/* * ==================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 TMate Software Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms * are also available at http://svnkit.com/license.html. * If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a * newer version instead, at your option. * ==================================================================== */ package org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc; import java.io.File; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCommitInfo; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNDepth; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNErrorCode; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNErrorMessage; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNPropertyValue; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.admin.SVNEntry; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.admin.SVNWCAccess; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.admin.SVNAdminAreaInfo; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.ISVNEditor; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.diff.SVNDiffWindow; import org.tmatesoft.svn.util.SVNLogType; /** * @version 1.3 * @author TMate Software Ltd. */ public class SVNAmbientDepthFilterEditor implements ISVNEditor { private ISVNEditor myDelegate; private SVNWCAccess myWCAccess; private File myAnchor; private String myTarget; private DirBaton myCurrentDirBaton; private FileBaton myCurrentFileBaton; private LinkedList myDirs; public static ISVNEditor wrap(ISVNEditor editor, SVNAdminAreaInfo info, boolean depthIsSticky) { if (!depthIsSticky) { return new SVNAmbientDepthFilterEditor(editor, info.getWCAccess(), info.getAnchor().getRoot(), info.getTargetName()); } return editor; } private SVNAmbientDepthFilterEditor(ISVNEditor delegate, SVNWCAccess wcAccess, File anchor, String target) { myDelegate = delegate; myWCAccess = wcAccess; myAnchor = anchor; myTarget = target; myDirs = new LinkedList(); } public void abortEdit() throws SVNException { myDelegate.abortEdit(); } public void absentDir(String path) throws SVNException { if (myCurrentDirBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { return; } myDelegate.absentDir(path); } public void absentFile(String path) throws SVNException { if (myCurrentDirBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { return; } myDelegate.absentFile(path); } public void addDir(String path, String copyFromPath, long copyFromRevision) throws SVNException { DirBaton parentBaton = myCurrentDirBaton; myCurrentDirBaton = makeDirBaton(path, parentBaton); if (myCurrentDirBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { return; } if (path.equals(myTarget)) { myCurrentDirBaton.myAmbientDepth = SVNDepth.INFINITY; } else if (parentBaton.myAmbientDepth == SVNDepth.IMMEDIATES) { myCurrentDirBaton.myAmbientDepth = SVNDepth.EMPTY; } else { myCurrentDirBaton.myAmbientDepth = SVNDepth.INFINITY; } myDelegate.addDir(path, copyFromPath, copyFromRevision); } public void addFile(String path, String copyFromPath, long copyFromRevision) throws SVNException { myCurrentFileBaton = makeFileBaton(myCurrentDirBaton, path); if (myCurrentFileBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { return; } myDelegate.addFile(path, copyFromPath, copyFromRevision); } public void changeDirProperty(String name, SVNPropertyValue value) throws SVNException { if (myCurrentDirBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { return; } myDelegate.changeDirProperty(name, value); } public void changeFileProperty(String path, String propertyName, SVNPropertyValue propertyValue) throws SVNException { if (myCurrentFileBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { return; } myDelegate.changeFileProperty(path, propertyName, propertyValue); } public void closeDir() throws SVNException { DirBaton closedDir = (SVNAmbientDepthFilterEditor.DirBaton) myDirs.removeLast(); if (myDirs.isEmpty()) { myCurrentDirBaton = null; } else { myCurrentDirBaton = (SVNAmbientDepthFilterEditor.DirBaton) myDirs.getLast(); } if (closedDir.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { return; } myDelegate.closeDir(); } public SVNCommitInfo closeEdit() throws SVNException { return myDelegate.closeEdit(); } public void closeFile(String path, String textChecksum) throws SVNException { if (myCurrentFileBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { return; } myDelegate.closeFile(path, textChecksum); } public void deleteEntry(String path, long revision) throws SVNException { if (myCurrentDirBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { return; } if (myCurrentDirBaton.myAmbientDepth.compareTo(SVNDepth.IMMEDIATES) < 0) { File fullPath = new File(myAnchor, path); SVNEntry entry = myWCAccess.getEntry(fullPath, false); if (entry == null) { return; } } myDelegate.deleteEntry(path, revision); } public void openDir(String path, long revision) throws SVNException { DirBaton parentBaton = myCurrentDirBaton; myCurrentDirBaton = makeDirBaton(path, parentBaton); if (myCurrentDirBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { return; } myDelegate.openDir(path, revision); SVNEntry entry = myWCAccess.getEntry(myCurrentDirBaton.myPath, false); if (entry != null) { myCurrentDirBaton.myAmbientDepth = entry.getDepth(); } } public void openFile(String path, long revision) throws SVNException { myCurrentFileBaton = makeFileBaton(myCurrentDirBaton, path); if (myCurrentFileBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { return; } myDelegate.openFile(path, revision); } public void openRoot(long revision) throws SVNException { myCurrentDirBaton = makeDirBaton(null, null); if (myCurrentDirBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { return; } if (myTarget == null || "".equals(myTarget)) { SVNEntry entry = myWCAccess.getEntry(myCurrentDirBaton.myPath, false); if (entry != null) { myCurrentDirBaton.myAmbientDepth = entry.getDepth(); } } myDelegate.openRoot(revision); } public void targetRevision(long revision) throws SVNException { myDelegate.targetRevision(revision); } public void applyTextDelta(String path, String baseChecksum) throws SVNException { if (myCurrentFileBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { return; } myDelegate.applyTextDelta(path, baseChecksum); } public OutputStream textDeltaChunk(String path, SVNDiffWindow diffWindow) throws SVNException { if (myCurrentFileBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { return SVNFileUtil.DUMMY_OUT; } return myDelegate.textDeltaChunk(path, diffWindow); } public void textDeltaEnd(String path) throws SVNException { if (myCurrentFileBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { return; } myDelegate.textDeltaEnd(path); } private FileBaton makeFileBaton(DirBaton parentBaton, String path) throws SVNException { if (path == null) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNKNOWN, "aborting in SVNAmbientDepthFilterEditor.makeFileBation(): path == null"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.DEFAULT); } FileBaton fileBaton = new FileBaton(); if (parentBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { fileBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded = true; return fileBaton; } if (parentBaton.myAmbientDepth == SVNDepth.EMPTY) { SVNEntry entry = myWCAccess.getEntry(new File(myAnchor, path), false); if (entry == null) { fileBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded = true; } } return fileBaton; } private DirBaton makeDirBaton(String path, DirBaton parentBaton) throws SVNException { if (parentBaton != null && path == null) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNKNOWN, "aborting in SVNAmbientDepthFilterEditor.makeDirBation(): parentBaton != null" + " while path == null"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.DEFAULT); } if (parentBaton != null && parentBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded) { myDirs.addLast(parentBaton); return parentBaton; } DirBaton dirBaton = new DirBaton(); myDirs.addLast(dirBaton); dirBaton.myPath = myAnchor; if (path != null) { dirBaton.myPath = new File(myAnchor, path); } if (parentBaton != null && (parentBaton.myAmbientDepth == SVNDepth.EMPTY || parentBaton.myAmbientDepth == SVNDepth.FILES)) { SVNEntry entry = myWCAccess.getEntry(dirBaton.myPath, false); if (entry == null) { dirBaton.myIsAmbientlyExcluded = true; return dirBaton; } } dirBaton.myAmbientDepth = SVNDepth.UNKNOWN; return dirBaton; } private class DirBaton { boolean myIsAmbientlyExcluded; SVNDepth myAmbientDepth; File myPath; } private class FileBaton { boolean myIsAmbientlyExcluded; } }