package; import de.regnis.q.sequence.line.diff.QDiffGenerator; import de.regnis.q.sequence.line.diff.QDiffGeneratorFactory; import de.regnis.q.sequence.line.diff.QDiffManager; import de.regnis.q.sequence.line.diff.QDiffUniGenerator; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.*; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.SVNHashMap; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.SVNMergeInfoUtil; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.SVNPathUtil; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.DefaultSVNOptions; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.ISVNReturnValueCallback; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.SVNErrorManager; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.SVNFileUtil; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.ISVNOptions; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNDiffOptions; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc2.SvnTarget; import org.tmatesoft.svn.util.SVNLogType; import*; import java.util.*; public class SvnDiffGenerator implements ISvnDiffGenerator { protected static final String WC_REVISION_LABEL = "(working copy)"; protected static final String PROPERTIES_SEPARATOR = "___________________________________________________________________"; protected static final String HEADER_SEPARATOR = "==================================================================="; protected static final String HEADER_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; private SvnTarget originalTarget1; private SvnTarget originalTarget2; private SvnTarget baseTarget; private SvnTarget relativeToTarget; private SvnTarget repositoryRoot; private String encoding; private byte[] eol; private boolean useGitFormat; private boolean forcedBinaryDiff; private boolean diffDeleted; private boolean diffAdded; private List<String> rawDiffOptions; private boolean forceEmpty; private Set<String> visitedPaths; private String externalDiffCommand; private SVNDiffOptions diffOptions; private boolean fallbackToAbsolutePath; private ISVNOptions options; private boolean propertiesOnly; private boolean ignoreProperties; private String getDisplayPath(SvnTarget target) { String relativePath; if (baseTarget == null) { relativePath = null; } else { String targetString = target.getPathOrUrlDecodedString(); String baseTargetString = baseTarget.getPathOrUrlDecodedString(); relativePath = getRelativePath(targetString, baseTargetString); } return relativePath != null ? relativePath : target.getPathOrUrlString(); } private String getRelativeToRootPath(SvnTarget target, SvnTarget originalTarget) { String relativePath; if (repositoryRoot == null) { relativePath = null; } else { if (repositoryRoot.isFile() == target.isFile()) { String targetString = target.getPathOrUrlDecodedString(); String baseTargetString = repositoryRoot.getPathOrUrlDecodedString(); relativePath = getRelativePath(targetString, baseTargetString); } else { String targetString = target.getPathOrUrlDecodedString(); String baseTargetString = new File("").getAbsolutePath(); relativePath = getRelativePath(targetString, baseTargetString); } } return relativePath != null ? relativePath : target.getPathOrUrlString(); } private String getRelativePath(String targetString, String baseTargetString) { if (targetString != null) { targetString = targetString.replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); } if (baseTargetString != null) { baseTargetString = baseTargetString.replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); } final String pathAsChild = SVNPathUtil.getPathAsChild(baseTargetString, targetString); if (pathAsChild != null) { return pathAsChild; } if (targetString.equals(baseTargetString)) { return ""; } return null; } private String getChildPath(String path, String relativeToPath) { if (relativeToTarget == null) { return null; } String relativePath = getRelativePath(path, relativeToPath); if (relativePath == null) { return path; } if (relativePath.length() > 0) { return relativePath; } if (relativeToPath.equals(path)) { return "."; } return null; } public SvnDiffGenerator() { this.originalTarget1 = null; this.originalTarget2 = null; this.visitedPaths = new HashSet<String>(); this.diffDeleted = true; this.diffAdded = true; } public void setBaseTarget(SvnTarget baseTarget) { this.baseTarget = baseTarget; } public void setUseGitFormat(boolean useGitFormat) { this.useGitFormat = useGitFormat; } public void setOriginalTargets(SvnTarget originalTarget1, SvnTarget originalTarget2) { this.originalTarget1 = originalTarget1; this.originalTarget2 = originalTarget2; } public void setRelativeToTarget(SvnTarget relativeToTarget) { this.relativeToTarget = relativeToTarget; } public void setAnchors(SvnTarget originalTarget1, SvnTarget originalTarget2) { //anchors are not used } public void setRepositoryRoot(SvnTarget repositoryRoot) { this.repositoryRoot = repositoryRoot; } public void setForceEmpty(boolean forceEmpty) { this.forceEmpty = forceEmpty; } public void setEncoding(String encoding) { this.encoding = encoding; } public String getEncoding() { return encoding; } public String getGlobalEncoding() { ISVNOptions options = getOptions(); if (options != null && options instanceof DefaultSVNOptions) { DefaultSVNOptions defaultOptions = (DefaultSVNOptions) options; return defaultOptions.getGlobalCharset(); } return null; } public void setEOL(byte[] eol) { this.eol = eol; } public byte[] getEOL() { return eol; } public boolean isForcedBinaryDiff() { return forcedBinaryDiff; } public void setForcedBinaryDiff(boolean forcedBinaryDiff) { this.forcedBinaryDiff = forcedBinaryDiff; } public boolean isPropertiesOnly() { return propertiesOnly; } public void setPropertiesOnly(boolean propertiesOnly) { this.propertiesOnly = propertiesOnly; } public boolean isIgnoreProperties() { return ignoreProperties; } public void setIgnoreProperties(boolean ignoreProperties) { this.ignoreProperties = ignoreProperties; } public void displayDeletedDirectory(SvnTarget target, String revision1, String revision2, OutputStream outputStream) throws SVNException { } public void displayAddedDirectory(SvnTarget target, String revision1, String revision2, OutputStream outputStream) throws SVNException { } public void displayPropsChanged(SvnTarget target, String revision1, String revision2, boolean dirWasAdded, SVNProperties originalProps, SVNProperties propChanges, OutputStream outputStream) throws SVNException { if (isIgnoreProperties()) { return; } if (dirWasAdded && !isDiffAdded()) { return; } ensureEncodingAndEOLSet(); String displayPath = getDisplayPath(target); String targetString1 = originalTarget1.getPathOrUrlDecodedString(); String targetString2 = originalTarget2.getPathOrUrlDecodedString(); if (displayPath == null || displayPath.length() == 0) { displayPath = "."; } if (useGitFormat) { targetString1 = adjustRelativeToReposRoot(targetString1); targetString2 = adjustRelativeToReposRoot(targetString2); } String newTargetString = displayPath; String newTargetString1 = targetString1; String newTargetString2 = targetString2; String commonAncestor = SVNPathUtil.getCommonPathAncestor(newTargetString1, newTargetString2); int commonLength = commonAncestor == null ? 0 : commonAncestor.length(); newTargetString1 = newTargetString1.substring(commonLength); newTargetString2 = newTargetString2.substring(commonLength); newTargetString1 = computeLabel(newTargetString, newTargetString1); newTargetString2 = computeLabel(newTargetString, newTargetString2); if (relativeToTarget != null) { String relativeToPath = relativeToTarget.getPathOrUrlDecodedString(); String absolutePath = target.getPathOrUrlDecodedString(); String childPath = getChildPath(absolutePath, relativeToPath); if (childPath == null) { throwBadRelativePathException(absolutePath, relativeToPath); } String childPath1 = getChildPath(newTargetString1, relativeToPath); if (childPath1 == null) { throwBadRelativePathException(newTargetString1, relativeToPath); } String childPath2 = getChildPath(newTargetString2, relativeToPath); if (childPath2 == null) { throwBadRelativePathException(newTargetString2, relativeToPath); } displayPath = childPath; newTargetString1 = childPath1; newTargetString2 = childPath2; } boolean showDiffHeader = !visitedPaths.contains(displayPath); if (showDiffHeader) { String label1 = getLabel(newTargetString1, revision1); String label2 = getLabel(newTargetString2, revision2); boolean shouldStopDisplaying = displayHeader(outputStream, displayPath, false, fallbackToAbsolutePath, SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Modified); visitedPaths.add(displayPath); if (useGitFormat) { displayGitDiffHeader(outputStream, SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Modified, getRelativeToRootPath(target, originalTarget1), getRelativeToRootPath(target, originalTarget2), null); } if (shouldStopDisplaying) { return; } // if (useGitFormat) { // String copyFromPath = null; // SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind operationKind = SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Modified; // label1 = getGitDiffLabel1(operationKind, targetString1, targetString2, copyFromPath, revision1); // label2 = getGitDiffLabel2(operationKind, targetString1, targetString2, copyFromPath, revision2); // displayGitDiffHeader(outputStream, operationKind, // getRelativeToRootPath(target, originalTarget1), // getRelativeToRootPath(target, originalTarget2), // copyFromPath); // } if (useGitFormat) { displayGitHeaderFields(outputStream, target, revision1, revision2, SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Modified, null); } else { displayHeaderFields(outputStream, label1, label2); } } displayPropertyChangesOn(useGitFormat ? getRelativeToRootPath(target, originalTarget1) : displayPath, outputStream); displayPropDiffValues(outputStream, propChanges, originalProps); } private void throwBadRelativePathException(String displayPath, String relativeToPath) throws SVNException { SVNErrorMessage errorMessage = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.BAD_RELATIVE_PATH, "Path ''{0}'' must be an immediate child of the directory ''{0}''", displayPath, relativeToPath); SVNErrorManager.error(errorMessage, SVNLogType.CLIENT); } private void displayGitHeaderFields(OutputStream outputStream, SvnTarget target, String revision1, String revision2, SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind operation, String copyFromPath) throws SVNException { String path1 = copyFromPath != null ? copyFromPath : getRelativeToRootPath(target, originalTarget1); String path2 = getRelativeToRootPath(target, originalTarget2); try { displayString(outputStream, "--- "); displayFirstGitLabelPath(outputStream, path1, revision1, operation); displayEOL(outputStream); displayString(outputStream, "+++ "); displaySecondGitLabelPath(outputStream, path2, revision2, operation); displayEOL(outputStream); } catch (IOException e) { wrapException(e); } } private String adjustRelativeToReposRoot(String targetString) { if (repositoryRoot != null) { String repositoryRootString = repositoryRoot.getPathOrUrlDecodedString(); String relativePath = getRelativePath(targetString, repositoryRootString); return relativePath == null ? "" : relativePath; } return targetString; } private String computeLabel(String targetString, String originalTargetString) { if (originalTargetString.length() == 0) { return targetString; } else if (originalTargetString.charAt(0) == '/') { return targetString + "\t(..." + originalTargetString + ")"; } else { return targetString + "\t(.../" + originalTargetString + ")"; } } public void displayContentChanged(SvnTarget target, File leftFile, File rightFile, String revision1, String revision2, String mimeType1, String mimeType2, SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind operation, File copyFromPath, SVNProperties originalProperties, SVNProperties propChanges, OutputStream outputStream) throws SVNException { if (isPropertiesOnly()) { return; } ensureEncodingAndEOLSet(); String displayPath = getDisplayPath(target); String targetString1 = originalTarget1.getPathOrUrlDecodedString(); String targetString2 = originalTarget2.getPathOrUrlDecodedString(); if (useGitFormat) { targetString1 = adjustRelativeToReposRoot(targetString1); targetString2 = adjustRelativeToReposRoot(targetString2); } String newTargetString = displayPath; String newTargetString1 = targetString1; String newTargetString2 = targetString2; String commonAncestor = SVNPathUtil.getCommonPathAncestor(newTargetString1, newTargetString2); int commonLength = commonAncestor == null ? 0 : commonAncestor.length(); newTargetString1 = newTargetString1.substring(commonLength); newTargetString2 = newTargetString2.substring(commonLength); newTargetString1 = computeLabel(newTargetString, newTargetString1); newTargetString2 = computeLabel(newTargetString, newTargetString2); if (relativeToTarget != null) { String relativeToPath = relativeToTarget.getPathOrUrlDecodedString(); String absolutePath = target.getPathOrUrlDecodedString(); String childPath = getChildPath(absolutePath, relativeToPath); if (childPath == null) { throwBadRelativePathException(absolutePath, relativeToPath); } String childPath1 = getChildPath(newTargetString1, relativeToPath); if (childPath1 == null) { throwBadRelativePathException(newTargetString1, relativeToPath); } String childPath2 = getChildPath(newTargetString2, relativeToPath); if (childPath2 == null) { throwBadRelativePathException(newTargetString2, relativeToPath); } displayPath = childPath; newTargetString1 = childPath1; newTargetString2 = childPath2; } String label1 = getLabel(newTargetString1, revision1); String label2 = getLabel(newTargetString2, revision2); boolean leftIsBinary = false; boolean rightIsBinary = false; if (mimeType1 != null) { leftIsBinary = SVNProperty.isBinaryMimeType(mimeType1); } if (mimeType2 != null) { rightIsBinary = SVNProperty.isBinaryMimeType(mimeType2); } if (!forcedBinaryDiff && (leftIsBinary || rightIsBinary)) { boolean shouldStopDisplaying = displayHeader(outputStream, displayPath, rightFile == null, leftFile == null, operation); if (useGitFormat) { displayGitDiffHeader(outputStream, operation, getRelativeToRootPath(target, originalTarget1), getRelativeToRootPath(target, originalTarget2), null); } visitedPaths.add(displayPath); if (shouldStopDisplaying) { return; } displayBinary(mimeType1, mimeType2, outputStream, leftIsBinary, rightIsBinary); return; } final String diffCommand = getExternalDiffCommand(); if (diffCommand != null) { boolean shouldStopDisplaying = displayHeader(outputStream, displayPath, rightFile == null, leftFile == null, operation); if (useGitFormat) { displayGitDiffHeader(outputStream, operation, getRelativeToRootPath(target, originalTarget1), getRelativeToRootPath(target, originalTarget2), null); } visitedPaths.add(displayPath); if (shouldStopDisplaying) { return; } runExternalDiffCommand(outputStream, diffCommand, leftFile, rightFile, label1, label2); } else { internalDiff(target, outputStream, displayPath, leftFile, rightFile, label1, label2, operation, copyFromPath == null ? null : copyFromPath.getPath(), revision1, revision2); } } private void displayBinary(String mimeType1, String mimeType2, OutputStream outputStream, boolean leftIsBinary, boolean rightIsBinary) throws SVNException { displayCannotDisplayFileMarkedBinary(outputStream); if (leftIsBinary && !rightIsBinary) { displayMimeType(outputStream, mimeType1); } else if (!leftIsBinary && rightIsBinary) { displayMimeType(outputStream, mimeType2); } else if (leftIsBinary && rightIsBinary) { if (mimeType1.equals(mimeType2)) { displayMimeType(outputStream, mimeType1); } else { displayMimeTypes(outputStream, mimeType1, mimeType2); } } } private void internalDiff(SvnTarget target, OutputStream outputStream, String displayPath, File file1, File file2, String label1, String label2, SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind operation, String copyFromPath, String revision1, String revision2) throws SVNException { String header = getHeaderString(target, displayPath, file2 == null, file1 == null, operation, copyFromPath); if (file2 == null && !isDiffDeleted()) { try { displayString(outputStream, header); } catch (IOException e) { wrapException(e); } visitedPaths.add(displayPath); return; } if (file1 == null && !isDiffAdded()) { try { displayString(outputStream, header); } catch (IOException e) { wrapException(e); } visitedPaths.add(displayPath); return; } String headerFields = getHeaderFieldsString(target, displayPath, label1, label2, revision1, revision2, operation, copyFromPath); RandomAccessFile is1 = null; RandomAccessFile is2 = null; try { is1 = file1 == null ? null : SVNFileUtil.openRAFileForReading(file1); is2 = file2 == null ? null : SVNFileUtil.openRAFileForReading(file2); QDiffUniGenerator.setup(); Map properties = new SVNHashMap(); properties.put(QDiffGeneratorFactory.IGNORE_EOL_PROPERTY, Boolean.valueOf(getDiffOptions().isIgnoreEOLStyle())); properties.put(QDiffGeneratorFactory.EOL_PROPERTY, new String(getEOL())); if (getDiffOptions().isIgnoreAllWhitespace()) { properties.put(QDiffGeneratorFactory.IGNORE_SPACE_PROPERTY, QDiffGeneratorFactory.IGNORE_ALL_SPACE); } else if (getDiffOptions().isIgnoreAmountOfWhitespace()) { properties.put(QDiffGeneratorFactory.IGNORE_SPACE_PROPERTY, QDiffGeneratorFactory.IGNORE_SPACE_CHANGE); } final String diffHeader; if (forceEmpty || useGitFormat) { displayString(outputStream, header); diffHeader = headerFields; visitedPaths.add(displayPath); } else { diffHeader = header + headerFields; } QDiffGenerator generator = new QDiffUniGenerator(properties, diffHeader); EmptyDetectionOutputStream emptyDetectionOutputStream = new EmptyDetectionOutputStream(outputStream); QDiffManager.generateTextDiff(is1, is2, emptyDetectionOutputStream, generator); if (emptyDetectionOutputStream.isSomethingWritten()) { visitedPaths.add(displayPath); } emptyDetectionOutputStream.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.IO_ERROR, e.getMessage()); SVNErrorManager.error(err, e, SVNLogType.DEFAULT); } finally { SVNFileUtil.closeFile(is1); SVNFileUtil.closeFile(is2); } } private String getHeaderFieldsString(SvnTarget target, String displayPath, String label1, String label2, String revision1, String revision2, SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind operation, String copyFromPath) throws SVNException { final ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { if (useGitFormat) { displayGitHeaderFields(byteArrayOutputStream, target, revision1, revision2, operation, copyFromPath); } else { displayHeaderFields(byteArrayOutputStream, label1, label2); } } catch (SVNException e) { SVNFileUtil.closeFile(byteArrayOutputStream); try { byteArrayOutputStream.writeTo(byteArrayOutputStream); } catch (IOException e1) { } throw e; } try { byteArrayOutputStream.close(); return byteArrayOutputStream.toString(HEADER_ENCODING); } catch (IOException e) { return ""; } } private String getHeaderString(SvnTarget target, String displayPath, boolean deleted, boolean added, SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind operation, String copyFromPath) throws SVNException { final ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { boolean stopDisplaying = displayHeader(byteArrayOutputStream, displayPath, deleted, added, operation); if (useGitFormat) { displayGitDiffHeader(byteArrayOutputStream, operation, getRelativeToRootPath(target, originalTarget1), getRelativeToRootPath(target, originalTarget2), copyFromPath); } } catch (SVNException e) { SVNFileUtil.closeFile(byteArrayOutputStream); try { byteArrayOutputStream.writeTo(byteArrayOutputStream); } catch (IOException e1) { } throw e; } try { byteArrayOutputStream.close(); return byteArrayOutputStream.toString(HEADER_ENCODING); } catch (IOException e) { return ""; } } private void runExternalDiffCommand(OutputStream outputStream, final String diffCommand, File file1, File file2, String label1, String label2) throws SVNException { final List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); args.add(diffCommand); if (rawDiffOptions != null) { args.addAll(rawDiffOptions); } else { Collection svnDiffOptionsCollection = getDiffOptions().toOptionsCollection(); args.addAll(svnDiffOptionsCollection); args.add("-u"); } if (label1 != null) { args.add("-L"); args.add(label1); } if (label2 != null) { args.add("-L"); args.add(label2); } boolean tmpFile1 = false; boolean tmpFile2 = false; if (file1 == null) { file1 = SVNFileUtil.createTempFile("svn.", ".tmp"); tmpFile1 = true; } if (file2 == null) { file2 = SVNFileUtil.createTempFile("svn.", ".tmp"); tmpFile2 = true; } String file1Path = file1.getAbsolutePath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); String file2Path = file2.getAbsolutePath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); args.add(file1Path); args.add(file2Path); try { final Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, getEncoding()); SVNFileUtil.execCommand(args.toArray(new String[args.size()]), true, new ISVNReturnValueCallback() { public void handleReturnValue(int returnValue) throws SVNException { if (returnValue != 0 && returnValue != 1) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.EXTERNAL_PROGRAM, "''{0}'' returned {1}", new Object[] { diffCommand, String.valueOf(returnValue) }); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.DEFAULT); } } public void handleChar(char ch) throws SVNException { try { writer.write(ch); } catch (IOException ioe) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.IO_ERROR, ioe.getMessage()); SVNErrorManager.error(err, ioe, SVNLogType.DEFAULT); } } public boolean isHandleProgramOutput() { return true; } }); writer.flush(); } catch (IOException ioe) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.IO_ERROR, ioe.getMessage()); SVNErrorManager.error(err, ioe, SVNLogType.DEFAULT); } finally { try { if (tmpFile1) { SVNFileUtil.deleteFile(file1); } if (tmpFile2) { SVNFileUtil.deleteFile(file2); } } catch (SVNException e) { // skip } } } private String getExternalDiffCommand() { return externalDiffCommand; } private void displayMimeType(OutputStream outputStream, String mimeType) throws SVNException { try { displayString(outputStream, SVNProperty.MIME_TYPE); displayString(outputStream, " = "); displayString(outputStream, mimeType); displayEOL(outputStream); } catch (IOException e) { wrapException(e); } } private void displayMimeTypes(OutputStream outputStream, String mimeType1, String mimeType2) throws SVNException { try { displayString(outputStream, SVNProperty.MIME_TYPE); displayString(outputStream, " = ("); displayString(outputStream, mimeType1); displayString(outputStream, ", "); displayString(outputStream, mimeType2); displayString(outputStream, ")"); displayEOL(outputStream); } catch (IOException e) { wrapException(e); } } private void displayCannotDisplayFileMarkedBinary(OutputStream outputStream) throws SVNException { try { displayString(outputStream, "Cannot display: file marked as a binary type."); displayEOL(outputStream); } catch (IOException e) { wrapException(e); } } private void ensureEncodingAndEOLSet() { if (getEOL() == null) { setEOL(SVNProperty.EOL_LF_BYTES); } if (getEncoding() == null) { final ISVNOptions options = getOptions(); if (options != null && options.getNativeCharset() != null) { setEncoding(options.getNativeCharset()); } else { setEncoding("UTF-8"); } } } private void displayPropDiffValues(OutputStream outputStream, SVNProperties diff, SVNProperties baseProps) throws SVNException { for (Iterator changedPropNames = diff.nameSet().iterator(); changedPropNames.hasNext();) { String name = (String); SVNPropertyValue originalValue = baseProps != null ? baseProps.getSVNPropertyValue(name) : null; SVNPropertyValue newValue = diff.getSVNPropertyValue(name); String headerFormat = null; if (originalValue == null) { headerFormat = "Added: "; } else if (newValue == null) { headerFormat = "Deleted: "; } else { headerFormat = "Modified: "; } try { displayString(outputStream, (headerFormat + name)); displayEOL(outputStream); if (SVNProperty.MERGE_INFO.equals(name)) { displayMergeInfoDiff(outputStream, originalValue == null ? null : originalValue.getString(), newValue == null ? null : newValue.getString()); continue; } byte[] originalValueBytes = getPropertyAsBytes(originalValue, getEncoding()); byte[] newValueBytes = getPropertyAsBytes(newValue, getEncoding()); if (originalValueBytes == null) { originalValueBytes = new byte[0]; } else { originalValueBytes = maybeAppendEOL(originalValueBytes); } boolean newValueHadEol = newValueBytes != null && newValueBytes.length > 0 && (newValueBytes[newValueBytes.length - 1] == SVNProperty.EOL_CR_BYTES[0] || newValueBytes[newValueBytes.length - 1] == SVNProperty.EOL_LF_BYTES[0]); if (newValueBytes == null) { newValueBytes = new byte[0]; } else { newValueBytes = maybeAppendEOL(newValueBytes); } QDiffUniGenerator.setup(); Map properties = new SVNHashMap(); properties.put(QDiffGeneratorFactory.IGNORE_EOL_PROPERTY, Boolean.valueOf(getDiffOptions().isIgnoreEOLStyle())); properties.put(QDiffGeneratorFactory.EOL_PROPERTY, new String(getEOL())); properties.put(QDiffGeneratorFactory.HUNK_DELIMITER, "##"); if (getDiffOptions().isIgnoreAllWhitespace()) { properties.put(QDiffGeneratorFactory.IGNORE_SPACE_PROPERTY, QDiffGeneratorFactory.IGNORE_ALL_SPACE); } else if (getDiffOptions().isIgnoreAmountOfWhitespace()) { properties.put(QDiffGeneratorFactory.IGNORE_SPACE_PROPERTY, QDiffGeneratorFactory.IGNORE_SPACE_CHANGE); } QDiffGenerator generator = new QDiffUniGenerator(properties, ""); Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, getEncoding()); QDiffManager.generateTextDiff(new ByteArrayInputStream(originalValueBytes), new ByteArrayInputStream(newValueBytes), null, writer, generator); writer.flush(); if (!newValueHadEol) { displayString(outputStream, "\\ No newline at end of property"); displayEOL(outputStream); } } catch (IOException e) { wrapException(e); } } } private byte[] maybeAppendEOL(byte[] buffer) { if (buffer.length == 0) { return buffer; } byte lastByte = buffer[buffer.length - 1]; if (lastByte == SVNProperty.EOL_CR_BYTES[0]) { return buffer; } else if (lastByte != SVNProperty.EOL_LF_BYTES[0]) { final byte[] newBuffer = new byte[buffer.length + getEOL().length]; System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, buffer.length); System.arraycopy(getEOL(), 0, newBuffer, buffer.length, getEOL().length); return newBuffer; } else { return buffer; } } private String getGitDiffLabel1(SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind operationKind, String path1, String path2, String copyFromPath, String revision) { if (operationKind == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Deleted) { return getLabel("a/" + path1, revision); } else if (operationKind == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Copied) { return getLabel("a/" + copyFromPath, revision); } else if (operationKind == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Added) { return getLabel("/dev/null", revision); } else if (operationKind == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Modified) { return getLabel("a/" + path1, revision); } else if (operationKind == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Moved) { return getLabel("a/" + copyFromPath, revision); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported operation: " + operationKind); } private String getGitDiffLabel2(SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind operationKind, String path1, String path2, String copyFromPath, String revision) { if (operationKind == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Deleted) { return getLabel("/dev/null", revision); } else if (operationKind == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Copied) { return getLabel("b/" + path2, revision); } else if (operationKind == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Added) { return getLabel("b/" + path2, revision); } else if (operationKind == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Modified) { return getLabel("b/" + path2, revision); } else if (operationKind == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Moved) { return getLabel("b/" + path2, revision); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported operation: " + operationKind); } private void displayGitDiffHeader(OutputStream outputStream, SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind operationKind, String path1, String path2, String copyFromPath) throws SVNException { if (operationKind == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Deleted) { displayGitDiffHeaderDeleted(outputStream, path1, path2, copyFromPath); } else if (operationKind == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Copied) { displayGitDiffHeaderCopied(outputStream, path1, path2, copyFromPath); } else if (operationKind == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Added) { displayGitDiffHeaderAdded(outputStream, path1, path2, copyFromPath); } else if (operationKind == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Modified) { displayGitDiffHeaderModified(outputStream, path1, path2, copyFromPath); } else if (operationKind == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Moved) { displayGitDiffHeaderRenamed(outputStream, path1, path2, copyFromPath); } } private void displayGitDiffHeaderAdded(OutputStream outputStream, String path1, String path2, String copyFromPath) throws SVNException { try { displayString(outputStream, "diff --git "); displayFirstGitPath(outputStream, path1); displayString(outputStream, " "); displaySecondGitPath(outputStream, path2); displayEOL(outputStream); displayString(outputStream, "new file mode 10644"); displayEOL(outputStream); } catch (IOException e) { wrapException(e); } } private void displayGitDiffHeaderDeleted(OutputStream outputStream, String path1, String path2, String copyFromPath) throws SVNException { try { displayString(outputStream, "diff --git "); displayFirstGitPath(outputStream, path1); displayString(outputStream, " "); displaySecondGitPath(outputStream, path2); displayEOL(outputStream); displayString(outputStream, "deleted file mode 10644"); displayEOL(outputStream); } catch (IOException e) { wrapException(e); } } private void displayGitDiffHeaderCopied(OutputStream outputStream, String path1, String path2, String copyFromPath) throws SVNException { try { displayString(outputStream, "diff --git "); displayFirstGitPath(outputStream, copyFromPath); displayString(outputStream, " "); displaySecondGitPath(outputStream, path2); displayEOL(outputStream); displayString(outputStream, "copy from "); displayString(outputStream, copyFromPath); displayEOL(outputStream); displayString(outputStream, "copy to "); displayString(outputStream, path2); displayEOL(outputStream); } catch (IOException e) { wrapException(e); } } private void displayGitDiffHeaderRenamed(OutputStream outputStream, String path1, String path2, String copyFromPath) throws SVNException { try { displayString(outputStream, "diff --git "); displayFirstGitPath(outputStream, copyFromPath); displayString(outputStream, " "); displaySecondGitPath(outputStream, path2); displayEOL(outputStream); displayString(outputStream, "rename from "); displayString(outputStream, copyFromPath); displayEOL(outputStream); displayString(outputStream, "rename to "); displayString(outputStream, path2); displayEOL(outputStream); } catch (IOException e) { wrapException(e); } } private void displayGitDiffHeaderModified(OutputStream outputStream, String path1, String path2, String copyFromPath) throws SVNException { try { displayString(outputStream, "diff --git "); displayFirstGitPath(outputStream, path1); displayString(outputStream, " "); displaySecondGitPath(outputStream, path2); displayEOL(outputStream); } catch (IOException e) { wrapException(e); } } private void displayFirstGitPath(OutputStream outputStream, String path1) throws IOException { displayGitPath(outputStream, path1, "a/", false); } private void displaySecondGitPath(OutputStream outputStream, String path2) throws IOException { displayGitPath(outputStream, path2, "b/", false); } private void displayFirstGitLabelPath(OutputStream outputStream, String path1, String revision1, SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind operation) throws IOException { String pathPrefix = "a/"; if (operation == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Added) { path1 = "/dev/null"; pathPrefix = ""; } displayGitPath(outputStream, getLabel(path1, revision1), pathPrefix, true); } private void displaySecondGitLabelPath(OutputStream outputStream, String path2, String revision2, SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind operation) throws IOException { String pathPrefix = "b/"; if (operation == SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind.Deleted) { path2 = "/dev/null"; pathPrefix = ""; } displayGitPath(outputStream, getLabel(path2, revision2), pathPrefix, true); } private void displayGitPath(OutputStream outputStream, String path1, String pathPrefix, boolean label) throws IOException { // if (!label && path1.length() == 0) { // displayString(outputStream, "."); // } else { displayString(outputStream, pathPrefix); displayString(outputStream, path1); // } } private String getAdjustedPathWithLabel(String displayPath, String path, String revision, String commonAncestor) { String adjustedPath = getAdjustedPath(displayPath, path, commonAncestor); return getLabel(adjustedPath, revision); } private String getAdjustedPath(String displayPath, String path1, String commonAncestor) { String adjustedPath = getRelativePath(path1, commonAncestor); if (adjustedPath == null || adjustedPath.length() == 0) { adjustedPath = displayPath; } else if (adjustedPath.charAt(0) == '/') { adjustedPath = displayPath + "\t(..." + adjustedPath + ")"; } else { adjustedPath = displayPath + "\t(.../" + adjustedPath + ")"; } return adjustedPath; //TODO: respect relativeToDir } protected String getLabel(String path, String revToken) { revToken = revToken == null ? WC_REVISION_LABEL : revToken; return path + "\t" + revToken; } protected boolean displayHeader(OutputStream os, String path, boolean deleted, boolean added, SvnDiffCallback.OperationKind operation) throws SVNException { try { if (deleted && !isDiffDeleted()) { displayString(os, "Index: "); displayString(os, path); displayString(os, " (deleted)"); displayEOL(os); displayString(os, HEADER_SEPARATOR); displayEOL(os); return true; } if (added && !isDiffAdded()) { displayString(os, "Index: "); displayString(os, path); displayString(os, " (added)"); displayEOL(os); displayString(os, HEADER_SEPARATOR); displayEOL(os); return true; } displayString(os, "Index: "); displayString(os, path); displayEOL(os); displayString(os, HEADER_SEPARATOR); displayEOL(os); return false; } catch (IOException e) { wrapException(e); } return false; } protected void displayHeaderFields(OutputStream os, String label1, String label2) throws SVNException { try { displayString(os, "--- "); displayString(os, label1); displayEOL(os); displayString(os, "+++ "); displayString(os, label2); displayEOL(os); } catch (IOException e) { wrapException(e); } } private void displayPropertyChangesOn(String path, OutputStream outputStream) throws SVNException { try { displayEOL(outputStream); displayString(outputStream, ("Property changes on: " + (useLocalFileSeparatorChar() ? path.replace('/', File.separatorChar) : path))); displayEOL(outputStream); displayString(outputStream, PROPERTIES_SEPARATOR); displayEOL(outputStream); } catch (IOException e) { wrapException(e); } } private byte[] getPropertyAsBytes(SVNPropertyValue value, String encoding){ if (value == null){ return null; } if (value.isString()){ try { return value.getString().getBytes(encoding); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return value.getString().getBytes(); } } return value.getBytes(); } private void displayMergeInfoDiff(OutputStream outputStream, String oldValue, String newValue) throws SVNException, IOException { Map oldMergeInfo = null; Map newMergeInfo = null; if (oldValue != null) { oldMergeInfo = SVNMergeInfoUtil.parseMergeInfo(new StringBuffer(oldValue), null); } if (newValue != null) { newMergeInfo = SVNMergeInfoUtil.parseMergeInfo(new StringBuffer(newValue), null); } Map deleted = new TreeMap(); Map added = new TreeMap(); SVNMergeInfoUtil.diffMergeInfo(deleted, added, oldMergeInfo, newMergeInfo, true); for (Iterator paths = deleted.keySet().iterator(); paths.hasNext();) { String path = (String); SVNMergeRangeList rangeList = (SVNMergeRangeList) deleted.get(path); displayString(outputStream, (" Reverse-merged " + path + ":r")); displayString(outputStream, rangeList.toString()); displayEOL(outputStream); } for (Iterator paths = added.keySet().iterator(); paths.hasNext();) { String path = (String); SVNMergeRangeList rangeList = (SVNMergeRangeList) added.get(path); displayString(outputStream, (" Merged " + path + ":r")); displayString(outputStream, rangeList.toString()); displayEOL(outputStream); } } private boolean useLocalFileSeparatorChar() { return true; } public boolean isDiffDeleted() { return diffDeleted; } public boolean isDiffAdded() { return diffAdded; } private void wrapException(IOException e) throws SVNException { SVNErrorMessage errorMessage = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNKNOWN, e); SVNErrorManager.error(errorMessage, e, SVNLogType.WC); } private void displayString(OutputStream outputStream, String s) throws IOException { outputStream.write(s.getBytes(HEADER_ENCODING)); } private void displayEOL(OutputStream os) throws IOException { os.write(getEOL()); } public SVNDiffOptions getDiffOptions() { if (diffOptions == null) { diffOptions = new SVNDiffOptions(); } return diffOptions; } public void setExternalDiffCommand(String externalDiffCommand) { this.externalDiffCommand = externalDiffCommand; } public void setRawDiffOptions(List<String> rawDiffOptions) { this.rawDiffOptions = rawDiffOptions; } public void setDiffOptions(SVNDiffOptions diffOptions) { this.diffOptions = diffOptions; } public void setDiffDeleted(boolean diffDeleted) { this.diffDeleted = diffDeleted; } public void setDiffAdded(boolean diffAdded) { this.diffAdded = diffAdded; } public void setBasePath(File absoluteFile) { setBaseTarget(SvnTarget.fromFile(absoluteFile)); } public void setFallbackToAbsolutePath(boolean fallbackToAbsolutePath) { this.fallbackToAbsolutePath = fallbackToAbsolutePath; } public void setOptions(ISVNOptions options) { this.options = options; } public ISVNOptions getOptions() { return options; } private class EmptyDetectionOutputStream extends OutputStream { private final OutputStream outputStream; private boolean somethingWritten; public EmptyDetectionOutputStream(OutputStream outputStream) { this.outputStream = outputStream; this.somethingWritten = false; } public boolean isSomethingWritten() { return somethingWritten; } @Override public void write(int c) throws IOException { somethingWritten = true; outputStream.write(c); } @Override public void write(byte[] bytes) throws IOException { somethingWritten = bytes.length > 0; outputStream.write(bytes); } @Override public void write(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) throws IOException { somethingWritten = length > 0; outputStream.write(bytes, offset, length); } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { outputStream.flush(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { outputStream.close(); } } }