specific comment indicator(s). * * @return regex pattern that indicates this line is an SQL comment */ protected Pattern commentPattern() { return Pattern.compile("^$"); } public NSMutableArray<String> columnNamesFromColumnIndexes(ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSMutableArray<String> columnNames = new NSMutableArray<String>(); for (ColumnIndex columnIndex : columnIndexes) { columnNames.addObject(columnIndex.columnName()); } return columnNames; } public boolean reassignExternalTypeForValueTypeOverride(EOAttribute attribute) { return true; } public String quoteColumnName(String columnName){ // just pass through by default return columnName; } /** * Returns whether or not this database can always perform the a distinct operation * when sort orderings are applied. Oracle, for instance, will fail if you try to * sort on a key that isn't in the list of fetched keys. * * @return whether or not this database can always perform the a distinct operation * when sort orderings are applied */ protected boolean canReliablyPerformDistinctWithSortOrderings() { return true; } /** * Returns whether or not this database should perform the distinct portion of the * given fetch spec in memory or not. * * @param fetchSpecification the fetch spec to check * @return whether or not this database should perform the distinct portion of the * given fetch spec in memory or not */ public boolean shouldPerformDistinctInMemory(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification) { boolean shouldPerformDistinctInMemory = false; if (!canReliablyPerformDistinctWithSortOrderings()) { NSArray<EOSortOrdering> sortOrderings = fetchSpecification.sortOrderings(); if (fetchSpecification.usesDistinct() && sortOrderings != null && sortOrderings.count() > 0) { shouldPerformDistinctInMemory = true; // MS: We might be able to restrict this check further at some point ... // for (EOSortOrdering sortOrdering : sortOrderings) { // sortOrdering.key(); // } } } return shouldPerformDistinctInMemory; } /** * Returns true if the SQL helper can handle the exception. Typical uses are * morphing unique constraints to NSValidation exceptions. * * @param databaseContext * @param throwable * @return whether or not the SQL helper can handl this exception */ public boolean handleDatabaseException(EODatabaseContext databaseContext, Throwable throwable) { return false; } public static ERXSQLHelper newSQLHelper(EOSQLExpression expression) { // This is REALLY hacky. String className = expression.getClass().getName(); int dotIndex = className.lastIndexOf('$'); if (dotIndex == -1) { dotIndex = className.lastIndexOf('.'); } int expressionIndex = className.lastIndexOf("Expression"); if (expressionIndex == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create sql helper for expression " + expression + "."); } String databaseProductName = className.substring(dotIndex + 1, expressionIndex); return ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(databaseProductName); } public static ERXSQLHelper newSQLHelper(EOEditingContext ec, String modelName) { return ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(EOUtilities.databaseContextForModelNamed(ec, modelName)); } public static ERXSQLHelper newSQLHelper(EOEditingContext ec, EOEntity entity) { return ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(EODatabaseContext.registeredDatabaseContextForModel(entity.model(), ec)); } public static ERXSQLHelper newSQLHelper(EOEditingContext ec, EOModel model) { return ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(EODatabaseContext.registeredDatabaseContextForModel(model, ec)); } public static ERXSQLHelper newSQLHelper(EODatabaseContext databaseContext) { EOAdaptor adaptor = databaseContext.database().adaptor(); return ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(adaptor); } public static ERXSQLHelper newSQLHelper(EODatabaseChannel databaseChannel) { EOAdaptor adaptor = databaseChannel.adaptorChannel().adaptorContext().adaptor(); return ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(adaptor); } public static ERXSQLHelper newSQLHelper(EOAdaptor adaptor) { if (adaptor instanceof JDBCAdaptor) { return ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper((JDBCAdaptor)adaptor); } // MS: Hack to support non JDBC adaptor migrations return new NoSQLHelper(); } public static ERXSQLHelper newSQLHelper(EOAdaptorChannel adaptorChannel) { EOAdaptor adaptor = adaptorChannel.adaptorContext().adaptor(); return ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(adaptor); } public static ERXSQLHelper newSQLHelper(JDBCAdaptor adaptor) { JDBCPlugIn plugin = adaptor.plugIn(); return ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(plugin); } public static ERXSQLHelper newSQLHelper(JDBCPlugIn plugin) { String databaseProductName = plugin.databaseProductName(); return ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(databaseProductName); } public static ERXSQLHelper newSQLHelper(EOEntity entity) { return ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(entity.model()); } public static ERXSQLHelper newSQLHelper(EOModel model) { EOAdaptor adaptor = EOAdaptor.adaptorWithModel(model); return ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(adaptor); } public static ERXSQLHelper newSQLHelper(String databaseProductName) { synchronized (_sqlHelperMap) { ERXSQLHelper sqlHelper = _sqlHelperMap.get(databaseProductName); if (sqlHelper == null) { try { String sqlHelperClassName = ERXProperties.stringForKey(databaseProductName + ".SQLHelper"); if (sqlHelperClassName == null) { if (databaseProductName == null) { // If there is no plugin then product name will be null sqlHelper = new ERXSQLHelper(); } else if (databaseProductName.equalsIgnoreCase("frontbase")) { sqlHelper = new FrontBaseSQLHelper(); } else if (databaseProductName.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) { sqlHelper = new MySQLSQLHelper(); } else if (databaseProductName.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle")) { sqlHelper = new OracleSQLHelper(); } else if (databaseProductName.equalsIgnoreCase("postgresql")) { sqlHelper = new PostgresqlSQLHelper(); } else if (databaseProductName.equalsIgnoreCase("openbase")) { sqlHelper = new OpenBaseSQLHelper(); } else if (databaseProductName.equalsIgnoreCase("derby")) { sqlHelper = new DerbySQLHelper(); } else if (databaseProductName.equalsIgnoreCase("microsoft")) { sqlHelper = new MicrosoftSQLHelper(); } else if (databaseProductName.equalsIgnoreCase("h2")) { sqlHelper = new H2SQLHelper(); } else if (databaseProductName.equalsIgnoreCase("db2")) { sqlHelper = new DB2SQLHelper(); } else if (databaseProductName.equalsIgnoreCase("firebird")) { sqlHelper = new FirebirdSQLHelper(); } else { try { sqlHelper = (ERXSQLHelper) Class.forName(ERXSQLHelper.class.getName() + "$" + databaseProductName + "SQLHelper").newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { sqlHelper = new ERXSQLHelper(); } } } else { sqlHelper = (ERXSQLHelper) Class.forName(sqlHelperClassName).newInstance(); } _sqlHelperMap.put(databaseProductName, sqlHelper); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NSForwardException(e, "Failed to create sql helper for the database with the product name '" + databaseProductName + "'."); } } return sqlHelper; } } public static class EROracleSQLHelper extends ERXSQLHelper.OracleSQLHelper { } public static class OracleSQLHelper extends ERXSQLHelper { @Override protected String sqlForSubquery(String subquery, String alias) { return "(" + subquery + ") " + alias; } @Override protected String sqlForGetNextValFromSequencedNamed(String sequenceName) { String sqlString = "select " + sequenceName + ".nextVal from dual"; return sqlString; } /** * oracle 9 has a maximum length of 30 characters for table names, * column names and constraint names Foreign key constraint names are * defined like this from the plugin: * * <pre><code>TABLENAME_FOEREIGNKEYNAME_FK</code></pre> * * The whole statement looks like this: * * <pre><code>ALTER TABLE [TABLENAME] ADD CONSTRAINT [CONSTRAINTNAME] FOREIGN KEY * ([FK]) REFERENCES [DESTINATION_TABLE] ([PK]) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY * DEFERRED</code></pre> * * THIS means that the tablename and the columnname together cannot be * longer than 26 characters. * <p> * This method checks each foreign key constraint name and if it is * longer than 30 characters its replaced with a unique name. * * @see ERXSQLHelper#createSchemaSQLForEntitiesInModelWithNameAndOptions(NSArray, String, NSDictionary) */ @Override public String createSchemaSQLForEntitiesInModelWithNameAndOptions(NSArray<EOEntity> entities, String modelName, NSDictionary optionsCreate) { String oldConstraintName = null; int i = 0; String s = super.createSchemaSQLForEntitiesInModelWithNameAndOptions(entities, modelName, optionsCreate); NSArray a = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(s, "/"); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(s.length()); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*ALTER TABLE .* ADD CONSTRAINT (.*) FOREIGN KEY .* REFERENCES .* \\(.*\\) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED.*"); Pattern pattern2 = Pattern.compile("(.*ALTER TABLE .* ADD CONSTRAINT ).*( FOREIGN KEY .* REFERENCES .* \\(.*\\) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED.*)"); String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator"); for (Enumeration e = a.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String statementLine = (String) e.nextElement(); NSArray b = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(statementLine, lineSeparator); for (Enumeration e1 = b.objectEnumerator(); e1.hasMoreElements();) { String statement = (String) e1.nextElement(); if (!pattern.matcher(statement).matches()) { buf.append(statement); buf.append(lineSeparator); continue; } String constraintName = pattern.matcher(statement).replaceAll("$1"); if (constraintName.length() <= 30) { buf.append(statement); buf.append(lineSeparator); continue; } constraintName = "fk" + System.currentTimeMillis() + new NSTimestamp().getNanos(); String newConstraintName = i == 0 ? constraintName : constraintName + "_" + i; if (oldConstraintName == null) { oldConstraintName = constraintName; } else if (oldConstraintName.equals(newConstraintName)) { constraintName += "_" + ++i; } else { i = 0; } oldConstraintName = constraintName; String newConstraint = pattern2.matcher(statement).replaceAll("$1" + constraintName + "$2"); buf.append(newConstraint); buf.append(lineSeparator); } if (e.hasMoreElements()) { buf.append('/'); } } return buf.toString(); } @Override public String limitExpressionForSQL(EOSQLExpression expression, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, String sql, long start, long end) { String limitSQL; /* * Oracle can make you puke... These are grabbed from tips all over * the net and I can't test them as it doesn't even install on OSX. * Pick your poison. */ int debug = ERXProperties.intForKeyWithDefault("OracleBatchMode", 3); if (debug == 1) { // this only works for the first page limitSQL = "select * from (" + sql + ") where rownum between " + (start + 1) + " and " + end; } else if (debug == 2) { // this doesn't work at all when have have *no* order by limitSQL = "select * from (" + "select " + expression.listString() + ", row_number() over (" + expression.orderByString() + ") as eo_rownum from (" + sql + ")) where eo_rownum between " + (start + 1) + " and " + end; } else if (debug == 3) { // this works, but breaks with horizontal inheritance if (expression != null) { limitSQL = "select * from (" + "select " + expression.listString().replaceAll("[Tt]\\d\\.", "") + ", rownum eo_rownum from (" + sql + ")) where eo_rownum between " + (start + 1) + " and " + end; } else { limitSQL = "select * from (select a.*, rownum eo_rownum from (" + sql + ") a where rownum <= " + end + ") where eo_rownum >= " + (start + 1); } } else { // this might work, too, but only if we have an ORDER BY limitSQL = "select * from (" + "select " + (fetchSpecification.usesDistinct() ? " distinct " : "") + expression.listString() + ", row_number() over (" + expression.orderByString() + ") eo_rownum" + " from " + expression.joinClauseString() + " where " + expression.whereClauseString() + ") where eo_rownum between " + (start + 1) + " and " + end; } return limitSQL; } @Override protected char commandSeparatorChar() { return '/'; } @Override protected String commandSeparatorString() { String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator"); String commandSeparator = lineSeparator + "/" + lineSeparator; return commandSeparator; } @Override public String createIndexSQLForEntities(NSArray<EOEntity> entities, NSArray<String> externalTypesToIgnore) { NSMutableArray<String> oracleExternalTypesToIgnore = new NSMutableArray<String>(); if (externalTypesToIgnore != null) { oracleExternalTypesToIgnore.addObjectsFromArray(externalTypesToIgnore); } oracleExternalTypesToIgnore.addObject("BLOB"); oracleExternalTypesToIgnore.addObject("CLOB"); return super.createIndexSQLForEntities(entities, oracleExternalTypesToIgnore); } @Override public String sqlForCreateUniqueIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSMutableArray<String> columnNames = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (ColumnIndex columnIndex : columnIndexes) { columnNames.addObject(columnIndex.columnName()); } return "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX " + indexName + " ON " + tableName + "(" + columnNames.componentsJoinedByString(",") + ")"; } @Override public String sqlForCreateIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSMutableArray<String> columnNames = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (ColumnIndex columnIndex : columnIndexes) { columnNames.addObject(columnIndex.columnName()); } return "CREATE INDEX " + indexName + " ON " + tableName + "(" + columnNames.componentsJoinedByString(",") + ")"; } @Override public String sqlForRegularExpressionQuery(String key, String value) { return "REGEXP_LIKE(" + key + ", " + value + ")"; } @Override public String migrationTableName() { return "dbupdater"; } @Override public String externalTypeForJDBCType(JDBCAdaptor adaptor, int jdbcType) { String externalType; if (jdbcType == Types.TIMESTAMP) { externalType = "DATE"; } else { externalType = super.externalTypeForJDBCType(adaptor, jdbcType); } return externalType; } @Override public boolean reassignExternalTypeForValueTypeOverride(EOAttribute attribute) { return false; } @Override protected boolean canReliablyPerformDistinctWithSortOrderings() { return false; } /** * For Oracle, it seems the right thing to do for varcharLarge is to use a CLOB column. * CLOB is limited to 8TB where as VARCHAR is limited to 4000 bytes. */ @Override public int varcharLargeJDBCType() { return Types.CLOB; } @Override public int varcharLargeColumnWidth() { return -1; } } public static class OpenBaseSQLHelper extends ERXSQLHelper { @Override public String limitExpressionForSQL(EOSQLExpression expression, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, String sql, long start, long end) { // Openbase support for limiting result set return sql + " return results " + start + " to " + end; } } public static class H2SQLHelper extends ERXSQLHelper { @Override public String limitExpressionForSQL(EOSQLExpression expression, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, String sql, long start, long end) { return sql + " LIMIT " + (end - start) + " OFFSET " + start; } @Override public String sqlForCreateUniqueIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSMutableArray<String> columnNames = columnNamesFromColumnIndexes(columnIndexes); return "ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " ADD CONSTRAINT \"" + indexName + "\" UNIQUE(" + new NSArray<>(columnNames).componentsJoinedByString(", ") + ")"; } @Override public String sqlForCreateIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSMutableArray<String> columnNames = columnNamesFromColumnIndexes(columnIndexes); return "CREATE INDEX \""+indexName+"\" ON "+tableName+" ("+new NSArray<>(columnNames).componentsJoinedByString(", ")+")"; } /** * @see er.extensions.jdbc.ERXSQLHelper#sqlForGetNextValFromSequencedNamed(java.lang.String) */ @Override protected String sqlForGetNextValFromSequencedNamed(String sequenceName) { return "select NEXTVAL('" + sequenceName + "') as key"; } @Override public String sqlForRegularExpressionQuery(String key, String value) { return key + " REGEXP " + value + ""; } @Override public int varcharLargeJDBCType() { return Types.LONGVARCHAR; } @Override public int varcharLargeColumnWidth() { return -1; } } public static class DerbySQLHelper extends ERXSQLHelper { @Override public boolean shouldExecute(String sql) { return sql != null && !sql.startsWith("--"); } @Override public int varcharLargeJDBCType() { return Types.CLOB; } @Override public int varcharLargeColumnWidth() { return 0; } @Override public String sqlForCreateUniqueIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSArray<String> columnNames = columnNamesFromColumnIndexes(columnIndexes); return "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX \""+indexName+"\" ON "+tableName+" (" + columnNames.componentsJoinedByString(",") + ")"; } @Override public String sqlForCreateIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSArray<String> columnNames = columnNamesFromColumnIndexes(columnIndexes); return "CREATE INDEX \""+indexName+"\" ON "+tableName+ " ("+columnNames.componentsJoinedByString(", ")+")"; } /** * @see er.extensions.jdbc.ERXSQLHelper#sqlForGetNextValFromSequencedNamed(java.lang.String) */ @Override protected String sqlForGetNextValFromSequencedNamed(String sequenceName) { return "VALUES (NEXT VALUE FOR " + sequenceName + ")"; } @Override public String migrationTableName() { return "dbupdater"; } @Override public String externalTypeForJDBCType(JDBCAdaptor adaptor, int jdbcType) { String externalType; if (jdbcType == Types.TIMESTAMP) { externalType = "DATE"; } else { externalType = super.externalTypeForJDBCType(adaptor, jdbcType); } return externalType; } } public static class FrontBaseSQLHelper extends ERXSQLHelper { private static final String PREFIX_ISOLATION_LEVEL = "isolation="; private static final String PREFIX_LOCKING = "locking="; @Override public boolean reassignExternalTypeForValueTypeOverride(EOAttribute attribute) { boolean reassignExternalTypeForValueTypeOverride = super.reassignExternalTypeForValueTypeOverride(attribute); if ("DATE".equalsIgnoreCase(attribute.externalType()) && attribute.valueType() == null) { reassignExternalTypeForValueTypeOverride = false; } return reassignExternalTypeForValueTypeOverride; } @Override protected String sqlForGetNextValFromSequencedNamed(String sequenceName) { return "select unique from " + sequenceName; } @Override public boolean shouldExecute(String sql) { boolean shouldExecute = true; if (sql.startsWith("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL")) { shouldExecute = false; } else if (sql.startsWith("COMMIT")) { // shouldExecute = false; } return shouldExecute; } @Override public String limitExpressionForSQL(EOSQLExpression expression, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, String sql, long start, long end) { // add TOP(start, (end - start)) after the SELECT word int index = sql.indexOf("select"); if (index == -1) { index = sql.indexOf("SELECT"); } index += 6; String limitSQL = sql.substring(0, index) + " TOP(" + start + ", " + (end - start) + ") " + sql.substring(index + 1, sql.length()); return limitSQL; } @Override public String sqlForFullTextQuery(ERXFullTextQualifier qualifier, EOSQLExpression expression) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("satisfies("); sb.append(qualifier.indexName()); sb.append(", '"); ERXFullTextQualifier.MatchType matchType = qualifier.matchType(); NSArray<String> terms = qualifier.terms(); for (String term : terms) { String[] termWords = term.split(" "); for (String termWord : termWords) { sb.append(termWord); if (matchType == ERXFullTextQualifier.MatchType.ALL) { sb.append('&'); } else if (matchType == ERXFullTextQualifier.MatchType.ANY) { sb.append('|'); } } } // Lop off the last '&' or '|' if (terms.count() > 0) { sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); } sb.append("')"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public String sqlForCreateUniqueIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSMutableArray<String> columnNames = columnNamesFromColumnIndexes(columnIndexes); return "ALTER TABLE \"" + tableName + "\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"" + indexName + "\" UNIQUE(\"" + new NSArray<>(columnNames).componentsJoinedByString("\", \"") + "\") DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED"; } @Override public String sqlForCreateIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSMutableArray<String> columnNames = columnNamesFromColumnIndexes(columnIndexes); return "CREATE INDEX \""+indexName+"\" ON \""+tableName+"\" (\""+new NSArray<>(columnNames).componentsJoinedByString("\", \"")+"\")"; } @Override public void prepareConnectionForSchemaChange(EOEditingContext ec, EOModel model) { ERXEOAccessUtilities.ChannelAction action = new ERXEOAccessUtilities.ChannelAction() { @Override protected int doPerform(EOAdaptorChannel channel) { try { ERXJDBCUtilities.executeUpdate(channel, "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE, LOCKING PESSIMISTIC"); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new NSForwardException(e); } return 0; } }; action.perform(ec,; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void restoreConnectionSettingsAfterSchemaChange(EOEditingContext ec, EOModel model) { // Default settings String transactionIsolationLevel = "SERIALIZABLE"; String lockingDiscipline = "PESSIMISTIC"; // Guess settings from looking at the url String url = (String) model.connectionDictionary().valueForKey("URL"); NSArray<String> urlComponents = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(url, "/"); for (String urlComponent : urlComponents) { if (urlComponent.toLowerCase().startsWith(PREFIX_LOCKING)) { lockingDiscipline = urlComponent.substring(PREFIX_LOCKING.length()).toUpperCase(); } else if (urlComponent.toLowerCase().startsWith(PREFIX_ISOLATION_LEVEL)) { transactionIsolationLevel = urlComponent.substring(PREFIX_ISOLATION_LEVEL.length()).toUpperCase().replaceAll("_", " "); } } final String sql = "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL " + transactionIsolationLevel + ", LOCKING " + lockingDiscipline; ERXEOAccessUtilities.ChannelAction action = new ERXEOAccessUtilities.ChannelAction() { @Override protected int doPerform(EOAdaptorChannel channel) { try { ERXJDBCUtilities.executeUpdate(channel, sql); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new NSForwardException(e); } return 0; } }; action.perform(ec,; } /** * Returns a pattern than matches lines that start with "--". * * @return regex pattern that indicates this line is an SQL comment */ @Override protected Pattern commentPattern() { return Pattern.compile("^--"); } @Override public String quoteColumnName(String columnName){ if (columnName == null) return null; int i = columnName.lastIndexOf(46); if (i == -1) return "\"" + columnName + "\""; return "\"" + columnName.substring(0, i) + "\".\"" + columnName.substring(i + 1, columnName.length()) + "\""; } /** * FrontBase is exceedingly inefficient in processing OR clauses. A query like this: * <pre><code>SELECT * FROM "Foo" t0 WHERE ( t0."oid" IN (431, 437, ...) OR t0."oid" IN (1479, 1480, 1481,...)...</code></pre> * Completely KILLS FrontBase (30+ seconds of 100%+ CPU usage). The same query rendered as: * <pre><code>SELECT * FROM "Foo" t0 WHERE t0."oid" IN (431, 437, ...) UNION SELECT * FROM "Foo" t0 WHERE t0."oid" IN (1479, 1480, 1481, ...)...</code></pre> * executes in less than a tenth of the time with less high CPU load. Collapse all the ORs and INs into one and it is faster * still. This has been tested with over 17,000 elements, so 15,000 seemed like a safe maximum. I don't know what the actual * theoretical maximum is. * <p> * But... It looks to like the query optimizer will choose to NOT use an index if the number of elements in the IN gets close to, * or exceeds, the number of rows (as in the case of a select based on FK with a large number of keys that don't match any rows). In * this case it seems to fall back to table scanning (or something dreadfully slow). This only seems to have an impact when the number * of elements in the IN is greater than 1,000. For larger sizes, the correct number for this method to return seems to depend on the * number of rows in the tables. 1/5th of the table size may be a good place to start looking for the upper bound. * * @see ERXSQLHelper#maximumElementPerInClause(EOEntity) * * @param entity EOEntity that can be used to fine-tune the result * @return database specific limit, or or most efficient number, of elements in an IN clause in a statement */ @Override protected int maximumElementPerInClause(EOEntity entity) { return 15000; } /** * For BOOLEAN we take 'boolean' as external type. For any other * case, we pass it up to the default impl. * * @param adaptor * the adaptor to retrieve an external type for * @param jdbcType * the JDBC type number * @return a guess at the external type name to use */ @Override public String externalTypeForJDBCType(JDBCAdaptor adaptor, int jdbcType) { String externalType; if (jdbcType == Types.BOOLEAN) { externalType = "boolean"; } else if (jdbcType == Types.BINARY) { externalType = "byte"; } else { externalType = super.externalTypeForJDBCType(adaptor, jdbcType); } return externalType; } } public static class MySQLSQLHelper extends ERXSQLHelper { /** * Returns a pattern than matches lines that start with "--". * * @return regex pattern that indicates this line is an SQL comment */ @Override protected Pattern commentPattern() { return Pattern.compile("^--"); } /** * We know better than EOF. * * For any other case, we pass it up to the default impl. * * @param adaptor * the adaptor to retrieve an external type for * @param jdbcType * the JDBC type number * @return a guess at the external type name to use */ @Override public String externalTypeForJDBCType(JDBCAdaptor adaptor, int jdbcType) { String externalType; if (jdbcType == Types.LONGVARCHAR || jdbcType == Types.CLOB) { externalType = "longtext"; } else { externalType = super.externalTypeForJDBCType(adaptor, jdbcType); } return externalType; } @Override public String limitExpressionForSQL(EOSQLExpression expression, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, String sql, long start, long end) { return sql + " LIMIT " + start + ", " + (end - start); } @Override public String sqlForRegularExpressionQuery(String key, String value) { return key + " REGEXP " + value + ""; } @Override public String sqlForCreateUniqueIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("ALTER TABLE `" + tableName + "` ADD UNIQUE `" + indexName + "` ("); _appendIndexColNames(sql, columnIndexes); sql.append(')'); return sql.toString(); } @Override public String sqlForCreateIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("CREATE INDEX `"+ indexName + "` ON `"+tableName+"` ("); _appendIndexColNames(sql, columnIndexes); sql.append(')'); return sql.toString(); } private void _appendIndexColNames(StringBuffer sql, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { for (int columnIndexNum = 0; columnIndexNum < columnIndexes.length; columnIndexNum++) { ColumnIndex columnIndex = columnIndexes[columnIndexNum]; sql.append("`" + columnIndex.columnName() + "`"); if (columnIndex.hasLength()) { // index limit of 767 bytes for InnoDB, 999 bytes for MyISAM // which maps to up to 255 and 333 utf8 characters int length = Math.min(columnIndex.length(), 255); sql.append("(" + length + ")"); } if (columnIndexNum < columnIndexes.length - 1) { sql.append(", "); } } } @Override public int varcharLargeJDBCType() { return Types.LONGVARCHAR; } @Override public int varcharLargeColumnWidth() { return -1; } } public static class PostgresqlSQLHelper extends ERXSQLHelper { /** * The exception state string for unique constraint exceptions. * * @see <a href="">Error codes</a> */ public static final String UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_EXCEPTION_STATE = "23505"; public static final String UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_MESSAGE_FORMAT = "ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"{0}\"\n Detail: Key ({1})=({2}) already exists."; /** * Overriden to prevent the external time types set in * {@link #externalTypeForJDBCType(JDBCAdaptor, int)} from being reset. */ @Override public boolean reassignExternalTypeForValueTypeOverride(EOAttribute attr) { if(attr != null && attr.adaptorValueType() == EOAttribute.AdaptorDateType) { return false; } return super.reassignExternalTypeForValueTypeOverride(attr); } @Override protected String sqlForGetNextValFromSequencedNamed(String sequenceName) { return "select NEXTVAL('" + sequenceName + "') as key"; } @Override public String limitExpressionForSQL(EOSQLExpression expression, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, String sql, long start, long end) { return sql + " LIMIT " + (end - start) + " OFFSET " + start; } @Override public String sqlForRegularExpressionQuery(String key, String value) { return key + " ~* " + value + ""; } /** * For most types, finding the type in jdbc2Info's typeInfo will provide * us with a correct type mapping. For Postgresql, it has the honor of * not actually having a type named "integer," so EOF goes on a hunt for * a type that MIGHT match (which is just bad, btw) and comes up with * "serial". * * cug: There seems to be also nothing useful for "BLOB", so we return * bytea for Type.BLOB; int8 for BIGINT; numeric for DECIMAL; bool for * BOOLEAN * * We know better than EOF. * * For any other case, we pass it up to the default impl. * * @param adaptor * the adaptor to retrieve an external type for * @param jdbcType * the JDBC type number * @return a guess at the external type name to use */ @Override public String externalTypeForJDBCType(JDBCAdaptor adaptor, int jdbcType) { String externalType; if (jdbcType == Types.INTEGER) { externalType = "int4"; } else if (jdbcType == Types.BIGINT) { externalType = "int8"; } else if (jdbcType == Types.FLOAT) { externalType = "float4"; } else if (jdbcType == Types.DOUBLE) { externalType = "float8"; } else if (jdbcType == Types.BLOB) { externalType = "bytea"; } else if (jdbcType == Types.BOOLEAN) { externalType = "bool"; } else if (jdbcType == Types.DECIMAL) { externalType = "numeric"; } else if (jdbcType == CustomTypes.INET) { externalType = "inet"; } else if (jdbcType == Types.DATE) { externalType = "date"; } else if (jdbcType == Types.TIME) { externalType = "time"; } else if (jdbcType == Types.LONGVARCHAR || jdbcType == Types.CLOB) { externalType = "text"; } else { externalType = super.externalTypeForJDBCType(adaptor, jdbcType); } return externalType; } /** * Creates unique index; stolen from the derby helper * * @author cug - Jun 24, 2008 * @see ERXSQLHelper#sqlForCreateUniqueIndex(String, String, ColumnIndex...) */ @Override public String sqlForCreateUniqueIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSMutableArray<String> columnNames = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (ColumnIndex columnIndex : columnIndexes) { columnNames.addObject(columnIndex.columnName()); } indexName = indexName.replace('.', '_'); return "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX " + indexName + " ON " + tableName + "(" + columnNames.componentsJoinedByString(",") + ")"; } @Override public String sqlForCreateIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSMutableArray<String> columnNames = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (ColumnIndex columnIndex : columnIndexes) { columnNames.addObject(columnIndex.columnName()); } return "CREATE INDEX " + indexName + " ON " + tableName + "(" + columnNames.componentsJoinedByString(",") + ")"; } @Override public int varcharLargeJDBCType() { return Types.LONGVARCHAR; } @Override public int varcharLargeColumnWidth() { return -1; } @Override public boolean handleDatabaseException(EODatabaseContext databaseContext, Throwable throwable) { if (throwable instanceof EOGeneralAdaptorException) { EOGeneralAdaptorException gae = (EOGeneralAdaptorException) throwable; if (gae.userInfo() != null) { EOAdaptorOperation failedOperation = (EOAdaptorOperation) gae.userInfo().objectForKey(EOAdaptorChannel.FailedAdaptorOperationKey); if (failedOperation != null) { Throwable t = failedOperation.exception(); if (t instanceof JDBCAdaptorException) { JDBCAdaptorException jdbcEx = (JDBCAdaptorException) t; SQLException sqlEx = jdbcEx.sqlException(); if (sqlEx != null && UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_EXCEPTION_STATE.equals(sqlEx.getSQLState())) { String message = sqlEx.getMessage(); MessageFormat format = new MessageFormat(UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_MESSAGE_FORMAT); try { Object[] objs = format.parse(message); String idx = (String) objs[0]; ERXValidationFactory factory = ERXValidationFactory.defaultFactory(); String method = "UniqueConstraintException." + idx; ERXValidationException ex = factory.createCustomException(null, method); databaseContext.rollbackChanges(); throw ex; } catch (ParseException e) { log.warn("Error parsing unique constraint exception message: {}", message, e); } } } } } } return false; } @Override protected String sqlForCountDistinct(EOEntity entity) { NSArray<String> primaryKeyAttributeNames = entity.primaryKeyAttributeNames(); NSMutableArray<String> pkColumnNames = new NSMutableArray<>(primaryKeyAttributeNames.size()); for (String pkAttributeName : primaryKeyAttributeNames) { pkColumnNames.add(quoteColumnName("t0." + entity.attributeNamed(pkAttributeName).columnName())); } return "count(distinct (" + StringUtils.join(pkColumnNames, ", ") + ")) "; } } public static class FirebirdSQLHelper extends ERXSQLHelper { @Override public String externalTypeForJDBCType(JDBCAdaptor adaptor, int jdbcType) { String externalType; if (jdbcType == Types.BOOLEAN) { externalType = "SMALLINT"; } else { externalType = super.externalTypeForJDBCType(adaptor, jdbcType); } return externalType; } @Override protected String sqlForGetNextValFromSequencedNamed(String sequenceName) { return "select Gen_ID(" + sequenceName + ", 1) FROM RDB$Database"; } @Override protected int maximumElementPerInClause(EOEntity entity) { return 1500; } @Override public String limitExpressionForSQL(EOSQLExpression expression, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, String sql, long start, long end) { return sql + " ROWS " + start + " TO " + end; } private static final NSSet reservedWords = new NSSet(new String[] { "active", "password" }); @Override public String quoteColumnName(String columnName){ if (columnName == null) return null; if (columnName.startsWith("\"")) return columnName; if (!reservedWords.contains(columnName)) return columnName; int i = columnName.lastIndexOf("."); if (i == -1) return "\"" + columnName + "\""; return "\"" + columnName.substring(0, i) + "\".\"" + columnName.substring(i + 1, columnName.length()) + "\""; } /** * Creates unique index; stolen from the derby helper * @see ERXSQLHelper#sqlForCreateUniqueIndex(String, String, ColumnIndex...) */ @Override public String sqlForCreateUniqueIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSMutableArray<String> columnNames = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (ColumnIndex columnIndex : columnIndexes) { columnNames.addObject(columnIndex.columnName()); } indexName = indexName.replace('.', '_'); return "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX " + indexName + " ON " + tableName + "(" + columnNames.componentsJoinedByString(",") + ")"; } @Override public String sqlForCreateIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSMutableArray<String> columnNames = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (ColumnIndex columnIndex : columnIndexes) { columnNames.addObject(columnIndex.columnName()); } return "CREATE INDEX " + indexName + " ON " + tableName + "(" + columnNames.componentsJoinedByString(",") + ")"; } } public static class MicrosoftSQLHelper extends ERXSQLHelper { /** * Returns a pattern than matches lines that start with "--". * * @return regex pattern that indicates this line is an SQL comment */ @Override protected Pattern commentPattern() { return Pattern.compile("^--"); } @Override public String externalTypeForJDBCType( JDBCAdaptor adaptor, int type ) { if( type == Types.BLOB ) { return "binary"; } return super.externalTypeForJDBCType( adaptor, type ); } @Override public String limitExpressionForSQL( EOSQLExpression expression, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, String sql, long start, long end ) { if( sql == null || "".equals( sql ) ) { return sql; } String originalSql = sql.toLowerCase(); String orderBy; int indexOfOrderByClause = originalSql.indexOf( " order by " ); if( indexOfOrderByClause > 0) { orderBy = originalSql.substring( indexOfOrderByClause + 1, originalSql.length() ); originalSql = originalSql.substring( 0, indexOfOrderByClause ); } else { String columns = originalSql.substring( originalSql.indexOf( "select " ) + 7, originalSql.indexOf( " from " ) ); orderBy = "order by " + columns.split( "," )[0]; } StringBuilder limitSqlBuilder = new StringBuilder( originalSql ); limitSqlBuilder.insert( 0, "select * from (" ); String rowNumberClause = ", row_number() over (" + orderBy + ") eo_rownum"; limitSqlBuilder.insert( limitSqlBuilder.lastIndexOf( " from " ), rowNumberClause ); limitSqlBuilder.append( ") as temp_row_number where eo_rownum >= " ); limitSqlBuilder.append( start + 1 ); limitSqlBuilder.append( " and eo_rownum < " ); limitSqlBuilder.append( end + 1 ); limitSqlBuilder.append( " order by eo_rownum" ); return limitSqlBuilder.toString(); } @Override public String sqlForCreateUniqueIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSMutableArray<String> columnNames = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (ColumnIndex columnIndex : columnIndexes) { columnNames.addObject(columnIndex.columnName()); } return "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX " + indexName + " ON " + tableName + "(" + columnNames.componentsJoinedByString(",") + ")"; } @Override public String sqlForCreateIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSMutableArray<String> columnNames = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (ColumnIndex columnIndex : columnIndexes) { columnNames.addObject(columnIndex.columnName()); } return "CREATE INDEX " + indexName + " ON " + tableName + "(" + columnNames.componentsJoinedByString(",") + ")"; } } public static class NoSQLHelper extends ERXSQLHelper { @Override public String sqlForCreateIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { return null; } } public static class DB2SQLHelper extends ERXSQLHelper { @Override protected String sqlForSubquery(String subquery, String alias) { return "(" + subquery + ") " + alias; } @Override protected String sqlForGetNextValFromSequencedNamed(String sequenceName) { String sqlString = "select next value for " + sequenceName + " from SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1"; return sqlString; } @Override public String limitExpressionForSQL(EOSQLExpression expression, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, String sql, long start, long end) { // this might work, too, but only if we have an ORDER BY // remove order by clause String orderBy = expression.orderByString(); String innerSql = sql.replace(orderBy, " "); innerSql = innerSql.replace(" ORDER BY ", " "); String rownum = ", row_number() over ( order by " + orderBy + ") eo_rownum" + " FROM "; innerSql = innerSql.replace(" FROM ", rownum); innerSql = innerSql.replaceAll("FETCH FIRST\\W+[0-9]+\\W+ROWS ONLY", " "); // this removes any limit that may be on may want to keep it it does work String limitSQL = "select * from (" + innerSql + ") as inner_select where eo_rownum between " + (start + 1) + " and " + end; return limitSQL; } @Override protected char commandSeparatorChar() { return ';'; } @Override protected String commandSeparatorString() { String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator"); String commandSeparator = lineSeparator + ";" + lineSeparator; return commandSeparator; } @Override public String createIndexSQLForEntities(NSArray<EOEntity> entities, NSArray<String> externalTypesToIgnore) { NSMutableArray<String> db2ExternalTypesToIgnore = new NSMutableArray<>(); if (externalTypesToIgnore != null) { db2ExternalTypesToIgnore.addObjectsFromArray(externalTypesToIgnore); } db2ExternalTypesToIgnore.addObject("BLOB"); db2ExternalTypesToIgnore.addObject("CLOB"); db2ExternalTypesToIgnore.addObject("DBCLOB"); db2ExternalTypesToIgnore.addObject("LONG VARCHAR"); db2ExternalTypesToIgnore.addObject("LONG VARGRAPHIC"); return super.createIndexSQLForEntities(entities, db2ExternalTypesToIgnore); } @Override public String sqlForCreateUniqueIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSMutableArray<String> columnNames = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (ColumnIndex columnIndex : columnIndexes) { columnNames.addObject(columnIndex.columnName()); } return "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX " + indexName + " ON " + tableName + "(" + columnNames.componentsJoinedByString(",") + ")"; } @Override public String sqlForCreateIndex(String indexName, String tableName, ColumnIndex... columnIndexes) { NSMutableArray<String> columnNames = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (ColumnIndex columnIndex : columnIndexes) { columnNames.addObject(columnIndex.columnName()); } return "CREATE INDEX " + indexName + " ON " + tableName + "(" + columnNames.componentsJoinedByString(",") + ")"; } @Override public String migrationTableName() { return "dbupdater"; } @Override public boolean reassignExternalTypeForValueTypeOverride(EOAttribute attribute) { return false; } @Override protected boolean canReliablyPerformDistinctWithSortOrderings() { return false; } /** * For DB2, it seems the right thing to do for varcharLarge is to use a Clob column. * CLOB is limited to 2GB where as VARCHAR is limited to 32672 bytes and a LONG VARCHAR to 32700 */ @Override public int varcharLargeJDBCType() { return Types.CLOB; } } }