/** * Copyright (c) 2005-2017, KoLmafia development team * http://kolmafia.sourceforge.net/ * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * [1] Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * [2] Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * [3] Neither the name "KoLmafia" nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package net.sourceforge.kolmafia; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.io.File; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JList; import net.java.dev.spellcast.utilities.DataUtilities; import net.java.dev.spellcast.utilities.LockableListModel; import net.java.dev.spellcast.utilities.SortedListModel; import net.sourceforge.kolmafia.objectpool.IntegerPool; import net.sourceforge.kolmafia.session.ContactManager; import net.sourceforge.kolmafia.utilities.LogStream; public class BuffBotHome { private static final DateFormat TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance( DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT ); public static final Color NOCOLOR = new Color( 0, 0, 0 ); public static final Color ERRORCOLOR = new Color( 128, 0, 0 ); public static final Color NONBUFFCOLOR = new Color( 0, 0, 128 ); public static final Color BUFFCOLOR = new Color( 0, 128, 0 ); private static boolean isActive = false; private static final TreeMap pastRecipients = new TreeMap(); private static final LockableListModel<BuffMessage> messages = new LockableListModel<BuffMessage>(); private static PrintStream textLogStream = System.out; private static PrintStream hypertextLogStream = System.out; /** * Constructs a new <code>BuffBotHome</code>. However, note that this does not automatically translate into the * messages being displayed; until a chat display is set, this buffer merely stores the message content to be * displayed. */ public static final void loadSettings() { BuffBotHome.messages.clear(); BuffBotHome.pastRecipients.clear(); // Create the text log file which shows only the buffs // which have been requested in a comma-delimited format. BuffBotHome.textLogStream = BuffBotHome.getPrintStream( ".txt" ); // Create the standard HTML log which can be opened // up to see all activity. BuffBotHome.hypertextLogStream = BuffBotHome.getPrintStream( ".html" ); BuffBotHome.hypertextLogStream.println( "<html><head><style> body { font-family: sans-serif; } </style>" ); BuffBotHome.hypertextLogStream.flush(); } /** * Retrieves the file which would be associated with the current player, placed in the given folder and given the * appropriate extension. */ private static final File getFile( final String extension ) { return new File( KoLConstants.BUFFBOT_LOCATION, KoLCharacter.baseUserName() + "_" + KoLConstants.DAILY_FORMAT.format( new Date() ) + "_" + extension ); } /** * Retrieves the output stream which would be associated with the current player, placed in the given folder and * given the appropriate extension. */ private static final PrintStream getPrintStream( final String extension ) { File output = BuffBotHome.getFile( extension ); return LogStream.openStream( output, false ); } /** * Retrieves all the past recipients of the buff associated with the given meat amount. */ private static final List getPastRecipients( final int meatSent ) { Integer key = IntegerPool.get( meatSent ); if ( !BuffBotHome.pastRecipients.containsKey( key ) ) { BuffBotHome.pastRecipients.put( key, new SortedListModel() ); } return (List) BuffBotHome.pastRecipients.get( key ); } /** * Returns the number of times the given name has requested the buff associated with the given meat amount. */ public static final int getInstanceCount( final int meatSent, final String name ) { List pastRecipients = BuffBotHome.getPastRecipients( meatSent ); BuffRecord record = new BuffRecord( name ); int index = pastRecipients.indexOf( record ); return index == -1 ? 0 : ( (BuffRecord) pastRecipients.get( index ) ).getCount(); } private static class BuffRecord implements Comparable<BuffRecord> { private int count; private final String name; private boolean deny; public BuffRecord( final String name ) { this.name = name; this.count = 1; this.deny = false; } public int getCount() { return this.count; } public void incrementCount() { if ( this.count != Integer.MAX_VALUE ) { ++this.count; } } public void restrict() { this.deny = true; } public boolean isPermitted() { return !this.deny; } public int compareTo( final BuffRecord o ) { return this.name.compareToIgnoreCase( ( (BuffRecord) o ).name ); } @Override public boolean equals( final Object o ) { if ( o == null || !( o instanceof BuffRecord ) ) { return false; } return this.name.equalsIgnoreCase( ( (BuffRecord) o ).name ); } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.name != null ? this.name.hashCode() : 0; } } /** * Registers the given name as a recipient of the buff associated with the given meat amount. */ public static final void addToRecipientList( final int meatSent, final String name ) { List pastRecipients = BuffBotHome.getPastRecipients( meatSent ); BuffRecord record = new BuffRecord( name ); int index = pastRecipients.indexOf( record ); if ( index == -1 ) { pastRecipients.add( record ); } else { ( (BuffRecord) pastRecipients.get( index ) ).incrementCount(); } } /** * Causes the given player to be permanently ignored from all future buff requests. */ public static final void denyFutureBuffs( final String name ) { List pastRecipients = BuffBotHome.getPastRecipients( 0 ); BuffRecord record = new BuffRecord( name ); int index = pastRecipients.indexOf( record ); if ( index == -1 ) { record.restrict(); pastRecipients.add( record ); } else { ( (BuffRecord) pastRecipients.get( index ) ).restrict(); } } public static final boolean isPermitted( final String name ) { List pastRecipients = BuffBotHome.getPastRecipients( 0 ); BuffRecord record = new BuffRecord( name ); int index = pastRecipients.indexOf( record ); if ( index == -1 ) { return true; } return ( (BuffRecord) pastRecipients.get( index ) ).isPermitted(); } /** * Closes the log file used to actively record messages that are being stored in the buffer. This formally closes * the file and sets the log file currently being used to null so that no future updates are attempted. */ public static final void deinitialize() { BuffBotHome.hypertextLogStream.println(); BuffBotHome.hypertextLogStream.println(); BuffBotHome.hypertextLogStream.println( "</body></html>" ); BuffBotHome.hypertextLogStream.close(); BuffBotHome.hypertextLogStream = null; BuffBotHome.isActive = false; } /** * An internal function used to indicate that something has changed with regards to the buffbot. This method is used * whenever no timestamp is required for a given buffbot entry. */ public static final void update( final Color c, final String entry ) { if ( entry != null && BuffBotHome.hypertextLogStream != null ) { BuffBotHome.messages.add( 0, new BuffMessage( c, entry ) ); BuffBotHome.hypertextLogStream.println( "<br><font color=" + DataUtilities.toHexString( c ) + ">" + entry + "</font>" ); BuffBotHome.hypertextLogStream.flush(); RequestLogger.printLine( entry ); if ( BuffBotHome.messages.size() > 100 ) { BuffBotHome.messages.remove( 100 ); } } } /** * Adds a time-stamped entry to the log for the buffbot. In general, this is the preferred method of modifying the * buffbot. However, the standard appending procedure is still valid. */ public static final void timeStampedLogEntry( final Color c, final String entry ) { BuffBotHome.update( c, BuffBotHome.TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.format( new Date() ) + ": " + entry ); } /** * Adds the given buff to the comma-delimited list of events for the buffbot. This is used to register whenever a * buff has been requested and successfully processed. */ public static final void recordBuff( final String name, final String buff, final int casts, final int meatSent ) { BuffBotHome.textLogStream.println( BuffBotHome.TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.format( new Date() ) + "," + name + "," + ContactManager.getPlayerId( name ) + "," + buff + "," + casts + "," + meatSent ); } /** * Sets the current active state for the buffbot. Note that this does not affect whether or not the buffbot * continues logging events - it merely affects whether or not the the buffbot itself is running. */ public static final void setBuffBotActive( final boolean isActive ) { BuffBotHome.isActive = isActive; } /** * Returns whether or not the buffbot is currently active. Note that this does not say whether or not the buffbot is * currently logging data - int only states whether or not the buffbot itself is running. */ public static final boolean isBuffBotActive() { return BuffBotHome.isActive; } /** * Used to retrieve the list of messages being updated by this <code>BuffBotHome</code>. This should only be used * if there is a need to display the messages in some list form. */ public static final LockableListModel<BuffMessage> getMessages() { return BuffBotHome.messages; } /** * Returns an instance of the cell renderer which should be used to display the buff messages inside of a list * setting. */ public static final DefaultListCellRenderer getMessageRenderer() { return new BuffMessageRenderer(); } /** * An internal class which represents the renderer which should be used to display the buff messages. */ private static class BuffMessageRenderer extends DefaultListCellRenderer { public BuffMessageRenderer() { this.setOpaque( true ); } @Override public Component getListCellRendererComponent( final JList list, final Object value, final int index, final boolean isSelected, final boolean cellHasFocus ) { Component defaultComponent = super.getListCellRendererComponent( list, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus ); if ( value == null || !( value instanceof BuffMessage ) ) { return defaultComponent; } BuffMessage bm = (BuffMessage) value; ( (JLabel) defaultComponent ).setText( bm.message ); defaultComponent.setForeground( bm.c ); return defaultComponent; } } /** * An internal class which represents the message associated with the given buff. */ private static class BuffMessage { private final Color c; private final String message; public BuffMessage( final Color c, final String message ) { this.c = c; this.message = message; } } }