package org.myrobotlab.service; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.alicebot.ab.AIMLMap; import org.alicebot.ab.AIMLSet; import org.alicebot.ab.Bot; import org.alicebot.ab.Category; import org.alicebot.ab.Chat; import org.alicebot.ab.Predicates; import; import org.myrobotlab.framework.Service; import org.myrobotlab.framework.ServiceType; import org.myrobotlab.logging.LoggerFactory; import org.myrobotlab.logging.LoggingFactory; import org.myrobotlab.programab.ChatData; import org.myrobotlab.programab.OOBPayload; import org.myrobotlab.service.interfaces.ServiceInterface; import org.myrobotlab.service.interfaces.TextListener; import org.myrobotlab.service.interfaces.TextPublisher; import org.slf4j.Logger; /** * Program AB service for MyRobotLab Uses AIML 2.0 to create a ChatBot This is a * reboot of the Old AIML spec to be more 21st century. * * More Info at * * @author kwatters * */ public class ProgramAB extends Service implements TextListener, TextPublisher { transient public final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProgramAB.class); public static class Response { public String session; public String msg; public List<OOBPayload> payloads; // FIXME - timestamps are usually longs System.currentTimeMillis() public Date timestamp; public Response(String session, String msg, List<OOBPayload> payloads, Date timestamp) { this.session = session; this.msg = msg; this.payloads = payloads; this.timestamp = timestamp; } public String toString() { return String.format("%d %s %s", timestamp.getTime(), session, msg); } } transient Bot bot = null; HashSet<String> bots = new HashSet<String>(); String path = "ProgramAB"; /** * botName - is un-initialized to preserve serialization stickyness */ // String botName; // This is the username that is chatting with the bot. // String currentSession = "default"; // Session is a user and a bot. so the key to the session should be the // username, and the bot name. HashMap<String, ChatData> sessions = new HashMap<String, ChatData>(); // TODO: better parsing than a regex... transient Pattern oobPattern = Pattern.compile("<oob>.*?</oob>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE); transient Pattern mrlPattern = Pattern.compile("<mrl>.*?</mrl>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE); // a guaranteed bot we have String currentBotName = "alice2"; // this is the username that is chatting with the bot. String currentUserName = "default"; static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; static int savePredicatesInterval = 60 * 1000 * 5; // every 5 minutes public ProgramAB(String name) { super(name); // Tell programAB to persist it's learned predicates about people // every 30 seconds. addTask("savePredicates", savePredicatesInterval, "savePredicates"); // TODO: Lazy load this! // look for local bots defined File programAbDir = new File(String.format("%s/bots", path)); if (!programAbDir.exists() || !programAbDir.isDirectory()) {"%s does not exist !!!"); } else { File[] listOfFiles = programAbDir.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) { if (listOfFiles[i].isFile()) { // System.out.println("File " + listOfFiles[i].getName()); } else if (listOfFiles[i].isDirectory()) { bots.add(listOfFiles[i].getName()); } } } } public void addOOBTextListener(TextListener service) { addListener("publishOOBText", service.getName(), "onOOBText"); } public void addResponseListener(Service service) { addListener("publishResponse", service.getName(), "onResponse"); } public void addTextListener(TextListener service) { addListener("publishText", service.getName(), "onText"); } public void addTextPublisher(TextPublisher service) { addListener("publishText", service.getName(), "onText"); } private void cleanOutOfDateAimlIFFiles(String botName) { String aimlPath = path + File.separator + "bots" + File.separator + botName + File.separator + "aiml"; String aimlIFPath = path + File.separator + "bots" + File.separator + botName + File.separator + "aimlif";"AIML FILES:"); File folder = new File(aimlPath); if (!folder.exists()) {"{} does not exist", aimlPath); return; }; HashMap<String, Long> modifiedDates = new HashMap<String, Long>(); for (File f : folder.listFiles()) {; // TODO: better stripping of the file extension String aiml = f.getName().replace(".aiml", ""); modifiedDates.put(aiml, f.lastModified()); }"AIMLIF FILES:"); folder = new File(aimlIFPath); if (!folder.exists()) { // TODO: throw an exception warn / log ?"aimlif directory missing,creating it. " + folder.getAbsolutePath()); folder.mkdirs(); return; } for (File f : folder.listFiles()) {; // TODO: better stripping of the file extension String aimlIF = f.getName().replace(".aiml.csv", ""); Long lastMod = modifiedDates.get(aimlIF); if (lastMod != null) { if (f.lastModified() < lastMod) { // the AIMLIF file is newer than the AIML file. // delete the AIMLIF file so ProgramAB recompiles it // properly."Deleteing AIMLIF file because the original AIML file was modified. {}", aimlIF); f.delete(); } } } } private String createSessionPredicateFilename(String username, String botName) { // TODO: sanitize the session label so it can be safely used as a filename String predicatePath = path + File.separator + "bots" + File.separator + botName + File.separator + "config"; // just in case the directory doesn't exist.. make it. File predDir = new File(predicatePath); if (!predDir.exists()) { predDir.mkdirs(); } predicatePath += File.separator + username + ".predicates.txt"; return predicatePath; } public int getMaxConversationDelay() { return sessions.get(resolveSessionKey(currentUserName, currentBotName)).maxConversationDelay; } public Response getResponse(String text) { return getResponse(currentUserName, text); } /** * * @param text * - the query string to the bot brain * @param userId * - the user that is sending the query * @param robotName * - the name of the bot you which to get the response from * @return */ public Response getResponse(String username, String botName, String text) { this.currentBotName = botName; return getResponse(username, text); } public Response getResponse(String username, String text) {"Get Response for : user %s bot %s : %s", username, currentBotName, text)); if (bot == null) { String error = "ERROR: Core not loaded, please load core before chatting."; error(error); return new Response(username, error, null, new Date()); } String sessionKey = resolveSessionKey(username, currentBotName); if (!sessions.containsKey(sessionKey)) { startSession(path, username, currentBotName); } ChatData chatData = sessions.get(sessionKey); String res = getChat(username, currentBotName).multisentenceRespond(text); // grab and update the time when this response came in. chatData.lastResponseTime = new Date(); // Check the AIML response to see if there is OOB (out of band data) // If so, publish that data independent of the text response. List<OOBPayload> payloads = null; if (chatData.processOOB) { payloads = processOOB(res); } // OOB text should not be published as part of the response text. Matcher matcher = oobPattern.matcher(res); res = matcher.replaceAll("").trim(); Response response = new Response(username, res, payloads, chatData.lastResponseTime); // Now that we've said something, lets create a timer task to wait for N // seconds // and if nothing has been said.. try say something else. // TODO: trigger a task to respond with something again // if the humans get bored if (chatData.enableAutoConversation) { // schedule one future reply. (always get the last word in..) // int numExecutions = 1; // TODO: we need a way for the task to just execute one time // it'd be good to have access to the timer here, but it's transient addTask("getResponse", chatData.maxConversationDelay, "getResponse", username, text); } // EEK! clean up the API! invoke("publishResponse", response); invoke("publishResponseText", response); invoke("publishText", response.msg); info("to: %s - %s", username, res); // if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { // for (String key : sessions.get(session).predicates.keySet()) { // log.debug(session + " " + key + " " + // sessions.get(session).predicates.get(key)); // } // } // TODO: wire this in so the gui updates properly. ?? // broadcastState(); return response; } public String resolveSessionKey(String username, String botname) { return username + "-" + botname; } public Chat getChat(String userName, String botName) { String sessionKey = resolveSessionKey(userName, botName); if (!sessions.containsKey(sessionKey)) { error("%s session does not exist", sessionKey); return null; } else { return sessions.get(sessionKey).chat; } } public void removePredicate(String userName, String predicateName) { removePredicate(userName, currentBotName, predicateName); } public void removePredicate(String userName, String botName, String predicateName) { Predicates preds = getChat(userName, botName).predicates; preds.remove(predicateName); } public void addToSet(String setName, String setValue) { // add to the set for the bot. AIMLSet updateSet = bot.setMap.get(setName); setValue = setValue.toUpperCase().trim(); if (updateSet != null) { updateSet.add(setValue); // persist to disk. updateSet.writeAIMLSet(); } else {"Unknown AIML set: {}. A new set will be created. ", setName); // TODO: should we create a new set ? or just log this warning? // The AIML Set doesn't exist. Lets create a new one AIMLSet newSet = new AIMLSet(setName, bot); newSet.add(setValue); newSet.writeAIMLSet(); } } public void addToMap(String mapName, String mapKey, String mapValue) { // add an entry to the map. AIMLMap updateMap = bot.mapMap.get(mapName); mapKey = mapKey.toUpperCase().trim(); if (updateMap != null) { updateMap.put(mapKey, mapValue); // persist to disk! updateMap.writeAIMLMap(); } else {"Unknown AIML map: {}. A new MAP will be created. ", mapName); // dynamically create new maps?! AIMLMap newMap = new AIMLMap(mapName, bot); newMap.put(mapKey, mapValue); newMap.writeAIMLMap(); } } public void setPredicate(String username, String predicateName, String predicateValue) { Predicates preds = getChat(username, currentBotName).predicates; preds.put(predicateName, predicateValue); } public void unsetPredicate(String username, String predicateName) { Predicates preds = getChat(username, currentBotName).predicates; preds.remove(predicateName); } public String getPredicate(String username, String predicateName) { Predicates preds = getChat(username, currentBotName).predicates; return preds.get(predicateName); } /** * Only respond if the last response was longer than delay ms ago * * @param session * - current session/username * @param text * - text to get a response for * @param delay * - min amount of time that must have transpired since the last * response. * @return */ public Response getResponse(String session, String text, Long delay) { ChatData chatData = sessions.get(session); long delta = System.currentTimeMillis() - chatData.lastResponseTime.getTime(); if (delta > delay) { return getResponse(session, text); } else { return null; } } public boolean isEnableAutoConversation() { return sessions.get(resolveSessionKey(currentUserName, currentBotName)).enableAutoConversation; } public boolean isProcessOOB() { return sessions.get(resolveSessionKey(currentUserName, currentBotName)).processOOB; } /** * Return a list of all patterns that the AIML Bot knows to match against. * * @param botName * @return */ public ArrayList<String> listPatterns(String botName) { ArrayList<String> patterns = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Category c : bot.brain.getCategories()) { patterns.add(c.getPattern()); } return patterns; } /** * Return the number of milliseconds since the last response was given -1 if a * response has never been given. * * @return */ public long millisecondsSinceLastResponse() { ChatData chatData = sessions.get(resolveSessionKey(currentUserName, currentBotName)); if (chatData.lastResponseTime == null) { return -1; } long delta = System.currentTimeMillis() - chatData.lastResponseTime.getTime(); return delta; } @Override public void onText(String text) { // What else should we do here? seems reasonable to just do this. // this should actually call getResponse // on input, get the proper response // Response resp = getResponse(text); getResponse(text); // push that to the next end point. // invoke("publishText", resp.msg); } private OOBPayload parseOOB(String oobPayload) { // TODO: fix the damn double encoding issue. // we have user entered text in the service/method // and params values. // grab the service Pattern servicePattern = Pattern.compile("<service>(.*?)</service>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher serviceMatcher = servicePattern.matcher(oobPayload); serviceMatcher.find(); String serviceName =; Pattern methodPattern = Pattern.compile("<method>(.*?)</method>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher methodMatcher = methodPattern.matcher(oobPayload); methodMatcher.find(); String methodName =; Pattern paramPattern = Pattern.compile("<param>(.*?)</param>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher paramMatcher = paramPattern.matcher(oobPayload); ArrayList<String> params = new ArrayList<String>(); while (paramMatcher.find()) { // We found some OOB text. // assume only one OOB in the text? String param =; params.add(param); } OOBPayload payload = new OOBPayload(serviceName, methodName, params); //; return payload; // JAXB stuff blows up because the response from program ab is already // xml decoded! // // JAXBContext jaxbContext; // try { // jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(OOBPayload.class); // Unmarshaller jaxbUnmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller(); //"OOB PAYLOAD :" + oobPayload); // Reader r = new StringReader(oobPayload); // OOBPayload oobMsg = (OOBPayload) jaxbUnmarshaller.unmarshal(r); // return oobMsg; // } catch (JAXBException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } //"OOB tag found, but it's not an MRL tag. {}", oobPayload); // return null; } private List<OOBPayload> processOOB(String text) { // Find any oob tags ArrayList<OOBPayload> payloads = new ArrayList<OOBPayload>(); Matcher oobMatcher = oobPattern.matcher(text); while (oobMatcher.find()) { // We found some OOB text. // assume only one OOB in the text? String oobPayload =; Matcher mrlMatcher = mrlPattern.matcher(oobPayload); while (mrlMatcher.find()) { String mrlPayload =; OOBPayload payload = parseOOB(mrlPayload); payloads.add(payload); // TODO: maybe we dont' want this? // Notifiy endpoints invoke("publishOOBText", mrlPayload); // grab service and invoke method. ServiceInterface s = Runtime.getService(payload.getServiceName()); if (s == null) { log.warn("Service name in OOB/MRL tag unknown. {}", mrlPayload); return null; } // TODO: should you be able to be synchronous for this // execution? Object result = null; if (payload.getParams() != null) { result = s.invoke(payload.getMethodName(), payload.getParams().toArray()); } else { result = s.invoke(payload.getMethodName()); }"OOB PROCESSING RESULT: {}", result); } } if (payloads.size() > 0) { return payloads; } else { return null; } } /** * If a response comes back that has an OOB Message, publish that separately * * @param response * @return */ public String publishOOBText(String oobText) { return oobText; } /** * publishing method of the pub sub pair - with addResponseListener allowing * subscriptions pub/sub routines have the following pattern * * publishing routine -> publishX - must be invoked to provide data to * subscribers subscription routine -> addXListener - simply adds a Service * listener to the notify framework any service which subscribes must * implement -> onX(data) - this is where the data will be sent (the * call-back) * * @param response * @return */ public Response publishResponse(Response response) { return response; } /** * Test only publishing point - for simple consumers * * @param response * @return */ public String publishResponseText(Response response) { return response.msg; } @Override public String publishText(String text) { return text; } public void reloadSession(String session, String botName) { reloadSession(path, session, botName); } public void reloadSession(String path, String username, String botname) { // kill the bot bot = null; // kill the session String sessionKey = resolveSessionKey(username, botname); if (sessions.containsKey(sessionKey)) { // TODO: will garbage collection clean up the bot now ? // Or are there other handles to it? sessions.remove(sessionKey); } // TODO: we should make sure we keep the same path as before. startSession(path, username, currentBotName); } /** * Persist the predicates for all known sessions in the robot. * * @throws IOException * */ public void savePredicates() throws IOException { for (String session : sessions.keySet()) { // TODO: better parsing of this. String[] parts = session.split("-"); String username = parts[0]; String botname = parts[1]; String sessionPredicateFilename = createSessionPredicateFilename(username, botname); File sessionPredFile = new File(sessionPredicateFilename); Chat chat = getChat(username, botname); // overwrite the original file , this should always be a full set."Writing predicate file for session {}", session); FileWriter predWriter = new FileWriter(sessionPredFile, false); for (String predicate : chat.predicates.keySet()) { String value = chat.predicates.get(predicate); predWriter.write(predicate + ":" + value + "\n"); } predWriter.close(); }"Done saving predicates."); } public void setEnableAutoConversation(boolean enableAutoConversation) { sessions.get(resolveSessionKey(currentUserName, currentBotName)).enableAutoConversation = enableAutoConversation; } public void setMaxConversationDelay(int maxConversationDelay) { sessions.get(resolveSessionKey(currentUserName, currentBotName)).maxConversationDelay = maxConversationDelay; } public void setProcessOOB(boolean processOOB) { sessions.get(resolveSessionKey(currentUserName, currentBotName)).processOOB = processOOB; } public void startSession() { startSession(null); } public void startSession(String session) { startSession(session, currentBotName); } public Set<String> getSessionNames() { return sessions.keySet(); } /** * Load the AIML 2.0 Bot config and start a chat session. This must be called * after the service is created. * * @param session * - The new session name * @param botName * - The name of the bot to load. (example: alice2) */ public void startSession(String session, String botName) { startSession(path, session, botName); } public void startSession(String path, String userName, String botName) { this.path = path; info("starting Chat Session path:%s username:%s botname:%s", path, userName, botName); this.currentBotName = botName; this.currentUserName = userName; // Session is between a user and a bot. key is compound. String sessionKey = resolveSessionKey(userName, botName); if (sessions.containsKey(sessionKey)) { warn("session %s already created", sessionKey); return; } cleanOutOfDateAimlIFFiles(botName); // TODO: manage the bots in a collective pool/hash map. if (bot == null) { bot = new Bot(botName, path); } else if (!botName.equalsIgnoreCase( { bot = new Bot(botName, path); } Chat chat = new Chat(bot); // for (Category c : bot.brain.getCategories()) { //; // } // // String resp = chat.multisentenceRespond("hello"); // load session specific predicates, these override the default ones. String sessionPredicateFilename = createSessionPredicateFilename(userName, botName); chat.predicates.getPredicateDefaults(sessionPredicateFilename); // sessions.put(resolveSessionKey(currentUserName, currentBotName), new ChatData(chat)); // lets test if the robot knows the name of the person in the session String name = chat.predicates.get("name").trim(); // TODO: this implies that the default value for "name" is default // "Friend" if (name == null || "Friend".equalsIgnoreCase(name) || "unknown".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { // TODO: find another interface that's simpler to use for this // create a string that represents the predicates file String inputPredicateStream = "name:" + userName; // load those predicates chat.predicates.getPredicateDefaultsFromInputStream(IOUtils.toInputStream(inputPredicateStream)); } // this.currentBotName = botName; // String userName = chat.predicates.get("name");"Started session for bot name:{} , username:{}", botName, userName); // TODO: to make sure if the start session is updated, that the button // updates in the gui ? broadcastState(); } public void setPath(String path) { this.path = path; } public void writeAIML() { bot.writeAIMLFiles(); } public void writeAIMLIF() { bot.writeAIMLIFFiles(); } public void writeAndQuit() { bot.writeQuit(); } /** * This static method returns all the details of the class without it having * to be constructed. It has description, categories, dependencies, and peer * definitions. * * @return ServiceType - returns all the data * */ static public ServiceType getMetaData() { ServiceType meta = new ServiceType(ProgramAB.class.getCanonicalName()); meta.addDescription("AIML 2.0 Reference interpreter based on Program AB"); meta.addCategory("intelligence"); // meta.addDependency("org.alicebot.ab", ""); meta.addDependency("org.alicebot.ab", "0.0.1-kw"); meta.addDependency("org.json", "20090211"); return meta; } public static void main(String s[]) throws IOException { LoggingFactory.init("INFO"); // Runtime.createAndStart("gui", "GUIService"); Runtime.createAndStart("webgui", "WebGui"); ProgramAB ai = (ProgramAB) Runtime.createAndStart("simple", "ProgramAB"); // ai.startSession("C:\\mrl\\develop\\ProgramAB","default", "simple");"hi there").toString()); // ai.savePredicates(); } }