package org.myrobotlab.service; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.myrobotlab.cmdline.CmdLine; import org.myrobotlab.codec.CodecJson; import org.myrobotlab.codec.CodecUtils; import org.myrobotlab.framework.Platform; import org.myrobotlab.framework.ProcessData; import org.myrobotlab.framework.Service; import org.myrobotlab.framework.ServiceType; import org.myrobotlab.framework.Status; import org.myrobotlab.framework.repo.GitHub; import org.myrobotlab.framework.repo.Repo; import org.myrobotlab.framework.repo.ServiceData; import; import org.myrobotlab.logging.LoggerFactory; import org.myrobotlab.logging.Logging; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import; /** * @author GroG * * Agent is responsible for processes in the same way Runtime is * responsible for Services. * * List of responsibilities: * * Start an MyRobotLab process with the needed command line parameters. * This includes classpath /libraries/jar/* and * java.jni/jna.home=/libraries/native * * Memory xms xmx should be adjusted if necessary * * Pass command line parameters to new instance or MyRobotLab * * Manage testing * * Several modes exist - normal = set env and keep process in map, with * re-directed stdin stdout & stderr streams envOnly = set the correct * environment then terminate * * * default is start a new process with relayed cmdline and redirect * stdin stout & stderr streams, terminate if no subprocesses exist * * =================================================================== * * References : * * * * possible small wrappers mac / linux / windows * http://mypomodoro.googlecode * .com/svn-history/r89/trunk/src/main/java/org * /mypomodoro/util/ * * * http://stackoverflow * .com/questions/3468987/executing-another-application-from-java * * * TODO - ARMV 6 7 8 ??? - * - lscpu * * Architecture: armv7l Byte Order: Little Endian CPU(s): 4 On-line * CPU(s) list: 0-3 Thread(s) per core: 1 Core(s) per socket: 1 * Socket(s): 4 * * * TODO - soft floating point vs hard floating point readelf -A * /proc/self/exe | grep Tag_ABI_VFP_args soft = nothing hard = * Tag_ABI_VFP_args: VFP registers * * PACKAGING jsmooth - windows only javafx - 1.76u - more dependencies ? * * alternatives-for-jsmooth-launch4j-onejar * * TODO classpath order - for quick bleeding edge updates? rsync * exploded classpath * * TODO - check for Java 1.7 or > addShutdownHook check for network * connectivity TODO - proxy -Dhttp.proxyHost=webproxy * -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttps.proxyHost=webproxy -Dhttps.proxyPort=80 * -Dhttp.proxyUserName="myusername" -Dhttp.proxyPassword="mypassword" * * TODO? how to get vm args http:* * * -vm-arguments-from-inside-of-java-application http:* * http:* * * /questions/9911686/getresource-some-jar-returns-null-although * -some-jar-exists-in-geturls RuntimeMXBean runtimeMxBean = * ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean(); List<String> arguments = * runtimeMxBean.getInputArguments(); * * TODO - on java -jar myrobotlab.jar | make a copy if agent.jar does * not exist.. if it does then spawn the Agent there ... it would make * upgrading myrobotlab.jar "trivial" !!! * * TO TEST - -agent "-test -logLevel WARN" */ public class Agent extends Service { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Agent.class); static HashSet<String> dependencies = new HashSet<String>(); static HashMap<Integer, ProcessData> processes = new HashMap<Integer, ProcessData>(); static List<String> agentJVMArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); static transient SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd:HH:mm:ss"); static Platform platform = Platform.getLocalInstance(); static CmdLine runtimeArgs; static String currentBranch = platform.getBranch(); static String currentVersion = platform.getVersion(); // FIXME - all update functionality will need to be moved to Runtime // it should take parameters such that it will be possible at some point to // do an update // from a child process & update the agent :) static HashSet<String> possibleVersions = new HashSet<String>(); // String lastBranch = null; // WebGui webAdmin = null; can't have a peer untile nettosphere is part of // base build // boolean updateRestartProcesses = false; static String updateUrl = ""; static String jarUrlTemplate = ""; static String versionUrlTemplate = ""; static String versionsListUrlTemplate = ""; static boolean checkRemoteVersions = false; static String latestRemote; static Agent agent; public Agent(String n) { super(n);"Agent {} Pid {} is alive", n, Runtime.getPid()); agentJVMArgs = Runtime.getJVMArgs(); if (currentBranch == null) { currentBranch = platform.getBranch(); } if (currentVersion == null) { currentVersion = platform.getVersion(); } // add my branch // possibleBranches.add(agentBranch); if (checkRemoteVersions) { // TODO - turn into asynchronous call // so no connection will not lead to an irritating 'wait' timeout getRemoteBranches(); } setBranch(currentBranch); agent = this; } // revert ! only 1 global autoUpdate - all processes - not Agent (yet) static public void autoUpdate(boolean b) { if (agent != null) { String name = String.format("%s.timer.processUpdates", agent.getName()); if (b) { agent.addTask(name, 1000 * 60, "processUpdates"); } else { agent.purgeTask(name); } } } static public void startWebGui() { try { // no reference at all to WebGui // look ma no reference ! WebGui webgui = (WebGui) Runtime.create("webAdmin", "WebGui"); // send("webAdmin", "setPort", 8887); webgui.setPort(8887); Runtime.start("webAdmin", "WebGui"); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.logError(e); } } /** * checks the current branch looks if the verstion.txt has been changed * * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws URISyntaxException */ static synchronized public void processUpdates() throws IOException, URISyntaxException, InterruptedException { String remoteVersion = getLatestRemoteVersion(currentBranch); if (remoteVersion == null) { log.error("checkForUpdates %s is null", currentBranch); } else {"found remote version {}", remoteVersion); File checkIfWeHaveJar = new File(String.format("%s/myrobotlab.%s.jar", currentBranch, remoteVersion)); if (!checkIfWeHaveJar.exists()) {"downloading remote version {}", remoteVersion); downloadLatest(currentBranch); } for (Integer key : processes.keySet()) { ProcessData process = processes.get(key); if (!currentBranch.equals(process.branch)) {"skipping update of {} because its on branch {}",, process.branch); continue; } if (remoteVersion.equals(process.version)) {"skipping update of {} {} because its already version {}",,, process.version); continue; } // FIXME - it would be nice to send a SIG_TERM to // the process before we kill the jvm // process.process.getOutputStream().write("/Runtime/releaseAll".getBytes()); process.version = remoteVersion; if (process.isRunning()) { restart(; } } } } /** * * @param id * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws URISyntaxException */ static public synchronized void restart(Integer id) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, InterruptedException { // if null or processes.size == 0 then self if (id == null || processes.size() == 0){"restarting self"); spawn(Runtime.getGlobalArgs()); terminateSelfOnly(); } else {"restarting process {}", id); kill(id); spawn2(processes.get(id)); } } /** * return a non-running process structure from an existing one with a new id * * @param id * @return */ static public ProcessData copy(Integer id) { if (!processes.containsKey(id)) { log.error("cannot copy %d does not exist", id); return null; } ProcessData pd = processes.get(id); ProcessData pd2 = new ProcessData(pd); pd2.startTs = null; pd2.stopTs = null; = getNextProcessId(); processes.put(, pd2); if (agent != null) { agent.broadcastState(); } return pd2; } static public void copyAndStart(Integer id) throws IOException { // returns a non running copy with new process id // on the processes list ProcessData pd2 = copy(id); spawn2(pd2); if (agent != null) { agent.broadcastState(); } } static public void downloadLatest(String branch) throws IOException { String version = getLatestRemoteVersion(branch);"downloading version {} /{}", version, branch); byte[] myrobotlabjar = getLatestRemoteJar(branch); if (myrobotlabjar == null) { throw new IOException("could not download"); }"{} bytes", myrobotlabjar.length); /* * File archive = new File(String.format("%s/archive", branch)); * archive.mkdirs(); */ FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(String.format("%s/myrobotlab.%s.jar", branch, version)); fos.write(myrobotlabjar); fos.close(); } static public String formatList(ArrayList<String> args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {; sb.append(String.format("%s ", args.get(i))); } return sb.toString(); } /** * gets id from name * * @param name * @return */ static public Integer getId(String name) { for (Integer pid : processes.keySet()) { if (pid.equals(name)) { return processes.get(pid).id; } } return null; } // FIXME - should just be be saveRemoteJar() - but shouldn't be from // multiple threads static public byte[] getLatestRemoteJar(String branch) { return Http.get(String.format(jarUrlTemplate, branch)); } static public String getLatestRemoteVersion(String branch) { byte[] data = Http.get(String.format(versionUrlTemplate, branch)); if (data != null) { return new String(data); } return null; } /** * gets name from id * * @param id * @return */ static public String getName(Integer id) { for (Integer pid : processes.keySet()) { if (pid.equals(id)) { return processes.get(pid).name; } } return null; } static synchronized public Integer getNextProcessId() { Integer ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < processes.size(); ++i) { if (!processes.containsKey(ret)) { return ret; } ret += 1; } return ret; } static public Set<String> getRemoteBranches() { Set<String> possibleBranches = new HashSet<String>(); try { // TODO - all http gets use HttpClient static methods and promise // for asynchronous // get gitHub's branches byte[] r = Http.get(GitHub.BRANCHES); if (r != null) { String branches = new String(r); CodecJson decoder = new CodecJson(); // decoder.decodeArray(Branch) Object[] array = decoder.decodeArray(branches); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") LinkedTreeMap<String,String> m = (LinkedTreeMap<String,String>) array[i]; if (m.containsKey("name")) { possibleBranches.add(m.get("name").toString()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.logError(e); } return possibleBranches; } static synchronized public HashSet<String> getPossibleVersions() { // clear versions possibleVersions.clear(); // get local versions File branchFolder = new File(currentBranch); if (!branchFolder.isDirectory()) { log.error("{} not a directory", currentBranch); } else { File[] listOfFiles = branchFolder.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; ++i) { File file = listOfFiles[i]; if (!file.isDirectory()) { if (file.getName().startsWith("myrobotlab.")) { String version = getFileVersion(file.getName()); if (version != null) { possibleVersions.add(version); } } } } } // TODO !!! make asynchronous promise !!!! String remote = getLatestRemoteVersion(currentBranch); if (remote != null) { if (!possibleVersions.contains(remote)) { possibleVersions.add(remote); if (agent != null) { agent.invoke("newVersionAvailable", remote); } latestRemote = remote; } } return possibleVersions; } static public String newVersionAvailable() { return latestRemote; } static public String getFileVersion(String name) { if (!name.startsWith("myrobotlab.")) { return null; } String[] parts = name.split("\\."); if (parts.length != 5) { return null; } String version = String.format("%s.%s.%s", parts[1], parts[2], parts[3]); return version; } /** * get a list of all the processes currently governed by this Agent * * @return */ static public HashMap<Integer, ProcessData> getProcesses() { return processes; } /* * - REMOVE only Runtime should install public List<Status> install(String * fullType) { List<Status> ret = new ArrayList<Status>(); * ret.add("install %s", fullType)); try { Repo repo = * Repo.getLocalInstance(); * * if (!repo.isServiceTypeInstalled(fullType)) { repo.install(fullType); if * (repo.hasErrors()) { ret.addAll(repo.getErrors()); } * * } else {"installed {}", fullType); } } catch (Exception e) { * ret.add(Status.error(e)); } return ret; } */ static public Integer kill(Integer id) { if (processes.containsKey(id)) { if (agent != null) {"terminating %s", id); } ProcessData process = processes.get(id); process.process.destroy(); process.state = ProcessData.STATE_STOPPED; if (process.monitor != null) { process.monitor.interrupt(); process.monitor = null; } // remove(processes.get(name)); if (agent != null) {"%s haz beeen terminated", id); agent.broadcastState(); } return id; } log.warn("%s? no sir, I don't know that punk...", id); return null; } /* * BAD IDEA - data type ambiguity is a drag public Integer kill(String name) * { return kill(getId(name)); } */ static public void killAll() { for (Integer id : processes.keySet()) { kill(id); }"no survivors sir..."); if (agent != null) { agent.broadcastState(); } } static public void killAndRemove(Integer id) { if (processes.containsKey(id)) { kill(id); processes.remove(id); if (agent != null) { agent.broadcastState(); } } } /** * list processes */ static public String[] lp() { Object[] objs = processes.keySet().toArray(); String[] pd = new String[objs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; ++i) { Integer id = (Integer) objs[i]; ProcessData p = processes.get(id); pd[i] = String.format("%d - %s [%s - %s]", id,, p.branch, p.version); } return pd; } static public Integer publishTerminated(Integer id) {"terminated %d %s", id, getName(id)); if (!processes.containsKey(id)){ log.error("processes {} not found"); return id; } // if you don't fork with Agent allowed to // exist without instances - then if (!runtimeArgs.containsKey("-fork")){ // spin through instances - if I'm the only // thing left - terminate boolean processesStillRunning = false; for (ProcessData pd : processes.values()){ if (pd.isRunning()){ processesStillRunning = true; break; } } if (!processesStillRunning){ shutdown(); } } if (agent != null) { agent.broadcastState(); } return id; } /** * This is a great idea & test - because we want complete control over * environment and dependencies - the ability to purge completely - and * start from the beginning - but it should be in another service and not * part of the Agent. The 'Test' service could use Agent as a peer * * @return */ static public List<Status> serviceTest() { List<Status> ret = new ArrayList<Status>(); // CLEAN FOR TEST METHOD // FIXME DEPRECATE !!! // RUNTIME is responsible for running services // REPO is responsible for possible services // String[] serviceTypeNames = // Runtime.getInstance().getServiceTypeNames(); HashSet<String> skipTest = new HashSet<String>(); skipTest.add("org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime"); skipTest.add("org.myrobotlab.service.OpenNi"); /* * skipTest.add("org.myrobotlab.service.Agent"); * skipTest.add("org.myrobotlab.service.Incubator"); * skipTest.add("org.myrobotlab.service.InMoov"); // just too big and * complicated at the moment * skipTest.add("org.myrobotlab.service.Test"); * skipTest.add("org.myrobotlab.service.Cli"); // ?? No ? */ long installTime = 0; Repo repo = Runtime.getInstance().getRepo(); ServiceData serviceData = ServiceData.getLocalInstance(); ArrayList<ServiceType> serviceTypes = serviceData.getServiceTypes(); ret.add("serviceTest will test %d services", serviceTypes.size())); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ret.add("startTime", "%d", startTime)); for (int i = 0; i < serviceTypes.size(); ++i) { ServiceType serviceType = serviceTypes.get(i); // TODO - option to disable if (!serviceType.isAvailable()) { continue; } // serviceType = "org.myrobotlab.service.OpenCV"; if (skipTest.contains(serviceType.getName())) {"skipping %s", serviceType.getName()); continue; } try { // agent.serviceTest(); // WTF? // status.addInfo("perparing clean environment for %s", // serviceType); // clean environment // FIXME - optimize clean // SUPER CLEAN - force .repo to clear !! // repo.clearRepo(); // less clean but faster // repo.clearLibraries(); // repo.clearServiceData(); // comment all out for dirty // install Test dependencies long installStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); repo.install("org.myrobotlab.service.Test"); repo.install(serviceType.getName()); installTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - installStartTime; // clean test.json part file // spawn a test - attach to cli - test 1 service end to end // ,"-invoke", "test","test","org.myrobotlab.service.Clock" Process process = spawn( new String[] { "-runtimeName", "testEnv", "-service", "test", "Test", "-logLevel", "WARN", "-noEnv", "-invoke", "test", "test", serviceType.getName() }); process.waitFor(); // destroy - start again next service // wait for partFile report .. test.json // NOT NEEDED - foreign process has ended byte[] data = FileIO.loadPartFile("test.json", 60000); if (data != null) { String test = new String(data); Status testResult = CodecUtils.fromJson(test, Status.class); if (testResult.isError()) { ret.add(testResult); } } else {"could not get results"); } // destroy env kill(getId("testEnv")); } catch (Exception e) { ret.add(Status.error(e)); continue; } } ret.add("installTime", "%d", installTime)); ret.add("installTime %d", installTime)); ret.add("testTimeMs %d", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); ret.add("testTimeMinutes %d", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime))); ret.add("endTime %d", System.currentTimeMillis())); try { FileIO.savePartFile(new File("fullTest.json"), CodecUtils.toJson(ret).getBytes()); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.logError(e); } return ret; } static public String setBranch(String branch) { currentBranch = branch; if (checkRemoteVersions){ getPossibleVersions(); } return currentBranch; } static public Map<String, String> setEnv(Map<String, String> env) { Platform platform = Platform.getLocalInstance(); String platformId = platform.getPlatformId(); if (platform.isLinux()) { String ldPath = String.format("'pwd'/libraries/native:'pwd'/libraries/native/%s:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}", platformId); env.put("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", ldPath); } else if (platform.isMac()) { String dyPath = String.format("'pwd'/libraries/native:'pwd'/libraries/native/%s:${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}", platformId); env.put("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", dyPath); } else if (platform.isWindows()) { // this just borks the path in Windows - additionally (unlike Linux) - i don't think you need native code on the PATH // and Windows does not have a LD_LIBRARY_PATH // String path = String.format("PATH=%%CD%%\\libraries\\native;PATH=%%CD%%\\libraries\\native\\%s;%%PATH%%", platformId); // env.put("PATH", path); // we need to sanitize against a non-ascii username // work around for Jython bug in 2.7.0... env.put("APPDATA", "%%CD%%"); } else { log.error("unkown operating system"); } return env; } static public void shutdown() {"terminating others"); killAll();"terminating self ... goodbye..."); Runtime.exit(); } static public synchronized Process spawn(String[] in) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, InterruptedException { // runtime vs develop time String jarPath = null; if (FileIO.isJar()){"I am a jar - must be runtime"); // runtime jarPath = FileIO.getRoot(); } else { // develop time (post build)"I am not a jar - must be develop time"); String test = "build/lib/myrobotlab.jar"; File recentlyBuilt = new File(test); if (!recentlyBuilt.exists()) { log.error("umm .. I need to start a jar - would you mind building one with build.xml"); log.error("perhaps in the future I can change all the classpaths etc to start an instances with the bin classes - but no time to do that now"); log.error("adios... hope we meet again..."); System.exit(-1); } jarPath = new File(test).getAbsolutePath(); } return spawn(jarPath, in); } /** * Responsibility - This method will always call Runtime. To start Runtime * correctly environment must correctly be setup * * @param jarPath - Absolute path to myrobotlab.jar * @param in - command line parameters * @return * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws InterruptedException */ static public synchronized Process spawn(String jarPath, String[] in) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, InterruptedException { // handle url to path utf-8 crazyness here // getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI().getPath() File jarPathDir = new File(jarPath); // jarPathDir.getAbsolutePath() is absolutely necessary - relative paths will not work ProcessData pd = new ProcessData(agent, jarPathDir.getAbsolutePath(), in, currentBranch, currentVersion); CmdLine cmdline = new CmdLine(in); if (cmdline.hasSwitch("-autoUpdate")) { autoUpdate(true); }"Agent starting spawn %s", formatter.format(new Date())));"in args {}", Arrays.toString(in)); // String jvmMemory = "-Xmx2048m -Xms256m"; long totalMemory = Runtime.getTotalPhysicalMemory(); if (totalMemory == 0) {"could not get total physical memory"); } else {"total physical memory returned is {} Mb", totalMemory / 1048576); } // need to fill it out as best you can before submitting to spawn2 return spawn2(pd); } static public synchronized Process spawn2(ProcessData pd) throws IOException {"============== spawn begin =============="); String runtimeName =; // this needs cmdLine String[] cmdLine = pd.buildCmdLine(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < cmdLine.length; ++i) { sb.append(cmdLine[i]); sb.append(" "); } //"in %s spawning -> [%s]", b.getAbsolutePath(), sb.toString())); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(cmdLine); // setting working directory to wherever the jar is... String spawnDir = new File(pd.jarPath).getParent(); File(spawnDir));"in %s spawning -> [%s]", spawnDir, sb.toString())); // environment variables setup setEnv(builder.environment()); Process process = builder.start(); pd.process = process; pd.startTs = System.currentTimeMillis(); pd.monitor = new ProcessData.Monitor(pd); pd.monitor.start(); pd.state = ProcessData.STATE_RUNNING; if ( == null) { = getNextProcessId(); } if (processes.containsKey( { if (agent != null) {"restarting %d %s",,; } } else { if (agent != null) {"starting new %d %s",,; } processes.put(, pd); } // attach our cli to the latest instance // *** interesting - not processing input/output will block the thread // in the spawned process *** // which I assume is the beginning main thread doing a write to std::out // and it blocking before anything else can happen"Agent finished spawn {}", formatter.format(new Date())); if (agent != null) { Cli cli = Runtime.getCli(); cli.add(runtimeName, process.getInputStream(), process.getOutputStream()); cli.attach(runtimeName); agent.broadcastState(); } return process; } /** * DEPRECATE ? spawn2 should do this checking ? * * @param id * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws InterruptedException */ static public void start(Integer id) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, InterruptedException { if (!processes.containsKey(id)) { log.error("start process %s can not start - process does not exist", id); return; } ProcessData p = processes.get(id); if (p.isRunning()) { log.warn("process %s already started", id); return; } spawn2(p); } static public void terminateSelfOnly() {"goodbye .. cruel world"); System.exit(0); } static public void update() throws IOException { Platform platform = Platform.getLocalInstance(); update(platform.getBranch()); } static public void update(String branch) throws IOException {"update({})", branch); // so we need to get the version of the jar contained in the {branch} // directory .. FileIO.extract(String.format("%s/myrobotlab.jar", branch), "resource/version.txt", String.format("%s/version.txt", branch)); String currentVersion = FileIO.toString(String.format("%s/version.txt", branch)); if (currentVersion == null) { log.error("{}/version.txt current version is null", branch); return; } // compare that with the latest http://s3/current/{branch}/version.txt // and figure String latestVersion = getLatestRemoteVersion(branch); if (latestVersion == null) { log.error("s3 version.txt current version is null", branch); return; } if (!latestVersion.equals(currentVersion)) {"latest %s > current %s - updating", latestVersion, currentVersion); downloadLatest(branch); } // FIXME - restart processes // if (updateRestartProcesses) { // } } /** * This static method returns all the details of the class without it having * to be constructed. It has description, categories, dependencies, and peer * definitions. * * @return ServiceType - returns all the data * */ static public ServiceType getMetaData() { ServiceType meta = new ServiceType(Agent.class.getCanonicalName()); meta.addDescription("Agent - responsible for creating the environment and maintaining, tracking and terminating all processes"); meta.addCategory("framework"); meta.setSponsor("GroG"); // meta.addPeer("webadmin", "WebGui", "webgui for the Agent"); return meta; } /** * First method JVM executes when myrobotlab.jar is in jar form. * * -agent "-logLevel DEBUG -service webgui WebGui" * * @param args */ // FIXME - add -help // TODO - add jvm memory other runtime info // FIXME - a way to route parameters from command line to Agent vs Runtime - // the current concept is ok - but it does not work .. // make it work if necessary prefix everything by -agent-<...> public static void main(String[] args) { try { // System.out.println("Agent.main starting"); - with static args it doesnt really 'start' // FIXME - I think the basic idea is to have // parameters route to Agent or to the target instance // initially I was thinking of having all agent parameters // in a -agent \"-param1 value1 -param2 value2\" -services gui GUI // .. instance params // but that didn't work due to the parsing of CmdLine ... // need a good solution // split agent commands from runtime co\mmands // String[] agentArgs = new String[0]; ArrayList<String> inArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); // -agent \"-params -service ... \" string encoded runtimeArgs = new CmdLine(args); if (runtimeArgs.containsKey("-?") || runtimeArgs.containsKey("-h") || runtimeArgs.containsKey("-help") || runtimeArgs.containsKey("--help")) { Runtime.mainHelp(); return; } if (runtimeArgs.containsKey("-version")){ System.out.println(String.format("%s branch %s version %s", platform.getBranch(), platform.getPlatformId(), platform.getVersion())); return; } // -service for Runtime -process a b c d :) if (runtimeArgs.containsKey("-agent")) { // List<String> list = runtimeArgs.getArgumentList("-agent"); String tmp = runtimeArgs.getArgument("-agent", 0); String[] agentPassedArgs = tmp.split(" "); if (agentPassedArgs.length > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < agentPassedArgs.length; ++i) { inArgs.add(agentPassedArgs[i]); } } else { if (tmp != null) { inArgs.add(tmp); } } } // default args passed to runtime from Agent inArgs.add("-isAgent"); // String[] agentArgs = inArgs.toArray(new String[inArgs.size()]); // CmdLine agentCmd = new CmdLine(agentArgs); // FIXME -isAgent identifier sent -- default to setting log name to // agent.log !!! // Runtime.setRuntimeName("bootstrap"); // Runtime.main(agentArgs); // Agent agentx = (Agent) Runtime.start("agent", "Agent"); Process p = null; if (runtimeArgs.containsKey("-test")) { serviceTest(); } else { if (!runtimeArgs.containsKey("-fork")){ Runtime.start("agent", "Agent"); } if (!runtimeArgs.containsKey("-client")){ p = spawn(args); // <-- agent's is now in charge of first } else { Runtime.start("cli", "Cli"); } } // change of design - agent will try to shutdown // as soon as the mrl processes starts if (runtimeArgs.containsKey("-install")) { p.waitFor(); shutdown(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("unsuccessful spawn", e); } finally { // big hammer // System.out.println("Agent.main leaving");- with static args it doesnt really 'start' // System.exit(0); } } }