package org.myrobotlab.service; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.myrobotlab.codec.CodecUtils; import org.myrobotlab.framework.Platform; import org.myrobotlab.framework.Service; import org.myrobotlab.framework.ServiceType; import org.myrobotlab.framework.Status; import org.myrobotlab.framework.repo.GitHub; import org.myrobotlab.framework.repo.ServiceData; import; import; import org.myrobotlab.logging.Level; import org.myrobotlab.logging.LoggerFactory; import org.myrobotlab.logging.Logging; import org.myrobotlab.logging.LoggingFactory; import org.myrobotlab.service.interfaces.ServiceInterface; import org.myrobotlab.service.interfaces.StatusListener; import org.slf4j.Logger; /** * Minimal dependency service for rigorous testing * * @author GroG * * TODO - grab and report all missing Service Pages & all missing Python * scripts ! * * TODO - install create start stop release test TODO - serialization * json + native test TODO - run Python & JavaScript tests - last method * appended is a callback * */ public class Test extends Service implements StatusListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Test.class); // state information Date now = new Date(); transient Set<Thread> threads = null; transient Set<File> files = new HashSet<File>(); // python ArrayList<String> neededPythonScripts = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> pythonScriptsWithNoServiceType = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> failedPythonScripts = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> passedPythonScripts = new ArrayList<String>(); HashSet<String> skippedPythonScript = new HashSet<String>(); // thread blocking // transient Object lock = new Object(); transient StatusLock lock = new StatusLock(); List<Status> status = new ArrayList<Status>(); transient TreeMap<String, String> pythonScripts = null; transient LinkedBlockingQueue<Object> data = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Object>(); TestMatrix matrix = new TestMatrix(); public static class Progress implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; String currentActivity; int percentDone; public int testsDone; public int errors; public int errorPercentage; public int successes; public int successPercentage; public int totalTests; public void process(Status status) { testsDone++; percentDone = testsDone * 100 / totalTests; if (status.isError()) { errors++; errorPercentage = errors * 100 / testsDone; } else { successes++; successPercentage = successes * 100 / testsDone; } } } public static class TestMatrix implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; Progress currentProgress = new Progress(); Date lastTestDt; long lastTestDurationMs; long totalDuration; public boolean isRunning = false; /** * this will be important when we start posting test matrices from different * platforms */ Platform platform = Platform.getLocalInstance(); HashSet<String> testsToRun = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<String> servicesToTest = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<String> services = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, TestResults> results = new TreeMap<String, TestResults>(); } public static class TestResults implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; String fullTypeName; String simpleName; ServiceType type; TreeMap<String, TestResult> results = new TreeMap<String, TestResult>(); } public static class TestResult implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; String test; long startTime; long endTime; Status status; public String link; public TestResult(String testName) { this.test = testName; = testName; this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } public static class StatusLock { public Status status; } public static void logThreadNames() { Set<Thread> threads = Runtime.getThreads(); String[] tn = new String[threads.size()]; int x = 0; for (Thread thread : threads) { tn[x] = thread.getName(); ++x; } Arrays.sort(tn); // log.warn(CodecUtils.toJson(tn)); /* * for (int i = 0; i < t.length; ++i){ log.warn(t[i]); } */ } public Progress publishProgress(Progress progress) { return progress; } public void startService() { super.startService(); createTestPlan(); } TestMatrix createTestPlan() { ServiceData serviceData = ServiceData.getLocalInstance(); ArrayList<ServiceType> types = serviceData.getServiceTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); ++i) { ServiceType type = types.get(i); TestResults results = new TestResults(); String n = type.getName(); results.fullTypeName = type.getName(); results.simpleName = n.substring(n.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); results.type = type; matrix.results.put(results.simpleName, results); matrix.servicesToTest.add(results.simpleName);; } broadcastState(); return matrix; } /* * careful with using other services - as they incur dependencies * * public Status pythonTest() { Python python = (Python) * Runtime.start("python", "Python"); Serial uart99 = (Serial) * Runtime.start("uart99", "Serial"); // take inventory of currently running * services HashSet<String> keepMeRunning = new HashSet<String>(); * * VirtualSerialPort.createNullModemCable("UART99", "COM12"); * * List<ServiceInterface> list = Runtime.getServices(); for (int j = 0; j < * list.size(); ++j) { ServiceInterface si = list.get(j); * keepMeRunning.add(si.getName()); } * * String[] serviceTypeNames = Runtime.getInstance().getServiceTypeNames(); * Status status ="subTest"); * * status.add("will test %d services", serviceTypeNames.length)); * * for (int i = 0; i < serviceTypeNames.length; ++i) { String fullName = * serviceTypeNames[i]; String shortName = * fullName.substring(fullName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); * * String py = FileIO.resourceToString(String.format("Python/examples/", * shortName)); * * if (py == null || py.length() == 0) { status.addError( * " does not exist", shortName); } else { uart99.connect("UART99"); * uart99.recordRX(String.format("%s.rx", shortName)); // FIXME // FILENAME // * OVERLOAD python.exec(py); uart99.stopRecording(); // check rx file against * saved data } * * // get python errors ! * * // clean services Runtime.releaseAllServicesExcept(keepMeRunning); } * * return null; * * } */ /* * * public void testPythonScripts() { try { * * Python python = (Python) Runtime.start("python", "Python"); // String * script; ArrayList<File> list = * FileIO.listInternalContents("/resource/Python/examples"); * * Runtime.createAndStart("gui", "GUIService"); python = (Python) * startPeer("python"); // InMoov i01 = (InMoov) Runtime.createAndStart("i01", * "InMoov"); * * HashSet<String> keepMeRunning = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("i01", * "gui", "runtime", "python", getName())); * * for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { String r = list.get(i).getName(); * if (r.startsWith("InMoov2")) { warn("testing script %s", r); String script * = FileIO.resourceToString(String.format("Python/examples/%s", r)); * python.exec(script);"here"); // i01.detach(); * Runtime.releaseAllServicesExcept(keepMeRunning); } } * * } catch (Exception e) { Logging.logException(e); } } * * public void testInMoovPythonScripts() { try { * * Python python = (Python) Runtime.start("python", "Python"); // String * script; ArrayList<File> list = * FileIO.listInternalContents("/resource/Python/examples"); * * Runtime.createAndStart("gui", "GUIService"); python = (Python) * startPeer("python"); // InMoov i01 = (InMoov) Runtime.createAndStart("i01", * "InMoov"); * * HashSet<String> keepMeRunning = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("i01", * "gui", "runtime", "python", getName())); * * for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { String r = list.get(i).getName(); * if (r.startsWith("InMoov2")) { warn("testing script %s", r); String script * = FileIO.resourceToString(String.format("Python/examples/%s", r)); * python.exec(script);"here"); // i01.detach(); * Runtime.releaseAllServicesExcept(keepMeRunning); } } * * } catch (Exception e) { Logging.logException(e); } } */ // very good - dynamicly subscribing to other service's // published errors // step 1 subscribe to runtimes registered event // step 2 in any registered - // step 3 - fix up - so that state is handled (not just "error") public Test(String n) { super(n); } /* * public Status junit(){ * * * Status status ="starting %s %s junit", getName(), getType()); * File buildFile = new File("build.xml"); Project p = new Project(); * p.setUserProperty("ant.file", buildFile.getAbsolutePath()); p.init(); * ProjectHelper helper = ProjectHelper.getProjectHelper(); * p.addReference("ant.projectHelper", helper); helper.parse(p, buildFile); * p.executeTarget(p.getDefaultTarget()); * * * } */ public Status arduinoTest() { Status status ="testing arduino"); Runtime.start("arduino", "Arduino"); return status; } public void exit(List<Status> status) { try { // check against current state for // NOT NEEDED Regular save file - since Agent is process.waitFor // FIXME - append states to file FileIO.savePartFile(new File("test.json"), CodecUtils.toJson(status).getBytes()); // Runtime.releaseAll(); // TODO - should be all clean - if not someone left threads open - // report them // big hammer } catch (Exception e) { Logging.logError(e); } System.exit(0); } /** * used to get state of the current service and runtime - so that the * environment and final system can be cleaned to an original "base" state */ public void getState() { try { threads = Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet(); List<File> f = FindFile.find("libraries", ".*"); for (int i = 0; i < f.size(); ++i) { files.add(f.get(i)); } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.logError(e); } } /** * call-back from service under testing to route errors to this service... */ public void onError(String errorMsg) { if (status != null) { status.add(Status.error(errorMsg)); } } public void registered(ServiceInterface sw) { subscribe(sw.getName(), "publishError"); } ArrayList<String> serializationTestFailures = new ArrayList<String>(); // TODO - do all forms of serialization - binary json xml public Status serializeTest(ServiceInterface s) {"serializeTest {}", s.getName(), s.getSimpleName()); String name = s.getName(); if (name == null) { log.warn("Name was null on serialize test?!?"); } // multiple formats binary json xml // Status status ="serializeTest for %s", name); try { // TODO put in encoder ByteArrayOutputStream fos = null; ObjectOutputStream out = null; fos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); out = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); out.writeObject(s); fos.flush(); out.close(); // json encoding CodecUtils.toJson(s); // TODO JAXB xml - since it comes with java 7 } catch (Exception ex) { // serializationTestFailures return Status.error(ex); } return null; } public Object subscribe(Object inData) {"subscribe has received data");"Test.subscribed received %s", inData)); data.add(inData); return inData; } // FIXME - initially i was trying to control this through an Agent // as it would then be possible to have a 'clean' repo without the // dependencies of the Test(er) mixing with the Tested target // out-of-process testing can be a challenge - even more so through std:io // but with UDP control this should be significantly easier // in the interim we have lots of other testing we can do - junit, scripts, // invoking scripts, service pages .. yatta yatta // test is the main interface to test everything // failures need to be collected & options (like junit) to halt on error // or continue and report /** * need to do a type conversion here... in JS land there is no HashSet * <String> only List & HashMap types * * @param servicesToTest */ public void test(List<String> servicesToTest, List<String> testsToRun) { // clear results ??? matrix.servicesToTest.clear(); matrix.testsToRun.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < servicesToTest.size(); ++i) { matrix.servicesToTest.add(servicesToTest.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < testsToRun.size(); ++i) { matrix.testsToRun.add(testsToRun.get(i)); } // test(); Tester tester = new Tester(this); // TODO: remove or make this do something."Tester: {}", tester); } public static class Tester extends Thread { transient Test test; public Tester(Test test) { super("tester"); this.test = test; start(); } public void run() { test.test(); } } synchronized public void test() { matrix.isRunning = true; // we are started so .. we'll use the big hammer at the end /* * Status status ="========TESTING============="); * "===========INFO TESTING========"); * "TEST Pid = %s", Runtime.getPid())); // big hammer System.exit(0); return * status; */ // do the cross product of // tests to run over services selected // update the matrix accordingly broadcast after every service x test // single method test(getMethod(String name)) // small but powerfull test engine Progress progress = new Progress(); matrix.currentProgress = progress; invoke("publishProgress", progress); int total = matrix.testsToRun.size() * matrix.servicesToTest.size(); progress.totalTests = total; progress.percentDone = 0; progress.currentActivity = String.format("starting %d tests", total); for (String testName : matrix.testsToRun) { for (String name : matrix.servicesToTest) { TestResults results = matrix.results.get(name); String activity = String.format("test %s %s", testName, results.simpleName);; progress.currentActivity = activity; invoke("publishProgress", progress); // Create a new test result to hold the results for this test TestResult result = new TestResult(testName); // load it into the results results.results.put(testName, result); // do the TEST !! invoke(testName, testName, results); result.endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); progress.process(results.results.get(testName).status); broadcastState(); // admittedly a bit heavy handed activity = String.format("tested %s(%s)", testName, results.simpleName); invoke("publishProgress", progress); } }"here"); } public String[] getAllServiceNames() { ServiceData sd = ServiceData.getLocalInstance(); return sd.getServiceTypeNames(); } /** * The outer level of all tests on a per Service basis Environment is expected * to be prepared correctly by an Agent. This method will test the heck out of * a single service and save the results in a partFile * * @param serviceType * @return */ public List<Status> test(String serviceType) { List<Status> ret = new ArrayList<Status>(); ret.add("==== testing %s ====", serviceType)); try { // install of depencencies and environment is done by // the Agent smith (thompson) ServiceInterface s = null; // create test try { s = Runtime.create(serviceType, serviceType); } catch (Exception e) { ret.add(Status.error(e)); exit(status); } // start test if (s == null) { status.add("could not create %s", serviceType)); exit(status); } // add error route - for call backs subscribe(s.getName(), "publishError", getName(), "onError"); try { s.startService(); // FIXME - s.waitForStart(); // Thread.sleep(500); } catch (Exception e) { status.add(Status.error(e)); exit(status); } status.add(serializeTest(s)); // FIXME - JUNIT TESTS !!!! // status.add(s.test()); - can not do this // logThreadNames(); // assume installed - Agent's job // serialize test // python test // release try { status.add("releasePeers")); if (s.hasPeers()) { s.releasePeers(); } } catch (Exception e) { status.add(Status.error(e)); } try { status.add("releaseService")); s.releaseService(); } catch (Exception e) { status.add(Status.error(e)); }"exiting environment"); } catch (Exception e) { status.add(Status.error(e)); } exit(status); return status; } /** * This static method returns all the details of the class without it having * to be constructed. It has description, categories, dependencies, and peer * definitions. * * @return ServiceType - returns all the data * * FIXME - todo - make junit html report TODO - simple install start * release - check for rogue threads * */ static public ServiceType getMetaData() { ServiceType meta = new ServiceType(Test.class.getCanonicalName()); meta.addDescription("Testing service"); meta.addCategory("testing", "framework"); meta.addPeer("http", "HttpClient", "to interface with Service pages"); meta.addPeer("python", "Python", "python to excercise python scripts"); return meta; } public void startAndReleaseTest(String serviceType) { } public void onFinishedPythonScript(String result) {"DONE !");"onFinishedPythonScript - {}", result); synchronized (lock) { lock.notifyAll(); } } // TODO - load python public TestResults PythonScriptExists(String testName, TestResults test) { TestResult result = test.results.get(testName); try { String name = test.simpleName; String script = GitHub.getPyRobotLabScript(name); String branch = Platform.getLocalInstance().getBranch(); // String url = String.format("", branch, name); = String.format("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", url, result.test); if (script == null) { result.status = Status.error("script not found"); ServiceData sd = ServiceData.getLocalInstance(); ServiceType st = sd.getServiceType(test.fullTypeName); StringBuffer t = new StringBuffer(); t.append("#########################################\n"); t.append(String.format("#\n", name)); t.append(String.format("# description: %s\n", st.getDescription())); t.append(String.format("# categories: %s\n", Arrays.toString(st.categories.toArray(new String[st.categories.size()])))); t.append(String.format("# possibly more info @:\n", name)); t.append("#########################################\n"); t.append("# start the service\n"); String lowercase = name.toLowerCase(); t.append(String.format("%s = Runtime.start(\"%s\",\"%s\")", lowercase, lowercase, name)); FileIO.toFile(new File(String.format("", name)), t.toString().getBytes()); } else { result.status = Status.success(); } } catch (Exception e) { result.status = Status.error(e); } return test; } // TODO - BasicCreateStartStopRelease - over network control public TestResults JunitService(String testName, TestResults test) { TestResult result = test.results.get(testName); try { /* * Suite suite = new Suite(klass, new RunnerBuilder() { ... // Implement * methods }); JUnitCore c = new JUnitCore(); *; */ Class<?> junitTest = Class.forName(String.format("org.myrobotlab.service.%sTest", test.simpleName)); JUnitCore junit = new JUnitCore(); Result junitResult =;"JUnit Result : {}", junitResult); // = String.format("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", url, testName); /* * if (servicePage == null || servicePage.contains("Page not found")) { * result.status = Status.error("script not found"); } else { * result.status = Status.success(); } */ result.status = Status.success(); } catch (Exception e) { result.status = Status.error(e); } return test; } public TestResults ServicePageExists(String testName, TestResults test) { TestResult result = test.results.get(testName); try { HttpClient http = (HttpClient) startPeer("http"); String n = test.simpleName; String url = String.format("", n); String servicePage = http.get(url); = String.format("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", url, testName); if (servicePage == null || servicePage.contains("Page not found")) { result.status = Status.error("script not found"); } else { result.status = Status.success(); } } catch (Exception e) { result.status = Status.error(e); } return test; } public Map<String, String> getPyRobotLabServiceScripts() throws Exception { if (pythonScripts == null) { neededPythonScripts.clear(); pythonScriptsWithNoServiceType.clear(); HashSet<String> serviceTypes = new HashSet<String>(); pythonScripts = new TreeMap<String, String>(); ServiceData sd = ServiceData.getLocalInstance(); List<ServiceType> sts = sd.getServiceTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < sts.size(); ++i) { ServiceType st = sts.get(i); serviceTypes.add(st.getSimpleName()); String script = GitHub.getPyRobotLabScript(st.getSimpleName()); if (script != null) { pythonScripts.put(st.getSimpleName(), script); } else {"{}<br>", st.getSimpleName()); neededPythonScripts.add(String.format("%s<br>", st.getSimpleName())); StringBuffer t = new StringBuffer("# start the service\n"); String lowercase = st.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(); t.append(String.format("%s = Runtime.start(\"%s\",\"%s\")", lowercase, lowercase, st.getSimpleName())); FileIO.toFile(new File(String.format("", st.getSimpleName())), t.toString().getBytes()); } } Set<String> gitHubServiceScripts = GitHub.getServiceScriptNames(); for (String key : gitHubServiceScripts) { String serviceName = key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf(".")); if (!serviceTypes.contains(serviceName)) { pythonScriptsWithNoServiceType.add(key); } }"needed scripts - service type found but no script {}", neededPythonScripts);"remove scripts - script found by no service type {}", pythonScriptsWithNoServiceType); } return pythonScripts; } public List<String> getServicesWithOutServicePages() throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); ServiceData sd = ServiceData.getLocalInstance(); ArrayList<ServiceType> serviceTypes = sd.getServiceTypes(); HttpClient http = (HttpClient) startPeer("http"); for (int i = 0; i < serviceTypes.size(); ++i) { ServiceType serviceType = serviceTypes.get(i); // Status retStatus = // verifyServicePageScript(serviceType.getName()); String n = serviceType.getSimpleName(); String url = String.format("", n); String servicePage = http.get(url); if (servicePage.contains("Page not found")) { log.warn("no service page for {}", n); ret.add(n); } } return ret; } public List<String> getServicesWithOutScripts() { ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); return ret; } /** * Gets all the pyrobotlab/service/scripts and does some basic testing. This * method also finds all script not associated with active services (to be * removed). And all services which do not have scripts (to be added) It runs * in the same process as Python and the expectation is the Agent (with the * help of the Test service) has created an environment where the service to * be tested has all its depedencies * * @throws InterruptedException * * @throws Exception * * FIXME - need to change to testPythonScript(serviceName) .. * because only 1 will be run in a 'clean' environment ... * * FIXME - structured logging back to self to generate report */ public TestResults PythonScriptTest(String testName, TestResults test) throws Exception { // a test will resolve in 3 possible states // 1. complete & success - with onFinish callback called // 2. with an error // 3. with a time out // all three need to be handled Python python = (Python) startPeer("python", "Python"); subscribe(python.getName(), "publishStatus"); TestResult result = test.results.get(testName); try { String script = GitHub.getPyRobotLabScript(test.simpleName); if (script == null) { result.status = Status.error("script does not exist"); return test; } String serviceName = test.simpleName;"TESTING SCRIPT {} - quiet on the set please...", serviceName); /* * if (skippedPythonScript.contains(serviceName)) { * "SKIPPING {} ....", serviceName); continue; } */ // challenge #1 // I would prefer to be in the same // process as python when things are exectuted // therefore "something else" or Test in a different // process needs to execute Test with 'installed' components // challenge #2 execute blocking ? or is there a callback 'from the // script' ? // append exit ? // append test done callback !!! // add callback at the end of script StringBuffer callback = new StringBuffer(); callback.append("\n"); callback.append("sleep(1) # 1 second to cool down"); callback.append("\n\n"); // callback.append("import Test from org.myrobotlab.service"); callback.append(String.format("%s.onFinishedPythonScript('done!')\n", getName())); // by default - python will create a new thread // to execute the script python.exec(script + callback);// , true, true); // script has at maximum 1 minute to return synchronized (lock) { long ts = System.currentTimeMillis(); lock.wait(60000); if (System.currentTimeMillis() - ts >= 60000) { result.status = Status.error("script %s FAILED - took longer than 1 minute!", serviceName); } else { if (lock.status.isError()) { // the callback had error - set the result of the test result.status = lock.status; // reset the lock lock.status = Status.success(); } else {"script {} PASSED !", serviceName); result.status = Status.success(); } } } // max execution time ??? - then error"inspect python errors (syntax) + java errors"); } catch (Exception e) { result.status = Status.error(e); }"TESTING COMPLETED"); return test; } // TODO - subscribe to registered --> generates subscription to // publishState() - filter on Errors // FIXME - FILE COMMUNICATION !!!! public static void main(String[] args) { LoggingFactory.init(Level.INFO); try { Test test = (Test) Runtime.start("test", "Test"); Runtime.start("webgui", "WebGui"); boolean done = true; if (done) { return; } String[] all = test.getAllServiceNames(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < all.length; ++i) { sb.append(String.format("%s\n", all[i])); }"\n{}\n", sb.toString()); List<String> ret = test.getServicesWithOutServicePages(); for (String s : ret) {; } // Runtime.start("cli", "Cli"); Agent agent = (Agent) Runtime.start("agent", "Agent"); String[] cmdline = new String[] { "-fromAgent", "-service", "guiservice", "GUIService" }; agent.spawn(cmdline); // requirements: // run all junit tests // clear repo // install all dependencies // run python // load test // queue speed test // "use Agent's spawn"??? // Repo repo = Repo.getLocalInstance(); // repo.clearRepo(); // dirty clean :) // repo.clearLibraries(); // repo.clearServiceData(); // repo.install(serviceType); /* * * Test test = (Test) Runtime.start("test", "Test"); * test.getPyRobotLabServiceScripts(); test.getState(); * test.testPythonScripts();"here"); * */"here"); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.logError(e); } } @Override public void onStatus(Status status) { synchronized (lock) { lock.status = status; lock.notifyAll(); } } }