package; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import; import; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXRequest; import er.extensions.components.ERXComponent; import er.extensions.components.ERXComponentUtilities; import er.extensions.eof.ERXEC; import er.extensions.eof.ERXEnterpriseObject; import; import; import; import; /** * Generate a URL that points to a particular ERXRouteController route (this is a quicky impl and not totally thought out yet). * * @author mschrag * @binding entityName (optional) the name of the entity to link to * @binding id (optional) the id of the entity to link to * @binding record (optional) the record to link to * @binding action (optional) the rest action to perform (defaults to "show" when an id or record is set, "index" if only an entityName is set) * @binding secure (optional) whether or not to generate a secure url (defaults to the same as the current request) * @binding queryDictionary (optional) additional query parameters dictionary * @binding format (optional) the format to link to (defaults to "html") */ public class ERXRouteURL extends ERXComponent { public ERXRouteURL(WOContext context) { super(context); } @Override public boolean isStateless() { return true; } public Object record() { return valueForBinding("record"); } protected void addQueryParameterForKey(Object value, String key, NSMutableDictionary<String, Object> queryParameters) { if (value instanceof ERXEnterpriseObject) { queryParameters.setObjectForKey(((ERXEnterpriseObject) value).primaryKeyInTransaction(), key); } else if (value != null) { queryParameters.setObjectForKey(value, key); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String linkURL() { String linkUrl; String action = (String) valueForBinding("action"); boolean secure = ERXComponentUtilities.booleanValueForBinding(this, "secure", ERXRequest.isRequestSecure(context().request())); boolean includeSessionID = context().hasSession() && context().session().storesIDsInURLs(); NSMutableDictionary<String, Object> queryParameters = new NSMutableDictionary<>(); for (String bindingKey : bindingKeys()) { if (bindingKey.startsWith("?")) { Object value = valueForBinding(bindingKey); String key = bindingKey.substring(1); if (value != null) { String sessionIdKey = WOApplication.application().sessionIdKey(); if (sessionIdKey.equals(key) && (Boolean.FALSE.equals(value) || "false".equals(value))) { includeSessionID = false; } else { addQueryParameterForKey(value, key, queryParameters); } } } } NSDictionary<String, Object> existingQueryParameters = (NSDictionary<String, Object>) valueForBinding("queryDictionary"); if (existingQueryParameters != null) { for (String key : existingQueryParameters.allKeys()) { Object value = existingQueryParameters.objectForKey(key); addQueryParameterForKey(value, key, queryParameters); } } boolean absolute = booleanValueForBinding("absolute"); if (absolute) { context().generateCompleteURLs(); } String format = stringValueForBinding("format", "html"); Object record = record(); if (record != null) { String entityName = (String) valueForBinding("entityName"); if (entityName == null) { entityName = ERXRestClassDescriptionFactory.entityNameForObject(record); } EOEditingContext editingContext = ERXEC.newEditingContext(); Object entityID = IERXRestDelegate.Factory.delegateForEntityNamed(entityName).primaryKeyForObject(record, new ERXRestContext(editingContext)); editingContext.dispose(); linkUrl = ERXRouteUrlUtils.actionUrlForEntity(context(), entityName, entityID, action, format, queryParameters, secure, includeSessionID); } else { String entityName = (String) valueForBinding("entityName"); String id = (String) valueForBinding("id"); if (entityName != null) { if (id != null) { linkUrl = ERXRouteUrlUtils.actionUrlForEntity(context(), entityName, id, action, format, queryParameters, secure, includeSessionID); } else { linkUrl = ERXRouteUrlUtils.actionUrlForEntityType(context(), entityName, action, format, queryParameters, secure, includeSessionID); } } else { linkUrl = null; } } if (absolute) { context().generateRelativeURLs(); } return linkUrl; } }