package ognl.helperfunction; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOElement; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOBundle; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOComponentDefinition; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOComponentReference; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WODeclaration; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WODynamicGroup; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOGenerationSupport; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOHTMLBareString; import; import; import; import; import; public class WOHTMLWebObjectTag { private String _name; private WOHTMLWebObjectTag _parent; private NSMutableArray _children; private void extractName(String s) throws WOHelperFunctionHTMLFormatException { StringTokenizer stringtokenizer = new StringTokenizer(s, "="); if (stringtokenizer.countTokens() != 2) { throw new WOHelperFunctionHTMLFormatException("<WOHTMLWebObjectTag cannot initialize WebObject tag " + s + "> . It has no NAME=... parameter"); } stringtokenizer.nextToken(); String s1 = stringtokenizer.nextToken(); int i = s1.indexOf('"'); if (i != -1) { int j = s1.lastIndexOf('"'); if (j > i) { _name = s1.substring(i + 1, j); } } else { StringTokenizer stringtokenizer1 = new StringTokenizer(s1); _name = stringtokenizer1.nextToken(); } if (_name == null) { throw new WOHelperFunctionHTMLFormatException("<WOHTMLWebObjectTag cannot initialize WebObject tag " + s + "> . Failed parsing NAME parameter"); } } public WOHTMLWebObjectTag() { _name = null; } public WOHTMLWebObjectTag(String s, WOHTMLWebObjectTag wohtmlwebobjecttag) throws WOHelperFunctionHTMLFormatException { _parent = wohtmlwebobjecttag; extractName(s); } public String name() { return _name; } public WOHTMLWebObjectTag parentTag() { return _parent; } public WOElement template() { NSMutableArray nsmutablearray = null; if (_children == null) { return null; } Enumeration enumeration = _children.objectEnumerator(); if (enumeration != null) { nsmutablearray = new NSMutableArray(_children.count()); StringBuilder stringbuffer = new StringBuilder(128); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { Object obj1 = enumeration.nextElement(); if (obj1 instanceof String) { stringbuffer.append((String) obj1); } else { if (stringbuffer.length() > 0) { WOHTMLBareString wohtmlbarestring1 = new WOHTMLBareString(stringbuffer.toString()); nsmutablearray.addObject(wohtmlbarestring1); stringbuffer.setLength(0); } nsmutablearray.addObject(obj1); } } if (stringbuffer.length() > 0) { WOHTMLBareString wohtmlbarestring = new WOHTMLBareString(stringbuffer.toString()); stringbuffer.setLength(0); nsmutablearray.addObject(wohtmlbarestring); } } WOElement obj = null; if (nsmutablearray != null && nsmutablearray.count() == 1) { Object obj2 = nsmutablearray.objectAtIndex(0); if (obj2 instanceof WOComponentReference) { obj = new WODynamicGroup(_name, null, (WOElement) obj2); } else { obj = (WOElement) obj2; } } else { obj = new WODynamicGroup(_name, null, nsmutablearray); } return obj; } public void addChildElement(Object obj) { if (_children == null) { _children = new NSMutableArray(); } _children.addObject(obj); } public WOElement dynamicElement(NSDictionary nsdictionary, NSArray nsarray) throws WOHelperFunctionDeclarationFormatException, ClassNotFoundException { String s = name(); WOElement woelement = template(); WODeclaration wodeclaration = (WODeclaration) nsdictionary.objectForKey(s); return _elementWithDeclaration(wodeclaration, s, woelement, nsarray); } private static WOElement _componentReferenceWithClassNameDeclarationAndTemplate(String s, WODeclaration wodeclaration, WOElement woelement, NSArray nsarray) throws ClassNotFoundException { WOComponentReference wocomponentreference = null; WOComponentDefinition wocomponentdefinition = WOApplication.application()._componentDefinition(s, nsarray); if (wocomponentdefinition != null) { NSDictionary nsdictionary = wodeclaration.associations(); wocomponentreference = wocomponentdefinition.componentReferenceWithAssociations(nsdictionary, woelement); } else { throw new ClassNotFoundException("Cannot find class or component named \'" + s + "\" in runtime or in a loadable bundle"); } return wocomponentreference; } private static WOElement _elementWithClass(Class class1, WODeclaration wodeclaration, WOElement woelement) { WOElement woelement1 = WOApplication.application().dynamicElementWithName(class1.getName(), wodeclaration.associations(), woelement, null); if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(3, 8388608L)) { NSLog.debug.appendln("<WOHTMLWebObjectTag> Created Dynamic Element with name :" + class1.getName()); NSLog.debug.appendln("Declaration : " + wodeclaration); NSLog.debug.appendln("Element : " + woelement1.toString()); } return woelement1; } private static WOElement _elementWithDeclaration(WODeclaration wodeclaration, String s, WOElement woelement, NSArray nsarray) throws ClassNotFoundException, WOHelperFunctionDeclarationFormatException { WOElement woelement1 = null; if (wodeclaration != null) { String s1 = wodeclaration.type(); if (s1 != null) { if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(3, 8388608L)) { NSLog.debug.appendln("<WOHTMLWebObjectTag> will look for " + s1 + " in the java runtime."); } Class class1 = _NSUtilities.classWithName(s1); if (class1 == null) { if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(3, 8388608L)) { NSLog.debug.appendln("<WOHTMLWebObjectTag> will look for com.webobjects.appserver._private." + s1 + " ."); } class1 = WOBundle.lookForClassInAllBundles(s1); if (class1 == null) { NSLog.err.appendln("WOBundle.lookForClassInAllBundles(" + s1 + ") failed!"); } else if (!(com.webobjects.appserver.WODynamicElement.class).isAssignableFrom(class1)) { class1 = null; } } if (class1 != null) { if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(3, 8388608L)) { NSLog.debug.appendln("<WOHTMLWebObjectTag> Will initialize object of class " + s1); } if ((com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent.class).isAssignableFrom(class1)) { if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(3, 8388608L)) { NSLog.debug.appendln("<WOHTMLWebObjectTag> will look for " + s1 + " in the Compiled Components."); } woelement1 = _componentReferenceWithClassNameDeclarationAndTemplate(s1, wodeclaration, woelement, nsarray); } else { woelement1 = _elementWithClass(class1, wodeclaration, woelement); } } else { if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(3, 8388608L)) { NSLog.debug.appendln("<WOHTMLWebObjectTag> will look for " + s1 + " in the Frameworks."); } woelement1 = _componentReferenceWithClassNameDeclarationAndTemplate(s1, wodeclaration, woelement, nsarray); } } else { throw new WOHelperFunctionDeclarationFormatException("<WOHTMLWebObjectTag> declaration object for dynamic element (or component) named " + s + "has no class name."); } } else { throw new WOHelperFunctionDeclarationFormatException("<WOHTMLTemplateParser> no declaration for dynamic element (or component) named " + s); } WOGenerationSupport.insertInElementsTableWithName(woelement1, s, wodeclaration.associations()); return woelement1; } }