/* * $Id: AbstractAreaPainter.java,v 1.11 2007/11/25 15:52:58 kschaefe Exp $ * * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, * Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.jdesktop.swingx.painter; import org.jdesktop.swingx.painter.effects.AreaEffect; import java.awt.*; import org.jdesktop.swingx.util.PaintUtils; /** * The abstract base class for all painters that fill a vector path area. This * includes Shapes, Rectangles, Text, and the MattePainter * which fills in the entire background of a component. The defining * feature of AbstractAreaPainter subclasses * is that they implement the provideShape() method which returns * the outline shape of the area that this * painter will fill. Subclasses must implement the provideShape() method. * * The AbstractAreaPainter provides support for the following common painting properties * * <ul> * <li>fillPaint</li> * <li>paintStretched</li> * <li>borderPaint</li> * <li>borderWidth</li> * <li>style</li> * </ul> * * The AbstractAreaPainter also provides support for path effects like dropshadows and glows. * * @author joshua@marinacci.org */ public abstract class AbstractAreaPainter<T> extends AbstractLayoutPainter<T> { /** * Different available fill styles. BOTH indicates that both the outline, * and the fill should be painted. This is the default. FILLED indicates that * the shape should be filled, but no outline painted. OUTLINE specifies that * the shape should be outlined, but not filled. NONE indicates that neither * the fill area nor the outline should be painted. */ public enum Style {BOTH, FILLED, OUTLINE, NONE} // controls if the paint should be stretched to fill the available area private boolean stretchPaint; private AreaEffect[] areaEffects = new AreaEffect[0]; private Style style = Style.BOTH; /** * The stroke width to use when painting. If null, the default Stroke for * the Graphics2D is used */ private float borderWidth; /** * The paint to use when filling the shape */ private Paint fillPaint; /** * The Paint to use when stroking the shape (drawing the outline). If null, * then the component foreground color is used */ private Paint borderPaint; /** * Creates a new instance of AbstractAreaPainter */ public AbstractAreaPainter() { fillPaint = Color.RED; } /** * Creates a new instance of AbstractAreaPainter * @param paint the default paint to fill this area painter with */ public AbstractAreaPainter(Paint paint) { this.fillPaint = paint; } /** * Gets the current fill paint. This is the Paint object that will be used to fill the path area. * @return Gets the Paint being used. May be null */ public Paint getFillPaint() { return fillPaint; } /** * Sets the Paint to use. This is the Paint object that will be used to fill the path area. If null, nothing is painted * @param p the Paint to use */ public void setFillPaint(Paint p) { Paint old = getFillPaint(); this.fillPaint = p; setDirty(true); firePropertyChange("paint", old, getFillPaint()); } /** * Indicates if the paint will be snapped. This means that the paint will be scaled and aligned along the 4 axis of (horizontal, vertical, * and both diagonals). Snapping allows the paint to be stretched across the component when it is drawn, even if the component is * resized. This setting is only used for gradient paints. It will have no effect on Color or Texture paints. * @return the current value of the snapPaint property */ public boolean isPaintStretched() { return stretchPaint; } /** * Specifies whether this Painter should attempt to resize the Paint to fit the area being painted. * For example, if true, then a gradient specified as (0, 0), (1, 0) would stretch horizontally such that * the beginning of the gradient is on the left edge of the painted region, and the end of the gradient * is at the right edge of the painted region. * Specifically, if true, the resizePaint method will be called to perform the actual resizing of the Paint * @param paintStretched true if the paint should be stretched, false otherwise. */ public void setPaintStretched(boolean paintStretched) { boolean old = this.isPaintStretched(); this.stretchPaint = paintStretched; setDirty(true); firePropertyChange("snapPaint",old,this.stretchPaint); } /** * The Paint to use for stroking the shape (painting the outline). * Can be a Color, GradientPaint, TexturePaint, or any other kind of Paint. * If null, the component foreground is used. * * @param p the Paint to use for stroking the shape. May be null. */ public void setBorderPaint(Paint p) { Paint old = getBorderPaint(); this.borderPaint = p; setDirty(true); firePropertyChange("borderPaint", old, getBorderPaint()); } /** * Gets the current Paint to use for stroking the shape (painting the outline). * Can be a Color, GradientPaint, TexturePaint, or any other kind of Paint. * If null, the component foreground is used. * @return the Paint used when stroking the shape. May be null */ public Paint getBorderPaint() { return borderPaint; } /** * The shape can be filled or simply stroked (outlined), or both or none. By default, * the shape is both filled and stroked. This property specifies the strategy to * use. * @param s the Style to use. If null, Style.BOTH is used */ public void setStyle(Style s) { Style old = getStyle(); this.style = s == null ? Style.BOTH : s; setDirty(true); firePropertyChange("style", old, getStyle()); } /** * Gets the current Style. The shape can be filled or simply stroked (outlined), or both or none. By default, * the shape is both filled and stroked. This property specifies the strategy to * use. * @return the Style used */ public Style getStyle() { return style; } /** * Sets the border width to use for painting. If null, then the default Graphics2D * stroke will be used. The stroke will be centered on the actual shape outline. * @param s the Stroke to fillPaint with */ public void setBorderWidth(float s) { float old = getBorderWidth(); this.borderWidth = s; setDirty(true); firePropertyChange("strokeWidth", old, getBorderWidth()); } /** * Gets the current border width. * @return the Stroke to use for painting */ public float getBorderWidth() { return borderWidth; } /** * Resizes the given Paint. By default, only Gradients, LinearGradients, and RadialGradients are resized * in this method. If you have special resizing needs, override this method. This * method is mainly used to make gradient paints resize with the component this * painter is attached to. This method is internal to the painter api and should * not be called elsewhere. It is used by the paintStretched property and * painter subclasses. In the future it may be made public for use by other classes. * If this happens it should probably be turned into a static utility method. */ Paint calculateSnappedPaint(Paint p, int width, int height) { return PaintUtils.resizeGradient(p, width, height); } /** * Returns the outline shape of this painter. Subclasses must implement this method. This shape * will be used for filling, stroking, and clipping. * @return the outline shape of this painter * @param g graphics * @param comp The Object this painter will be painted on. * @param width the width to paint * @param height the height to paint */ protected abstract Shape provideShape(Graphics2D g, T comp, int width, int height); /** * Sets the path effects to be drawn on this painter. Set this to null in order to remove all installed effects. * @param areaEffects the effects to apply to this painter */ public void setAreaEffects(AreaEffect... areaEffects) { AreaEffect[] old = getAreaEffects(); this.areaEffects = new AreaEffect[areaEffects == null ? 0 : areaEffects.length]; if (areaEffects != null) { System.arraycopy(areaEffects, 0, this.areaEffects, 0, this.areaEffects.length); } setDirty(true); firePropertyChange("areaEffects", old, getAreaEffects()); } /** * Gets the current set of path effects applied to this painter. Returned array is guarantied to be not null. * @return the effects applied to this path painter */ public AreaEffect[] getAreaEffects() { AreaEffect[] results = new AreaEffect[areaEffects.length]; System.arraycopy(areaEffects, 0, results, 0, results.length); return results; } }