package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject; import er.extensions.eof.ERXEC; import er.extensions.eof.ERXKeyFilter; import; import; /** * The ERXRestFormat class encapsulates the details of message formatting. As such it encapsulates the request parser, response formatter, format name and response mime type. * */ public class ERXRestFormat { public static final String HTML_KEY = "html"; public static final String JSON_KEY = "json"; public static final String JS_KEY = "js"; public static final String RAILS_KEY = "rails"; public static final String PLIST_KEY = "plist"; public static final String SPROUTCORE_KEY = "sc"; public static final String XML_KEY = "xml"; public static final String FORM_KEY = "form"; public static final String BINARY_PLIST_KEY = "bplist"; public static final String EMBER_KEY = "ember"; private static Map<String, ERXRestFormat> _formats = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); static { // MS: The whole naming thing is stupid, I know ... we need to separate mime type from extensions from the name ERXRestFormat.registerFormatNamed(new ERXJSONRestParser(), new ERXJSONRestWriter(), new ERXRestFormatDelegate(), ERXRestFormat.JSON_KEY, "application/json"); ERXRestFormat.registerFormatNamed(new ERXJSONRestParser(), new ERXJSONRestWriter(), new ERXRestFormatDelegate(), ERXRestFormat.JS_KEY, "text/js"); ERXRestFormat.registerFormatNamed(new ERXPListRestParser(), new ERXPListRestWriter(), new ERXRestFormatDelegate(), ERXRestFormat.PLIST_KEY, "text/plist"); ERXRestFormat.registerFormatNamed(new ERXBinaryPListRestParser(), new ERXBinaryPListRestWriter(), new ERXRestFormatDelegate(), ERXRestFormat.BINARY_PLIST_KEY, "application/x-plist"); ERXRestFormat.registerFormatNamed(new ERXXmlRestParser(), new ERXXmlRestWriter(), new ERXRestFormatDelegate("id", "type", "nil", true, true, true, true), ERXRestFormat.RAILS_KEY, "application/xml", "text/xml"); ERXRestFormat.registerFormatNamed(new ERXXmlRestParser(), new ERXXmlRestWriter(), new ERXRestFormatDelegate(), ERXRestFormat.XML_KEY, "application/xml", "text/xml"); ERXRestFormat.registerFormatNamed(null, new ERXSimpleRestWriter(), new ERXRestFormatDelegate(), ERXRestFormat.HTML_KEY, "text/html"); ERXRestFormat.registerFormatNamed(new ERXJSONRestParser(), new ERXSproutCoreRestWriter(), new ERXRestFormatDelegate("guid", "type", "nil", true, true, false, false), ERXRestFormat.SPROUTCORE_KEY, "application/sc"); ERXRestFormat.registerFormatNamed(new ERXFormRestParser(), new ERXJSONRestWriter(), new ERXRestFormatDelegate(), ERXRestFormat.FORM_KEY, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); ERXRestFormat.registerFormatNamed(new ERXEmberRestParser(), new ERXEmberRestWriter(), new ERXEmberFormatDelegate("id", "type", "nil", true, true, false, false), ERXRestFormat.EMBER_KEY, "application/json"); } private final String _name; private final IERXRestParser _parser; private final IERXRestWriter _writer; private final ERXRestFormat.Delegate _delegate; /** * Returns the registered html form format. * * @return the registered html form format */ public static ERXRestFormat form() { return formatNamed(ERXRestFormat.FORM_KEY); } /** * Returns the registered html format. * * @return the registered html format */ public static ERXRestFormat html() { return formatNamed(ERXRestFormat.HTML_KEY); } /** * Returns the registered json format. * * @return the registered json format */ public static ERXRestFormat json() { return formatNamed(ERXRestFormat.JSON_KEY); } /** * Returns the registered plist format. * * @return the registered plist format */ public static ERXRestFormat plist() { return formatNamed(ERXRestFormat.PLIST_KEY); } /** * Returns the registered xml format. * * @return the registered xml format */ public static ERXRestFormat xml() { return formatNamed(ERXRestFormat.XML_KEY); } /** * Returns the registered plist format. * * @return the registered plist format */ public static ERXRestFormat bplist() { return formatNamed(ERXRestFormat.BINARY_PLIST_KEY); } /** * Constructs a new ERXRestFormat. * * @param name the name of the format * @param parser the parser * @param writer the writer * @param delegate the delegate to use while parsing and writing */ public ERXRestFormat(String name, IERXRestParser parser, IERXRestWriter writer, ERXRestFormat.Delegate delegate) { _name = name; _parser = parser; _writer = writer; _delegate = delegate; } /** * Returns the name of this format. * * @return the name of this format */ public String name() { return _name; } public IERXRestParser parser() { return _parser; } public IERXRestWriter writer() { return _writer; } public ERXRestFormat.Delegate delegate() { return _delegate; } /** * Returns a parsed ERXRestRequestNode using this format's parser. * * @param str the string to parse * @return the parsed request node */ public ERXRestRequestNode parse(String str) { EOEditingContext editingContext = ERXEC.newEditingContext(); try { ERXRestRequestNode node = parse(str, new ERXRestContext(editingContext)); return node; } finally { editingContext.dispose(); } } /** * Returns a parsed ERXRestRequestNode using this format's parser. * * @param str the string to parse * @param context the REST context * @return the parsed request node */ public ERXRestRequestNode parse(String str, ERXRestContext context) { return parser().parseRestRequest(new ERXStringRestRequest(str), _delegate, context); } /** * Returns a parsed ERXRestRequestNode using this format's parser. * * @param request the request * @param context the REST context * @return the parsed request node */ public ERXRestRequestNode parse(IERXRestRequest request, ERXRestContext context) { return parser().parseRestRequest(request, _delegate, context); } /** * Returns the formatted version of the given object using a recursive "All" filter and the default rest delegate. * * @param obj the object to render * @return obj rendered using this format */ public String toString(Object obj) { EOEditingContext editingContext = (obj instanceof EOEnterpriseObject) ? ((EOEnterpriseObject)obj).editingContext() : null; return toString(obj, new ERXRestContext(editingContext)); } /** * Returns the formatted version of the given object using a recursive "All" filter. * * @param obj the object to render * @param filter the filter to apply to the object * @return obj rendered using this format */ public String toString(Object obj, ERXKeyFilter filter) { EOEditingContext editingContext = (obj instanceof EOEnterpriseObject) ? ((EOEnterpriseObject)obj).editingContext() : null; return toString(obj, filter, new ERXRestContext(editingContext)); } /** * Returns the formatted version of the given object using a recursive "All" filter. * * @param obj the object to render * @param context the REST context * @return obj rendered using this format */ public String toString(Object obj, ERXRestContext context) { return toString(obj, ERXKeyFilter.filterWithAllRecursive(), context); } /** * Returns the formatted version of the given object. * * @param obj the object to render * @param filter the filter to apply to the object * @param context the REST context * @return obj rendered using this format */ public String toString(Object obj, ERXKeyFilter filter, ERXRestContext context) { return ERXRestRequestNode.requestNodeWithObjectAndFilter(obj, filter, context).toString(writer(), delegate(), context); } /** * Returns the formatted version of the given list. * * @param classDescription the class description for the elements of the list * @param list the list * @param filter the filter * @param context the REST context * @return list rendered using this format */ public String toString(EOClassDescription classDescription, List<?> list, ERXKeyFilter filter, ERXRestContext context) { return ERXRestRequestNode.requestNodeWithObjectAndFilter(classDescription, list, filter, context).toString(writer(), delegate(), context); } @Override public String toString() { return "[ERXRestFormat: " + _name + "]"; } /** * Returns true if there is a format registered with the given name. * * @param name the name to lookup * @return true if there is a format registered with the given name */ public static boolean hasFormatNamed(String name) { return name != null && _formats.containsKey(name.toLowerCase()); } public static ERXRestFormat formatNamed(String name) { ERXRestFormat format = _formats.get(name.toLowerCase()); if (format == null) { format = new ERXRestFormat(name, null, null, new ERXRestFormat.NoOpDelegate()); } return format; } public static ERXRestFormat registerFormatNamed(IERXRestParser parser, IERXRestWriter writer, ERXRestFormat.Delegate delegate, String... names) { ERXRestFormat format = new ERXRestFormat(names[0], parser, writer, delegate); for (String name : names) { ERXRestFormat.registerFormatNamed(format, name); } return format; } public static ERXRestFormat registerFormatNamed(ERXRestFormat format, String name) { _formats.put(name.toLowerCase(), format); return format; } /** * An ERXRestFormat.Delegate is one component of an ERXRestFormat and is used to customize an ERXRequestNode * after parsing in the context of reading a request or before writing in the context of a response generation. */ public static interface Delegate { public void nodeDidParse(ERXRestRequestNode node); public void nodeWillWrite(ERXRestRequestNode node); } public static class NoOpDelegate implements Delegate { public void nodeDidParse(ERXRestRequestNode node) { // DO NOTHING } public void nodeWillWrite(ERXRestRequestNode node) { // DO NOTHING } } }