package org.myrobotlab.service; import java.util.List; import org.myrobotlab.framework.Service; import org.myrobotlab.framework.ServiceType; import org.myrobotlab.headtracking.OculusHeadTracking; import org.myrobotlab.image.SerializableImage; import org.myrobotlab.kinematics.Point; import org.myrobotlab.logging.LoggerFactory; import org.myrobotlab.logging.LoggingFactory; import org.myrobotlab.oculus.OculusDisplay; import org.myrobotlab.opencv.OpenCVFilterAffine; import org.myrobotlab.opencv.OpenCVFilterTranspose; import; import org.myrobotlab.service.interfaces.OculusDataPublisher; import org.myrobotlab.service.interfaces.PointPublisher; import org.slf4j.Logger; import com.oculusvr.capi.Hmd; import com.oculusvr.capi.HmdDesc; import com.oculusvr.capi.OvrVector3f; import com.oculusvr.capi.TrackingState; /** * The OculusRift service for MyRobotLab. * * Currently this service only exposed the head tracking information from the * rift. The Yaw, Pitch and Roll are exposed. Yaw - twist around vertical axis * (look left/right) Pitch - twist around horizontal axis (look up/down) Roll - * twist around axis in front of you (tilt head left/right) * * Coming soon, lots of great stuff... * * @author kwatters * */ // TODO: implement publishOculusRiftData ... public class OculusRift extends Service implements OculusDataPublisher, PointPublisher { public static final String RIGHT_OPEN_CV = "rightOpenCV"; public static final String LEFT_OPEN_CV = "leftOpenCV"; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final float RAD_TO_DEGREES = 57.2957795F; public final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OculusRift.class); // Rift stuff. protected Hmd hmd; private boolean initialized = false; private RiftFrame lastRiftFrame = new RiftFrame(); private OpenCVFilterAffine leftAffine = new OpenCVFilterAffine("left"); private OpenCVFilterAffine rightAffine = new OpenCVFilterAffine("right"); private boolean calibrated = false; // Two OpenCV services, one for the left eye, one for the right eye. transient public OpenCV leftOpenCV; transient public OpenCV rightOpenCV; private OculusDisplay display; // TODO: make these configurable... private int leftCameraIndex = 0; private int rightCameraIndex = 1; // TODO: encapsulate the configuration and calibration of the rift public float leftCameraDx = 0; public float leftCameraDy = 0; public float leftCameraAngle = 0; public float rightCameraDx = 0; public float rightCameraDy = 0; public float rightCameraAngle = 0; public String leftEyeURL = null; public String rightEyeURL = null; public String frameGrabberType = null; public String cvInputSource = null; private HmdDesc hmdDesc; transient public OculusHeadTracking headTracker = null; // for single camera support, mirror the images private boolean mirrorLeftCamera = true; public static class RiftFrame { public SerializableImage left; public SerializableImage right; } public OculusRift(String reservedKey) { super(reservedKey); } @Override public void startService() { super.startService(); } // Boradcast the state of the peers to notify the gui. public void broadcastState() { // notify the gui leftOpenCV.broadcastState(); rightOpenCV.broadcastState(); } private void setupRift() { // Initalize the JNA library/ head mounted device. Hmd.initialize(); // TODO: is this delay needed? try { Thread.sleep(400); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } hmd = Hmd.create(); if (null == hmd) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to initialize HMD"); } hmdDesc = hmd.getDesc(); hmd.configureTracking();"Created HMD Oculus Rift Sensor and configured tracking."); } public void initContext() { if (!initialized) {"Init the rift."); // Init the rift.. setupRift(); initialized = true; // now that we have the hmd. lets start up the polling thread. headTracker = new OculusHeadTracking(hmd, hmdDesc); headTracker.oculus = this; headTracker.start();"Started head tracking thread."); // create and start the open cv services // TODO: start via runtime? leftOpenCV = new OpenCV(getName() + "." + LEFT_OPEN_CV); leftOpenCV.startService(); // TODO: remove me this is a work around for opencv leftOpenCV.setStreamerEnabled(false); leftOpenCV.setCameraIndex(leftCameraIndex); if (frameGrabberType != null) { leftOpenCV.setFrameGrabberType(frameGrabberType); } if (cvInputSource != null) { leftOpenCV.setInputSource(cvInputSource); } if (leftEyeURL != null) { leftOpenCV.setInputFileName(leftEyeURL); } subscribe(leftOpenCV.getName(), "publishDisplay"); // start the right eye if (!mirrorLeftCamera) { rightOpenCV = new OpenCV(getName() + "." + RIGHT_OPEN_CV); rightOpenCV.startService(); // TODO: remove me this is a work around for opencv leftOpenCV.setStreamerEnabled(false); rightOpenCV.setCameraIndex(rightCameraIndex); if (frameGrabberType != null) { rightOpenCV.setFrameGrabberType(frameGrabberType); } if (rightEyeURL != null) { rightOpenCV.setInputFileName(rightEyeURL); } if (cvInputSource != null) { rightOpenCV.setInputSource(cvInputSource); } subscribe(rightOpenCV.getName(), "publishDisplay"); } // if the cameras are mounted at 90 degrees rotation, transpose the // image data to flip the resolution. boolean addTransposeEyes = true; if (addTransposeEyes) { // left eye OpenCVFilterTranspose t1 = new OpenCVFilterTranspose("t1"); t1.flipCode = 1; leftOpenCV.addFilter(t1); // right eye if (!mirrorLeftCamera) { OpenCVFilterTranspose t2 = new OpenCVFilterTranspose("t2"); t2.flipCode = 1; rightOpenCV.addFilter(t2); } } // OpenCVFilterResize leftResizeFilter = new OpenCVFilterResize("lrf"); // TODO: resize the image resolution so it works with the rift. // int w = display.getWidth()/2; // int h = display.getHeight(); // leftResizeFilter.setDestHeight(h); // leftResizeFilter.setDestWidth(w); // OpenCVFilterResize rightResizeFilter = new OpenCVFilterResize("rrf"); // rightResizeFilter.setDestHeight(h); // rightResizeFilter.setDestWidth(w); // leftOpenCV.addFilter(leftResizeFilter); // rightOpenCV.addFilter(rightResizeFilter); // configure the affine filters to calibrate image position and rotation. // leftAffine.setDx(200); leftAffine.setDx(leftCameraDx); leftAffine.setDy(leftCameraDy); leftAffine.setAngle(leftCameraAngle); // the affine is always on top i guess leftOpenCV.addFilter(leftAffine); leftOpenCV.setDisplayFilter("left"); // start the left camera. leftOpenCV.capture(); if (!mirrorLeftCamera) { rightAffine.setDx(rightCameraDx); rightAffine.setDy(rightCameraDy); rightAffine.setAngle(rightCameraAngle); rightOpenCV.addFilter(rightAffine); rightOpenCV.setDisplayFilter("right"); // start the right camera rightOpenCV.capture(); } // Now turn on the camras. // set camera index // Now that the Rift and OpenCV has been setup. // we should wait for the camera to start up. display = new OculusDisplay(); // on publish frame we'll update the current frame in the rift.. // synchronization issues maybe? // Ok, we never return here! that's not good. this should be it's own // thread. //; display.oculus = this; display.setHmd(hmd); display.start();"Oculus display started and running."); } else {"Rift interface already initialized."); } } public void updateAffine() { // this method will update the angle / dx / dy settings on the affine // filters. leftAffine.setDx(leftCameraDx); leftAffine.setDy(leftCameraDy); leftAffine.setAngle(leftCameraAngle); if (!mirrorLeftCamera) { rightAffine.setDx(rightCameraDx); rightAffine.setDy(rightCameraDy); rightAffine.setAngle(rightCameraAngle); } } public void onDisplay(SerializableImage frame) { // if we're only one camera // the left frame is both frames. if (mirrorLeftCamera) { // if we're mirroring the left camera //"Oculus Frame Source {}",frame.getSource()); if ("left".equals(frame.getSource())) { lastRiftFrame.left = frame; lastRiftFrame.right = frame; } } else if ("left".equals(frame.getSource())) { lastRiftFrame.left = frame; } else if ("right".equals(frame.getSource())) { lastRiftFrame.right = frame; } else { error("unknown source %s", frame.getSource()); } if (!calibrated) { if (leftAffine.getLastClicked() != null && rightAffine.getLastClicked() != null) { // calibrate! double deltaY = (leftAffine.getLastClicked().getY() - rightAffine.getLastClicked().getY()) / 2.0; leftAffine.setDy(-deltaY); rightAffine.setDy(deltaY); calibrated = true;"Calibrated images! DeltaY = {}", deltaY); } } // update the oculus display with the last rift frame if (display != null) { display.setCurrentFrame(lastRiftFrame); } else { // TODO: wait on the display to be initialized ? // maybe just log something? // log.warn("The Oculus Display was null."); } invoke("publishRiftFrame", lastRiftFrame); } @Override public void stopService() { super.stopService(); // TODO: validate proper life cycle. if (headTracker != null) { headTracker.stop(); } if (hmd != null) { hmd.destroy(); Hmd.shutdown(); } } /** * Resets orientation of the head tracking Makes the current orientation the * straight ahead orientation. Use this to align your perspective. */ public void resetSensor() { // hmd. if (initialized) { // ? hmd.recenterPose(); // hmd.resetSensor(); } else {"Sensor not initalized."); } } /** * Log the head tracking info to help with debugging. */ public void logOrientation() { TrackingState trackingState = hmd.getTrackingState(0); OvrVector3f position = trackingState.HeadPose.Pose.Position; position.x *= 100.0f; position.y *= 100.0f; position.z *= 100.0f; System.out.println((int) position.x + ", " + (int) position.y + " " + (int) position.z); // TODO: see if we care about this value ? // float w = trackingState.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation.w; float x = trackingState.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation.x; float y = trackingState.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation.y; float z = trackingState.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation.z;"Roll: " + z * RAD_TO_DEGREES);"Pitch:" + x * RAD_TO_DEGREES);"Yaw:" + y * RAD_TO_DEGREES); } public float getYaw() { TrackingState trackingState = hmd.getTrackingState(0); float y = trackingState.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation.y * RAD_TO_DEGREES; ; return y; } public float getRoll() { TrackingState trackingState = hmd.getTrackingState(0); float z = trackingState.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation.z * RAD_TO_DEGREES; return z; } public float getPitch() { TrackingState trackingState = hmd.getTrackingState(0); float x = trackingState.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation.x * RAD_TO_DEGREES; return x; } public void addRiftFrameListener(Service service) { addListener("publishRiftFrame", service.getName(), "onRiftFrame"); } public RiftFrame publishRiftFrame(RiftFrame frame) { return frame; } public int getLeftCameraIndex() { return leftCameraIndex; } public void setLeftCameraIndex(int leftCameraIndex) { this.leftCameraIndex = leftCameraIndex; } public int getRightCameraIndex() { return rightCameraIndex; } public void setRightCameraIndex(int rightCameraIndex) { this.rightCameraIndex = rightCameraIndex; } @Override public OculusData publishOculusData(OculusData data) { // grab the last published data (if we need it somewhere) // if (data != null) { // System.out.println("Oculus Data: " + data.toString()); // } // TODO: make this a proper callback / subscribe.. if (display != null) { display.updateOrientation(data); } // return the data to the mrl framework to be published. return data; } @Override public List<Point> publishPoints(List<Point> points) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } /** * This static method returns all the details of the class without it having * to be constructed. It has description, categories, dependencies, and peer * definitions. * * @return ServiceType - returns all the data * */ static public ServiceType getMetaData() { ServiceType meta = new ServiceType(OculusRift.class.getCanonicalName()); meta.addDescription("The Oculus Rift Head Tracking Service"); meta.addCategory("video", "control", "sensor"); // make sure the open cv instance share each others streamer.. // meta.sharePeer("leftOpenCV.streamer", "streamer", "VideoStreamer", // "shared left streamer"); // meta.sharePeer("rightOpenCV.streamer", "streamer", "VideoStreamer", // "shared right streamer"); meta.addPeer("leftOpenCV", "OpenCV", "Left Eye Camera"); meta.sharePeer("rightOpenCV", "leftOpenCV", "OpenCV", "Right Eye sharing left eye camera"); meta.addPeer("rightOpenCV", "OpenCV", "Right Eye Camera"); meta.addDependency("org.saintandreas.jovr", "0.7"); return meta; } public static void main(String s[]) { LoggingFactory.init("INFO"); // Runtime.createAndStart("gui", "GUIService"); Runtime.createAndStart("python", "Python"); OculusRift rift = (OculusRift) Runtime.createAndStart("oculus", "OculusRift"); rift.leftCameraAngle = 180; rift.leftCameraDy = 5; rift.rightCameraDy = -5; // call this once you've updated the affine stuff? rift.updateAffine(); rift.initContext(); rift.logOrientation(); // TODO: configuration to enable left/right camera roll tracking. // while (true) { // float roll = rift.getRoll(); // rift.leftAffine.setAngle(-roll+180); // rift.rightAffine.setAngle(-roll); // try { // Thread.sleep(1); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // break; // } // } } public String getLeftEyeURL() { return leftEyeURL; } public void setLeftEyeURL(String leftEyeURL) { this.leftEyeURL = leftEyeURL; } public String getRightEyeURL() { return rightEyeURL; } public void setRightEyeURL(String rightEyeURL) { this.rightEyeURL = rightEyeURL; } public String getFrameGrabberType() { return frameGrabberType; } public void setFrameGrabberType(String frameGrabberType) { this.frameGrabberType = frameGrabberType; } public float getLeftCameraDx() { return leftCameraDx; } public void setLeftCameraDx(float leftCameraDx) { this.leftCameraDx = leftCameraDx; } public float getLeftCameraDy() { return leftCameraDy; } public void setLeftCameraDy(float leftCameraDy) { this.leftCameraDy = leftCameraDy; } public float getLeftCameraAngle() { return leftCameraAngle; } public void setLeftCameraAngle(float leftCameraAngle) { this.leftCameraAngle = leftCameraAngle; } public float getRightCameraDx() { return rightCameraDx; } public void setRightCameraDx(float rightCameraDx) { this.rightCameraDx = rightCameraDx; } public float getRightCameraDy() { return rightCameraDy; } public void setRightCameraDy(float rightCameraDy) { this.rightCameraDy = rightCameraDy; } public float getRightCameraAngle() { return rightCameraAngle; } public void setRightCameraAngle(float rightCameraAngle) { this.rightCameraAngle = rightCameraAngle; } public boolean isMirrorLeftCamera() { return mirrorLeftCamera; } public void setMirrorLeftCamera(boolean mirrorLeftCamera) { this.mirrorLeftCamera = mirrorLeftCamera; } public String getCvInputSource() { return cvInputSource; } public void setCvInputSource(String cvInputSource) { this.cvInputSource = cvInputSource; } }