package er.extensions.eof; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOSession; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStore; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStoreCoordinator; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSharedEditingContext; import; import; import; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXSession; import; import; /** * This class implements EOF stack pooling including EOF stack synchronizing. * It provides a special ERXEC.Factory in order to work without any changes in existing * applications. The number of EOObjectStoreCoordinators can be set with the * system Property <code>er.extensions.ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool.maxCoordinators</code>. * Each Session will become one EOObjectStoreCoordinator and the method * <code>newEditingContext</code> will always return an <code>EOEditingContext</code> * with the same <code>EOObjectStoreCoordinator</code> for the same <code>WOSession</code>. * This first release uses round-robin pooling, future versions might use better algorithms * to decide which <code>EOObjectStoreCoordinator</code> will be used for the next new * <code>WOSession</code>.<br>The code is tested in a heavy multithreaded application * and afawk no deadlock occures, neither in EOF nor directly in Java. * * @author David Teran, Frank Caputo @ cluster9 */ public class ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool.class); private static final String THREAD_OSC_KEY = "er.extensions.ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool.threadOSC"; private Map<String, EOObjectStore> _oscForSession; private int _maxObjectStoreCoordinators; private int _currentObjectStoreIndex; private List<EOObjectStoreCoordinator> _objectStores; private List<EOSharedEditingContext> _sharedEditingContexts; private Object _lock = new Object(); private static ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool _sharedObjectStoreCoordinatorPool; public static ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool _pool() { return _sharedObjectStoreCoordinatorPool; } /** * Calls initialize() if the required system properties exist. * */ public static void initializeIfNecessary() { if (ERXProperties.stringForKey("er.extensions.ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool.maxCoordinators") != null) { ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool.initialize(); } } /** * Creates the singleton and registers the multi factory. */ public static void initialize() { if(_sharedObjectStoreCoordinatorPool == null) { ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorSynchronizer.initialize(); _sharedObjectStoreCoordinatorPool = new ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool(ERXProperties.intForKey("er.extensions.ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool.maxCoordinators"));"setting ERXEC.factory to MultiOSCFactory"); ERXEC.setFactory(new MultiOSCFactory(_sharedObjectStoreCoordinatorPool, ERXEC._factory())); } } /** * Creates a new ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool. This object is a singleton. * This object is responsible to provide EOObjectStoreCoordinators * based on the current Threads' session. * It is used by MultiOSCFactory to get a rootObjectStore if the * MultiOSCFactory is asked for a new EOEditingContext. */ public ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool(int maxObjectStoreCoordinators) { _maxObjectStoreCoordinators = maxObjectStoreCoordinators; if (_maxObjectStoreCoordinators == 0) { //this should work like the default implementation log.warn("Registering the pool with only one coordinator doesn't make a lot of sense."); _maxObjectStoreCoordinators = 1; } _oscForSession = new HashMap<>(); NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(this, new NSSelector/*<Void>*/("sessionDidCreate", ERXConstant.NotificationClassArray), WOSession.SessionDidCreateNotification, null); NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(this, new NSSelector/*<Void>*/("sessionDidTimeout", ERXConstant.NotificationClassArray), WOSession.SessionDidTimeOutNotification, null); } /** * checks if the new Session has already a EOObjectStoreCoordinator assigned, * if not it assigns a EOObjectStoreCoordinator to the session. * @param n {@link WOSession#SessionDidCreateNotification} */ public void sessionDidCreate(NSNotification n) { WOSession s = (WOSession) n.object(); if (_oscForSession.get(s.sessionID()) == null) { _oscForSession.put(s.sessionID(), currentThreadObjectStore()); } } /** Removes the timed out session from the internal array. * session. * @param n {@link WOSession#SessionDidTimeOutNotification} */ public void sessionDidTimeout(NSNotification n) { String sessionID = (String) n.object(); _oscForSession.remove(sessionID); } /** * @return the sessionID from the session stored in ERXThreadStorage. */ protected String sessionID() { return ERXSession.currentSessionID(); } /** * returns the session related EOObjectStoreCoordinator. * If session is null then it returns the nextObjectStore. * This method is used to create new EOEditingContexts with the MultiOSCFactory * @return an EOEditingContext */ public EOObjectStore currentRootObjectStore() { String sessionID = sessionID(); EOObjectStore os = null; if (sessionID != null) { os = _oscForSession.get(sessionID); if (os == null) { os = currentThreadObjectStore(); _oscForSession.put(sessionID, os); } } else { os = currentThreadObjectStore(); } return os; } /** * Returns the object store for the current thread (or requests one and sets it if there isn't one). * * @return the object store for the current thread */ protected EOObjectStore currentThreadObjectStore() { EOObjectStore os = (EOObjectStore) ERXThreadStorage.valueForKey(ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool.THREAD_OSC_KEY); if (os == null) { os = nextObjectStore(); if (os != null) { ERXThreadStorage.takeValueForKey(os, ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool.THREAD_OSC_KEY); } } return os; } /** * Lazy initialises the objectStores and then returns the next one, * this is based on round robin. * @return the next EOObjectStore based on round robin */ public EOObjectStore nextObjectStore() { synchronized (_lock) { if (_objectStores == null) { _initObjectStores(); } if (_currentObjectStoreIndex == _maxObjectStoreCoordinators) { _currentObjectStoreIndex = 0; } EOObjectStore os = _objectStores.get(_currentObjectStoreIndex++); return os; } } public EOSharedEditingContext sharedEditingContextForObjectStore(EOObjectStore os) { int index = _objectStores.indexOf(os); EOSharedEditingContext ec = null; if (index >= 0) { ec = _sharedEditingContexts.get(index); } return ec; } /** * This class uses different EOF stack when creating new EOEditingContexts. */ public static class MultiOSCFactory implements ERXEC.Factory { private ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool _pool; private boolean _useSharedEditingContext; private ERXEC.Factory _backingFactory; public MultiOSCFactory(ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool pool, ERXEC.Factory backingFactory) { _pool = pool; _backingFactory = backingFactory; _useSharedEditingContext = ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("er.extensions.ERXEC.useSharedEditingContext", true); } public Object defaultEditingContextDelegate() { return _backingFactory.defaultEditingContextDelegate(); } public void setDefaultEditingContextDelegate(Object delegate) { _backingFactory.setDefaultEditingContextDelegate(delegate); } public Object defaultNoValidationDelegate() { return _backingFactory.defaultNoValidationDelegate(); } public void setDefaultNoValidationDelegate(Object delegate) { _backingFactory.setDefaultNoValidationDelegate(delegate); } public void setDefaultDelegateOnEditingContext(EOEditingContext ec) { _backingFactory.setDefaultDelegateOnEditingContext(ec); } public void setDefaultDelegateOnEditingContext(EOEditingContext ec, boolean validation) { _backingFactory.setDefaultDelegateOnEditingContext(ec, validation); } public EOEditingContext _newEditingContext(EOObjectStore objectStore) { return _backingFactory._newEditingContext(objectStore); } public EOEditingContext _newEditingContext(EOObjectStore objectStore, boolean validationEnabled) { return _backingFactory._newEditingContext(objectStore, validationEnabled); } public EOEditingContext _newEditingContext() { return _newEditingContext(true); } public EOEditingContext _newEditingContext(boolean validationEnabled) { EOObjectStore os = _pool.currentRootObjectStore(); EOEditingContext ec = _newEditingContext(os, validationEnabled); ec.lock(); try { EOSharedEditingContext sec = (useSharedEditingContext()) ? _pool.sharedEditingContextForObjectStore(os) : null; ec.setSharedEditingContext(sec); } finally { ec.unlock(); } return ec; } public boolean useSharedEditingContext() { if (_backingFactory instanceof ERXEC.DefaultFactory) { return ((ERXEC.DefaultFactory)_backingFactory).useSharedEditingContext(); } return _useSharedEditingContext; } public void setUseSharedEditingContext(boolean value) { if (_backingFactory instanceof ERXEC.DefaultFactory) { ((ERXEC.DefaultFactory)_backingFactory).setUseSharedEditingContext(value); } _useSharedEditingContext = value; } } private void _initObjectStores() {"initializing Pool..."); _objectStores = new ArrayList<>(_maxObjectStoreCoordinators); _sharedEditingContexts = new ArrayList<>(_maxObjectStoreCoordinators); String className = ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault("EOSharedEditingContext.defaultSharedEditingContextClassName", EOSharedEditingContext.class.getName()); //should really be "...defaultDefault..." try { Constructor<? extends EOSharedEditingContext> sharedEditingContextConstructor = Class.forName(className).asSubclass(EOSharedEditingContext.class).getConstructor(EOObjectStore.class); for (int i = 0; i < _maxObjectStoreCoordinators; i++) { EOObjectStoreCoordinator os = ERXObjectStoreCoordinator.create(); _objectStores.add(os); _sharedEditingContexts.add(sharedEditingContextConstructor.newInstance(os)); } if(_maxObjectStoreCoordinators > 0) { EOObjectStoreCoordinator.setDefaultCoordinator(_objectStores.get(0)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to create defaultSharedEditingContext with className = " + className, e); }"initializing Pool finished"); } }