package org.myrobotlab.service; import; import org.myrobotlab.framework.Service; import org.myrobotlab.framework.ServiceType; import org.myrobotlab.logging.Level; import org.myrobotlab.logging.LoggerFactory; import org.myrobotlab.logging.Logging; import org.myrobotlab.logging.LoggingFactory; import org.myrobotlab.math.Mapper; import; import; import org.myrobotlab.service.interfaces.DeviceController; import org.myrobotlab.service.interfaces.OculusDataListener; import org.myrobotlab.service.interfaces.OculusDataPublisher; import org.myrobotlab.service.interfaces.SensorDataListener; import org.slf4j.Logger; /** * * OculusDIY - This service is the DIY oculus service. It might need a custom * build of MRLComm to work. Check with \@Alessandruino for questions. * */ public class OculusDIY extends Service implements SensorDataListener, OculusDataPublisher, OculusDataListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OculusDIY.class); transient public Arduino arduino; transient public Mpu6050 mpu6050; OculusData oculus = new OculusData(); Mapper mapperPitch = new Mapper(-180, 0, 0, 180); Mapper mapperYaw = new Mapper(-180, 180, 0, 360); Integer lastrotheadvalue = 90; Integer lastValue = 30; Integer resetValue = 30; Integer head = 90; Integer rothead = 90; Integer offSet = 0; Integer centerValue = 200; Integer minHead = -50; Integer maxHead = 500; Integer lastValue2 = 200; Integer bicep = 5; Integer headingint = 90; public OculusDIY(String n) { super(n); arduino = (Arduino) createPeer("arduino"); mpu6050 = (Mpu6050) createPeer("mpu6050"); } public void calibrate() { resetValue = lastValue; offSet = (90 - lastValue); centerValue = lastValue2; minHead = centerValue - 300; maxHead = centerValue + 300; } public void computeAngles(Integer mx, Integer headingint, Integer ay) { lastValue2 = mx; double y = mx; double x = (20 + (((y - minHead) / (maxHead - minHead)) * (160 - 20))); head = (int) x; lastValue = headingint; if (resetValue > 90 && lastValue < 0) { rothead = (offSet + headingint + 360); } else if (resetValue < -90 && lastValue > 0) { rothead = (offSet + headingint - 360); } else { rothead = (offSet + headingint); } System.out.println("difference is" + Math.abs(rothead - lastrotheadvalue)); if (Math.abs(rothead - lastrotheadvalue) > 2) { lastrotheadvalue = rothead; } else { rothead = lastrotheadvalue; } y = ay; x = (85 + (((y - 20) / (-16000 - 20)) * (5 - 85))); bicep = (int) x; } public void computeAnglesAndroid(float yaw, float roll, float pitch) { // head = (int) (180.0 +(((az - 9.82)/(-9.82 - 9.82))*(0.0 - 180.0))); head = (int) mapperPitch.calc(pitch); // headingint = (int) mapperYaw.calc(yaw); headingint = (int) yaw; lastValue = headingint; if (resetValue > 90 && lastValue < 0) { rothead = (offSet + headingint + 360); } else if (resetValue < -90 && lastValue > 0) { rothead = (offSet + headingint - 360); } else { rothead = (offSet + headingint); } System.out.println("difference is" + Math.abs(rothead - lastrotheadvalue)); if (Math.abs(rothead - lastrotheadvalue) > 2) { lastrotheadvalue = rothead; } else { rothead = lastrotheadvalue; } oculus.pitch = Double.valueOf(head); oculus.yaw = Double.valueOf(rothead); oculus.roll = Double.valueOf(roll); invoke("publishOculusData", oculus); System.out.println("pitch is " + head + "yaw is " + rothead); } public OculusData publishOculusData(OculusData oculus) { return oculus; } public void addOculusDataListener(Service service) { addListener("publishOculusData", service.getName(), "onOculusData"); } public OculusData onOculusData(OculusData oculus) { return oculus; } @Override public void startService() { super.startService(); arduino = (Arduino) startPeer("arduino"); mpu6050 = (Mpu6050) startPeer("mpu6050"); return; } public Arduino getArduino() { return arduino; } public void connect(String port) throws IOException { arduino.connect(port); } public static void main(String[] args) { LoggingFactory.getInstance().configure(); LoggingFactory.getInstance().setLevel(Level.INFO); try { // OculusDIY oculus = (OculusDIY) Runtime.start("oculus", // "OculusDIY"); Runtime.start("python", "Python"); Runtime.start("gui", "GUIService"); // oculus.connect("COM15"); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.logError(e); } } /** * This static method returns all the details of the class without it having * to be constructed. It has description, categories, dependencies, and peer * definitions. * * @return ServiceType - returns all the data * */ static public ServiceType getMetaData() { ServiceType meta = new ServiceType(OculusDIY.class.getCanonicalName()); meta.addDescription("Service to receive and compute data from a DIY Oculus"); meta.addCategory("video", "control", "sensor"); meta.addPeer("arduino", "Arduino", "Arduino for DIYOculus and Myo"); return meta; } @Override public void onSensorData(SensorData event) { int[] data = (int[])event.getData(); Integer ay = (Integer) data[0]; Integer mx = (Integer) data[1]; Integer headingint = (Integer) data[2]; this.computeAngles(mx, headingint, ay); oculus.yaw = Double.valueOf(rothead); oculus.pitch = Double.valueOf(head); oculus.roll = Double.valueOf(bicep); invoke("publishOculusData", oculus); System.out.println(head + "," + rothead); } }